Need You More Than Ever 💔
Paliliberation posted: Family 167 - Imagine being a mom, a wife, and a dedicated career woman on the brink of life-saving research, only to have everything ripped away. This isn’t just a personal loss; it’s an assault on progress and humanity itself. When the pursuit of knowledge and the chance to help others is brutally stopped, we should all be enraged. A world that allows this to happen is failing us all. It’s time to stand up and refuse to let dreams and lives be crushed.
please support my campaign #167 listed in paliliberation linktree
Also our campaign is vetted
Thanks @90-ghost.. link here
Thanks @dlxxv-vetted-donations.. link here
Thanks @northgazaupdates2.. link here
Thanks @aces-and-angels.. link here
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Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Eman Zaqout from Gaza. I am reaching you out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraiser. I lost both my home and my job due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions. 💔
I kindly ask you to visit my campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom. 🙏🕊
Note: Verified by several people as 90-ghost and aces-and-angels. ☑
anyone who's seeing my page right now, please support if you can 🙏 anything helps!! <3
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Reminder to the disgusting Nazi sooks of reichblr that I have never once said any of you are faking being autistic
Pointing out that autism ≠ a free pass to do whatever the fuck you want regardless of how morally depravedb it is isn't the same as saying you're not autistic
Absolutely hilarious (in a deeply depressing way) that the people posting about how 'cute' 'adorable' 'charming' 'sweet' etc people who murdered an estimated 250,000+ disabled people are can turn around and try further delude themselves that I'm the ableist one instead of y'know the Nazis calling Hitler "Adi" on here
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Reichblr bitches crying in my inbox about me unfairly "targeting" them when they're "totally not Nazis"
Every single one of you that I have messaged or posted to has been actively engaging in glorification of Nazis
I clicked on one reichblr blog and every single post was simply historical photographs, with factual captions
No cutesy nicknames, no cutesy drawings, no complementary language, no empathising with them just historical fact
And guess what? I left that page and didn't send that person a single message
If you are being "targeted" (hilarious usage of language to imply victimhood btw) by me it is because you are either posting yourself or interacting with posts which are actively glorifying, normalising, gushing about and thus justifying Nazis
I do not care what your identity is
I do not care if you know Jewish people
If you are a Nazi sympathiser then you are a Nazi and I would be DELIGHTED if you removed yourself from this mortal realm 🤗
Also I find it so ridiculous that you all seem to have this notion that because you're autistic or whatever bullshit you're spouting that I should have so much empathy for YOU as to excuse YOUR NAZISM yet you yourselves are fucking incapable of extending empathy to the 11million + victims of the Holocaust, their families and all those who died in WW2
A good question for you is:
How the actual FUCK do you think families of murdered people would feel if they came upon reichblr
I had a neighbour who was born in fucking Auschwitz, a beautiful older lady who has dedicated her life to fighting for environmental and social justice, how the FUCK do you think she would feel seeing reichblr your selfish fucking cunts
I'm not directly replying to you because your fascist excuses, just like Holocaust denialism, don't deserve to see the light of day
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Not many people here or on any social media know or care about this and that's a shame. But maybe, instead of reblogging one of the hundred posts again of people begging US Americans to go vote and also not vote for the orange rapist wannabe-dictator next year, we can reblog this.
Today (Dec 11th), it's finally decided, Poland will get a new government. The current ruling party PiS failed to get enough votes in parliament to continue their governing coalition. Instead a new coalition of opposition parties under Donald Tusk now gets the chance to form a government.
Polish people did that! They showed us that it is possible to stop the spiral into authoritarianism.
On October 15th they got up and voted, over 74% of them, the highest voter turnout (for free elections) in Polish history.
People realized where their country was heading, and a huge number of them mobilized and organized and said this has to be stopped. They said no to their current reactionary, misogynistic, anti-abortion, xenophobic, anti-european, anti-democratic, right-wing government.
The majority of the people voted yes for change, for progress, for democracy.
Barely anyone outside of Poland is paying attention to or talking about what is happening there and that's a great pitty and also pretty frustrating.
Especially since so many countries in Europe see a rise of right-wing, populist parties (recent example the Netherlands, like, really wtf?) - which is deeply concerning, alarming even.
And it makes what the Polish people achieved even more astonishing and admirable.
All countries, but especially those where democracy is threatened or seems lost already, should take note and take it as an example. There's still hope.
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the one thing i don't understand is why the nazis fetishizers don't just find a movie or a band or a tv show to obsess over like normal people or make some ocs to fill that void. literally anything other than making thirst posts who people who were more than likely responsible for the suffering of your ancestors and would have killed your ass for not being a pure aryan german if they were still around today.
