badfored-blog · 6 years
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                            ALRIGHT ! GAME FACE , ON !!!
           ind., high sel., pri. HANA SONG of OVERWATCH !!! loved by chip !
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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hello ! my name is  chip  and i love princess peach a whole lot. could you be so kind as to reblog this post if you’re interested in interacting with a pink - loving, cake - bakin’ princess at any point ?   or like it ! whichever. ♡♡♡     thank you !          (   pssst ! this blog is affiliated with  @daisyrule  and i’d super appreciate it if you’d follow them, too !   )
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badfored-blog · 6 years
NASTIE // prettyguard
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     international  kissing  day  ??  no  problem.  from  her  place  atop  his  bike  does  usagi  reach  over  to  tug  him  in  her  direction  by  his  wrist.  ❛  lean  down  a  bit  !!  ❜  lips  are  then  pressed  against  his  for  a  few  passing  moments,  breaking  away  only  with  the  loudest  of  ‘  MWAH  !!  's  .  (  that's  usagi  for  you  ;  obnoxious  as  always.  )  ❛  happy  international  kissing  day  !!  ❜     //  * ☾ ・゚✧  @badfored·  because  tumblr  really  didn’t  wanna  let  me  just  send  this  as  an  Ask  .
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no problem ?!          he didn’t even know !     he leaned to her height , gladly accepting the kiss with a sort of confused look with the comment : and he was  just  about to call her gross for making that noise / but it was stopped before it formed in his mouth by the :  happy  international  kissing  day !!          kaneda blinked , smiling for a second before pressing another kiss to her lips. it was just a   quick   kiss in return , a grin towards her as he stood up straight once more.          ‘ happy international kissing day, baby ! ’
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badfored-blog · 6 years
hey i made a peach ! @peachrule hmu over there 
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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i think im just gonna write an oc or zelda bc i cant find motivation to write for anything else. im gonna keep kaneda but as a low activity blog lmao
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badfored-blog · 6 years
MEME MACHINES ! // prettyguard
     months  spent  refusing  to  sign  up  for  that  HELL  GAME  ??  wasted,  all  because  of  a  single  ‘  please  ‘  from  that  tie  -  wearing  short  -  stack.  go  figure.  but  ———  maybe  there’s  still  HOPE  that  kaneda  won’t  c o m p l e t e l y  skin  her  alive  for  this  ………
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     DRAMATICALLY  does  usagi  scrunch  her  nose  up  &  clench  her  eyes  shut,  blindly  searching  for  /  finding  shotaro’s  fore  -  arms  &  gripping  them  tightly.  ❛  i  don’t  even  know  what  to  say  …  it  …  it  was  …  I  CAN’T  SLEEP  AT  NIGHT.  i  can’t  eat  or  drink  water.  i’m  ———  i  think  i’m  DYING,  actually.  please  forgive  me  !!!!!  ❜
‘ how could you ? ’          he was feigning treachery / hands that held his phone now placed firmly on his hips. they both knew each other were acting it up ; oh , would it be their relationship without that ? brown eyes glance down at the ground , sticking to one part of it with a   very   audible sigh.          ‘ i don’t know you anymore , usagi ... it’s like a you’re a  different  person ... ’
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the grip on his forearms , the cute scrunch of her nose / he couldn’t help but crack a bit of a smile. a slight chuckle before he coughed under his breath / one she knew was his give.     but the act couldn’t be stopped !!   brunette looked serious , stern :          ‘ usagi ... i ... i’m afraid that you don’t have much time left.     only few can stand to play roblox and make it out alive. ’  
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badfored-blog · 6 years
MEME MACHINES ! // prettyguard
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     ❛  —————  !!!!!!!  ❜
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     ❛  i  hardly  got  ANY  sleep  last  night  !!!  i  was  up  playing  roblox  with  kai.  ❜     //  @badfored  !!
