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There were noticeably few people out and about New York, but that didn’t stop Quinn from having a protective arm wrapped around her boyfriend’s waist. The jealous looks of a few girls close to their age caused Quinn to raise an eyebrow, silently warning the females to stay the hell away from her man. The dark clothes, heavy makeup, and bright pink hair helped her look intimidating, and she was silently thankful she hadn’t impulsively dyed her hair back blonde that weekend. Pulling him just a tiny bit closer as they neared the café, Quinn turned her head and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, affirming to any watchers that he was, indeed, hers.
 The young couple walked into the quaint little café, and Quinn’s interest was immediately piqued. She wasn’t the sort of girl who expected her boyfriend to do outlandishly romantic things, but it was nice to have him do something cute for her every once in awhile. She could tell he, too, was feeling the need to stake his claim as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. She happily laid her head back against his shoulder as they waited in line for their turn, her eyes studying the people around them. She noted a few people watching the two of them curiously, and rolled her eyes at the thought. They were overdressed, but she didn’t care. Like Sam said, it was romantic, and Quinn was loving every second of it.
 Quinn waited quietly as he ordered for the both of them, her lips quirking up in a tiny smile when he ordered bacon. He obviously knew the quickest way to get to Quinn Fabray’s heart, and she immediately squeezed his hand softly to show her approval. After a moment, they made their way to a small table in the back, and Quinn licked her lips subconsciously as he placed the bacon in front of her. As soon as he gave her the green light, she reached over and grabbed a piece of her favorite food, her eyes fluttering closed as she took a bite. “So good,” she moaned softly in approval of the taste, before slowly opening her eyes, her cheeks tinged red with embarrassment. “Um… Sorry,” she mumbled, averting her eyes as she took another bite.
 After a moment, Quinn picked up her coffee and took a drink, her cheeks fading to their usual color. Once she swallowed, she placed the cup back onto the table and looked up at her boyfriend. “Thank you for bringing me here,” she said softly, giving him one of the most genuine smiles her lips had seen in weeks. She could feel her badass persona slipping away, and she was more than okay with that – at least, for the moment, when she was with Sam.
He watched Quinn eat her bacon with an eyebrow cocked up, and a smirk on his lips. He chuckled and shook his head, "What is it with girls and bacon?" he reached over to grab one off her plate and take a bite, grinning as she gave him a disapproving look. He put the rest of the bacon back on her plate, and took his coffee, taking a sip and setting the cup down. He watched her eat for a bit, smiling at her. "I love you." he cocked his head slightly to the side, examining her face.
From a span of two days, she had gone from the pink haired bad girl, to the pink haired...nicer girl. Either way he still wouldnt have broken up with her. She was perfect through his eyes, no matter how she looked on the outside. 
He started biting into his food, eating a bit of everything, until he was full to the point were a large burp escaped his lips. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand as he watched Quinns hilarious, disgusted look. Leaning over the table to plant a small kiss to her lips, and sitting back down, he laughed. "You done?" he asked, looking down at her plate that had been empty for a while now. So what? He ate alot. 
He scooted out of his chair, standing next to Quinn and holding a hand out, "Cmon, lets head back to the hotel. Mr Schues probably noticed were gone by now. He'll probably lock us in our rooms as a 'punishment'", he chuckled, taking Quinns hand in his and helping her up. He pushed the door open for her, letting her step out before following close behind. He wrapped a warm arm about her shoulder, pulling her closer to him as they passed by some guys that were probably checking Quinn out--they were doing a terrible job hiding it. He leaned down to Quinns ear and whispered, "Youre mine," smiling.
S&Q || Let me sweep you off your feet and take you to paradise...or out to breakfast
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i wont be on until saturday because i really need to focus on school right now so just a heads up!(: see you all in 2 dayss; haha
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GAH. I’M ON TESTS. IT SUCKS. And I’m leaving for my cousin’s wedding this friday and i won’t be on until monday :( don’t miss me too much ;) hahaha i will miss ya!
