Baby Hedonist
39 posts
just two wrong souls, who met at the wrong time || 21 || TOO CLOSE TO TOUCH ||
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
babyhedonistt · 9 months ago
Hi babies, it's been a minute.
I'm working on the next chapter now. Hope you're still with me-
-Baby Hedonist
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Too Close to Touch is half way done yall how we feelin? 🥺
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
what. the. fucksicles.
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(I did not take this, but god bless the cultie/bmth fan who did)
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
WARNING // Some themes in this chapter may not be suitable for all audiences, viewer discretion is advised
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Nick stares at Noah like he was a dog with his tail between his legs. He had been caught, but Noah was not quite sure he feels guilty about what he did.
Because he didn’t.
“How long have you known?” Noah asked him.
“Known what?” He sighs, throwing his hands up.
“How long you have had your eyes on her or how long you two have been sneaking around?”
“Either at this point Nick. You’re not acting like yourself.”
“No. I am acting like myself. It’s just the first time you’ve actually pulled your head out of your ass to actually see it. Ever since you started hanging out with her again, you haven’t bothered to pay attention to the rest of us. Your band. Your brothers.”
“That doesn’t give you a right to separate us. You’re not her older brother and you’re not my Dad. I thought if I were to get involved with anyone, you’d be happy it was her.” Noah scoffed.
“It’s not that I’m unhappy Noah. I just don’t like how even though she’s higher on your priority list, you still don’t treat her like it.”
That hurt more because Noah knew he was right.
“I’ve never been in a serious relationship before.” Noah admits. “So you think it gives you free range to pick Folios sister of all people to fuck around with.”
“I didn’t fuck her.”
“Doesn’t mean you weren’t planning on it.” Nick shot back. Noah swallowed the dryness in his throat.
“I’m sorry. About the NDA. Truly, but I figured it would be the easiest option to suggest to Matt to get through our tour. And then Folio got hurt…… she took the position. Shit just got messy… Noah I really wanted you two to be together, but I didn’t want it to fuck the band up to a point the fans would start noticing. How would that look?”
Nick wasn’t wrong. In fact, Nick is never wrong, factually, at least. Morally on the other hand, he had to have been the worst offender next to Noah.
The room filled with silence, the two of them soaking in each others words before Noah finally broke the silence. “I haven’t been putting this band first. I thought I was doing that when I finished the rest of the album, I guess it wasn’t enough.” He sighs
“Noah, you’re the lead singer dude. You already carry so much responsibility and I don’t think we cut you enough slack. But, a girl can’t just come in and fuck that shit up when we have stuff we need to get done.”
“She’s different Nick. I feel like there’s a fire inside of me when I’m around her.”
“And if you don’t contain it you’re going to get burnt. You haven’t even told Folio how you feel about her. He’s one of your best friends and he’s in the dark. “
“I know..” Noah sighs.
Nick walks over and slaps Noah on the back comfortingly. “Jolly’s known for a bit too dude. Expecting him to keep that secret? A lot on him too.”
Noah’s realization of his stupid actions finally caught up with him as be planted his face in his hands. “ I’m sorry, Nick.”
Nick pulled Noah up from the seat and embraced his friend in a tight hug. “I’m sorry I fairly kicked your ass.” He jokes and a light laugh escaped Noah’s lips. “I let you win mother fucker.” He slaps his back lightly.
“Cmon dude. We have a show to do. It’s our last one.” Nick smiles before the door to the dressing room opens and Jolly peaks his head in. “You guys coming?”
The two nodded as the three of them met you backstage. You felt Noah’s large hands grasp each side of your hips, his front against your back, and warmth spread across your cheeks before you rest the back of your head on his chest. “Everything good?” You asked, looking down at his tattooed hands. You hear him sigh in your ear before clearing his throat. “Yeah. It will be.” He says before the lights dimmed in the pit of the audience.
