Jamie McCrimmon, piper for the McLaren clan and proud Highlander. I dinna ken what you need, but if ye tell me, I'll be glad t'help! (To know more about Jamie, type in /about after the main page's URL!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
((I’m going to begin by issuing a massive apology. I’ve been gone from here for way too long and I’ve been terrified to show my face because you all deserve much better than me even when I’m at my best and I’ve been so busy with the start of my first year at university that I haven’t even been around to give you that. I’m so, so sorry.
That being said, I may have gotten myself in a bit over my head with how many blogs I have and how many replies and starters I owe on all of them. So I wanted to officially (as if you guys didn’t already guess) put these blogs on a semi-hiatus.
I’m not going anywhere. I love these characters too much to lay them to rest and leave them forever. But I’ve just gotten scarily busy and so I need to get everything together so that I can time-manage myself better and come back in full force to give you lovely followers what you came for.
Thanks for being patient. You’re all absolutely wonderful people and I don’t know how to convey that. <3 I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can!))
#OOC#((I'm really really sorry and I feel /so/ bad))#((I haven't even shown you guys my Jamie cosplay because I've been so afraid to show my face))#((But there's an active Jamie around and they're much better I think so at least there's that))#((Thank you so much for being so patient with me and I promise I'll be back soon (because so many wonderful people have followed me!)))#(([and I'm really excited to show you guys my cosplay pictures bc i met Fraser and he's so nice so I may have to come back here first))#((also because I love Jamie excessively but that's soooo not obvious at all))#((ANYWAY! I'm really so sorry and I feel so guilty but thank you so much for understanding ::hugs::))#((I'll be round soon!))
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cricketandcharm started following you
It surely wasn't normal to have food pinned to your clothes, was it? And yet this man did, and Jamie was quite confused. He stared at the celery as though keeping his eyes on it would actually help him understand why on earth anyone would think food to be a good addition to clothing, but of course it didn't help. And the man only stared back at him, obviously confused by Jamie's staring (he thought). After all, perhaps it was normal to put food on one's clothes where he came from.
So, then, the Scotsman decided to apologise.
"Apologies," he said, inclining his head slightly. "I didnae mean to stare."
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ariapondfromgallifrey started following you
"All right, miss?" Jamie asked politely in greeting, tilting his head slightly in acknowledgment of her. She certainly was very pretty, but there was something other, something foreign about her — like the sort of feeling he got from Zoe, so far in the future from him. Still, he was bored, and neither the Doctor nor the aforementioned Zoe were with him. It'd do no harm to strike up a conversation, would it? “Me name’s Jamie. Who’re ye?"
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iwouldsonicscrewyou started following you
"Oi, laddie!" Jamie called out, making his way over to the other man. He stopped in front of him and, with a nod, introduced himself. “Jamie McCrimmon. Now, d’ye ken where we are? The scanner isnae working, but the controls said it was safe out here." He looked around, mildly confused at the strange city around him.
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Her pride in him gave him more confidence, simply because Victoria's smile was unparalleled in brightness and she made him truly feel as though he could accomplish anything -- even reading a terribly difficult book -- if only she kept smiling. He might still have been frustrated beyond reasonableness when it came to the thick book laid out in front of them, but maybe one day he'd be able to get through it.
Still, though. Just the sight of it made him want to throw it someplace. Books had no right being that hard. What use were they if not to convey useful information? You could tell stories aloud and it'd be just the same. But he could help the Doctor if he read, and Victoria enjoyed these stories, so he only nodded.
"Aye, I understand," he replied, and this time he did. It probably made people sound smarter, to write like this. The Doctor was like that occasionally. "Why can ye no' tell the story, though? Instead o' writing it down." He looked to her with wide eyes -- if anyone could explain, he thought, it was definitely Victoria. His own smile got bigger, and he nodded back at her. "Aye, well, I hope so. Then I can read ye stories like ye read them to me!"

