big momma
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19 years of constant breakdown lolMinors DNI i swear to god
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baduzzxy · 22 hours ago
panting drooling like a dog YES GAWD 😩💦
shadow monsters on wooden church walls
an escaped convict finds shelter inside an abandoned chapel in rural New Mexico. and with it, a very obliging woman on the run from her fiancé.
(well. obliging, asleep. is there really much of a difference?)
He finds you asleep on a pew.
A gloved hand shoved under your temple. The other curled into a loose fist, knuckles resting against the bench seat. Your elbow tucks itself nicely into the slope of your waist, forearm balanced on your belly as you slumber, fully relaxed and utterly unaware of who—or what—stumbled upon you.
Too relaxed, maybe.
There's a softness to the spill of you that makes his teeth ache—melting candy. Spun sugar. Something that makes him want to burrow his jaws into the marshmallow sweetness sitting pretty for him like a little treat. 
His belly grumbles. He can't remember the last time he ate. 
And lucky for him, there's no artifice to the steady rise and fall of your lace-covered chest. The swell is a lulling rock that disturbs the dust gathered along the wood in a thick, dense blanket of moulder and disuse.
He tucks the pistol he snatched on the way here into the pocket of his stolen jacket, cocking his head to the side as he considers this unexpected discovery.
The church was meant to be empty. A sequestered haven for him to hide inside until the lawmen chasing him passed by further in the north. This diverging path known only to the man who shared his wisdom of it in the prison. Locatable only by staggered markers left behind by the pilgrims who were plundered of their goods and left to die in the sprawling, untenable wilds of New Mexico.
(It's always been man eat man in the dust.)
He's not sure how you found it. The state of your boots and the bottom of your dresses make him believe you'd been on the run for some time. Coincidence, maybe. Or—
You don't stir at all, even as his boots clunk against the loose, dusty floorboards as he prowls closer to your prone form. His breath drawing ragged from his broad chest. Heart dropping down to his empty belly where it pulses thunderously in his guts. The reverberation thrumming in his groin—
It's been a long time since he's seen a woman.
Even longer since he had one.
It never seemed like much of a necessity when he was younger. His life split between survival and hunger. Ripped from his ramshackle home in Manchester and squeezed into an overcrowded boat headed to America.
Land o' opportunity, his old man promised, but much like all of his predictions (and schemes), America had little forethought to spare on a poor family with nothing to their name. Opportunity—but only inasmuch as the wealth carried with you provided. And being poorer than dirt, it only made sense that New York had little to offer except rubble—more dirt. More soot staining his fingers, blackening his father's teeth. 
He doesn't find it too surprising they were chased out west within a week. Trudging along the same dirt-covered road as everyone else in search of something to call home. 
The only place willing to take them was an aptly named town called Tombstone. A place where both his dad and brother rest.
Incarcerated at eighteen for enacting revenge on their murderers, and now a full-bodied man of some thirty-odd years, it's a jarring, encompassing thing to see you sleeping like this. So vulnerable. So soft.
Maybe it's the fragility of these curled parts making up the cluttered framework of your body that appeals to some aspect of himself that longs to break small, soft things between his fists. Crush bone like paper. Shatter it into pieces like fine china. Brittle porcelain.
Whatever it is, it itches in his guts. Makes his hands grow slick, dampening with sweat. Blooms a vicious fever in his head. This unquenchable thirst clawing at the back of his throat is only sated by the spill of your soft, cottonlike body tucked into the pew.
Precious, he thinks, cock stirring, thickening in his borrowed pants. Sweet lil' thing, he coos, tongue scraping over his teeth. All curled up inside a church. Alone.
Waiting for him.
He isn't one for religious zealotry. It held no appeal even as the priests visited the prison, beseeching him to repent. The idea of god, gods, never held much interest to him, but he learned the Bible they carried with them, this sacred object of divine wisdom. A fairytale, not too dissimilar to Chaucer, he found.
But he can't deny there's something a little poetic about this. Something divine.
Almost as if that mighty, tempestuous god they preached about was smiling down on him. An offering not at all dissimilar to the riches he bestowed on the men who caught his eye.
And don't all those men face trials and tribulations before being given grace, too? Lands, and honour, and sanctified, but most of all—
And a sweet one, too. 
Folded up into yourself like a little bird who fell from the nest. Shivering on the cold, unfamiliar ground as it waits for its parents to come and bring it back. Unaware of the viper in the grass behind it. The hawk circling overhead.
Lucky for you, god thinks you'd fare quite nicely in his stomach instead.
And really—
You should know better, he thinks, hands dropping to the stolen buckle of his belt. Sleeping in a lonely building like this. Practically waiting for him to come along and take what he's owed, aren't you?
And who is he to pass up such a pretty little gift from God?
You come awake on a gasp.
Clawing against iron wrapped around you—tentacles, maybe; you were at sea seconds ago, lost to the whims of the ocean as something tried to pull you down, down—and choking on an inhale that gets stuck in the hollow of your throat, glueing to tissue. A bubble that won't pop. That you can't breathe around—
"Keep squirmin' like tha', birdie, an' I’ll be ready t’go again."
The voice, slinking slowly through the thick fog spooled densely over your mind, comes in a lazy drawl half-growled into your crown, warm breath tickling over your scalp. Unfamiliar, too. And much too close.
Pieces click in the back of your head. You remember running. Hiding in the church. Being moved. Dreaming of a turbulent sea that rocked you back and forth—
Seasick. But no—
This isn't the ocean. It isn't your fiancè. 
The thing behind you is bigger, broader. Where you would have expected to meet solid muscle, you instead sink into a thick, warm pelt. One that's all heat. A raging fever. Burning against your back, under your thighs. 
This laden heaviness in your limbs. Your belly—
A burn there, too. A pulsing, terrifying ache; this pressure you can't squirm away from, can't breathe around—
Panic pops the bubble stuck in your throat when it surges up your esophagus like a fist. The world slowly loses the haze, the thick cloud of confusion and sticky-eyed sleep clinging like molasses to your awareness, but what is left behind when the veil is ripped off is nothing short of abject horror.
There's a man behind you.
But that's only half-true. 
In the sluggish grapple of your cognizance flailing around for solid ground in the heavy drape of hypnagogia, you shove your fingers into the degree of separation between sight and dream, curling against awareness, and—
You're cradled in his lap like a child. Spine liquid against his chest, legs pulled taut over impossibly thick thighs, knees bent at an angle that makes your hips twinge in discomfort. Pulled too far apart, and done so to make room. 
Nausea claws up your throat when your bleary eyes drop down to the immodest, intrusive spread of your legs, feet dangling helplessly in the air, bouncing with some unfathomable motion. The position takes a second to unravel, to work out with the sleep-sticky tremble in your fingers. Mind still chasing the end of a dream even as the sudden spill of massive, bare thighs takes shape in the trembling ruins of your cognizance.
And God—
You wish it didn't.
With your skirts rucked up beneath your bared breasts, held in place with a big, heavily scarred forearm looped around your ribs, crushing your arms to your body, you can see the unmistakable rut of pale, mauled muscles flexing, tensing 
And then suddenly, lifting.
“Told y’to stop squirmin', birdie—”
But you're not moving—
The pressure from before sharpens into a blistering ache as this—thing—inside of you grows. Stretches. Presses against tender, sore muscles as it snatches the last wisp of air from your heaving lungs. 
There's a sting so deep, so wide, inside of you that you almost think you can see the soft curve of something moving against the skin of your belly. A trick of the mind, maybe. 
Nightmare on solid ground. 
You clamp down against the urge to scream when it shifts within you, pulling on soft, tight walls. 
It hurts. Feels like you might be impaled on a dagger, maybe. A knife. A writhing mass devouring you from the inside out. But no—
You know what this—what it—is even if your brain refuses to acknowledge it. To let it take shape. 
