bakedbean1 · 2 years
School Witchery
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Magic resources for all my student witches out there! Remember, magic isn’t going to save your grades if you don’t also put the effort in. But it can certainly support you through your journey as a hardworking student <3
General tips and advice:
To the witches who are going back to school
Back to school witch tips / more!
Some things to do as a student witch
High school witch tips
Crystals to help with school
University/college witch tips
Tips for witches in college
Everything you need to know about being a college witch
College witchcraft
College witch tips
Dorm life:
Dorm room witch tips
Dorm witchery
Moving into a dorm: the witchy way
Kitchen witchcraft for the dorm
Green witchcraft for the dorm
Discreet dorm-friendly magic
Bedridden witch: discreet edition
Alternatives for college witches
Candle/incense alternatives: [X] [X] [X]
Flameless hearths and devotions
Study candle spell
Study sachet
Spell for focus on homework
A candle spell for focus and self-discipline
Study, study spell
Stay strong and carry on study spell
Studying spell bottle
Back in focus spell bottle
How to study magically
Memory charm
Magic memory aid
Tests and exams:
Cramming for a test spell
A charm to help you succeed on exams
Good luck charm for exam taking
Using sigils on your tests (tip)
Sigils masterpost for finals week
SAT’s sigil
A spell for finals week
Final exam spell
Final exam pencil charm
Other spells:
Back to school success sachet
School success sachet spell
School charm bag
Help me succeed candle spell
Confidence/good luck spell bottle
Push of productivity spell jar
Spell to banish anxiety and get a good mark
Spells for back to school (masterpost)
Sigils for school, study and education (masterpost)
You may also like:
Magic to Replenish Energy 
Rejuvenating witchcraft 
Housewarming magic (dorm)
Sick witchery 
Periods suck. Witchcraft helps.
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Drink Magic Masterpost 
Bath Magic Masterpost 
Bedridden witch series
Updated July of 2022, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
Every DnD game that starts out with a serious “Lord of the Rings” type of tone turns into a Monty Python sketch and every DnD game that starts out like a Monty Python sketch turns into Lord of the Rings
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
You can identify a fake redneck by their passionate support of “blue lives matter.” Real rednecks have been in at least one physical fight and/or high-speed chase with police officers and would do it again
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
fantasy RPG game where the different fantasy races have different gender selections. humans got your like 2-3 choices, dwarves just have the one (dwarf), got like bug people that makes you pick drone, worker, or soldier, elves pick from 14 colors, mushroom people just says "input a number between 1 and 27,000"
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
My Hellenic Polytheism Recommended Reading List
Ancient Greek Religion by Jon D. Mikalson
Greek Religion by Walter Burkert
Understanding Greek Religion by Jennifer Larson
Ancient Greek Cults: A Guide by Jennifer Larson
A Companion to Greek Religion by Daniel Ogden
Religions of the Ancient Greeks by Simon Price
Coping with the Gods by H. S. Versnel
The Gods of Ancient Greece by Jan N. Bremmer and Andrew Erskine
The Story of Myth by Sarah Iles Johnston
Greek Mythology: An Introduction by Fritz Graf
Gods and Heroes of Ancient Greece by Gustav Schwab
Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Mythos by Stephen Fry
Artemis by Stephanie Budin
Hymns by Callimachus
Homeric Hymns
Works and Days
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
If a trans masc tells u it’s “that time of the month” he means this
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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I meant to make this meme ages ago when pride month was still on but yeah gé (pronounced gay) is the Irish for a goose.
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
Happy Pride!
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
people on this website loves days and dates. you could make a post that says “it’s sweet fat of the hog tuesday” and people would go nuts reblogging it every tuesday
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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no animal image has seriously made me physically weep like this one has 
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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The Pronoun Cinematic Universe
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
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just found this while looking for smthn in discord, i don’t remember making it but i was right
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bakedbean1 · 2 years
random bitter aspiring authors on "writing advice" blogs: Don't make your main characters super special mary sues. don't make them better than other people or more interesting. your main characters should be boring average guys with the personalities of wood pulp
the Epic of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh was objectively the best man ever. He was the hottest, sexiest, most gorgeous hunk of pure manly awesomeness that ever lived and he used a sword that weighed 120 pounds.
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