The crowd went insane. You were used to being in front of the large fan base that Bad Omens had. Something about Noah's hands being secured on your hips, almost reassured that he was right about everything being okay.
Granted, given everything that has happened already, you weren't sure it was capable of getting worse.
The beginning of the show went as expected. You performed the usual set list. The crowd seemed to be higher in energy today, perhaps due to the fact that it was the last show of the tour.
The crowd eventually settled through the show; the energy seemed more positive compared to how you left the boys. Nick and Noah actually made eye contact and it didn't look like they wanted to kill each other.
You thought everything was going well, until Noah began talking to the crowd between songs.
You could see him at the front of the stage, holding the microphone in front of his mouth while his sweat-dosed hair hung over his eyes. The makeup covered his bruises well, if anything it added to his on stage persona. The more you watch Noah perform, the more you could see the differences between the real Noah and the person he makes himself into for the sake of his fans.
"So. How many of you know a song called ' Just Pretend '? "
The crowd went expectedly loud with an uproar. Noah held the microphone with both of his hands as he quickly looked back at you at the top of the stage behind the drum set. You sent a half smile down to him, and it seemed as if you gave him the confidence he needed.
He turned his attention back to the crowd before he continued. "For the second half of this tour, our drummer Folio had an unfortunate accident which handicapped him temporarily from performing on stage with us."
The crowd was awed as Jolly and Nick bobbed their head. "But. In Folio's absence, our band was saved by a talented drummer who is fortunately here to fill in for her brother while he heals."
You felt your heart in your throat and the air felt almost too thick to breathe through your nose. What the hell was he doing? The feeling seemed to be mutual between the four of you because Jolly and Nick turned their heads up to you, their eyes looking at you for some form of answer as to why Noah was doing what he was doing. Unfortunately you weren't much help for them.
"Her name is Y/N. She's one of the closest people in my life, and one of the biggest inspirations for many of the songs this band sings. Including this one, Just Pretend."
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Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 Lots of love, as always.
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
I didn’t expect you guys to love Nine so much!!! Call me pleasantly surprised 🤍🫶🏻 Working on Ten now
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Too Close To Touch - NINE
WARNING // Some content in this chapter may not be suitable for all readers. Viewer discretion is advised.
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"Y/N?" Noah burrows his eyebrows as you zoned out in his gaze. He brings his hand up and takes the cotton ball out of your hand, holding your hand gently in his. You felt your eyes water but your refused to let yourself cry in front of this man.
"Hey.. what's wrong?" He asks, realizing how close you were to having a breakdown. He positioned himself with your knees tucked between his as he sat in front of you. You pulled your hand from his. "You. You always know how to break me down and I can't.... I can't handle this. I can't handle you."
"Y/N.. I know it's a lot but. So much has happened this past week and I--"
"Why did you make me sign that NDA?" You blurt before you could even stop yourself. You nearly choked on your sentence as it passed your lips. A wave of confusion flushed over Noah's face. "What do you mean I forced YOU?"
Awkwardness filled the air along with tension you could cut with a knife. Why was he so confused? You poked at his chest. "Don't fucking play with me, Noah."
"Y/N, do I look like I'm joking? I thought you were the one who sent ME the NDA."
"Matt told me you wanted to keep -"
"Our relationship in the book so it wouldn't tarnish our reputations." We both said at the same time. Our jaws went slack. "Did Matt... Lie?" I asked.
"Lie? Now that's a strong term." Matt's voice sounded as he entered the dressing room, Ruffilo following him and closing the door behind them. "It was Nick's idea after all." Matt elbowed Ruffilo and Ruffilo looked at Matt with the most disgusted look on his face.
"Nick?! What the FUCK!?" you scream at him and he threw his hands up. "It was to protect the band Y/N! Considering Noah locked himself in his room for three days and wouldn't even bother telling any of us what you two argued about. You left Folio to read. Figured since you two didn't wanna share with the group what transpired given that you two were once closer than EVER, an NDA would be an easy way to pretend whatever happened between you two didn't happen."