It keeps you cradled in the protective cup of its palms where the world is superlunary, your body incorporeal. Weightless. 
But with every hiccup, each gasp, this nebulous sanctity congeals a little more into the brutal reality of what you've woken up to.
A man. 
Unfamiliar. Unknown.
Rasping in your ear. His breath soured by the leftover communion wine you'd found tucked beneath the pulpit. Reeking of sweat and stale tobacco. Dust and dirt. Days on the road. Something wild. Primal. Animal, maybe. The musky scent of a horse, fur heated under the sun. Unwashed man. Masculine and potent. Dirty. Carrying the scent of loam, humus, with each harried breath he heaves against you. 
But it's not just the smell of him. His hands, his skin, is covered in a hazy watercolour of grime from days without washing. From the sands of the barren, empty plains soaking into his skin, and smearing across scarred, torn tissue as he sweats in the heat.
Maybe it's his own internal fire causing him to burn so hot. Pyretic. An inferno against your back, under your thighs. So scorching, you wonder, dazedly, if it isn't the devil himself rutting into you below like a bullish beast.
With his feet tucked into big, dusty leather boots, you can't tell, but the sight of hooves emerging from them instead of pale, dirty skin wouldn't surprise you in the slightest. 
Maybe it'll be easier to stomach if he was just that because what sort of man would do this to you in an abandoned house of worship. 
A beast—
His arm tightens. With a grunt, he shifts, grinding you down into that ineluctable pressure, maneuvering you on his lap like some oversized doll, a child's toy. A plaything for him to amuse himself with. To use—
In the pit of your belly, something blooms. A vicious, untenable feeling of fragility. Weakness. You can't move an inch in his ferric grip. Can't breathe without his assent. You're little more than an object cradled in his hands. Utterly powerless in a way you haven't really felt at all—not even when the man you were supposed to marry curled his hand around your wrist and told you that he'd enjoy chopping your independence down into bite-sized pieces. Gorge himself on your helplessness. 
This makes the frailty, that clawing, desperation feel like a boy's play at patriarchal ownership. Clumsy stumbling through the motions. A pantomime of sadistic cruelty. Revelry in power. 
That was a loss of control. 
This is not. 
In order to lose something you need to have had it in your grasp to begin with. 
It was yours when you ran from the man, your fiance, when he clamped his hand around your wrist, eyes wild and feverish with delirium, and said he'd keep you forever. Life of imprisonment chained a man who scared you more than the gnarled scar on the side of his head.
And after, too. As you fled from the coach on a whim when it rattled over a small hill, tumbling down the embankment. Hiding in a small alcove, waiting for them to grow tired of searching for you.
Cradled when you found the church. A safe haven. A place to rest—
Only to wake up to a hand on your throat. A purr in your ear. 
Hands empty. 
Curling into the messy spill of your skirts, clinging to the fabric until your joints ache from the strain, and your nails bite through cloth to sink into skin, because that's all you can do. 
Clutch. Hold. Plead—
"Takin' me so well, ain't you, birdie?"
Even his voice sounds devilish. A robust, brassy rumble you've never heard from a man before. More akin to the growl of a tiger. Beastal and wrong. Drenched in a thick, unmistakable bliss as he seats himself deep inside of you like he's been bestowed the privilege. Allowed to claim what you denied even to your intended husband—
"P-please stop—"
Each steady pump of his hips fills your belly with more of that impossible, overfull feeling. The too-tight squeeze of you around something that wasn't ever meant to fit pulls at your flesh until it burns.
"Please—" your moan is a wretched, mournful thing, but it makes him grunt into your ear like a starved, taunted beast. The arm slung possessively around your ribs tightening into a painful squeeze that forces the air from your lungs in a huff.
The dizzying spill of hypoxia makes you almost thankful when it dulls the blunt, fat split of him bludgeoning into you in response. A sharp, full jerk that tears through you. Forcefully eking space where there is none left to give. Stretching, rearranging, until you can feel him in the very apex of your being.
But in that, a strange, horrifying trill brims, leaking from the pressure cracks of your bones. Spinal fluid dripping out. Thick, hot oil that steadily floods the mess between your thighs, eroding the bones, the muscles, in your pelvis until all that remains is an oozing, gooey pool he rocks into. Molten.
Sticky, wet sounds spill from the cradle between your thighs, each one burning through your chest until you choke, mortified. Blistering from shame.
It's difficult to catch your breath around the squeeze of his arm over your ribs, and the too-full stretch in your belly. Harder, too, to think. To make sense of the wall of solid, soft heat against your spine. The ache in your thighs as your legs are spread much too wide.
Everything below his arm feels like an open, pulsing wound—
But it changes when his hand, just as scarred, as ugly, as his thighs, the forearm clenched tight around your waist, slides down from its lazy perch on your neck, lowering to the gaping, throbbing wound between your thighs.
He curls it into a loose fist, scabbed, scarred knuckles sharpening into fattened peaks. His fingers bend inward, seeking.
It doesn't make sense until he touches you.
With your swollen folds spread over the thigh (impossibly thick; monstrously so—) girth of him, it opens you up to his wandering hand. He delves into the split seam of you, rubbing calloused, rough fingers over throbbing, stretched flesh. 
And for a moment, it's just a tickle. Pressure on your puffy, outer lips, but then he leans back, shifting the angle of your pelvis until he can slide his dirty fingers up, up—
"Fuck, lil' bird. Gonna strangle my cock if you get any tighter—"
You're howling. Thrashing in his hold as the ache pulses, squeezing like a vice around the unfathomable, fattened mass bullying itself desperately inside of you. Rutting bluntly against something just behind your navel that makes you nauseous with each stroke. Every muscle in your body seizes as he grunts, ugly and vicious, into your ear and starts moving you against him, lifting and jerking your body into his lap, meeting his own thrusts.
“Must want it bad, eh, birdie? Listen to you—” his fingers slide through the mess between your thighs, and the sound that spills makes you think of the shores of Asphaltites. The splash of brimstone—slick, wet. Wanting. Am-heh lapping at the waters. “Fuckin’ gagin’ for it.”
You're not. No. You want to scream but the air is snuffed from your lungs. Sickness writhes in the back of your throat, clawing desperately at the walls of the esophageal prison it's locked inside. Inescapable. You can't let it out—
He wouldn't like that, you think, and it splinters in the back of your head. Separating into fragmentary pieces. Their sharp, obsidian edges, still slick with those broken, polluted whims—be good, it drips; be good and take it—press into soft tissue, cutting open gyri. Stuffing the wound—
And he's speaking, too. Groaning in your ear as he rocks into you. Bein’ so good f’me, ain't you? Takin’ my cock like this—
Against your will, you relax. Swallow down the sickness trapped in your throat. Good. The tension bleeds out of your muscles, and in the slippage, your softened thighs sink into his lap a little more, pushing him deeper than he was seconds ago. 
It rips a whine from the back of your throat when that too tight, stinging feeling spins into something else. Still overfull, but—spreading. Evolving. Shifting as spills into the gaps, flooding, and filling, and—
Good. It's good. 
The noises he makes change suddenly as your body eases, melting around him almost without thought, wholly against your will. Turns animalistic, feral, as you breathe into the heat swallowing you whole, chasing more of that overwhelming fullness, that hazy, ghosting pleasure that peppers delicate kisses over your nerves—gentling, distant; but growing closer with each shift—
“Tha’s it—” he snarls, shoving his face into your sweat-slicked nape. All teeth. The whitehot brush of a tongue. “Can feel your little cunt openin’ up f’me. Want more o’ my cock, birdie? Such a greedy thing, ain't you?”
The physical sting of jagged teeth scraping over your damp skin marries the burn scorching your chest in a brutally demeaning synchronicity. 
