Ever think Damian feels insecure BECAUSE he’s Bruce’s son?
So Damian talks a LOT about how he’s Batman’s true blood, right? About how he’ll become Batman because it’s a matter of birthright? But why? Nobody else seems to even want the job, so why does he still go on and on about it? 
I think it’s because Damian doesn’t get how family works.
See, family’s supposed to be about safety, a place you always belong. But Damian’s previous family of Ra’s and Talia didn’t give him belonging; they made Damian work for it. He not only had to earn his place, but re-earn it constantly through years of training, abuse, and murder-based testing. And for years, he did. But moment he failed, the al Ghuls disowned him. They cut him off and did their best to erase him from existence.
For Damian, being family isn’t a guarantee, but a never-ending trial that you can fail at any time.
Obviously, Bruce is different. He loves his boy, and has literally gone to hell and back for the smol. But does Damian get it? The al Ghuls gave Damian the world, and still cut him off. Even worse, Bruce has replacements, and with three older, more experienced Robins plus Cass, cutting Damian out is actually easier for Batman than Ra’s. If Damian lost one family so easily, what’s to stop him from losing this one?
Because in Damian’s experience, at least family gets to try. 
Ra’s pushed Damian, and Talia tested him, but Damian always had a chance. No matter what rivals or competition they brought in, if Damian won, he got to stay. As long as he succeeded, he remained in the family, and as long as was family, he could continue to succeed.
When I think about it like this, constant claims to blood are less arrogance and more of reminders. It’s like, “Hey, I know you can disown me. I get it. But by blood, I can fight to keep my place. As long as I win, I get to stay in the family.”   And for Damian, it really is about winning. After all, there’s only one Robin, one person who gets to stay by Batman’s side. But with so many excellent Robins to compare to - not the least of which is golden boy Dicky - how confident is Damian actually? How much of his overly aggressive, obsessively competitive attitude is simply him trying to prove that Bruce shouldn’t abandon him too? *Sigh* Oh baby birb, you need hugs. Just... just so many hugs.
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Brilliant Bits of Big Hero 6: 2
BH6 is so good, some moments just don’t get the love they deserve. Take best bro Tadashi for instance. If there’s one thing on his mind, it keeping his baby bro safe. 
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(”I don’t know whether you’re the smartest dumbass ever or the dumbest smartass, but I’m keeping you safe till we find out.”) That, and teaching him some sense.   
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(BUT EVEN DEATH AIN’T STOPPIN’ YOU FROM GETTIN’ THESE HANDS!) Makes sense, really. After all, he learned from the best...
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(#bestmom #toopureforthisworld) ... in more ways than one.
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(GET OFF SCREEN! WE LOSE OUR PG RATING IF THEY SEE WHAT I’M DOING NEXT!) The Hamadas love each other, but that doesn’t keep them from keeping each other in line, and I think that’s just brilliant 
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Brilliant Bits of Big Hero 6: 1
BH6 is so good, some moments just don’t get the love they deserve. Take Hiro’s bot fight, for instance. Boy goes from good bean...
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  ... to open panic...
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... to Hannibal Lecter...
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... to bored-of-existence-from-owning-so-hard.
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Boy feels more in 15 seconds than some do in a lifetime, and that’s just brilliant.
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If there’s one thing the BH6 series animators know...
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It’s how to get down with the thiccness. Good. God.
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On more than one occasion, Clark will call to Lois and say “HONEEEEEY? WHERE’S MY SUPER-SUIT?!” as he gets ready to help in a crisis. He will outlive God denying that he’s ever heard of The Incredibles.
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John Constantine hates Harry Potter because everyone and their mother makes Potter jokes about him. The next person who asks which House he was sorted into is getting turned into a cockroach.
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The real reason people refer to Aquaman as “fish guy” and have trouble taking him seriously is that he has a really really strong rural Maine accent. Couple that with his public home town, and it’s kind of hard for people to shake the stereotypes away. (Superman doesn’t get it at all, but then, his identity isn’t public)
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The rest of the Batfam think nothing of it when Jason is nice to Damian or good naturedly teases him. But they once overheard Artemis asking about it, how Damian is a lot more violent and curses more than Jason does now but he was still accepted as Robin and how Bruce was willing to do anything to bring him back from the dead as his son and Robin. Jason just sighed and said “I just stopped expecting much from them.” They tried harder after that.
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Clark once saw Bizarro gathering some very small flowers and presenting them to a Jason that was too focused on a lit screen, ‘Frienship gift’ what the clone called it, Jason barely spared a glance but took them and softly put them to his side, 'Thanks, Buddy’. Clark couldn’t help but think that he could be more like Bizarro and that Bruce could be more like Jason.
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Imagine Krieg and Maya becoming tiny Tina’s parents and like Krieg staples a tie to his collar thing and commits to dad stereotypes but in a violent Krieg-y way (“I BROUGHT HOME BACON” *slams a burnt skag corpse on the table so hard it breaks in half again*) and it’s basically like a sitcom family but with all the wild twists of pandora
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For the drawing prompt: adopting Mochi!
I like to think it was Tadashi who picked Mochi out
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Drew my favorite Hamada boy as a smol child.
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for anon
bruce and baby batkids + helena and cass
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