Victoria knew that Jamie found it very frustrating to learn to read. It must be even harder, she thought, being as old as he was just trying to learn. She had learned when she was just a little girl, so it had seemed so easy to her for so long. But there was no doubt that Jamie was very smart. He was learning so quickly, and so well. It made Victoria immensely proud of him.
"Well, I suppose people write things that way so it sounds nicer." She told him, nodding, as for practicality.. “Well, no it isn’t very practical, but most people read books like these for entertainment, and for a beautifully written story." She tried explaining. She smiled at him as he patted her arm and nodded to him, “It’s no problem at all, Jamie! I’m very happy to help. And I know you’ll be able to read as well as anyone else in no time!"

#misswaterfield#nfksjfleksjfd no I know it's so terrible#the thing is he totally knows he's useful and smart in his own way#but when he gets frustrated he just gets angry and gives up with himself (unless it's like life or death)#and THE DOCTOR MAKES NO SECRET OF HOW SMART HE IS so Jamie might feel a bit excluded sometimes#but he knows he's smart#most of the time xD
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ohmygiddyauntitstheseconddoc started following you
“Och, it’s good to see ye again. After we’d landed, you’d gone to check for something in the clothes chest and we’d been cooped up so long, I thought I’d go explore. And before ye ask, I checked the scanner,” he said with a roll of his eyes, repeating the warning that the Doctor had told him so many times before. “I havenae an idea of where we are, and it’s all verra confusing out here. Have ye worried for me?”
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He was at a juncture in the hallway, looking from side to side to try to gauge in which direction Zoe would most probably be in, when she found him. It wasn't his fault, really -- he knew, technically, where her room was. It was just that the blasted corridors kept changing, and he could never figure out when or why or how they did. He only got lost, and he presumed that kept everyone entertained.
But he really was glad to see Zoe appear at the other end of the corridor, at another juncture, and his face fell into a wide grin at the sight of her. It was about time he found her -- or, at the very least, found his way anywhere, since he assumed her room must have been somewhere down the hall she'd turned on. "Zoe!" he beamed, straightening a little. "I've been looking everywhere for ye, ye ken. Nae, I dinnae need ye for anything really, only for company." He nodded once, then, and rocked back onto his heels. "Were ye verra busy, then?"

Zoe had been sitting in her bedroom, reading a book over constellations. She never did get to read these books for fun back on the space wheel, so she was taking advantage of that now. And yes, Zoe finds non-fiction entertaining and fun, thank you very much.
She was almost done with the current page when she heard a voice calling for her. It was Jamie’s. She would know that accent anywhere. She got up from her spot on her bed, placing the book carefully down and walking to the door, entering out into the hall. She walked a little ways down the hallway where she found him standing there, “Did you need something, Jamie?"

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tenisinthetardis started following you
“Hello! Jamie McCrimmon," the Scottish boy introduced, holding a hand out to the other man. He was slightly wary, but he didn’t let it show. After all, it didn’t seem like anything was amiss — it was just his natural demeanour. “The Doctor’s verra sure we shouldnae be here, but the scanner says it’s safe, so I came t’see.”
“Do ye ken why here’s a place we shouldnae be?”
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iheldbackdeath started following you
The Doctor had wanted to leave immediately — he was, for some reason, very unwilling to remain wherever they had landed, but a light on the console had started flashing, and he’d been forced to fix it. Jamie’d taken that opportunity to go wandering and figure out where exactly they were. Luckily, he came across a man rather quickly.
“‘Lo, man," he called, giving him a slight smile and tilting his head. “Have ye an idea where we are?"
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He'd opened the doors to what he thought was the TARDIS -- it looked the same on the outside, he'd been certain of it. But inside it was totally different than what he was used to, and that made him stop and stare in both horror and a touch of fear. It wasn't supposed to be this way -- the inside was meant to be white and not this shade of eerie blue. This couldn't be the TARDIS; it could only be something that was an enemy's to control, wasn't it?
Until he saw a girl looking at him strangely, and he suddenly felt very scrutinized.
"Where am I?" he asked abruptly, hoping it would defuse the tension.
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evelyn-smythe started following you
"All righ', ma'am?" Jamie greeted agreeably, rather embarrassed that he had to bother a kindly-looking woman for his questions. He supposed that she had her own things to do, though he himself could not fathem what they were. His own mother had died early, and he hadn't really associated with many girls outside of when they had been shoved together by their elders until he'd begun traveling with the Doctor.
"The Doctor's got us a wee bit lost, ye ken. Could ye perhaps tell me where this is?"
#evelynsmythe#((Hi! Thanks for following me! :D))#((I haven't listened to any of Evelyn's audios but I've heard she's awesome!))
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He let out a more frustrated sigh, and his expression slipped into a pout as he glared back at the pages. It wasn't fair. Whoever thought that reading would be important anyway? It made him feel stupid, not to be able to understand. But the word that began with the letter 'e' (he, at the very least, had been able to learn the alphabet well) had made him pause, and he'd been stuck for the whole rest of the sentence.
"Why write something if ye're only to make it hard to read?" Jamie replied, looking over at Victoria almost plaintively. Perhaps she understood it better than he could. "It's no' practical, is it?" But her words of encouragement did make him smile, and he patted her arm gently. "Thank ye, all the same. It's all due to ye tha' I can try to read at all!"