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ooc: GUYS
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Although she would never admit it, Quinn was a sucker for cheesy, romantic gestures. She consistently tried her very hardest to not fall for them, but it was just so difficult at times. Especially when it came to Sam; even when he was singing to her in that classroom on one of the first days the two had met, Quinn found him completely and utterly adorable. His charm was irresistible for her, and she absolutely loved it.
She watched, an amused expression on her face, as he closed her hotel room door behind him and left. For a moment, Quinn considered simply going back to bed and seeing if he would come after her. However, after a moment’s thought, she realized she would be foolish to think he wouldn’t come for her. He loved her, and he had proved that before. She didn’t need to force him to do so today.
With that thought in mind, Quinn threw the covers off of her and scrambled out of bed. She was excited to see what he had planned – even if he was just taking her out for breakfast, she was sure it would be some sort of unforgettable experience. Over the next several minutes, Quinn became somewhat of a whirlwind. She brushed her teeth, combed her hair, applied her makeup – dark, but not as dark as it had been recently – picked out a simple but elegant black dress, and slipped on a pair of flats. It was different from her recent norm, but she was oddly okay with that. It would be a morning spent with Sam, and she knew he didn’t really care what she wore. He just wanted to be with her.
The moment she deemed herself acceptable, Quinn grabbed her purse and made her way out the door. She took her time going downstairs, not wanting to seem too anxious or eager for their date. She was sure he knew she was excited, but she wasn’t ready to quite admit that out loud yet. After all, badass Quinn was never excited about anything, regardless of who it involved.
As she stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby, Quinn’s eyes scanned the room, searching for her boyfriend. Her eyes found his, and she crossed the room, sneaking up behind him. She slid her arms slowly around his waist and stood up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck. “Come here often?” She whispered in his ear in her raspy voice, before pulling away and smirking up at him as he turned to face her. “Come on. If we’re doing this, let’s get a move on. It’s too early to simply stand around.” Quinn complained in a dull voice as she slid her hand into her boyfriend’s. She squeezed his hand softly as they walked, leaning her head against his shoulder. 
He stood in the middle of the hotel lobby, shifted his weight to the tip of his foot, then the heel, then the tip, and vice versa. Humming a small tune, he shoved his hands in his pocket, looking around the huge building her was currently in, and chewing on his lower lip. He was fumbling with something in his pocket--probably keys--when he felt someones arm slide around his waist. He was hesitant for a bit, not really wanting to turn around and find an old 80 year old lady staring back at him, but he calmed down when he heard Quinns voice in his ear. He smiled grimly and turned around to wrap his own arms around her waist, "Only when my girlfriends here." he leaned down slowly to kiss her, but it turned into her dragging him out of the hotel. He chuckled a bit--a smile never leaving his lips.
Outside, it was a bit cold--not freezing, but a cold wind blew through them. He, being the hopeless romantic he was, took off his jacket and swung it around Quinns shoulders, "Sorry, I wouldve called a cab but those people in the movies never take a cab when theyre going on a date." he grinned smugly and laughed. They walked for what seemed like half an hour. He wanted to wander around Time Square for a bit before taking Quinn to where they were actually headed. It was nice to take it all in, and there werent as many people on the streets as theyd expect in the afternoon. Most people were probably asleep--in the city that never slept.
A few more minutes passed by and he finally led them to Europa Cafe. He swung the door open for her, stepping aside and holding out a hand for her, gesturing her to go in--a smile still glued to his face. He walked in after Quinn and waited in the short line with her, with his hands wrapped tightly around her waist, standing behind her. He didnt want any New York idiots hitting on his girl.