Iunno people can't really "pick" their interests, this goes double for mental disorders like autism where you can't pick your special interests/hyperfixations. I personally don't much care for the phrase "like normal people" cuz "normal" is extremely subjective and often incredibly ableist. "Why can't you be normal" can be said for anything, any behaviour or any "weird" interest. Autistic kid like trains a bit too much? "God why can't you just have a normal interest that's socially acceptable, like a band or something, and not talk about fucking trains all the time. Why do you have to be autistic, why can't you mask and act normal to meet my standards of what normal is."
My issue isn't with their interest. I know quite a bit about Third Reich-era Germany and about WW2 because it was also a hyperfixation of mine for a long time—see my previous posts for why, but it boils down to "those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it". I'm a history nerd, and WW2 has played a VERY large role in our recent history and the after effects still echo today. And those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it.
The issue I take is with them romanticising these people. That's where "interest" crosses into "idolisation", which is when you start having problems and start making excuses for the things they've done. That's what breeds white supremacists and makes these people seek out neo-Nazis, and that's what the actual problem is here. If Reichblr was just people geeking out over history and exchanging historical theories or discussing events or something, I wouldn't have an issue with it. What I have an issue with is people woobifying war criminals into kawaii-desu anime boys.
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I can't believe it's only Aug 12th and already there's a Xmas post on my dash.
Every single year I have to get through the non-Christian erasure that is Xmas season, the way that everyone acts as if the whole world celebrates Xmas, every year I have to feel like I'm being mean and raining on people's parades when I refuse to join in, or when I try to (as politely as I can) refuse to be greeted with Xmas wishes, every year I have to grit my teeth as every show has a Xmas special, every app and software has festive events and sales, changing into special Xmas versions of their icons, every media outlet wants to tell me about the joys of Xmas shopping and tourism, meanwhile I'm biting my tongue not to blurt out repeatedly that Xmas is when historically my people were targeted, brutalized and sometimes even MURDERED... and apparently Xmas season just keeps getting longer.
I don't mind that people who are religiously or culturally Christian celebrate it. I kinda mind it when non-Christians do, because that strikes me as the effects of commercialism and cultural colonialism, but hey. Other people are independent individuals, it's up to them to make their own choices, even if I personally make a different choice. And I'd never make anyone personally feel bad about their choice, either. What bothers me is that it's basically IMPOSSIBLE to opt out of Xmas celebrations if you're one of the people who don't want to participate. They're everywhere. They're in every place, they're in so many spaces that I otherwise love. And they just keep starting earlier every year. I wanna bang my head against the wall.
This is what religious / cultural coercion feels like. Yeah, even if it's done unintentionally by many.
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Ok so the word antisemitism has started annoying me.
What if we go back to using Judenhass? Can we just call Nazis Jew haters? It’s blunt and really hard to argue with.
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im watching mw2 gameplay ok and like WHY did they give ghost such a fatty
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ACTUALLY???? like lets not be hypocrites here yall.
Care to talk about how anti-LGBT Palestinians are? Everyone seems to be just glossing over that fact
Yes GLADLY because I absolutely hate how often pro-Israel ppl use pinkwashing (please read that link if you don't know what pinkwashing is and how Israel has constantly used it as part of its global image agenda) to justify genocide and war crimes. I'll let you guys read that article because it does more justice to explaining this than I can.
First, it's really dumb to expect colonized nations to develop socially. Palestine was occupied by the British and then by the Israelis. Now here's something most people actually gloss over: anti-sodomy laws and anti-homosexuality laws were put into place in Gaza by the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance, No. 74 of 1936. Which still remains in effect to this day.
Same-sex acts were actually decriminalized in Jordanian-controlled West Bank in the early 1950s and are still upheld to this day.
Palestine itself has no legislation either for or against homosexuality.
What we SHOULD talk about is how imperialist states (mostly the US and UK) have notoriously supported and propped up Right-Wing regimes in the Islamic world to combat communist ideology. The US, UK, SB, IL have all backed right wing movements like the Muslim Brotherhood (which then became Hamas) just to thwart leftist movements like the PLO who are pro-communist elements of the Islamic world.
Maybe stop colonizing and bombing these countries so they can socially develop. I’m begging you to read Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs so you stop making stupid arguments like this.
Also idk why people have to keep saying this, but just because a country doesn't have legislation to protect the LGBTQ community, doesn't mean they deserve to be genocided. JFC
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We need everyone's help right now to protect the rainforest and Indigenous People
The Amazon Rainforest is under a massive threat. I know you've heard this a million times, but this is different. There is a piece of legislation that will decimate the rights of Indigenous people of Brazil, who have been protecting the rainforest. It's unfathomably bad. It has majority support. And they're voting tomorrow. As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."
The thing you can do—and I know this sounds overly simple—is sign this petition—and tell your friends to do the same: SIGN HERE.