"Nick was just trying to--" Matt starts before Noah launches off the chair and grabs Nick by the collar, shoving him against the door to the dressing room. "Noah!" You shriek standing up, pulling at Noah's shirt, attempting to pull him off Nick before Matt moves you aside, pulling Noah off Nick. "Enough." Matt yells. "You two are best friends. Why are you acting like this?"
"Best friends don't keep something like this from each other." Noah grunts, adjusting his mic pack that nearly fell from his belt with the aggression.
"Please. I was doing you a favor. You've been making goo goo eyes at Y/N since we were kids. Call it a nudge in the right direction. You really think you're good enough for her? You've treated her like shit the entire time she's been here." Nick spits.
"Nick. Don't bring me into-" You start. "I thought and NDA would save you from the heartbreak. On BOTH ends." Nick explains looking between you and Noah. "You made me hate her for the longest time. You weren't helping anyone." Noah growls.
"You were looking for a reason to hate her while you two were together. I simply just gave you one." Nick raises an eyebrow.
"What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" Your voice churns with disbelief.
"You deserved a reality check Y/N. You're like a little sister to me and the shit he has put you through and you're still the one to clean him up, pick him back up and tell him everything is going to be okay? I know Noah."
Nick looks up at Noah with a scowl. "The depressed rock star inside him would throw you to the side the minute he gets bored and finds something better."
"Maybe when he was 24, Nick, but..."
"But what, he's changed?" Nick raises an eyebrow. "Look how that worked out for him." Nick points at Noah's battered face while Noah stares at the floor with a sigh.
"When did you become to nasty, Nick? I miss the way you used to be." You feel tears start to run down your cheeks before you wipe your face standing up and pushing past the boys, out of the dressing room.
"Good job." Noah glares at Nick. "Looks like I'm not the only one who managed to make her cry today. That was fucked and you know it."
"You two need to get your shit sorted out in the next five minutes. If you don't then we're going to have more on our hands than Noah and Y/N being together."
Matt sighs angrily and moves past Nick out into the hallway.
Nick and Noah look at one another, staring each other down, almost unrecognizable to each other. Almost as if they were never friends to begin with.
To be continued...
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Authors Note : WHOOAAAAA were yall surprised with this one or what?
Hi babies <3 hope you're well and enjoyed the chapter. Always love the feedback.
@badomensls @Laurpartyprogram @Starvingarsyn @Jilliemiw86 @Blackveilomens @Darkmxgician @sammyjoeee @kingdxmxfcxrds @Lizzyanthony3 @Flowery-mess
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Idk if it’s the outfit. but he is so boyfriend coded in this
The Ghost inside and and Noah???? THE VOCALS??? Oh my yahhhh
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
This. This is the hottest video of Noah I’ve ever seen.
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
I call this…
“Noah Sebastian.. a tree I’d like to climb” 🥴
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
absolutely sick in the sexiest way
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
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WARNING // Angst, sexual advances
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February 2022
“Is he ever going to come out?” Folio asks, approaching Noah’s bedroom door as Jolly rests his shoulder against the doorframe. “How long has it been?” Folio asks.
Jolly pulls his hoodie sleeve up slightly, as he checks his watch. “Going on 71 hours?” Jolly scoffs. “What the hell happened after he left Y/N’s?” Folio throws his arms up in confusion.
Jolly shrugs. Jolly knew what happened, but for the time being Folio was better off not knowing. “They got into an argument.” He says. “So? They’ve gotten into arguments before, did she cut his hair off or something as a joke?” Folio chuckles.
Jolly shakes his head. “Whatever it was about, fucked him up I guess.”
“I’m texting Y/N. She’ll tell me.” Folio takes out his phone before Noah opens the door looking horrible. His long hair was messy, he had dark blue bags under his eyes before clearing his throat, his eyes squinting at the bright light radiating from the hallway.
