bagavard · 14 days
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Not had much time to tumble in the past years, been busy with life duties, but I have started to paint again. Took down my art wall (scroll down and you’ll see the old one) and revamping it with new pieces. There is a theme this time - ‘tress,building and clocks’ - the inference behind the theme is - times are changing.
I’ve decided to changes themes every so often as my last art wall was literally up since the pandemic shutdown.
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bagavard · 6 months
We become a blur, after noise. A blur that mimics our actions, not our emotions. Those emotions that have become silent and no longer relevant to life. Those emotions, which cannot sing out loud anymore for fear of chaos. So, the blurring is all that is left. FP.
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bagavard · 9 months
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I won't ask how you are, because I know you are not in a good place,but I will say I hope it gets better for you soon
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bagavard · 9 months
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A house is only a home when the brightness from inside shines through the bleakness of the outside.
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bagavard · 9 months
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It was a house I had never seen or entered, yet it was so familiar to me. While, all the rooms were basic, one room stood out, nothing major, just a locked door in the left corner of it made me curious, because this was the familiar I knew, but didn’t; an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Usually, the door is locked and no matter how hard I try, prying the lock was a mission never accomplished. Tonight was different. Not remembering if I turned a knob or pulled a handle, the door opened and there stood in the centre of a small cupboard sized room was a velvet, cushioned armchair.
A filthy, bright sea green colour showed it had been well used, even though its arms and seat were still plump, it looked incredibly dirty and infested. I didn’t think much of it (other than it was dirty) and as I turned to close the door, something stopped me in my tracks - I had the urge to turn the chair around and check the back. Trust me, touching that chair made me feel icky, but I pushed through my disgust and turned the chair and that’s when I saw it. A door.
Covered in the same velvet, a small door with an ivory door knob, was fixed on the chair, like it was supposed to be there. Grabbing the knob I pulled it open, not expecting much. Inside was dark and dusty the base of the chair was visible clearly.
Now, looking inside a chair you’d expect a wood built frame and maybe some metal holding it all together; not this chair: its base was made of cement and straight bang in the middle of this cemented base was a hole, which somehow was darker than the darkness in the small space. Size-wise, the hole was a rectangle shape - possibly thirty centimetres by twenty - definitely only big enough for a fat cat, yet something told me I would fit through it.
So, I did.
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bagavard · 1 year
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I saw this picture on Pinterest of Platform three quarters, so I made a larger version for my classroom’s reading corner.
The suitcases open to reveal reading strategies and questions about inference, vocabulary etc… for children to answer.
With school hols nearly over, I should start planning, yet I procrastinate…
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bagavard · 2 years
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bagavard · 2 years
Well what can I say, except it’s Friday. 3.2.23
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bagavard · 2 years
If it gets to a stage where you feel 'it's just not worth the hassle', then stop and move on.
The past can not be changed, so learn to live with the present and move towards your future.
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bagavard · 3 years
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Storm subside The second in the sea series. Not as good as first, I think, so I may redo it.
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bagavard · 3 years
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Another addition to the ever growing wall art.
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bagavard · 3 years
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Stormy times Lately, when I get a splurge of insomnia, I tend to get out of bed and paint or draw. Yesterday night was one said case. I'm going to do a whole series (well, 4) of sea and sky pieces, which will be hung around the house...
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bagavard · 3 years
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House of sorts. I have a plan, I need five years to sort finances old debts and work issues out, then I will travel... I really want to see the world. Even with its everlasting wars and destruction, I definitely want to travel and step out of my comfort zone. We will see if it will be.
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bagavard · 3 years
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This past year so far has been very hectic and busy, so haven’t had a chance to post much, yet saying that I have tried to keep the artworks up. Well tried to,lol. Two weeks left of hols then back to the ‘nishta grind’. It is what it is and I’ll take everyday as it comes with a positive attitude.
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bagavard · 4 years
'An opportune moment in time'. We all live with regrets, guilt and a hope to get a second chance to fix things differently. As long as we don't let those regrets become a barrier between you and living, they should help you move forward - adding to your life experiences. But if you do ever get that most opportunate moment to fix things, my advice is don't hold back and take it. Thought for the day. 1.1.21
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bagavard · 4 years
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2021 Next year... I will take on more drawing challenges, may even try inktober. This year my class pupils gave me a challenge to draw 100 bottles on one page - unfortunately i failed as could only manage 50. I get bored really quickly. The next challenge is houses... I like that idea, but i won't do 100, as i really do get bored half way, i think i'll just do as many as i can...
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bagavard · 4 years
The fat lady has sung - 2020 you are done!
What can be said when we have no control over what happens…
Well this year is nearly over and what a year it has been!
Entering into 2020 my moto was ‘2020 the year of clear vision’, but unfortunately as time moved slowly through the year it became evident that the vision was anything but clear.
Confusion rained down in a savage attack of pandemics, anxious breakdowns, the world locked in one room, economic downfall, confusing politics and many many deaths… what a year.
I was challenged a few days ago to draw a picture to depict 2020 and what it meant to me, which i’m in the process of doing, but initially i thought of drawing the inside of my bedroom, as this is the place i have spent most of my time, but after reassessing the situation i realised that 2020 was a great eye opener into what the future holds for us as humans.
Just think a year ago who would have thought that the world would close down so easily, rich and poor alike in the same situation, no one was safe. We all did our gardens and decorated whatever didn’t even need decorating and became more creative with our boredom; playing ludo online with family, who you haven’t physically seen for ages, followed by 'among us’, 'dead by daylight’ and all the other online community games to keep us in touch with each other. Night became day and day became night merging into the same day - everyday. Mental breakdowns, tear tantrums and over eating - oh my life over eating. Then the big depression where loss of appetite took over. Crazy hormones and mood swings, arguments because you’ve seen way too much of everyone, followed by arguments because you’re not seeing them enough. Netflix and chill became the phrase but in reality it was a netflix coma - can you even remember what you watched? I aint even gonna mention toilet paper, what an embarrassement...
You tube, tik tok views shot to the sky and what about that sky? Wow, what a beautiful clear, fresh blue it was. Nature ruled the world, it seemed to be the only thing that enjoyed the pandemic… The grass grew greener, the flowers bloomed without the pollution which usually suffocated them; the sun beat down as if to say 'burn biatches, I’m hot! And boy did we burn. Nature took over with a vengeance taking the world back from pollution and fine dust and acid rains deforestations, ozone layer depletions and whilst the ice caps where melting the coral and seaweed were thriving.
I painted, drew, wrote, created but everything lacked motivation and passion, my imagination became a procrastinator’s heaven - starting project after project but not completing a single one…
Once lockdown was over, it was lockdown again. This seemed to be our new norm. Conspiracy theories about hospitals killing people to bring the population down or religious cults making up the pandemic just so they can track everyone - ready for the second coming. Who knows what the truth is, all i know is that this is our life as we know it now.
Having said that, some good times were had (even though they were tarnished by the bad) and albeit a few positives - some births and marriages and happy endings have occured for us to be thankful for.
With the new year fast aproaching, no doubt it will have remaining repurcussions from 2020 but i am hopeful eventually even if this is our new norm we will find a way to settle down and adapt our human mindset into whatever comes our way.
Heres to 2021, lets make the best use of what we get! Happy new year!
I know i still have a few days before it’s over but shit happens and may not get another chance.
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