Backstories & Backstabbings
31 posts
I do not own any of these images; I am merely using them as visual reference since I cannot draw.
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backstoriesandbackstabbings · 9 months ago
cats will be like oh you're walking somewhere? no WE'RE walking somewhere. and i will get there first. where is 'there' btw
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(The writing here is slanted and smudged as the previous entry. It does look hastily written, and there are several water damage spots on the pages.) 
We traveled to Everwood after completing the trials for Aryndra and teaming up briefly with the Iron King and his team: Elder Banwynn & Maple (elder vampire brother to Cedar and Birch). 
The Iron King agreed to meet us here -- a meeting which I proposed to assist Tobias and his studies. I never questioned why he was so interested in the world’s first immortal. Now though, I worry that I am too late to ask. 
When we first arrived to Everwood, we took note of the giant tear in the sky and Cyrus came across a poster for a challenge that both he and Mullus were very interested in. I thought that we had more time, so I saw no harm in competing. We did a bit of shopping, I got my hair done and ran into a familiar face:  Pseudoris. We caught up briefly, and discovered that she ran away from Emerald Harbor....again.
I saw Edan in the crowd that day and my heart felt lighter than it has in the last few weeks! Of course I should have followed the crowd and the gold, the easiest way to track my slippery brother. Booze, beautiful people, and gold. Is that sacrilegious to write now that he is a God? Presumably, Edan made some good coin off of us, and of course I bet through him. As Grandmother would say: Waste not, want not. Betting on my life is a safe enough gamble, if I lose, I will be too dead to mourn the loss of coin.
Of course, considering that I am writing this entry, we survived and won. The affair consisted of three challenges, the last of which was a draconic-hydra beast. After securing our earnings from an Orc named Biscuit, the party split up for a bit, with a plan to meet back here in this tavern; The Hero’s Hearth. 
Cyrus and I went off to the library to finally meet up with Tobias. After speaking with the information desk, the elf informed me that he was sent on a mission with his tutor, Mistral. I scried on Tobias whilst in the Amerenthian Library. A spot I remember him showing me in the Dreams that we shared together. I had hoped to see him again -- in person this time. Or so I thought. I had thought I had more time. I didn’t realize he was in danger. Tobias -- (The writing here is too smudged and the paper is water damaged leaving dark splotches of puddled ink. The writing continues on a new page.)
My vision revealed to me a floating glowing ribcage atop a throne of flesh and bone. The Ribcage, Mul’s alit with an eerie pulsating red glow that cast dark shadows across the dark underground interior.  The Ribcage humming, alive with this insatiable craving, wanting, a deep endless hunger. Behind me was the sound of flesh ripping, tearing from muscle and bone. The greedy mouths of the undead devouring and consuming down to the very marrow. The zombies huddled around the remains, and I was horrified to look. Scared of the face that may stare back at me. They were not Tobias. Thank the Gods and Goddesses. One male figure stood cloaked tall and imposing nearly ten feet away. I did not recognize his side-profile, he was a stranger to me. I will kill him and make him pay if he hurt my friend. I will raise him for the satisfaction of killing him again if I should discover that Tobias came to harm by his hand. I will make him crave the sweet release of a true death. (The letters here press deep into the paper, and the quill bled, ink dripping down slightly and there is a line break between the next paragraph.)
I told Edan what I saw, and even in his stupor I could sense his hesitation and fear. His heart raced under my cheek. Fearful for me, but too protective to allow me to go alone. I hope I don’t lead us all to such grave ends. But I fear -- I think Tobias may still be alive? How else would I be able to scry upon him? Perhaps his essence resides within the Ribcage? Please...forgive me, my friend. I never meant to fail you. If you are alive in there...I’m coming.
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(In slanted writing there is a recipe for Prickleberry Wine, the handwriting while still neat looks rushed and smudged in some places.)
Perfect Prickleberry Wine
5-6 lb. prickleberry fruit
2-1/2 lb. sugar
Yeast nutrient
1 tsp. acid blend
1 gallon water
Step 1
Peel all prickleberries
Boil prickleberries in water for 15 minutes then let cool until safe to touch.
Squeeze out all juice into gallon of water.
Add sugar.
Wait 1 day, then add prepared yeast.
Step 2
In a large cup add 4 ounces of warm clean water.
Stir the yeast into the water, then let mixture stand in cup for 15 minutes. Allow it to bubble before adding it to the wine.
Allow mixture to ferment with the pulp for 5-7 days. Gently agitate daily.
Foaming should reduce at which point, siphon the wine off of the sediment into a secondary container.