It's intentional, of course. 
You know what this mockery, this cruelty is, but they reave through the vestiges of propriety, unearthing your shame until it lays between those crooked teeth he keeps pressed into your skin. 
The etchings of a smirk tickle along the knob of your spine when his mangled mouth pulls upward at your harried whimper. 
“Bein’ such a good girl, ain't you?” He coos, digging those assailing fingers deeper into the soil of your mortification. “Takin’ my cock like this—” a groan trembles over his words, a clawing, helpless thing he can't seem to bite down on. “An’ in a ‘ouse o’ god, no less.”
His voice is airy. Thinner. Drenched in thick amusement as he cleaves into you with a growing desperation.
“Who knew I ‘ad such a sweet little cunt waitin’ for me?” 
You want to refute his words, but he just squeezes your ribs before you can shape them on your tongue. Renting your protestations until they fall in a choked gasp, a mewl, at his feet. 
“Been locked up a long time. Got a lot saved up f’you—”
This new dip in his abasement doesn't make sense until he shifts, shuffling forward on the pew. It brings your line of sight closer to the broken window on the wall to the right of the crooked pulpit. A candle burns on a worn, wooden stand beneath the shattered glass. In the flickering candlelight, and hazed against the unfathomable blackness of a moonless night in the desert, the image that forms in this swelling abyss is nothing short of horrifying. 
As the contours render slowly—spilling like liquid ignominy in midnight satin—the hulking shape behind you begins to fill out. 
The first thing you notice—
He's big. His broad chest nearly swallows you whole as he leans over you like a hellish beast readying itself to devour you alive. 
But it's not just his size that trips your pulse into a painful sprint, but the sight of him. 
He looks mauled. Decorated almost entirely in thickened scar tissue running in strange, jagged lines along his skin, coloured in swaths of soft pink and blotchy purple. Deep pocks. Slashes. The meat beneath the right side of his jaw, right beside his chin, is missing, leaving behind the indented slope of shiny pink tissue cratering deep down to bone. 
The baleen lines scraped into his wound look like the flat press of teeth and you wonder if someone took a bite out of him. 
He makes a strangled noise when you shudder, tensing at the cannibalistic nature of the wound—of the mosaic of brutality sliced into skin. 
“Go’ so fuckin' tight, birdie—” in the window, the blurred image of this beast draws closer to you, mouthing along the slope of your neck with a ruined mouth. A mockery of a lover's kiss as he shifts you in his lap, rasping: gonna make me fuckin' cum if you keep squeezin’ me like tha’
It rips out another shiver that tickles along your spine, making you tense up again with a choked sob as the thickened press of his cock grinds against something inside of you that makes your vision swim and your ears ring—
Cutting through the pulsing roar in your ears is a thunderous groan from deep inside of his chest. It's a savage, terrifying thing that claws over the haze, ripping it to pieces between it can spool over your head. 
Blinking through the tears in your eyes, you're met with a swell of cold, deadened fury. 
“Fuckin’ hell—” he spits on a biting snarl, tendons in his neck bunching together. A vein pops out from beneath his skin, throbbing in a dark, blue line—
“Ain’t givin’ it to you good enough, huh, birdie?”
You don't know what you did. Can't untangle the sudden anger in his voice as it sunders that thread of his derisive subjugation, ushering in an unfathomable anger slashing over his brow. 
With your arms trapped under his, you can't brace yourself when he pushes to the edge of the pew with a growl, and begins to shove himself inside of you with a terrifying speed. 
It's too much. You can't breathe around the punishing pace he sets. Forcing himself into you over and over again. Taking you. Making you take him.
There's no escape. His hold is like iron around you. You can barely cling on as he moves you up and down his cock, forcing the fat, blunt head into your sore, tender walls at a bruising pace. Each rock jarring your body as he makes you swallow him down to the root—look'it tha', he coos, ugly and biting and mean, his hand dropping to press tight against your belly; the pressure making you feel sick: go' my whole cock in there now, birdie—
"Tha's it," he rasps, rubbing his mauled, torn muzzle over your shoulder. Jagged teeth catching skin. "Squeeze my cock, birdie. Fuck, go' such a tight lil' cunt, don't you? 'nough t'make a man go half insane, ain't it?" He tilts his head suddenly, blowing warm, humid breath over your cheek when he exhales on a mean, callous scoff.
"S'what you do, birdie? D'you offer this sweet pussy up t'anyone who passes by?"
His words are uglier than the moulting scars on his skin, and they sink deep inside your head when he presses his foul mouth up against your ear, groaning the words out between rasping pants. Tha' what y'do, birdie? Spread these pretty thighs t'anyone? Don't even know who I am and y'pantin' for it. Gaggin' for m'cock—
You flinch away from the sting of them, twisting in his hold to escape. To run—
But he just huffs mockingly in your ear, deriding you about how you're tightening up like a pretty fuckin' bow around his cock.
"Made for it, weren't you?" He taunts, words rolling between jagged, fangled teeth. Sharpened to a brutal, devastating point.
You shake your head as much as you can with his face tucked inside the curve of your throat, mewling feebly in denial because that's all you can do. Whine. Sob. Wailing like an animal as he pistons his hips into you, each jarring thrust accompanying a sting on the back of your thighs as his hard, unyielding flesh slaps into yours.
It's humiliating. Shameful. His finger presses into something that makes your belly knot. Muscles tightening. Spasming. Your leg kicks out against the back of the pew when he smothers his thumb over that place again, drawing tight circles that make your navel throb, pulsing as if your heart dropped down to the pit of your belly. Beating like a drum behind your mound.
It's agony. Terrifying, awful agony—
But it isn't. It's not. Not really.
Not when he drapes himself over your back, lowering his stubbled, unevenly textured chin to your shoulder, and shoves you forward. The angle gives him more room to pull out, and the emptiness that follows each retreat has you sobbing. Fingers clawing at the tangled mess of your skirts to cling to something as the ugly, awful feeling inside of you tips on its axis. Shifts.
It's wrong. So, so wrong—
You don't want this.
But he doesn't give you much of a choice except taking it. Letting it happen.
"But tha's not true anymore, is it, birdie?"
His arm tightens around you. Squaring against the ground as he spreads his thighs further apart, rutting into you with a fit of anger that steals the scant air from your lungs. Drills real, tangible fear into your head that he's going to break you if he doesn't slow down, doesn't stop—
"...'cause you're mine," he snarls, lips tucked against your ear so you can hear him over the awful noise made as he hammers into you, the sickeningly lewd squelch. The stinging slap of soft skin of firm muscle. "Ain't you, birdie? An' this cunt—" his fingers trail down, grazing over the skin of your rim stretched too tight around the thick of him. Pressing until it hurts. "Belongs to me now, don't it?"
He mocks your pained whimper with a patronising coo of his own, but mercifully, the pressure shifts away. The respite, however, is brief. 
The arm locked around your ribs shifts as his fingers slide to the cradle of your mound, his thumb brushing over your tender, sensitive clit in slow circles. His other hand peels off of your forearm, reeling back slightly before shoving inside the loose gap of your unlaced dress, cupping your breast in a rough, scorching palm. 
He squeezes it tight in his hand until you whine, squirming against the discordant sensations dragging over your nerves. The pleasure of his thumb doing something magic between your thighs and the bruising ache in your breast—
It shifts again when he moves his hand, dragging it back until your pebbled nipple is trapped under the broad trap of his thumb. Just pressing. Holding. The touch is daunting. Possessive. 
You tense again. Waiting—
The pain doesn't come. 
It's just—strange. Ticklish. He rubs his finger over your nipple in slow, ghosting swipes. Barely a whisper of a touch. A mere graze. And as you slowly acclimate to these soft, small circles, the pleasure grows, pulsing between your thighs.