Victoria gave Jamie an encouraging smile as he attempted to read the words on the pages of the book sitting in front of them. She let out a soft sigh as the boy told her he couldn’t understand it.
"Oh, that’s alright. It says.. ‘..what reflections of endeavours can, in the full tide and fever of the time, allay them!’." She read out to him. “The words in this book are rather difficult to read at times. But you’re doing so well, Jamie, you really are."

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raggedymantochinboy started following you
He couldn't tell you where he'd gotten split up from the Doctor, but it had been a long while since they'd seen each other, and Jamie was starting to worry., especially since Zoe was with him as well. He could handle himself on his own, but the Doctor and Zoe had a tendency to get themselves into trouble by thinking they were the cleverest people around, and Jamie wasn't around to back them up this time. Jogging up to a man who appeared to be waiting, Jamie introduced himself with a quick, "All righ'? Im Jamie. Have ye seen an auld man in check trousers and a bow wandering 'round wi' a lass in a colourful dress?"
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xxthetwelfthnightxx started following you
Victoria had promised to stay with him while the Doctor went out to fetch something for the TARDIS -- she was going to continue teaching him to read. But the loose papers she'd brought out had been blown away in the wind, and she'd gone off to bring them back. He hadn't seen her since and was growing worried, so he'd begun asking for her.
"Have ye seen a young lass called Victoria?" he was asking a tall man now. "She's dressed in a flowing dress tha' comes to her knees, ye ken, and was looking for papers."
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((You know, something that has always made me sad is that my old school's kilt isn't the right colour for Jamie's clan.
Otherwise literally the only thing I would need for Jamie cosplay would be my high school uniform.))
#((it ENDLESSLY FRUSTRATES ME))#((but I took black-and-white pictures of myself in the cosplay a long time ago and that made me laugh))#((because it's literally just my school uniform. And I would need a sporran if I wanted /total/ accuracy.))#((BUT THAT'S IT.))#((ANYWAY BACK TO REGULAR BLOGGING SORRY TO INTERRUPT XD))#OOC
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alwayshisgranddaughter started following you
There wasn't a man who looked more out of place walking through the London of the 22nd century, and yet carried himself as though he most definitely did belong. However, Jamie wasn't just idly wandering -- the Doctor and Zoe had gone elsewhere when he'd turned around and now he was trying to find them. Deciding to take a more active approach, the young man made his way to the side of the road and tapped a woman politely on the shoulder.
"Apologies, lass," he began, "but have ye seen a man in check trousers and a bow walking 'round with a wee lass in a dress?"
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themanwhomakespeoplebetter started following you
They'd each wandered off their separate directions, so Jamie had no idea where Zoe and the Doctor had gone, but he'd managed to find the TARDIS again, which made him feel extremely competent even though he assumed that at the very least the Doctor had gotten there before him. Jamie's sense of direction was impeccable as always, though, and for that he was proud. Grinning broadly to himself, the young man knocked loudly on the door. "Doctor!" he called, hoping the other man would hear him through the wood. "I've arrived, it's Jamie!"
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