Step 3
Be patient and allow fermentation activity to die down. (Could be between several weeks to several months)
Step 4
Rack into a clean carboy.
Add remaining sugar to suit personal taste.
Step 5
Repeat the racking process 5-6 times in order to obtain maximum clarity include one day of rest each time to allow the sediment to settle. Note: Racking multiple times could risk oxidation thus ruining the wine but it will produce a higher quality if done properly.
Bottle the wine and let it sit for a minimum of 2 years.
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December 19th, 2021 - Session ?
It has been quite some time since I last wrote. If I am truthful, I don't feel such a need to write now that I have Edan back -- mostly. Maybe that is why I am writing again now. He is so close sometimes, and yet he feels so far. Where did the twin who I told everything go? When did all these secrets come between us? Is it my fault?
Nonetheless, to recap things, Erulu and Aewynn have continued to adventure with us. We stopped briefly outside of Bellbay to visit with Valentine and his family. The mother of his children is some servant girl from our past, her name is Annalee. She was... unremarkable to me then. I don't remember seeing her face. Shocking considering the scars that mar it now. Valentine seemed quite taken with her, if not wary of her wrath. I would confess to liking her myself, if that didn't feel like a betrayal of sorts. Edan and I spent the afternoon with them. He was...silent. I knew he must be hurting, so I did not fight when he left us. I hadn't realized how deeply he felt for Valentine. He did always love trouble...but I wish I could say something more to heal his heart.
I was touched to see that Valentine named his children after Edan and I. The boy is Elliot and the girl is Dana. Twins, of course. Valentine is blessed, but I firmly believe as their honorary aunt, that my niece and nephew deserve better. Thankfully, Valentine is not completely senseless, he feels the same. When this Devourer business is put behind us, I will ensure that they receive better than that small hovel. I wonder what has happened to Valeria? It is not safe for them to go back yet, I doubt she can protect them, even if Roland hasn't made a move into their territory.
When we resumed our boat ride to Port Dhelmes, we lost Mullus to Charybdis and some unavoidable circumstance. Although, we have picked up another companion in his place. Another wizard, another necromancer, named Norkus. I would be lying if I said I was not curious to know more of them. There is more than meets the eye, he appears to be already dead, but not under another's thrall? When he revealed his true form to us, it was that of an animated skeleton. Perhaps a lich? He himself cannot remember anything. He is a mystery, and despite my theories, I have nothing concrete to base them upon -- only feelings and conjecture.
We sailed onto our final destination to the city of Port Dhelmes. We received lodging in Governer Kien's manor. She is...eccentric to say the least, and seems to be struggling a great deal with the Vampire problem. Whole villages have been wiped out. While within the Manor; Cyrus managed to enter some dream realm and after foolishly risking his own life, by charging in alone headfirst like some reckless horned beast on a suicide mission -- he was able to rescue his Mother. I felt rather helpless, and I may have said some cruel things to him. Still, despite my own shortcomings, Aewynn was able to magically treat Lidara Lumenwood over the course of a few days. She remains at the Manor now while we adventure onward. I was relieved that she did not suffer a fate similar to Cyrus' mentor.
While within the Manor, I got carried away when Cyrus confessed to caring for me. I kissed his cheek in the library. A small gesture, but one that I now deeply regret. His estranged wife is Governer Kien's "Fey-Fey" a veiled elf woman with a child roughly ten years old. A child that likely belongs to Cyrus, considering the timeline.
For all my knowledge, I am a fool. I will do better and I will keep my distance. Edan comforted me that night, when he confessed his past feelings for Valentine. It is for the best this way. Cyrus and nobility hardly belong in the same breath after all, and I fully intend on reclaiming my lands and my titles. It was just a silly girl crush, and I intend to squash that all now. We are party members, no different than the others -- apart from our small agreement when this all ends. Besides, if I am honest with myself, I have been thinking of somebody else too often. Somebody not boorish or loud or crude. He is soft spoken and thoughtful, and so intelligent. Not like Cyrus Lumenwood at all.
Enough idle ramblings though. I sound like Volgrum and his cheeses and wines with all my talk of possible suitors. We have teleported to the town of Carza's Grotto with help from Sylberos. It's a dreadful humid, swamp that reeks of fish and bugs. While here, Aewynn and their feydragon companion, Quip, lead us to another of Volgrum's vaults. There we encountered Garrin and his daughter Sala. They were under the influence of the Devourer. We killed them both, and I found an odd orb, it is arcane in nature and seems to have some connection with the Devourer, it can grant great power. I haven't told anyone of it yet. I want to study it more in private, if it is truly out of my control I will consult Tobias or Norkus -- and then Silberos as a last resort. I admit, I am loathe to part with it though.