Every pass of his fingers feels like it's strumming against some taut line that coils behind your navel, tightening. Growing—
And then it's gone. Dissipating into frustration with a mean huff spilling out against your nape, quickly reshaping itself into a low, mocking taunt when you thrash, mewling pitifully at the loss of that heady feeling liquifying in your veins. 
“We're you about t’cum, birdie?” 
He tuts at that; making a low, mordant coo in the back of his throat when you whimper in response. 
“Didn’t know you were so greedy.” 
There's a strange undercurrent in his tone you can't make sense of. This loose, looping thread that weaves between the seams. Incomprehensible—
But you find the answer in his touch. 
It tightens almost in warning, but you know him better now than to let yourself trip into that fallacy. A notion that solidifies itself when the hand that was once pushing you to that heavy, all-encompassing brink steadies itself on your belly. Pushing. He anchors his hold against your breast, letting it fill the cup of his palm as he squeezes once more, another mocking warning, and then begins to move. 
The pace is rougher, faster, than before. With you tipped forward slightly in his lap, the angle makes it easier for him to unleash that thread of ire on you. Using the space to plant his feet solidly on the ground, knees spreading as he bucks his hips, pounding his cock deeper, harder, into you with a savagery that rips breathless whimpers and sobbing moans from the back of your throat with each jarring thrust. 
Your teeth clack painfully together when he pulls you down to meet each one, cock shoving so deep inside of you, you could swear it was lodging against your heart. Knocking everything inside of you askew to make room, to fit—
There's a sudden, stinging pain that blooms from between your thighs, and you thrash as it happens again, again—
His hand comes down over your clit, and you yowl at the burning sensation of him slapping you there—
"Please, please—!"
You can't recognise your voice anymore. It sounds wrecked. Raw. Each blow draws out a deafening wail as the heat reaches a blistering zenith. A devouring, ravenous heat—
His voice cuts through the shrill ring of it all. "Say it, birdie. Who does this cunt belong to?"
It tips off your lips in a desperate litany. A plea. You, you, you—
"S'not good enough, birdie. You gotta say it. Who does this cunt belong to?"
You say it because that's what he wants—you. it belongs to you. my cunt belongs to you. please, please, pleasepleaseplease stop—but he groans like you've gutted him. Slamming his palm down against your tender, swollen clit as he sloppily ruts into you, grunting in your ear about God and wives and fuck, buried, this sweet cunt was gonna drive him fuckin' mad—
Everything narrows down to raw sensation. Just the constant, feverish push of his cock dragging against your walls, bluntly pushing into that spot behind your navel that makes your ears ring, and your vision swim. The scorching press of rough skin against your stinging, throbbing clit; the abrasive stroke of each clumsy, pawing circle catching on swollen flesh. Blooming a vicious heat in your belly.
It draws tight. Coiling into a tense knot as a ruts into you, grunting about being close, so fuckin' close, birdie, so you better come on my cock; want this pussy coming all over me—
There's a sharp pain burrowing into your nape, his teeth sinking in deep, breaking skin with jagged teeth, and that knot snaps. Shattering into a series of intense, dizzying pulses that squeeze behind your navel, liquid bliss saturating through the cracks, and bubbling, molten, in your veins.
You're a twitching, shuddering mess. A sicky spill melting into his chest as he clamps down harder against you, grunting around the bite of flesh he lodged between his jowls as he swells inside of you, finding his release.
As he throbs inside of you, his teeth dig in deeper, biting down harder on your nape to smother the snarl ripped from his throat. His hips pump into you with staggered jerks bereft of all finesse; just a clumsy rut as he chases the aftermath of that same mind-numbing euphoria rippling through the honeyed mess of your body.
But it's this bliss that mutes the pain, hiding it under the deluge of endorphins that mushrooms inside of your head, blotting out the pain that you can feel lingering on the periphery. Looming on the edges of the syrupy spill of bliss still pounding in your veins.
Even with clots numbing the worst of it, you can feel the ache in your muscles each time you move. A prelude to the rest of the night, perhaps.
A thought that scraps against the film covering your fear. Panic an acrid burn in the back of your throat, a sting in the corners of your eyes—
Just as you open your mouth to rasp out the words let me go, he unhinges his jaw from your nape, and huffs.
There's a paralysing stab of fear cudgelling into you whenever he moves. It wells up from the wound, and you wait, teetering on a knife's edge as he slumps back against the pew, body unspooling from its tight coil as he lazes with you still sat on his lap, on his cock, purring like a satiated cat, ignorant of (or purposefully ignoring) the way you flinch at his touch when he drops his hand down between your thighs to cradle your sore, abused cunt. Even spent, softening, he still feels so big inside of you. A thickness you can't think around.
"Never came inside anyone before," he muses, catching the trickle of slick, of cum, that leaks out when he shifts back. "Ain't you lucky, birdie? Was savin’ it all up for you. An’ you go' the honour o' bein' my wife."
It cracks through the air like a whip. The echo resounds in the back of your head, smothering the whimper of panic that claws up your throat. Wife. Wife—
"I—I have a fiance," you stutter out, heaving through tattered lungs. "I can't—"
"How's I supposed to know? I don't see 'im, do I?"
"He's—he's looking for me. And he's a real, um, powerful man. I won't—I won't tell anyone if you let me go. You can just—just leave, and I'll never speak of this to anyone—"
His arm tightens around you, snuffing the words out on a pitiful gasp.
"Fucked you nice an' full o'my cum, birdie. You jus' gonna go back to 'nother man when I'm drippin’ down your thighs?”
Your lungs ache. "Please, you didn't—you can't—"
He swipes his fingers through the mess puddling under your thighs with a derisive snort, and brings his hand up to your face. Making you look at the thick, milky smear sticking to his skin. Slowly, he pries his index and middle finger apart, twisting his wrist to show you the web that glues between them.
It's a lot, you think, stomach churning. Too much.
"An' there's more o'tha' all nice an' plugged up inside you, birdie. Gonna sit here til it takes."
He draws his hand closer, thumb and ring finger closing around your cheeks, squeezing painfully until your mouth pops open on a whimper. His fingers bully between the gap of your lips. 
It's bitter. Salty. You try not to gag as he roughly shoves them in deeper, knuckles knocking into your teeth as he forces them in, petting his fingers over your tongue. Your gums. Your teeth. The soft skin of your cheeks. Smearing his spend all over your mouth. Making you taste it.
And it's as vile as it is demeaning, and you shudder at the chuff of amusement that rumbles out when you gag, choking when he shoves his fingers in too deep. Trying not to weep as he lowers his head to your nape, nipping the throbbing, torn skin around the bite mark, grunting out a callous demand of swallow it. All o' it. Every drop. If you don't, then I'll jus' make sure you get it from the source next time—
"Bet you'd look so fuckin' pretty on your knees f'me, wouldn't you? Gaggin' on my cock. Could barely take it all in your sweet cunt, an' tha' was made for me, wasn't it? Be a struggle to get it all down—"
"Please," you slur around his fingers, shaking your head pitifully as his cock stirs inside of you, twitching at the revolting image he draws. "I'll—"
He taps his fingers against the roof of your mouth and you clamp your lips shut to stem the nausea that surges. Swallowing reluctantly around the bitter taste of him on your tongue. A painful gulp that makes him groan.
"See, birdie? You're full o'me now."
His fingers tickle when they drag over the wet, sticky skin of your lips. A tease. 
He grunts when you shiver, cunt inadvertently clenching around him—
"Ain't ready for another round jus' yet," his voice drops, pitching low. You freeze instantly. Falling still on a shallow gasp. "But if you don't stop squirmin' on my cock like this, birdie, I reckon I'll 'ave you bent over the pulpit soon enough. What kinda husband would I be if I didn't give my wife what she was achin' for?"