He ordered for both of them; a ham and cheese croissant, an egg sandwhich, some bacon--off course, for Quinn!--yogurt parfait, and coffee for both of them. It wasnt a very expensive visit, so he was able to pay them with all the money he had in his pocket. After ordering their food, they both sat down at a table near the back of the cafe. Sam carefully laid out all of the food, making sure to put the bacon near Quinn, so she'd get the hint. "Okay," he set both of their coffees down and sat back in his chair, "Pick up whatever you feel like eating." he chuckled and picked up his ham and cheese croissant, taking a large bite out of it. They hadnt eaten since they arrive here, knowing the airplane food was...yuck. And everyone basically went to sleep as soon as they reached the hotel.
S&Q || Let me sweep you off your feet and take you to paradise...or out to breakfast
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“No, please! Give her to me!” Quinn screamed, fighting hard to break away from the invisible hands that were holding her back. She watched, horror written all over her face, as a man dressed in all black carried Beth away. She didn’t know how, but she just knew the man was taking Beth away to murder her. Her screams became louder as she fought harder, but it was to no avail.  Her daughter would be out of her sight in a matter of seconds. However, just before her daughter disappeared, she heard a voice in her ear. She snapped her head around, looking for the source of the voice. “HELP!” She screamed, hoping whoever was speaking could hear her. Suddenly, the room began shaking, and then faded to black…
 Quinn gasped softly for air as she finally awoke, Sam’s voice deep in her ear. Sitting up quickly, she pressed a hand to her chest and attempted to catch her breath. That dream had been so real. It felt like her baby was being taken away from all over again, and that hurt more than any of her past dreams had. For weeks, Quinn had been having nightmare after nightmare. She didn’t know if they were a product of sleeping alone again, or if it had more to do with the picture of Beth that Shelby sent her. Regardless, Quinn was sick of the nightmares that had been plaguing her for too long.
 As her heart finally slowed, Quinn glanced over her shoulder and finally realized her boyfriend was in bed with her. Offering him a slight smile, she laid back down and turned her head to the side, watching him. “Hey,” she murmured, scooting a little closer to him in bed, wanting him to hold her but not wanting to ask for it. “What time is it?” She asked softly, blinking her eyes a little in confusion. She hadn’t planned on waking up with her boyfriend in bed with her, but she wasn’t at all complaining. 
His eyes grew wide as he instantly backed away, his hands up in defense when she shot up from her bed, gasping. "Woah. Hey," he slowly laid himself back down on the bed, watching her for a minute. She had a bit of sweat damped on her forehead, "Bad dream?" he asked with a cock of his head.
When she laid down next to him, he almost instantly wrapped his arms around her, having it be a habit since the first time they slept in a bed together. He looked at her, examining her face. "Its like..6 am. I dont know," he shrugged as if it werent that early. He unwrapped himself from her, smiling and getting out of the bed to show off his tuxedo, "You like?" he grinned, biting down on his lower lip.
He watched the confusion flush over her face, and he smiled at her, getting on his knees and leaning his elbows onto her bedside, "Im taking you out to breakfast. So get up," he stood up and took her hand, pulling her up to sit, "And get dressed. I'll meet you in the lobby." he smiled smugly and turned on his heel, opening the door, but then turning back around when he didnt hear Quinn move.
"Cmon Quinn, its romantic. Just..." he gestured her to the bathroom, air brushing his teeth, then gestured towards the closet, pointed to her, and then pretended he was wearing a dress and smoothing down the skirt. He saw her cock her eyebrow up, obviously amused from his little charade act. He rolled his eyes and flung the door open stepping out and chuckling lightly, "Dont take too long. Coz then ill assume youre dead and ill start to panic," he said quickly over his shoulder before shutting the door and heading down to the lobby. 
S&Q || Let me sweep you off your feet and take you to paradise...or out to breakfast
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S&Q || Let me sweep you off your feet and take you to paradise...or out to breakfast
Sam woke up at 6 am, suffering from insomnia the whole night. He finally decided to get out of bed and do something productive for a change. So he put on his tuxedo--the one he was supposed to save for sectionals, or regionals, or whatever the reason it was to come to New York in the first place. Walking outside in a tuxedo wasnt the most normal thing to do, but heck, it was New York. City of love, as Puck had told him--though he couldve sworn that was Paris.