“I gotta pee.” He grunts before pushing his way past Folio into the bathroom. Folio makes a grossed out look on his face before Jolly peered into his room and nearly gagged. “Dudes been pissing into bottles.”
Ruffilos bedroom door closed as he made his way down the hallway to the group. “He finally came out?”
Jolly and Folio nodded before Ruffilo walks into Noah’s room up to his computer. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Folio and Jolly pour into Noah’s room as Ruffilo stands in front of the screen.
Noah’s desk was cluttered with piss filled water bottles, open journals and scribbled pages filled with lyrics and editing. The three peered at the screen to 3 song files they had been working on that had now been marked ‘completed’.
“No fucking way dude.” Jolly gasps. “He finished them?” Folio added on as Ruffilo cleared his throat.
“Yeah.” A raspy voice calls from the doorway. Noah stood in the doorway with his hands shoved in his pant pockets. “That’s what you’ve been doing in here for like three days?” Ruffilo asks, pointing at the computer.
“yeah.” Noah simply says. “What the fuck did you and Y/N argue about to make you lock you in your bedroom for three days?” Ruffilo squints at him.
“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about her right now.”
“I would think now is a good time.” Ruffilo shrugs with a scoff. Noah approaches his computer and unplugs the flash drive from the monitor. “I gotta get this to Matt.”
“Noah. Come on dude. You tell me everything.” Ruffilo places a hand on Noah’s shoulder which he just shakes off and walks out of the room.
Nick Ruffilo never admitted it, but that hurt him a lot deeper than he would ever tell anyone from that day on.
Present day
You helped Noah off the ground and took a harsh look at the bruising on his face. You bring your hand up and he stops it before your finger tips manage to touch his face.
“You need to be cleaned up before the show.” You focus on aiding him. You couldn’t bear to look at his damaged face, knowing you were the cause of it.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He tries and you hold up a finger to him. “Noah I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now. You have a show in a half an hour and you look like you got hit by a car.” You turned your back to him and started walking back to the others.
“I can’t do the show if you’re mad at me.” He shook his head grabbing your wrist. “Noah let me go.” you warn him. He shook his head and tried to go for your other one before you start getting angrier. So many lies, so many things he didn’t tell you. Now his best friend hates him and he got hurt because of you.
“Nick is already mad at you, so maybe take that and put it towards your performance.”
You shake your hand from him and start walking back to the rest of the boys, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
Noah didn’t even try to overpower you, make you stay, make you hear him out like he usually does.
He fucked up.
He knows he fucked up.
And this time you weren’t the only one who got hurt.
February 2022
"Are you sure you want to cut it all off?" Jolly asks, sitting across Noah who sat, all tied up in the salon chair. Noah nods. "I think it's needed with the new album."
Folio turned his phone sideways and pressed the record button. "Damnnnn, man this is gonna be good." He chuckles. Ruffilo sat quietly to himself, his leg laying on top of the other with his arms crossed.
"You didn't wanna wait until Y/N got here?" Folio asks.
"She's not coming." Noah and Jolly said at the same time, eerily at the same time. Folio nods, slightly confused before the hairdresser returns, clapping his hands together in an excited manner. "All right! New year new hair!"
Present Day
"10 minutes till sound check!" Matt peeks his head into the dressing room with a nod. The tech support came in and hooked a microphone pack on the back of Noah's belt. You quietly put clear bandages by his eye as he held the ice upon the bruising. You put antibiotic ointment on his lip to stop it from bleeding.
He looked like shit.
"Will you say something? Anything?" He asks. He has been staring into your eyes since you started aiding him and it took every ounce of willpower you had remaining in you to not lock eyes with this man. He knew how to make you forgive him. It was always a game between the two of you. You're not even sure you had something to be mad at him about.
He wrote a song about you. So what?
No. That's not it.
It was the fact he didn't talk to you for almost a year. He mailed you an NDA without any warning or apology. He wanted you to be viewed as the bad guy so he didn't have to put up with his own ego in having feelings for his best friend's sister. He did all this shit, and then turned around, telling you he suddenly wanted you and that nothing else mattered and no one else needed to know?