Wife. There it is again. And nestled within the cruel word is the clink of a metal collar locking around the inflamed curve of your chewed up neck. Bound to a man you don't know. Don't want to know—
With you held in his grasp, tucked securely to his chest, he settles back into the pew with huff. A quiet admonishment when you try to stir, shushing you with a brief flex of his hand tightening around your neck. A warning. Be good. 
It's hard to think with him buried inside of you, still taking up so much space. 
And maybe that's the crux of it all. You can't breathe around the softening swell of him to let the thoughts form. Take shape. They flicker past in the moonless midnight of your mind; comets dying in the atmosphere. 
Or maybe you're too haunted by the pulse of his heartbeat somehow lodged inside of you, echoing in tandem with your own. A deafening rataplan you can feel in your belly. Your guts. 
You squirm—
The cup of his palm flexes around your throat—a warning, maybe—and he's pulling you further back against the broad, thick swell of his chest. As easy as breathing. As easy as taking you apart in a church. Unmaking you in a pew. 
Turning a house of worship into a mausoleum. 
It's a little unfair, all things considered. You pay your dues on Sunday, head bowed over the back of a pew, hands demurely clasped in your lap as you mumble through the familiar beats of mild flagellation. Prettied up in penance. Handing out a fistful of coins and spare nickles when the offertory passes by. 
To be trussed up and tossed to the wolves twice over in a single night makes you tip your chin towards the angled, crumbling rafters in silent mutiny. But the bold, blasphemous display of fury doesn't cause the heavens to split, and some grand being to smite the demon sniffing the skin behind your ear. 
It only makes his hand settle more firmly around your throat, thumb sliding along the smooth curve from collarbone to jaw. The wide, unfathomable expanse of his hand is more than enough to bite at the vitriol brimming in the back of your throat. Don't be stupid. 
(At least—not yet, anyway.)
Without anywhere else to direct the smouldering embers of your anger—and not nearly stupid enough to break it on the jagged cut of his teeth—you slump against the steady rise and fall of his chest, letting it whisper out on an exhale. But even with self-preservation keeping the ugly words under a firm heel, you can deny that this tastes like defeat. 
A sour, bitter sting in the back of your throat—full o’me, birdie—that you struggle to swallow around. 
It feels like a tremendous weight you can't escape. Like everything is collapsing around like the raining ruins of a condemned house, leaving you half-buried in the rubble. Holding the roof overhead in your hands. This Atlassian task sinks your soles deeper into the dirt, dragging you down. 
His threat, his presence, is an anchor buried in the seabed—utterly immovable despite how hard you yank at the chain. 
Something has to give. 
You're not terribly surprised when that something is you. 
Riddled with holes, in tatters, the fight is quickly snuffed under the flood of water surging through. Filling space. 
It's fatigue. Exhaustion. You're drained, you think. Mentally, physically. Emotionally. Everything catches up all at once, and your heavy eyes start to blur around the edges, listing shut. 
For a second. Just a second. 
Through the sluggish putrefaction of mouldering grey matter, you try to promise yourself that you'll run, that you'll escape, after. You just need rest. Sleep. And once you have it—
He squeezes, choking the wayward thought out under the broad cradle of his palm almost as if he knew it was there. 
“Get some sleep, birdie,” he rumbles, low and brassy; the murmur of his voice purring through your ribs. “Go’ a long trip ahead o’ us yet. Gonna need it.”
It isn't the soft uttering of a man worried over your condition, but rather the rough, patronising drawl of a brute relishing the prize he caught. A plunderer preening over his loot. 
You don't spare much thought to where you're going, and let him pull your weak, battered body deeper into the broad spill of his warm chest, holding you against him as the residuum of your wounded survival instincts drown in the spill of exhaustion dripping out of each decisive cut trephined into your head. 
His muzzle is back on the side of your neck as your eyes slip shut, licking between the bracket of his fingers spreading possessively over your mauled skin with a rumble that trembles through your bones, shaking loose the last vestiges of your fight.
It's much too late to bemoan your lack of luck. Your lot in life. Even so—
Going from skirting around the grasping hands of a doglike man drooling on your toes, wagging his tail for just a taste—somethin’ tae take th’ edge off, doe, jus’ somethin’ tae quench this thirst; ah can't take it anymore—to waking up in the jaws of another beast, half-devoured, is such a devastating, almost Grecian sort of irony that had you any room to spare inside your belly (and if his hand not been so firmly clenched around your throat), you might have laughed until your knees gave out, and the world collapsed down on top of you. 
Instead, all you can do is try to get comfortable around the bellyaching fill of him, and pretend there's still a chance you can wiggle out of his grasp as easily as you did your fiance—
But as his molten tongue lashes over the wounds on your throat, digging the tip into the puncture mark he left behind, you can't help feeling the sharp sting of defeat hew through the lingering tendrils of hope, severing it at the root. Letting it bleed out in his hands. The same ones that shackle you to his chest, keeping you in his clutch like a stunned bird in the gaping maw of a wolf's jaws. 
Rather fitting, you suppose, as those artful fingers smear through the blood and sweat, pinching the stubborn remiges that remain until they're stuck firm between the tips. 
A tug, a pull—
They come loose, clutched his triumphant, bloody fist. 
And as the candle flickers, crawling down the wick, the flutter of them falling to the dirty floor casts shadows on the old church walls:
(crushed birds, burning dogs, and grasping hands surging from the depths—)
He stirs later, rousing you from a fitful sleep running from a burning dog by taking refuge in the gullet of a lake on fire. 
You blink, scrubbing your numb fingers over your sore, tired eyes. “What—?”
“Been thinkin’,” he says, and something about his tone prickles sharply at your paltry instincts, making them stir like lead in your guts. "What's the name of tha’ little fiance o'yours anyway?"
He shrugs. "Jus' think I should meet the man, is all. Considerin' I stole his little wife—"
A noise is wrenched out of you—some strange, strangled amalgamation of denial and dread. “Don't,” you whisper, a fever pitch; a plea. “Don't—”
He's unpredictable. His moods are as mercurial as the sea he crossed over to find you. Tempestuous: you think of his eyes, those burning pits. Much too wide. Wild. A frenzy. 
Like a fox—the one you saw when you were a child. Rabid, they said, tugging you away from those big, round eyes. Gone fuckin’ mad. 
With its lips peeling back, spitting up foam and sickness, it looked like it was smiling. 
Oh, doe; the same eyes, the same grin. Sickness dripping down his chin as he stared, slack-jawed and hungry. Been waitin’ so long fer ye—
“C’mon, can't be s’bad as all o’tha’.”
You think of him, then—perhaps the lesser of two evils—and shudder at the ripple of desperation spilling like oil into your chest. 
“Johnny,” you mutter, wondering if he'd still take you like this—ruined as you are; a pittance of what your father promised—if you ran back to him, broken tail tucked between your legs. Back to that foaming mouth and those big, wild eyes. “Johnny MacTavish.”
If he hadn't been stroking your jugular as he asked, trailing the tips of his fingers around the aching curve of your thigh with the other, you might have missed the frisson that crackled across his implacable veneer at the name. 
So suffused to him are you that any idea of distance is only divisible between atoms, and your skin hums with this little hiccup. The tensing of his muscles under your thighs; hands stuttering along flesh—
Something about that name makes him pause. 
“Johnny,” he says it like he's testing the word, feeling the way it fits between his teeth. Shifting the weight of it around his tongue. Warm-up. Stretching a muscle. Familiarity thrums along the seam of his mouth; pregnant with a mordant, mocking delight. “Might ‘ave to pay ‘im a visit after all.”
In its the afterbirth breathed into the world on his name where you see the cosm split, unveiling a world between them marbled in blood and viscera. 