He quietly crept out of his room and down the hallway, towards where Quinn was rooming. He turned the handle on her door--which was surprisingly open. She must have kept it unlocked incase he wanted to stop by. She knew him too well.
He pushed the door open, stepping in and shutting the door behind him. He tip toed over to Quinns bed quietly, until pulling the covers up so he could get in with her. He laid there for a minute, staring at her with a smile plastered on his face. It was still pretty dark, so he hoped she would see his face, and not think he was some weird creep.
He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, lingering there for a minute before pulling away. When she didnt wake up, he tried again. The third time, he propped his head up on his hand, with his elbow resting on the pillow, and he moved towards her ear, "Quinn," he smiled and looked down at her, who was still asleep. Man, she was a heavy sleeper, "Quinn, wake up," he shook her by the shoulder a bit.
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I dont like cities but I like New York
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ooc; yes! what time though? haha because were all in jacked up time zones xD
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Quinn’s eyes fell to the cigarette when he asked her to stop smoking, her eyebrows furrowed. She wanted to. She wanted to give him what he wanted, and if he wanted her to stop, she wanted to do it. Besides, it wasn’t like smoking was doing a lot of things for her. If anything, it was just making her teeth look awful and her breath smell bad. It had helped numb her body for awhile, but if Sam were going to be insistent about being around her, it wouldn’t do much good anyway. He made her feel too much; no amount of smoking could ever dull what he made her feel. Humming softly, Quinn brought her eyes up to meet Sam’s, a torn expression on her face. “I can’t…” She mumbled, fighting as hard as she could to keep the tears that were accumulating behind her eyes from falling. She was so torn.
He made matters even harder for her when he moved closer to her, whispering his love for her. Quinn’s breath caught in her throat at his admission, and she slowly brought a hand up to lightly rest against his neck as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes tightly, a few tears beginning to spill from her eyes as the emotions she had been running from hit her like a ton of bricks. “I love you too,” she whispered in a broken voice, tears still spilling down her cheeks as she brought her other hand out to make a fist in his t-shirt.
After a moment, she took a deep breath, dropping her head onto his shoulder. It didn’t matter how hard she fought it, he was still Sam, and she was still Quinn, and she couldn’t possibly tell him no.  Burying her face in his neck, Quinn slid her arms around his body and leaned fully into him, finally breaking down completely. “If you swear to keep Berry and every single one of those bitchy girls away from me, I’ll go… for you.” She mumbled into his neck, her voice thick with the tears she was finally shedding.  
He licked his lips and pulled her chin up so she was facing him. He put a hand on her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Its okay Quinn..." he whispered to her as she balled the fabric of his shirt in her fist. He rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her, though he knew nothing would really do the trick at this moment. He could tell she really didnt want to open up like this.
He ran his fingers through her pink hair when she rested her head on his shoulder, burying her face into his neck. "Dont worry. They wont bother you." he smiled lightly, leaning into her. 
After a bit of just standing there with her in his arms, he heard her stop crying, which led him to pull away just a bit to look at her face again. He dark makeup was running down her cheeks and she looked up at him with such sad eyes, he literally felt his heart break. Pulling a part of his shirt up, he covered it over his hand and wiped away the mixture of eyeliner and tears from her cheek. "Quinn your makeups running..." he tried to say in the most sincere way possible.
Seeing her like this was aching is heart, though he couldnt help but smile at her. "Youre beautiful, you know that?" he leaned down to plant a small kiss on her lips. "I promise, I wont let anyone come near you that you dont want. We can stick together the whole trip, alright?" He looked out at coach Bieste whos face was bright red, yelling at the guys who were lined up in a horizontal line infront of her. "Wheres Evans?!" she yelled in her angry, manly voice.