Upon exiting the collapsing tunnel, we encountered two vampires who work for a Mistress Akiva, the Countess of Blood. She has connections to the Iron King. Their names were Cedar and Birch. They know where the heart is. In exchange for this information, they want us to obtain a handful of god's artifacts. We have agreed, for now, as currently we have no other choice. Aki was utterly clueless other than a vague area when we sought a way around this.
Quip took us to the Feywilds, where we met with his "Ladylove", High Pixie Bernet. She informed us of the trials that we could pursue, and also marked the nearest of them on the map. Each corresponds with an element, and the Undying Ember from Syndri's hearth is our first artifact. First though we will rest here.
Unable to resist, I took a moment to myself in the bath house and I scryed upon Tobias. He is in the Winter Court, not far from here -- approximately three days journey. He was sleeping peacefully in a bed. I can't help but wonder what brought him to this plane. I wish I could speak with him like old times. Perhaps I shall slip into his dreams once more tonight, all seems quiet, why shouldn't I be a little selfish?
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May 23rd, 2021 - Session 30
I wish I could say that we were the heroes that we are named after. Truly our deeds did not feel so heroic. We did not participate in the battle to kill Isaka. Although, I admit to being somewhat grateful for this -- I am only mortal. A fact of which our party was reminded of when Cyrus fell unconscious during a fight within the other plane. Luckily it was nothing serious, and we were still able to continue on and dispatch of the Night Terror ourselves. It was a hard fought battle, with many of our usual exploits proving useless. Truthfully, those that I raised from their grim fate were more useful in that final battle than I myself was. Cyrus and Erulu were instrumental in bringing down Night Terror. Without them? I shudder to think. Cyrus insists that my spell of Haste is to thank, and he expressed his gratitude rather boldly. I am too embarrassed to write more on the matter.
When Night Terror finally was killed by our hands, we were teleported somewhere and I was able to witness Mul deliver the final blow to Isaka. I have never felt such fear. It was like watching the few final sands slip through an hourglass. I used everything at my disposal to bridge the gap and could only pray I was close enough, before exposing the lantern. Like a moth to a flame, she was drawn to it. Her soul rests inside of it now. My half of the deal was done and the relief and exhaustion I felt in that moment...
After everything, we were escorted out by Ravica. She left us to re-join Her Majesty and Gar, whom we saved at the beginning of all this. They were kind enough to replenish what losses we endured -- restoring Cyrus' plate armor, giving Mullus a temporary weapon, and bolts/arrows for all. I took a pair of daggers for Edan, thinking they would be helpful in the journey ahead.
While some of us perused the armory, Silveros restored our souls, something we had loaned in order to gain access to that plane. I received a letter from Perris, on Valentine's behalf. It's obvious there was some sort of cypher in the letter, and it was easy enough to decipher once I had a moment alone, "Look up Bellbay." That was where I last saw him, and where I scryed upon him last. I'm half-tempted to ignore this request, as he has ignored me. But, my mind is not made up yet, and I can't help but feel that something is terribly wrong here. Why did Valentine linger there? Why not go home to his boys? Val a father? Such a strange thought...
Once Silveros returned us to Emerald Harbor, and we left Mayor Brightbane and Wither to their night in, we came back to the Fortune's Wheel. Immediately, I summoned Edan back to me, and I felt his heart beating against my chest. I felt his arms hug me back. Like a switch that had been flipped, he was given back to me. My twin. My joy was inexplicable. It still doesn't feel real, but it is. He is alive. I wish this entry could end there. In joyful tears and a perfect ending. My brother restored to me whole and in one-piece. But I was not the only one with shadowy dealings. Edan also had a deal. He will not be lingering long. Even now my gaze falls to him and my happy smile is tempered by the thought that I will look up and he shall not be beside me. Edan is to take Mul's place as the God of Redemption. Oh Grandma, you always said we were meant for greatness, that we were blessed and devine, but this?! I can't follow him there. I can't go and sit at that Court. Why would he make a deal where I can't go with him? Edan...why? Why couldn't you let me fix this? Why did I not bargain with ____ to turn back the hands of time instead? My twin brother, a god? The thought is difficult to believe.
So, my goal is accomplished, at least partially. The plan was to lie low, get Edan back, and then take back our family home together. I never intended to get involved with attempting to save the world. I am no hero. I am an arcane scholar and a lady of court. I am not some selfless adventurer with a death wish. Perhaps I shall ask Tobias his opinion tonight?.I do hope to see him again and share the news.