"Ow. Y/N, you're hurting me." He winces gently as you realized you were pushing to hard on his face after putting on the bandaid.
"Sorry." You grunt.
Noah Sebastian has made shit decisions.
Noah Sebastian has done you more harm than good.
Noah Sebastian makes you cry.
You look up to him as your gaze finally meets his soft, raw expression.
Noah Sebastian was damaged.
Noah Sebastian was hurt
Noah Sebastian was hiding his pain.
Noah Sebastian denied having sex with you to protect your feelings.
Noah Sebastian was protecting you from himself.
So why was it that you still wanted him anyways?
To be continued...
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Authors Note : I've been sick with mono y'all. My body feels like doo doo. This story is still progressing I do apologize it took a minute for this chapter to come out! As always I hope you enjoyed and please leave your lovely comments <3
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list for this story!
@lizzyanthony3 @darkmxgician @blackveilomens @jilliemiw86 @flowery-mess @skulliecadaver-blog @sammyjoeee @kingdxmxfcxrds
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
New chapter going up today yall :) stay tuned
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
so sorry i’m late on posting chapter 8 yall😭 I’ve been heavily sick for a week. it will be up soon🤍
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
He always speaks so intelligently and full of truth. I admire this man even more now.
Happy Reading !!!
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From X - @annamrski
@darkmxgician @thescarlettvvitch
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Hey babe! Just wanted to let you know that I didn't get notification for the last two chapters, I guess taghing in hashtags doesn't work? 😬
That’s so bizarre! I tagged you! Let me look into it!
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Too Close To Touch // SEVEN
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warning: violence
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“Nick, please, let’s talk about this.” You plead to your brother as he pulls you by the wrist into the dressing room, closing the door behind you. He was too quiet and you didn’t like seeing this side of him. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Y/N, why were you kissing Noah? I thought you couldn’t stand him.” He says. “That’s not true.” You spat, sounding a little too defensive. “Okay, he’s the one who had a grudge against you but, I’m just not understanding how all that tension between you two ended up being sexual.” He stares at you, looking genuinely confused. “Don’t say it like that.” You cringed. You forget that your brother didn’t know the extent of your and Noah’s relationship. He doesn’t even know that the two of you dated three years back.
 Props to Jolly for covering that up.
“I thought Noah was always like a brother to you. You two were close until you suddenly stopped talking. Now Ruffilo is beating him up? His best friend? You tell me everything Y/N, what aren’t you telling me?”
Your brother was always understanding. He was your Switzerland. The Yin to your Yang. “I-I like him, Nick. I think I always have.”
“We got that much, Y/N. Even when you two were younger, he always asked about you, he always watched you while you were in the room. He always made sure you were the first to eat at gatherings. You never noticed it, but I did. That’s why I didn’t flip out when I found out you two were kissing outside. Noah’s in love with you.”
You felt a lump in your throat as you looked at your brother. You weren’t convinced. “Love is an exaggeration, Nick. Infatuated yes, but I don’t know about love.” You tilted your head. “I know how broken he was about losing you 3 years ago.”
Your heart may as well have stopped when your brother said this. “What are you talking about?” You say, barely above a whisper. He leans against the door, tilting his head upward. “C’mon, we were all living together at the time Y/N. He came back home and his eyes were puffy. Tried to push it off as allergies. “he chuckles at the last word.
So he was upset? He didn’t even say a word when he left that day. “He locked himself in his room and he didn’t come out for two days, Y/N.”
Why didn’t Jolly tell you any of this? “Wanna know the best part too?” He adds, taking a step towards you. “When he did, eventually come out, he had 3 songs written with them, one of them was called ‘Just Pretend.”
You couldn’t handle this. You know how much passion Noah puts into the lyrics of his songs. The idea that Just Pretend, their most successful, most intimate song, most sad, and most personal song, one you’ve been ending each show with every night, was about you.