As reported here, the Bill allows "the Brazilian government to find energy resources, set up military bases, develop strategic roads, and implement commercial agriculture on protected Indigenous tribal lands, without any prior discussion with the affected peoples."
Again, this bill has majority support. You may be wondering, why will a petition signed by people who don't live in Brazil make any difference? Because it will give those opposing it political air cover. It will show the world is with them.
But we need a LOT of signatures.
Please do this simple act and spread the word.
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If you didn't already know, calling certain kinds of art 'degenerate', 'gross', or 'sick', is a nazi/fascist dogwhistle, and it's related to their pro-eugenics narrative
Here's the deets:
From wikipedia:
The Degenerate Art exhibition (German: Die Ausstellung "Entartete Kunst") was an art exhibition organized by Adolf Ziegler and the Nazi Party in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937. The exhibition presented 650 works of art, confiscated from German museums, and was staged in counterpoint to the concurrent Great German Art Exhibition.[1] The day before the exhibition started, Hitler delivered a speech declaring "merciless war" on cultural disintegration, attacking "chatterboxes, dilettantes and art swindlers".[1]Degenerate art was defined as works that "insult German feeling, or destroy or confuse natural form or simply reveal an absence of adequate manual and artistic skill".[1]
Hitler's rise to power on 30 January 1933 was quickly followed by actions intended to cleanse the culture of so-called degeneracy: book burnings were organized, artists and musicians were dismissed from teaching positions, and museum curators were replaced by Party members.[2]
From the holocaust encyclopedia:
When the Nazi Party assumed control in 1933, its leaders began a campaign to align German politics, society, and culture with Nazi goals. This process of Nazification was widespread. The effort became known as Gleichschaltung, the German word for “coordination” or “synchronization.”
The Nazi regime disbanded organizations of every kind. It replaced these groups with state-sponsored, Nazi professional associations, student leagues, and sports and music clubs. To qualify for membership, a person had to be a politically reliable citizen and able to prove “Aryan” ancestry. All others were excluded from these groups and increasingly from the rest of German society.
In September 1933, the Nazis created the Reich Chamber of Culture. The Chamber oversaw the production of art, music, film, theater, radio, and writing in Germany. The Nazis sought to shape and control every aspect of German society. They believed that art played a critical role in defining a society’s values. In addition, the Nazis believed art could influence a nation’s development. Several top leaders became involved in official efforts on art. They sought to identify and attack “dangerous” artworks as they struggled to define what “truly German” art looked like.
The Nazis also claimed that the ambiguity of modern art contained Jewish and Communist influences that could “endanger public security and order.” They claimed that modern art conspired to weaken German society with “cultural Bolshevism.” According to Nazi ideology, only criminal minds could be capable of creating such so-called harmful art. The Nazis called this art "degenerate." They used the term to suggest that the artists' mental, physical, and moral capacities must be in decay. At the time, "degenerate" was widely used to describe criminality, immorality, and physical and mental disabilities.
The campaign to define and control art was shaped by disagreements among leaders. Officials competed for influence within the party and government. In this case, chief Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg clashed with Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels led the Reich Chamber of Culture. As a young man, he had admired prominent avant-garde German artists. He even hoped that a form of “Nordic Expressionism” could become an official Nazi style of art. Rosenberg led a more conservative faction called the Combat League for German Culture. This effort was more aligned with Adolf Hitler’s tastes. Hitler prefered more realistic and classical styles of painting, sculpture, and architecture. Goebbels won this clash with Rosenberg by conforming to Hitler's tastes.
The regime attempted to clarify what “truly German art” looked like in summer 1937. The first annual Great German Art Exhibition opened in Munich at that time. Hitler reviewed selected artworks the month before it opened. He furiously ordered the removal of many examples of German avant-garde art. Goebbels witnessed this outburst and began making hasty plans for a separate exhibition. He intended to define and mock the types of art that the regime considered "degenerate." Hitler approved of the plan. The Nazis began confiscating thousands of artworks from German museums.
Roughly one third of the most valuable confiscated artworks were ultimately sold to enrich the Nazi regime. Another third of the artworks disappeared. Some have reemerged over the years. With few exceptions, none of the works were returned to the museums from which they were taken. German museums have not received financial restitution. In rare cases, some art from private collections was returned to its rightful owners. Several European and American museums still possess artworks taken by the Nazis.
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This map is the most up to date version as of 3-4-2023 and takes into account all recent movement on anti-trans legislation
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TERFs do not treat trans women/people they view as trans women as men. Y’all really need to get that bullshit out of your head. They’re a hate group specifically focused on demonizing and eradicating trans women and they’re literally allying with cis men to do it. Transmisogyny, specifically their brand, is not born out of a hatred of men and y’all will get nowhere as long as you pretend it is.
They’re bigots hyperfocused on enforcing gender laws based in white supremacist ideals, stop taking their word as truth.
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