Home in the manner of a botfly. 
Something that takes. Makes fecund land from flesh and bone; a parasitic kinship that eats itself, and everything else hapless enough to stumble inside its gaping, wounded maw. 
You think of a foaming grin. A sickness that burns from the inside out. 
A burning dog—
And when his smouldering hands reach between your thighs to cup your cunt in the broad spill of his palm, you feel the flaming waters of a blazing lake lapping at your spine. 
“‘ow ‘bout tha’?” he muses, a needling thread of ice splitting through his tone. “Guess it's a small world after all.” 
(—and a rather bleak one for you when he decides that God's will is stronger than a still-wet signature on a piece of paper.
Finder's keepers an' all o' tha'.
Besides, if Johnny really wanted you, he wouldn't have let you go, would he?)
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baduzzxy · 22 hours ago
Honor Bound - Masterlist
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Pairing : Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick x reader
Synopsis : You’re a fallen princess, forced to work for the knight who killed your family. Hiding your true identity, you’re torn between survival, revenge, and the unsettling bond forming between you both.
Cw : Mature Content, Mention of Sexual Violence, Mention of (Blood, Murder, Assault), Violence, Thoughts/Mention of Death, Trauma, Heavy Mention of Religion, Hidden Identity, Medieval Setting, Angst, Slow-Burn-ish, Enemies to Lovers, Protective Partner.
Statues : ongoing Updates on Fridays
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Here is the playlist for the story.
🍑 I do not authorize others to translate or republish my work on any other platform, or through any AI program.
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baduzzxy · 22 hours ago
I decided to make a fanart of my favorite gaz fanfics (so far)
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I highly recommend you read them, all are amazing *chef kiss*
(Just be sure to read the writers' warnings and boundaries!)
Fear of God by @ceilidho
Honor Bound by @peachil
Ax Grinder by @void-my-warranty
I hope y'all like it! Your fics are living rent free inside my head btw/pos
I'm obsessed help
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baduzzxy · 2 days ago
Let’s go lurk the poly 141 tag
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baduzzxy · 2 days ago
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Barry Sloane in “Becoming Captain Price”
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baduzzxy · 3 days ago
GASP? baby give me 14 more of these right NEOW😩😩😩😩😩
damn why did Kyle’s ass block us tho
Continuing this Gaz blurb
*4 months later*
Gaz still felt guilty, and even worse… he couldn’t get off without recalling the way your body moved and voice sounded that night. Gaz was ruined. The innocent pictures he had of you when you two went to the beach once were like a playboy magazine to him. He tried a few hookups from shitty pubs but none compared to how you made him feel. Loved, warm, safe… happy.
He tried going on a few dates… one he accidentally called her your name as they were making out in his car. The other looked like you but lacked personality. Needless to say karma was biting Kyle in the ass.
“So you blocked her, after you took her to the fanciest steakhouse, wine back at her place while sharing secrets… and had the best shag of your life” soap says from the other side of the aircraft. “And let’s not forget all the cute couple shit you two had been doing”
“Who we talking about” ghost questions.
“Lass that Gaz was seeing months ago, and bloody blew it after a quick shag from the sound of it” soap snickers.
“I thought you were still seeing her” ghost questions.
“I didn’t think I’d actually sleep with her, that wasn’t my goal. And no, it’s been a while” gaz defensively replied.
Soap pinches the bridge of his nose “so your original plan was essentially a break off date”.
Gaz shrugs “I didn’t want her last memory of me to be me saying see you later after our usual Sunday walk. Plus we were never technically together”.
Prices eyebrows raised “So you just strung her along for a month and you were going to ghost her regardless of how the night ended”.
“Well… yeah and it was actually more like five months” gaz sheepishly replied.
The men went silent as they gathered their thoughts. Price being the first to speak up after a painful awkward silence “five months, you bastard she probably was falling in love with you, then you decided to pull the shittiest move a man can make”
“I panicked” Gaz shrugs and diverts his eyes from his captains burning gaze.
Ghost chuckles “wrong, you premeditated disappearing from her life. Sounds like you got a fear of commitment”.
Gaz defensive responds “I do not, it’s just with what we do it’s not worth the risk. I mean what if something happens”
“Sounds exactly like something a person with commitment issues would say” ghost quickly replied.
Soap decides to add fuel to the fire “Aye didn’t you do the same thing with the last gal you liked. Maybe it’s the chase you like. Love ‘em and leave ‘em“.
“Fuck off soap” Gaz responds trying to control his irritation.
Price sighs “I didn’t realize how much of my life I wasted having that mentality when I was your age. Had some fun one night stands but the loneliness catches up real quick. Granted things are turning up for me but boy do I feel like I missed out on that young love”.
Gaz starts to think about what price said. After a plane ride home in deep thought he asks price one last question before departing base “So what should I do to get her back”
Prices brows furrowed “You want something optimistic or something realistic”
“Fuck, realistic I guess” gaz leans against the doorframe of prices base office.
Price stands next to a filing cabinet and shakes his head “Honestly I’ll be amazed if she gives you as much as a moment to explain. But if she’s does let you, be honest about why you left and apologize. No point in lying when you have everything to gain and you can’t lose what you’ve already lost Sargent” price gives him a sincere look “regardless of how it turns out you need to let this be a teaching moment. Because maybe she doesn’t take you back, maybe life sends someone else your way. But if you get that lucky you know better than to fuck it up like this ever again”.
Gaz nods “Would flowers be a nice addition to the apology”.
Price smirks “I don’t think flowers will help your cause much, but maybe it’s sweeten her up”.
Gaz nods “thanks, see you later captain”
Gaz needs a plan to get you back, forever hopefully.
*the next day*
She wasn’t even home. So Gaz decides on waiting to see if you’ll come home anytime soon by sitting on your front door steps for two hours. He has no plans to leave until he sees your pretty face.
Gaz scrolls endlessly on his phone when the sound of heels awaken his senses, only to actually look up when he hears your voice “What are you doing here” you very clearly are not happy to see him.
Gaz stands up with flowers in his hand, clearing his voice he carefully starts his plan “I came to explain, but more importantly apologize”. Gaz sheepishly said.
Your eyes look down at the flowers in his hand, appalled. “No need honestly, I’ve moved on and I think you should to”.
Shit this isn’t going well Gaz thinks. Time to take the soft puppy dog approach. He takes a step forward to you and his eyes fill with hurt “Would you at least let me explain, if you don’t want to hear it I’ll leave now but at least let me be honest as to why I ran off”
You huff defeated, hard to say no when he’s looking at you like that but you can’t give in. “Nothing you can say will change my mind”.
“My job. It’s dangerous and I was worried that it wouldn’t work out because of the demands. And I didn’t plan on sleeping with you. Honestly I just wanted you to have a nice night before I disappeared” gaz trying to reach for your hand, you move back.
“That’s great Gaz. Well my boyfriend just left his office and I’m making dinner, so I really don’t have time for this” you fumble with your keys, as they slip to the ground Gaz picks them up and unlocks to door for you.
“At least let me help carry all this in for you and I’ll be on my way” he politely asked. Praying you’ll let him in.
You sigh a defeated “Fine”. You walk in the door first as Gaz grabs the rest of the bags on the porch. He watches as your hips sway, he can feel the blood in body start to boil. Stay calm, stay fucking calm.
Your home still smells like fresh cotton and lavender. Still perfectly tidy and comfortable. He looks over at that corner sofa where you two made out. He closes the front door and walks to the kitchen and sets the groceries on the counter, he notices a silver watch with a rather large band. Must be a big fella. That’s when he hears the front door open and close. A heavy set of footsteps approaches silently.
“I think you should get going now” you say plainly avoiding Kyle’s burning gaze. He hurt you too much for you to have a moment of doubt.