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"And now I see you from a distance,
I watch you flourish from afar,
Sending thoughts and all well wishes"
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Eliana’s Journal 03/28
We finally succeeded in clearing out the tower and rescuing Ravaca. Our group has grown slightly. A pink tiefling named Erullu joined us; a ranger with a short temper. They seem to have come from some swamp? The accent though is Dun Volleth. I worry, as those who cover their faces cannot be trusted. But, truthfully we can’t afford to turn away help. We will need it even more going forward. For now, they may travel with us, but in the meantime...I will be watching closely.
An elf named Aywin also joined our band at the same time, but it doesn’t seem like the pair knew one another. They worship Aelara, and seem fairly devoted -- admittedly I let my guard down a bit much after learning this. But, they only ever healed us, and truly I am grateful to have more healing hands around. In fact, it is a job that I am happily done with. When we emerged victorious, Ravaca rewarded us with a dip into her waters, where I was able to choose a different path. Worship and borrowed power was not a good idea, I will walk my own path guided by my own ability and knowledge. Unfortunately this decision will cost me my defenses. I shall be a proverbial glass canon. I should have a discussion with them all about this before we fight again.
After the dip in Ravaca’s waters, we headed back battered and bruised to the Inn. My troubles began then, for Edan would not respond to anybody. He was like a corpse. I felt fear pierce me like a dagger in the heart. I was lucky enough to notice the dagger in his. After curing the wound, he returned to me. He explained as best as he could about where he goes when I send him away, and how he was able to confront Roland. He even was able to tell us who showed him how to travel in such a way -- Vilcoth. Somebody that I was already equal parts wary and curious about. I made Edan promise me not to return to the manor alone. I can’t lose him, not again.
After this was all settled, I alerted Cyrus and Mullus of the flowers. Cyrus burned them. He seemed furious, asking why I did not do so before. Truthfully, I’m not sure why I didn’t? After all, I know that Roland and/or somebody in his employ watches me. They don’t need the flowers help to do so. I have never received flowers before, but I should have burned them right away. 
Cyrus also made a suggestion that I buy some inconspicuous clothing -- for now. It makes sense, although I am loathe to give up the last dredges of any proper society, he is right. Ugh. Even writing that makes me annoyed, as I sit here in pants, like a man. Maybe I gave into his suggestion because it was smart. Maybe I gave in because I found out his wife is still alive? And just like that this dance between us, the flirting, and this negligible spark has sputtered out faster than hellish rebuke flames.  
Still, I want Cyrus to be happy, if not for selfless reasons than for entirely selfish ones. I see him sometimes as the sum of loneliness, of old wounds festered and gangrene, I see him as vengeance weaponized. I want happiness for him, selfishly so that I can believe that there is happiness for me too. That it’s possible, because surely if Cyrus can succeed, then so can I. I will do anything in my power to help him reunite with his wife, if that is what he wishes.
He also mentioned that this information came from Noodles aka Elis the God of Luck. They were the one most interested in him vowing to them instead. Truthfully, I don’t know what Cyrus will choose. I know that the silence can be insufficient. I know better than most. But, is Luck what he wants to base his faith in? I’m not so sure. 
I took the night to myself and I scryed upon: Vilcoth, Tobias, and Valentine. Unfortunately, my attempt to scry upon Vilcoth was a failure. Tobias was in the process of discussing the Iron King, who is responsible for what is currently occuring on the Pale Isle. It was something I have heard before, but the knowledge was a welcome refresher. I am curious to see his instructor, I wonder who they are, how did they meet, is she as talented as Grandfather -- surely not? Oh well, it’s no matter. Valentine was my last scry. He sat alone, eating a ration, in a forest near Bell Bay -- not far from where we parted ways. He looked miserable. You would think that would please me, especially given how things ended between us? I am sad to say that it doesn’t please me. But even as angry as I am at him, my heart ached seeing him alone. I know what it is like to be alone now, and I hate it. I don’t want him to be alone. He has a family, two of them, so why is he alone?
In the meantime, Caith and Silveros teleported us to Yuvonjunar. Caith’s room was....jarring. All about were schizophernic writings, ���Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door Don’t Open the Door.” And she confessed to wanting to open it, to something wanting her to. Time is up, we will either save Caim, or die trying. I just learned a new spell, I hope to return so that I may try it. 
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Ixarthuum guards the seat of power.