“I know how you two feel about another. That’s why Noah didn’t fight back when Ruffilo started beating him up. “ Folio explains.
“What?” You ask, confused at what he meant. “Y/N, Ruffilo is half Noah’s size. If Noah wanted to defend himself or even throw a few punches back, he could have.”
“Then why didn’t he?” You retort, in disbelief of this man. “Probably because he didn’t want to come off as violent, given how he’s been treating you this past month.”
You felt your stomach just drop. All the way down to your toes as your mouth fell agape. “Where is he?” You asked. Folio shrugs, “Jolly went after him but no one texted me yet. “ He explains checking his phone. You pushed past your brother, going back to the outside alley where the fight happened to see Matt and Ruffilo still standing there. You were fuming. You were upset. You were angry.
You walk straight up to Ruffilo. “Why the fuck did you do that?”
“Y/N don’t start.” He retorts. “He didn’t deserve any of that Nick!” You exclaim pointing to where Noah had stormed off. “Not only did you beat the shit out of your best friend but you slut shamed the fuck out of me for something that you have no business speaking on!” You yell.
Ruffilo fell silent. “Our relationship hasn’t impacted the performance of this band ONCE. You were already getting on him about bitching about having me substitute for my brother, and then you give him shit about attempting to save the reputation of the band by keeping us a secret, because he knew the minute he would have the balls to tell you about us then you would have kicked his ass. And look what happened!” You yell pointing to the spots of blood on the pavement from Noah’s face. You don’t even give him time to respond before you storm off towards where Noah and Jolly had disappeared.
It didn’t take you long to find them at all. They didn’t make it very far. You go around the  side of the building to see Jolly standing over Noah, who was sat on the ground with his head resting against the brick building and his eyes closed. Jolly saw you approaching them and he tapped Noah on the shoulder. “Hey.” He says. Noah opened his eyes and locks eyes with you before waving weakly. “Are you okay?” You asked him, squatting down to his level. “I’m fine. My face has seen better days though.” He admits, chuckling with a sad sigh. His lip started swelling and the blood began to dry, his eye started bruising ever so slightly at the corner. “Is Folio upset?” Jolly prys. You shake your head looking down. “No. I kind of bitched out Ruffilo though, I walked away before I gave him time to respond.” You cringed.
Noah chuckled, his brown hair slightly falling in his eyes before tilting his chin up. “We have a show in less than an hour, I hope we can get this fixed before then.” Jolly sighs. “I’ll be back with the rest.” He ushers his head back around the building, leaving just Noah and I.
A comfortable silence filled the air before you sit cross-legged in front of Noah. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I don’t see what you have to be sorry for.” You responded. He shrugs, playing with the bracelets around his wrist. “I guess I kind of deserved that beating.”
“No. Don’t even try to excuse what Nick did. He had no right to come at you like that. It was childish. He could have really hurt you.”
He looks down before clearing his throat. “It’s been a long time coming with him Y/N. He’s acting like a protective older brother I’ll admit I don’t handle my emotions very well.”
“Is that why you wrote Just Pretend?”
You could see that comment struck a nerve. He stopped playing with his bracelets and he wouldn’t take his eyes off the ground. “Where’d you hear that?” He scoffs. “Noah, I know you’ve lied to me about a lot of shit, but for the love of god please don’t lie to me about this one.” You practically beg him. His eyes slowly work their way up to yours, and they were glossy. “Three years ago, I tried everything in my power to make you leave me.” He admits.
Your eyebrows burrowed with confusion. “Why?”
“Because I had a feeling if three years ago I couldn’t balance my bands popularity, how the hell was I going to handle it now?”
You remained silent as he contninued,
“I figured if I could make you the bad guy, it would save me the trouble of having to break your heart. After that night, when I left, I went home, and I wrote. I wrote Just Pretend about you. I needed to get it out somehow. If I had gotten it out on paper, recorded it and produced it. Then I wouldn’t have my feelings for you pent up and I wouldn’t have to deal with the repercussions.”