A deep voice speaks as the footsteps stop at the kitchen “Sargent”.
Gaz turns around to the voice in the room and swallows hard.
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baduzzxy · 3 days ago
I say shit like "If my memory serves me" knowing damn well it serves the dark lord
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baduzzxy · 3 days ago
punching my fists in the air GIRL i JUST WOKE UP😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Gaz who leaves your doorstep before dawn sick to his stomach. When he got dressed quietly he admired you as you laid in the bed asleep, still naked and covered in love bites from the passion of the night. He couldn’t believe he finally got to hold you, yet here he was, fleeing. Leaving knowing you’re everything he wants. He walks with his hands in his pockets trying to remember the warmth of your skin that you had allowed him to touch, warm and soft. It wasn’t just fucking, he finally experienced passion and love… true intimacy.
You wake up later that morning sore and satisfied. You roll over to see if he’s awake, only to find his side of the bed cold, you walk through your home hoping to find him but he’s gone. Was the sex that bad that he left without a word? You showered and scrubbed your skin raw from the disgust and embarrassment. The man had spent months getting close to you. You finally opened up and let someone close enough to be intimate with and he used you.
You calm down a few hours later and send a text hoping that maybe you’re reading the situation wrong.
“Good morning, I was hoping you would have stayed for breakfast. Did you make it home?”
Message undeliverable
Oh… he blocked you.
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baduzzxy · 3 days ago
ik soap so feral that the notion of even rubbing your own belly makes him rock hard cus that mfka thinks you must wanna get knocked up smh😒
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baduzzxy · 4 days ago
reader’s comments looking like a 911 call dialouge. I bet there’s a comment going “hey girlie close your fist with your thumb inside if ur not safe 💜”
i talked about this a while ago but there’s just SOMETHING about popular tiktoker reader who’s known for making cute recipe videos in pretty dresses and embroidered aprons and Simon who never appears on her account that tickles me. then one day he appears in the background of a “pack my husband’s lunch with me” video and he’s huge and muscly and covered in paint spattered clothes and has the meanest mug on and everyone in the comments are just like………..hey girl are you….safe?
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baduzzxy · 5 days ago
(more of this, this, and this in which duchess reaches her last straw and pulls rank!)
The roses arrive in the midmorning, fresh with the crisp bite of winter still clinging to their petals. The bouquet is grand- far too grand to be anything casual. Rich, deep red blooms tied together with a velvet ribbon, their fragrance thick in the cold air as the footman carries them inside.
The staff pauses as the flowers are set on a side table in the foyer. It’s been a long, long time such a romantic gesture has entered the house that it nearly feels like a disruption, a challenge to the air of restraint and cold civility that has settled over the estate after your marriage to John and especially as of late.
But what truly sends a ripple through the house is the card that sits nestled among the blooms, thick parchment folded and sealed with gold wax.
For the Duchess.
When the bouquet is delivered to you, you receive it with the same measured grace you meet all things these days. A tilt of your head, a quiet acknowledgment, before you pluck the card from its place and break the seal with a flick of your thumb.
The words within are warm, full of deep gratitude and admiration, and your lips press together for a moment as you trace the elegant script with your fingertips.
You smile, small and private, as you set the letter gently against your lap, letting your fingers graze over the parchment once more. The flowers are stunning, yes, but it is the letter that truly holds weight.
The house may not appreciate you. But somewhere out there, someone does.
But as you lift your gaze, you see the tension that has begun to coil in the air around you.
John is staring at the bouquet like it’s a declaration of war specifically against him. His arms are crossed over the expanse of his chest, the muscle in his jaw flexing as he studies the flowers as if they might reveal the identity of the sender on their own from the sheer intensity of his gaze alone.
Simon stands beside him, unreadable, but his silence is heavier than usual. His fingers tap idly against his sleeve, betraying a restrained sort of agitation, while Johnny and Kyle are no better- both shifting uneasily, eyes darting from the roses to you and back again.
You simply turn away, setting the bouquet carefully on the nearest table before resuming your place near the window, where the pale winter light casts long shadows across the floor.
Silence stretches, and you deliberately tuck the letter into the pocket of your gown. You do not fold it away carelessly, nor do you discard it- no, you keep it. Visibly.
Their eyes track the motion like wolves scenting blood.
“Who sent them, wife?” John’s voice is clipped, controlled, but there’s something simmering beneath it.
You do not look at him, focusing once more on the lovely roses. “Why does it matter?”
Kyle shifts, clearing his throat. “Well… it’s just that… seems a bit forward. And disrespectful.”
Johnny huffs beside him, eyes narrowed like John. “Aye. Flowers like that? Someone’s tryin’ to court ye.”
At that, you let out a soft, knowing hum. You do not confirm nor deny, merely reaching out to trace the velvety petals of one of the roses, letting your touch linger.
John’s expression darkens.
Simon finally speaks, his voice low, measured. “If someone is trying to win your affections, we should know who they are.”
You tilt your head slightly, finally turning to face them. “And why is that?”
John steps closer. “Because you are my wife.” The words are firm, but there is an unspoken still hanging in the air between you.
Bitterness inside you tightens like knot, but you do not let it show. Instead, you lift a brow, gaze cool. “I do not recall that matter ever being of concern to you before.”
His jaw tightens. “That is not-”
You cut him off with a simple, deliberate movement- reaching out, tracing the velvety petals of one of the roses again, your touch lingering. It is a small gesture, but it drives a sharp knife into the tension between you all.
Johnny frowns. “Ya like them, then?”
You do not answer. Instead, you pluck a single rose from the arrangement, twirling it between your fingers as you return to your seat, legs crossed neatly, the picture of poise. Twirling it between your fingers before bringing it close, you inhale the rich scent with a faint, adoring smile.
Kyle exhales sharply. “This is ridiculous.”
“What’s ridiculous,” you muse, examining the bloom in your grasp. “Is your sudden concern over something so trivial.”
John exhales through his nose. “Who sent them, Duchess?”
You glance at him, considering him for a long moment, before finally answering, voice deliberately indifferent.
“Someone who appreciates me.”
The words land like a hammer.
John's expression darkens, Simon's fingers twitch at his sides, Johnny swears under his breath, and Kyle looks like he wants to sink into the floor.
Let them stew in it.
Let them feel what you have felt for so long- neglected, disregarded, unwanted. Let them understand, even for a moment, what it means to be on the other side.
The silence that follows is heavy and charged. Then, without another word, you rise, the single rose still in your grasp, and leave them there- standing in their own jealousy, their own regret.
They do not let it go, unsurprisingly.
John insists on having breakfast with you more, where before he barely spared you a glance at the table. He lingers, watching you with something unreadable in his gaze.
Simon begins to find more reasons to be near you, silent but present, a constant shadow. He does not speak much, but his attention is unyielding.
Johnny, ever the charming one, suddenly starts bringing you sweets and pastries with an almost desperate enthusiasm, his jokes softer, his smiles less certain.
And Kyle- he is the worst of them all, ever dutiful, ever attentive, ensuring your every request is fulfilled with a precision that borders on obsessive.
It is almost amusing.
But you let them chase and let them fret. It was terribly amusing and vindicating, especially whenever you reread that letter.
Your Grace, We cannot begin to express our gratitude for the kindness you showed us in our time of need. When all others turned their backs, you extended your hand, and because of you, our humble flower business did not wither and die. Please accept this bouquet as a token of our deepest thanks. It is but a small gesture for a debt we will never be able to repay. May your days be filled with as much beauty as you have given to us.