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‘ yeah ?          he was tellin’ me. ’          eyes glanced up from unopened messages / all  excited  texts from kaisuke about how he  finally  got her to play fuckin’ meme machine 2018.          ‘ what do you got t’say for yerself ?   hah ? ’
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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                                             ———  MAKE  -  UP  !!!                                                            (  *  not  affiliated  with  the  s  ///  m  rpc  !!  )                                                                (  non  -  rp  blogs  :  do  not  reblog  !!  )                                                                                        (  ©.  ©.  )
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badfored-blog · 6 years
if you’re lgbt reblog this and put in the tags what meme song you genuinely enjoy listening to
i’m gay/nb and mine is despacito
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badfored-blog · 6 years
     EVERYTHING  IS  GOING  TO  BE  OKAY.  those  words  are  repeated  ad  -  nauseam  over  the  radio  usagi  had,  somehow,  someway,  managed  to  get  working  again  with  two  new  batteries  &  a  few  well  -  placed  SMACKS.  he  still  refuses  to  talk  about  what  happened  the  day  japan  was  destroyed  ;  still  refuses  to  share  with  her,  kei,  &  kai  what  became  of  tetsuo  &  kaori.  (  but  it  doesn’t  take  a  genius  with  an  IQ  of  three  -  million  to  figure  out  that  it  wasn’t  anything  pretty.  )  she’s  begun  to  take  note  of  the  way  kaneda  keeps  looking  down  at  the  palms  of  his  hands  /  she  notices  the  way  he’s  been  returning  from  longer  -  than  -  normal  bathroom  runs  with  red  eyes  &  tear  -  stained  cheeks  /  she  places  a  hand  on  his  shoulder  when  his  body  starts  to  tremble  in  the  middle  of  the  night  instead  of  rest.  the  destruction  of  everything  they’ve  known  &  the  losses  they’ve  all  endured  had  been  rough  on  everyone,  but  both  kai  &  usagi  agree  that  whatever  it  was  kaneda  saw  that  night  at  the  stadium  for  the  2020  olympics  had  taken  a  toll  on  his  usually  -  chipper  attitude.
     they  sit  in  front  of  the  rubble  that  once  was  harukiya  bar.  kaisuke  refuses  to  look  over  at  the  pile  of  cement,  stone,  &  rubar  as  kei  travels  ahead  brandishing  a  pistol  to  scout  the  convenience  store  nearby  for  food.  with  shotaro  sitting  beside  her  on  the  same  slab  of  concrete,  young  tsukino  focuses  on  placing  band  -  aids  over  fresh  cuts  on  her  hands  &  arms.  though  she  is  silent,  her  mind  most  certainly  is  not  ;  the  biggest  question  on  it  that  lingers  is  :  WHERE  IS  MY  FAMILY  ??  were  ikuko,  kenji,  &  shingo  looking  for  her  ??  had  they  miraculously  survived  the  chaos  &  carnage  like  so  many  other  people  had  ??  OR  HAD  THEY  NOT  MADE  IT,  watching  their  crappy  cable  television  in  their  rickety  /  old  apartment  building,  waiting  for  their  beloved  usagi  to  return  home  that  night,  listening  to  the  news  report  on  shima’s  telepathic  rampage  through  the  streets  ??  it  pains  her,  causes  her  chest  to  tighten  &  ache,  to  think  of  what  was  going  through  their  minds  when  the  blast  wrecked  neo  -  tokyo  &  everything  in  it. 
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     trying  not  to  think  about  it  too  much  is  made  slightly  -  easier  whenever  kaneda  does  /  says  something  that  distracts  her.  his  movement  this  time  is  silent  but  the  action  speaks  louder  than  any  word  that  could  come  out  of  his  mouth  would.  her  hand  stops  in  it’s  movements  as  boy’s  forehead  makes  contact  with  her  shoulder,  an  exhale  through  his  nose  HARDLY  AUDIBLE  but  loud  enough  for  her  to  catch.  familiarly  -  rough,  calloused  hands  grip  her  forearm,  &  usagi  lets  her  head  loll  to  the  side,  resting  temple  atop  kaneda’s  hair. 
     it  wasn’t  a  rarity  for  them  to  be  touching  each  other  in  SOME  way  ;  back  before  civilization  crumbled  in  an  instant,  usagi  &  kaneda  were  essentially  glued  to  the  hip,  his  arm  thrown  lazily  but  happily  over  her  shoulders,  or  her  arms  wrapped  around  his,  clutching  it  to  her  chest  affectionately.  now,  moments  like  these  between  them  held  more  weight  than  before.  meant  more  than  they  ever  did.  life  could  be  ripped  away  in  a  millisecond  ———  it  took  that  cosmic  big  bang  less  than  a  minute  to  end  more  than  two  million  lives.  so  many  things  could  happen  in  a  flash  that  could  end  lives  or  end  opportunities  ;  shotaro  kaneda  &  usagi  tsukino  are  just  children  who  have  had  to  adapt  to  not  taking  life’s  little  moments  for  GRANTED. 
     and  even  if  he  isn’t  ready  to  tell  her,  or  anyone,  what  happened  with  tetsuo  &  kaori  in  the  end,  she’d  wait  an  eternity  if  she  had  to.  (  whenever  he  was  ready.  )
affection  memes  !!  ||  accepting  !!  ||  @badfored  !!
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badfored-blog · 6 years
talkin to nat .... brings me so much joy .....
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badfored-blog · 6 years
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wow ! 💖
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badfored-blog · 6 years
what’s that one movie that has you like “that’s MY movie” ?
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badfored-blog · 6 years
whats it like being the only fucking good kaneda on this goddamn website?
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