Sam bit his bottom lip, looking back to Quinn, "I gotta go. Shes gonna make me do an extra 50 laps," he attempted to joke, chuckling just a bit. "Meet me here after practice and ill take you home, okay?" he smiled and leaned down again to kiss her on the lips, lingering there for a minute before resting his forehead on hers, staring into her eyes, and then slowly unwrapping his arms from her and walking, then running, then sprinting to where the other guys and Bieste were.
S&Q || What happened to the old Quinn?
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sorry i wasnt very active today and only wrote back like...once to quinn D;
i have this really huge paper thats due tomorrow and im getting all stressed about it and i wont be on the rest of the night :(
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Sighing softly, Quinn ran her fingers through her choppy pink locks, her eyes focused off in the distance over Sam’s shoulder. It was just so hard to believe her fellow members of Glee club had missed her. Why hadn’t anyone looked for her? As far as she was aware, the one and only person who had even acknowledged her absence was Sam. Her mother had left her notes saying he had called, and she knew for herself that he had been leaving messages on her phone. However, in her mind, if he wanted to find her, he would physically look for her. If the other members of Glee missed her, they would do the same.
But maybe they had. It was possible; since Quinn had obviously been unaware Sam had been physically seeking her out. Biting down on her bottom lip, Quinn shifted her focus back to Sam when he stepped towards her again, the heat from his body radiating off of him. Her breath became somewhat uneven in their close proximity – the fact they hadn’t seen one another in awhile made his effect on her ten times more obvious. “Do you want me to come back, Sam?” She asked, peering up at him with questioning eyes. “Do you miss me? Would you miss me if I weren’t in New York with you?” She wanted him to say yes; she wanted him to tell her that nothing would be the same without her there, and it wouldn’t even be worth going if she weren’t by his side.  It was clingy and sort of ridiculous, but she wanted that. She just wanted him to want her around.
At his question, Quinn shrugged her shoulders, looking around at the area under the bleachers. “Pretty much,” she said honestly, twirling the cigarette in her hand between her fingers. “Sometimes we go to someone’s house, if we run out of cigarettes or need something new to smoke…” She trailed off, her eyes flickering back to his to read his reaction. She wondered what he would think if he knew some of the things she had been doing lately. “Didn’t even think to look here for me, did ya?” She asked, a falsely amused look on her face as she studied his expression.  
He raised an eyebrow at her question, "Off course I want you back. Off course I miss you. Off course I want you to come to New York with me. It...wouldnt be the same without you." he frowned slightly. It really wouldnt have. He probably wouldnt have gone, considering he couldnt bring himself to leave Ohio without Quinn right by his side. "Do you think I wouldnt have? Do you really think id go if you werent going? Quinn, youre crazy." he laughed once and smiled at her, reaching up to move some pink hair from her eyes.
He stared at the cigarette in her fingers, twirling around with no problem. He watched her face carefully. He didnt think he could feel so much sorrow for one person in his life. "Stop smoking..." he whispered, still staring at the cigarette. He flicked his eyes back up to hers.
He looked around at the scenery surrounding them. "I didnt think anyone came here..." he laughed once, humourlessly. If Quinn were to change from her girly self, he would have never imagined her to turn into someone like this. Pink hair and nose piercings. Hand me down clothes and a smoker. "Quinn..." he looked down at her, watching as she tried so hard to keep that bored expression on her face, "I love you." he leaned forward a bit to press a small kiss on her forehead. 
"Will you come to New York with us? With me?" he asked. He was prepared to hear a 'no', and walk away. What was the sense in trying if the other person didnt want you to? He made a promise to Quinn, to never pressure her to do anything. Although by that, he meant go to second base, but it also implied to alot of things. This, counting as one. He wasnt going to pressure her to go back to her old self if she didnt want to. He would stand by her side and support her, and be there for her, because that was the promise he had made her, and he was planning on keeping it.
S&Q || What happened to the old Quinn?
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