First door says the journey of life takes many paths; sometimes one must tread the path of darkness in order to find the light
2nd door says: be wary of the beast with 9 lives.
hall of scattered dreams
a spectre of roland says, “yellow and afraid will lead you down the wrong path”
banquet hall with large yellow crystals
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Eli’s Journal Entry 03/07/21
(There is no true journal entry on this page, mostly just some scratched notes scattered across the page in a hasty scrawl)
Cursed items have bee cleansed.
Saved Raven Ravaca & cleared her temple of devils. 
Headed into Everglome to save her father, Caim.
Ask her about dream spell?
How many other gods walk among us? I have had suspicions about Noodles for quite some time. 
Noodles = Elis
Silveros = Locheran? 
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Eliana’s Journal Entry 02/28/21
After the drama of the day prior, I decided to seek out answers. I attempted to assert control over Edan, and surprisingly felt no resistance. The Pious Spectre spell went as it should, and I am able to shift my consciousness to Edan. I expected something to block me, I expected maybe to feel another presence or something within his mind. This level of autonomy is...unexpected but mostly welcome. I would be far more depressed if what little piece of Edan in there was not. 
Edan and I went in seek of answers, and in the sewers we found a hidden place dedicated to Mull. I followed him in, and though I miss my twin’s laughter, hearing it then chilled me to the bone. It is not truly him. That autonomy from before disappeared, as Mul took him. We spoke briefly, and though he did not share much, I left with more knowledge than I had before. Some riddles solved, but as always, more questions linger in their place. 
Yerdek’s soul resides in the abyss, as I expected. And unfortunately my other hunch was correct as well, another God turns their gaze to my wavering paladin companion. Cyrus will be propositioned soon. He is strong, and his faith could be unwavering if given proper...incentive. Mul also confirmed that I am not his champion. I nearly asked if Edan was, but I resisted the temptation. I fear the answer. Instead I asked if there were further plans for my brother’s vessel. Perhaps Mul was not the only vague one. I was surprised to see fear upon Edan’s face. It hurt. The last time I saw that fear, a sword was shoved through his chest.
I have never felt such a hot fury for my twin. If I could have beat the snot out of him, I would have. I have harbored this guilt of damning him for months. It has festered in my heart and mind, making me feel like a monster -- somebody who would do anything for my twin no matter the cost that he would pay if I failed. Now I come to realize, I am not the monster I thought. A promise to Mul, oh Edan....what have you done? What have we done?
When I entered the tavern next, a bouquet of roses and apples awaited me from Roland. I would know their sweet taste anywhere. They are from my mother’s tree. They are from the manor. Blood red roses, and at the center, a rotten apple. It feels threatening, and sick, twisted like some mockery of love and kindness. I attempted to scry on the rose, to no avail. My prying eyes were blocked. 
Despite my own concerns and worries, despite Roland’s dwindling patience -- for that is all that I can describe this as -- the world will not wait. Another marker will not wait. We must travel on and go to the temple of Ravaca, whom Mull confirmed is still sane for the moment. A priestess named Mother Nym escorted us to the temple and blessed us. And now we make our way to the top of the tower and to the Evergloom. 
Upon entering we saw a statue of Af, a herald of Ravaca. There is an inscription under his statue that says, “Let the faithful now adjourn and garb themselves accordingly. Let them take the sacred objects that they may properly adorn the altar of the Lunar Goddess and make our Lady welcome in Her sanctuary.”
The sacred objects are typical things like candlesticks, chalices, incense, etc. We put them in place, donned the robes, and proceeded forward. The next trial involved placing a book, sword, stone, and a pitcher to the corresponding statue. After which we were accosted by a Chort devil. A devilish thing with goat legs and horns. We defeated it and now we rest and lick our wounds before continuing on. I fear the battles ahead, I am already so tired. 
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Eli’s To-Do List
1. Try and command Edan to do something.
2. Try and use Edan as a familiar; if successful, attempt to speak as him. 
3. Try and speak to Mul regarding this champion business -- and about Cyrus.
4. Insight check Edan, to ascertain if he is acting as normal or not.
5. Contact Other Plane to speak with Mul or one of his close servants
Questions to Ask:
Has Mul fallen as Isaka has?
Has Sekogin fallen to madness as well?
Does Mul intend to use Yerdek’s soul? 
Does Mul have interest in converting Cyrus to become his paladin?
Is Edan acting as a Vessel for Mul?