With all our gratitude,
The [] Family
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baduzzxy · 5 days ago
Here i am again,
Another chapter,
Another doodle
(ft. theater kids Lil Guy and Konig, Smug Krueger and Shithead, and a cat-nikto-cat sandwich)
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Just bc i have only drawn for Men at Work doesn't mean im not inhaling again n again your other writings. Lovethemlovethemlovethem mwah muah mouah ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!???!?!!?!!!!! 💕😍😭
Thank you so much. I adore every piece of art you send me. And you get them so right every time 😭 theater duo Konig and guy, chaos bastards Shithead and Krueger (what crimes will they commit), and Nikto with his lil Trauma buddy Rasputin 💕
I also love the detail of Little Guy’s wobbly little “koniiiig” while Nikto is carrying him
I need to add all the art you’ve made to the masterlist so I can fawn over it more easily
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baduzzxy · 5 days ago
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Last Updated: 11/14/24
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There are men across the street. You don't decide to make friends with them so much as your cats do. You're just along for the ride.
Content: Stalking, Obsessive/Possessive Behavior
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 + Fanart!
Part 4
Part 5
4 + 5 Fanart!
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baduzzxy · 6 days ago
(poly 141 x recluse reader)
I wrote this in a rush sorry yall 😔
The wind howled through the valley, carrying flurries of ice that bit at your skin as you trudged through the knee-deep snow. This high up in the mountains, winter never truly loosened its grip. It had been a quiet season, with little to disturb the peace of your secluded home.
Until tonight, that is.
You first saw the blood, stark against the pristine white. Then the trail- a jagged, uneven path of someone desperate and wounded.
And then him.
A man, half-buried in the snow, shivering and barely conscious. His beard was flecked with frost, tactical gear dark with blood. You crouched beside him, pressing two fingers to his throat. His pulse was weak but steady.
A survivor.
It wasn’t the first time the wilderness had delivered a lost soul to your doorstep, but at least it wasn’t a dead one. With a sigh, you hoisted his near-dead weight onto your back and carried him home.
It took a week and a half before he finally woke up, time in which you spent tending to him and his injuries.
John awoke to the smell of burning wood and the distant sound of a knife slicing through something firm. His head was still heavy with fever, but the warmth wrapped around him was unlike anything he had felt in what seemed like weeks.
He shifted, and immediately, a voice cut through the quiet.
His eyes flickered open.
You stood over a table, back turned to him, methodically cutting strips of dried venison. You didn’t look at him, but your tone was firm, yet still kind.
“You’re not strong enough to get up.”
John blinked, sluggishly taking in his surroundings. The cabin was small but sturdy, the stone fireplace crackling with warmth. Fur-lined blankets weighed down his aching body. He had been stripped of his heavy gear, left in a thick knit sweater that was definitely not his. It smelled faintly of vanilla.
He tried to sit up anyway. As a result, sharp pain lanced through his ribs, and he bit back a curse.
“See?” you said dryly, finally turning to look at him fully. “Told you.”
John exhaled roughly, running a hand over his face. “Where- ?”
“Somewhere safe.”
That was all you offered.
John studied you in the firelight, his tactical mind still sluggish but observant. You weren’t military- your clothes were practical, but not issued. You moved with practiced efficiency, your cabin well-kept, stocked with supplies only someone used to self-sufficiency would have.
A recluse.
He had met people like you before. Ones who chose to live outside the world. And your cabin reminded him of an emergency hut that belonged to Nikolai, though yours was definitely far more lived in.
But what struck him was the quiet steadiness in which you handled him. Not fearful. Not overly kind. Just… there.
And that, more than anything, settled something deep in his bones. Warm and deep- and far better than the fever plaguing him at the moment.
Said fever that when broke, the first thing he asked for was his team.
You hesitated, watching him from where you stirred a pot over the fire.
“Did they know where you were?” you asked.
John exhaled through his nose. “They knew we were in the mountains. We got separated when the things went sideways.” His jaw clenched. “They’ll be looking.”
You nodded once. “Then they’ll find you- I have a flare gun that can be used.”
And true to your words, they did.
It started with footprints. You noticed them even before John did, your senses tuned to the quiet of the land.
Then the feeling. A weight in the air. Something watching, watching, watching- until they decided you were not a threat.
John was already moving- slower than he would have liked, but determined. He stepped onto the porch, breath misting in the cold. His sharp eyes scanned the tree line.
A flash of movement.
The first one to break from the trees was- as he-d later introduce himself- Soap. He moved fast, determined, boots crunching through the snow.
Price barely had time to brace himself before the Scot barreled into him, gripping his shoulders in an almost bruising hold.
“Steamin’ Jesus, Cap,” Soap breathed, eyes scanning over him, searching for injuries. “You- bloody hell- we thought-“
The others emerged next, more controlled but no less frantic. Gaz exhaled sharply, tension visibly draining from his shoulders. Ghost had an unmistakable tightness in his jaw as he stopped beside them.
(Strange military callsigns, you’ll think to yourself later).
Price huffed, patting Soap’s arm. “I’m alright, Johnny.”
Soap didn’t look convinced. Neither did the others, and that’s when their attention finally shifted- to you, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, watching the reunion silently.
The weight of their collective scrutiny settled heavily, and John noticed the way their stances changed- protective, defensive. And then, realization.
It wasn’t just that they had found him. It was where they had found him. With you.
“You took care of him.” Gaz finally said.
It wasn’t quite a question.
You met his gaze, steady and unflinching. “He was half-dead on my doorstep.” A pause, to give them just enough time to understand that you weren’t a threat. “Seemed wasteful to let him die.”
A muscle in Ghost’s jaw twitched. Soap was still looking at you like he was trying to solve a puzzle, and then coming up empty-handed when he realized there were lost pieces.
Then John chuckled, low and warm, and that shifted the tension. “She’s got a point.”
Their Captain was alive. That was what mattered.
For now.
You thought they would leave, truthfully.
You had done your part; John was healed. He had his pack again. The logical thing would be for them to disappear back into whatever world they had come from, far away from your life of safe, quiet solitude. The snow would cover their footprints and their presence eventually.
But they didn’t.
At first, it was excuses. John still needed time to fully recover. The blizzard made travel dangerous. They needed a place to regroup fully.
Then, it was something else.
John started reinforcing your cabin’s defenses- setting up more tripwires than the ones they’d ruined in their pursuit of finding John, repositioning the perimeter to make it more secure. “Just in case, lass. Ya can never be too sure.” He’d said with a grin.
Gaz took to handling supply runs. He was always attentive, always watching. He learned your habits, how you did your things, quicker than you expected, somehow always anticipating what you might need before you asked.
Ghost was quieter, but his presence was constant. He lingered. Observed. You often caught his gaze on you, sharp and unreadable beneath his mask. And then he’d silently picked up the duty of hunting.
And John acted like he had always been here.
He had an ease about him that made it hard to argue. He helped where it was needed, spoke when he had something worth saying, and settled into your space like he belonged. And simultaneously had such command about him that you’d find yourself tongue-tied when you’d truly attempt to argue and kick them out.
It was unsettling.
Because you knew what this was; they weren’t just staying.
They were claiming- even if they’d have to leave for their military job, eventually. Claiming your time, your space, your presence.
You saw it in the way they positioned themselves- between you and the outside world. The way their sharp gazes tracked any movement that wasn’t theirs. The way they subtly adjusted to your routines, not forcing their presence, but weaving into your life as if it was inevitable.
You weren’t stupid. You knew how wolves like them worked.
John was the leader. Their Captain. And where he went, the others followed.
And now, they had set their sights on you.
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baduzzxy · 8 days ago
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baduzzxy · 8 days ago
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what fucking hell dimension are y’all blogging from
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baduzzxy · 9 days ago
me and my friend just got into a car accident and stood in the cold ass freezing ass rain for 3 hours but we’re okay now so i’m abt to push more fics out !!!!!!!!!!!!! now who wants a late valentine drabble or something
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