0 notes
Eliana’s Journal Entry 02/21/21
It has taken time for me to sequester away long enough to write in this journal once more. Much has happened. Perhaps one day an adventurer will come across this book, and find similar ramblings as I once did with Volgrum. I can only hope to spare any future reader ramblings of Prickleberry wine and breads.
My party has finally reached Darkspire after almost a five day journey and the purchase of an Ox -- Cyrus named him Fred -- and a wagon. The journey was slow, but worthwhile. I was able to use my time more efficiently in the wagon to transcribe two spells from Volgrum’s spellbook: Scrying and Legend Lore. I was also able to dedicate a little time to the enchanting of a gold coin, my own personal little pet project.
While in Darkspire I procured the components necessary, and cast both new spells. Legend Lore revealed to me the true nature of the Lantern, but it was nothing that Tobias and myself had not already uncovered. Luckily, Edan was able to reveal its purpose to me in a drawing. I only wonder if Isaka is beyond saving, nonetheless I will do as Mul desires.
Speaking of the divine. We had a long lengthy discussion in the tavern regarding them. Cyrus has revealed that he is not Crall’s champion. Mullus has revealed the same for he and Charybdis. I have never thought to ask Mul if I am to be his. It matters little to me. I will dedicate my life to Mul, worshipping, praying, and sacrificing -- champion or not. I need no title, for I have his word. Mul will give me my twin back whole and restored. Cyrus on the other hand has already sworn his oath to Crall. It appears that it was not his silence that shook him but rather his words. The pair spoke back in Khego. Crall is wary of Cyrus’ company, me specifically. That seems to have shaken his Paladin, and now I see Cyrus waver. Will he break his oath, or will another God prey upon this moment of uncertainty? It is a worry I cannot devote attention to. I have too much already.
My most pressing concern now is Edan. I already have so many worries, and Edan frightens me in ways that I cannot describe fully. I haven’t spoken with Mullus or Cyrus regarding his behaviour. How could I? How would I even start? They would think that he is dangerous. Is he? All I know is that, I watch him and my fear mounts higher each day. Is he losing himself? He is often not present, eyes unfocused and far away, somewhere I cannot reach. He struggles against his own body, and he is watched everywhere we go. What started as scattered events are slowly becoming constant. Truly, I do not know what magic keeps Edan under my whim. After Mul murdered Yerdek, and Mul and my “conversations” through Edan? I can only guess. I need to test things further...soon. But for now I keep my worries to myself. I will kill them both if they try to hurt Edan.
On another, more immediate note, I purchased a golden apple as a focus for my scrying spell. Something about it in the shop called to me, and I couldn’t resist. When I got back to the Inn, I used it to scry upon Roland Dantes. It was something that I had wanted to do for a long time, but it was always out of the realm of possibility. Now that I have done so, I almost wish that I had not. His letter to me back in Emerald Harbor was no bluff. I am being watched and monitored at his command. 
While I was scrying, I saw him within his study within the Dantes manor. His face was gaunt and thin, eyes sunken in. The smirk on his face was...unnerving. Nothing made me quite so uncomfortable as the painting of myself on his desk -- completely empty save for the parchment and ink he was in the process of using to write a letter. The way he was positioned made it impossible to see whom it was addressed to, but I was able to read the contents, it said:
“ XXX ”. 
He knew I was watching. I know he did. He chose his final words to mock me. The way he folded up the letter, sealed it but did not address it, spoke volumes. I have given away my hand, but I wonder, why allow me to peek behind the curtain? Was it vanity? Or was he not aware that it was me? Perhaps he thought his spy was scrying rather than delivering the letter the slow way? 
I admit, my paranoia got the best of me. I rushed downstairs and immediately told my party of what I had seen. In my panic, I began to suspect everybody. But I have narrowed down the list of potential people that would fit the parameters that Roland so kindly spelled out for me. 
They must have interacted with me. 
They must have a family or at least a family member for Roland to extort. Thankfully that last requirement clears Tobias of my suspicion. 
My biggest concerns are: N the bard, Vilcoth, and Christophe. 
Vilcoth drew that portrait of me, and admitted to being in search of family members. Which is why he traveled with Garrin in the first place He also had in his spellbook Cruor of Visions. So, he would have the ability to spy on me from afar. 
Christophe charmed me to get access to my hair, and was a cleric of Lordaren -- allegedly. He would have access to scrying. Overall he was very suspicious, and has been a minor concern for quite some time. Even if he is not working for Roland, I would do well to keep him in mind. 
Finally there is N. He has followed us quite often throughout our journey, ever since the very beginning, turning up in the strangest places. Is it coincidence or something more? My memory is hazy on the matter, he was beneath my station so I only half-paid attention when he spoke, but he mentioned either being in search of family or in search of home when we first met.
Any of them could easily have a belonging of mine. Roland has access to my entire family home. My only defense is that I am now aware, and I commissioned a hairpin of non-detection here in Darkspire from a shop called Walda’s Wares. It will take 20 days to complete. I was quite touched that Mullus and Cyrus both covered the purchase cost for me. They both are very concerned, I am grateful that they take this seriously. 
For now I need to retire, I need to transcribe once more, and be alone with my thoughts. What is wrong with my brother?
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The Lantern
Information received from Legend Lore:
“What sits before you is the cradle of redemption, Amullan’s lantern -- at least that is what it was before the corruption of Crall’s first born. It is now a blight upon the living, a stealer of souls.”
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Eliana’s Journal Entry 02/07/21
We have concluded our day of merriment and celebration in Durfalaas: axebeak races, feasts, and pit fighting. The last seems like an oddity, however it seems as though Mullus and Cyrus enjoyed themselves -- and now their coin purses are heavier. Cyrus in particular seems more gentle and kind than I have ever seen him. It does make me wonder what he was like before his own tragedies shaped him. 
I reached out needlessly to Barrigg, the innkeep at the Fortune’s Wheel, eager to hear back from Tobias. I was disappointed to hear that there was no letter waiting for me. It appears he was instead awaiting me in my dreams. I used to fear my dreams, tormented by the past and my own mind. I shamefully admit, I could get used to dreams such as these. 
He awaited me in the courtyard of the manor, book in hand, and it was like stepping into a memory. All of my senses came alive and I could feel his touch, smell the air, taste the sea breeze on my tongue as I spoke. It was as though he was truly right there! I didn’t realize just how much I missed him until I saw him again. My heart raced like a child on Christmas morning. Recalling it now, I can feel my face growing hot, flames licking at my cheeks. I did not act properly, but what is proper about me anymore? I have nothing. No name, no wealth, nothing. That thought used to terrify me. Now, I grow more and more used to such a lifestyle -- unburdened by such rules of propriety and the gaze of nobility upon my shoulders. 
Tobias shared a little with me, his knowledge a crutch to my own. He reminded me of the tale of Crall’s Lantern, which was used to guide lost souls to the afterlife. I had forgotten of Mul’s own imitation used to misguide them to his domain. It is not a tale often spoken of. Much of Mul is shrouded in mystery and rumor, as he prefers. To hear spoken that Mul may have given me such a gift...? Even now terror lances through my heart. No gift comes without a price, especially one such as this. Why would he bestow this upon me? What plan has he laid before my feet?
I admitted as much to Tobias, but I write it again now in the comfort of this journal, I do not know what I am doing. I feel lost like a child adrift at sea, swept up by tidal waves. How are we supposed to save the world? Though I may not be alone in my endeavor, we are hopelessly outmatched. I am only slightly comforted by the fact that one of my oldest friends works in the shadows to accomplish the same goal. 
Tobias also shared an image of Everwood with me. He showed me his teacher who was facilitating our talks. He said her name was Mistrel? She had airy light blue skin, but was not a triton, or anything else I had ever encountered before. Her features were hidden by her cloak. I shall have to inquire more about her with others. Tobias said that he was attempting to keep low; a smart decision. It is no wonder that he hid much of what he has been doing, although it hurts to admit I no longer have his trust -- I understand. I have caused him enough hardship. Everything he shares with me puts him in danger. Roland hunts him just for his relationship proximity to me.
It feels foolish to ignore this impending doom, to dawdle in one another’s company and memories. But that is exactly what I chose to do last night. I set aside all of my worries, and I basked in the time we spent together. He held my hand in his own. It was so warm and comforting. I felt as though I was not so desolately alone. We played dragonchess. We forgot about how the world could end, just for a few hours. It was lovely. My heart feels lighter now, and it is not such a heavy burden to bear. I should have asked more, I should have focused on the present. He makes it difficult to focus. Next time I will, but for now, perhaps I will learn from the halflings of Durfalaas and celebrate my victories.
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Eliana’s Journal Entry 12/6
We concluded our travel up to the Tower with Garrin and his company, and cleared out its lingering inhabitants. A gnome by the name of Brybar Volgrum was in the process of becoming a Lich, and held a small troupe of constructs at his disposal. They hit hard, but we dispatched of the dead, and saved a few of the surprisingly still living gnomes at the top of the tower. Liches sure love their towers, I admit I hold a slight disdain for them after plummeting off the side of it... In addition, I also found V’s spellbook hidden within a safe behind a painting. I am eager to look over its contents when I finally get a moment to myself, especially so given the mystery of this gift from Mul. I have my theories, but should they prove to be correct -- well….I don’t wish to get ahead of myself. I need to do much more research. I wish that Volgrum’s personal notes hadn’t been so….ineffecient. So much rambling about Prickleberry wine and breads. Ugh. Though there is the possibility that his lichdom was less intentional than I believe. Nonetheless it has been halted and his remains and phylactery have been destroyed. 
I wish I could spend more time in the library beside Vilkoth and Garrin. That library holds so much knowledge. And yet I am forced to walk away with only a handful of books for my trouble. The Artificer’s Guide to Infusions was the first book I found. Fascinating. I’m not one for technical work, but even I can acknowledge that Volgrum’s constructs were useful. The mixture of organic and inorganic working together was delicate intricate work. Even the half-formed ones were intriguing to watch in action. I also obtained books on undercommon, abyssal, and forgery. I think the latter two will be particularly useful, but I admit to being partial to the first. My little knowledge of Undercommon is unbefitting if I were to ever return to Dun Volleth. I need a more comprehensive understanding, but I just lack the time to study. It feels as though I am being pulled from place to place with too many mysteries left unsolved.
One such mystery is Vilkoth, I admit I am fascinated by him. The tension between him and Garrin is hard to ignore, and he claims that Garrin has information on somebody that he is searching for. But who? And why? His expertise in blood and flesh rending is fascinating, but yet he seems uninterested in my own knowledge, as if it is beneath him? It vexes me, but I am undeniably curious. A shame I never got to see him work, if he’s half as talented a wizard as an artist, I have no doubt his magic would be quite impressive. He and I work well together nonetheless, there is a certain camaraderie, whether that comes from a mutual understanding of necromancy or if it is rooted in a more religious matter is unknown. Truthfully it may be a bit of both. I do find his attention a bit unnerving, especially when his gaze falls to Edan. It feels like jealousy, hot and cloying at my throat. I wish he wouldn’t look at him at all. He is mine. I want to keep him safe, and that sort of attention feels dangerous. 
As if I did not have enough mysteries to ponder, my mind continues to stray back to Tobias. What is he doing in Everwood? Was he attempting to follow me, or was he also fleeing? Why did he reject my coin to transcribe the spell? He took my ribbon though. Thinking of him makes me so anxious, my stomach ties itself into knots and I feel slightly sick. It has only been a few short months and already I feel so different from the person that he once knew. These adventures have changed me. Is it too late though? Perhaps I will lose him the way I lost Val. Val lost me. I was not a good friend. The same thing I accused Valentine of. But I don’t deny that I still want desperately to hear from Tobias. I hope when I return to Emerald Harbor that there is a letter from him. One less mystery.
Still, the job has been completed, and Garrin has paid us. I suspect soon we'll be headed down the mountain once more for Durfalaas. Perhaps when the charming halflings throw Cyrus his party he will stop glaring at me so. Even when he reaches out to touch and heal me it feels as though he is annoyed. I am beginning to question if that annoyance is with me, or if it is with himself. Today in the library I saw him being secretive with a book on the Pantheon. I know the loss of Yerdek still eats at him, but I do not know how to heal those wounds. If I did, my own heart would have healed long ago. I miss Grandpa and Grandmother terribly, my heart ached at the beginning of this journey when I amended the contract with Garrin. She would have had it done in less time and worked out in her favor. I feel inadequate in comparison.
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Party Notes
Mullus - Very friendly, a great storyteller, and seems pretty forthright. Is hiding the fact that he is rich from those daggers from the rest of the party. He worships Charybdis [CN] – Lady of Tempests and Storms; daughter of Vaess and younger sister to Sekogin. He said that he had sunken to the bottom of the ocean with his armor on, and didn’t want to take it off, and she reached out to him and that was that. His mother is part of the Navy, and his father also works as a sailor. His dream is to own his own ship it seems, and have a big hat. He seems to have a big grudge against pirates, but there seems to be one group in particular that he loathes for some reason? Has always lived on Rona, but didn’t travel to this island often. 
Cyrus - Hates humans and nobles, because of a man named Heskel that burned down his hometown of Dol Hurst. Is originally from the continent, but traveled here and trained with a Paladin of Crall named Yerdek. He loves sweets, and doesn’t care for alcohol. Was raised by halflings, and doesn’t know his real parents, but said that his adoptive parents -- and the rest of the town are dead now. 
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