To be continued....
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Authors note: This was a tough one babies. Lemme know what you think about it :")
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babyhedonistt · 1 year ago
Too Close To Touch // SIX
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warning: violence, swearing
Bad Omens : Concrete forever , Show 19 / 20
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It’s not like you wanted to wait this long to lose your virginity. You just never got around to it. And as far as you were concerned, first and last person you were ever with, just so happened to be Noah Sebastian, who broke your plump little 20 year old heart 3 years ago. Somehow, the universe keeps pushing you two back together. Your brother doesn’t even know the half of what went on between you two. You don’t want him to know. You shudder at the thought of Folio finding out that Noah took—
You shake your head at the thought. Red crept across your cheeks as you place your palms on your warm face to calm yourself down. Noah and your brother have been friends for as long as you could remember, but if Folio were to have found out that Noah did that with you…… he would want his head on a stick.
“Y/N.” Ruffilo snaps his fingers, and you snap out of your head. “Huh?” Your drumsticks almost roll out of your lap as Ruffilo was waving his hand at you while you were zoning out. “ I was asking if you wanted to come to the meet and greet with us.” His eyebrows crease, slightly concerned.
“I don’t see why I would. No one knows me as more than a substitute. Why can’t Folio go to the meet and greet? He’s not crippled.”
Ruffilo snorts. “He is coming. Noah just thought it would make sense if you were there too.”
You could physically see the confusion spread across your face when Ruffilo said this. He noticed it and shrugged. “Guess he had a change of heart. C’mon, it starts in 10.” He ushers his head to the door. You nodded and set the drum sticks on the table before pushing off your knees to stand up.
The meet and greet was chaotic. The boys were trying to get as many fans along as possible and you felt so out of place. You stood on the end, collecting dirty looks from every girl who stood in line. The minute they all took their photos, they gave inquiring looks as to why you were even there. You were used to being overlooked, you just don’t know why Noah even wanted you there.
The meet and greet paused for a brief intermission while everyone dispersed to the backstage area. Jolly and Folio getting a sip of water while Ruffilo was talking with Matt about the setup of the concert. You rubbed your eye, pulling out your pack of cigarettes from your pants pocket, heading towards the back door for a smoke break. The door to the outside opens outward which scares you nearly half to death as Noah stands in the doorway before grabbing your wrist, pulling you outside.
“Jesus CHRIST Noah.” You clutch your chest as his large hands rested on your hips, pulling the cigarette box fom your hand. “Now what were you planning on doing with these?” He asks, a grin pulling at his lips. “I’ve been trying to quit.” You lied. “Why aren’t you with the rest of the boys, out here?” You asked, trying to pull the box back from his hand but he holds behind his back.
“Needed a break from the goo goo eyes for a minute.” He chuckles. “Can you blame them?” You ask, sighing deeply. He merely shrugs before pulling you into a deep kiss. You let him take you for a minute before you put a hand on his chest, slightly pushing him back. “Noah, we’re going to get caught.” You explain, concern in your voice as you look around. “No we won’t. The others don’t even know about this area because they all quit smoking.” He chuckles. “Why did you add me to the meet and greet? The fans acted like I was the plague.
“Because, you’ve been helping this band, I’m sure at least a few fans would want to meet the drummer. Especially because you’re related to Folio.” He explains. Well he guessed wrong.
“I’m surprised they don’t want to burn me at the stake.” You shrug, looking at your feet. You could feel the confusion radiating from Noah. “I mean, it’s not like we kept our relationship private when we were together before, keeping it private now seems wrong.”
“3 years ago, our band wasn’t what it is now baby. I’m not ashamed of you. I’m just waiting for the right time.”
Anxiety filled your body as you took a deep breath. You couldn’t keep a secret from anyone and the fact that it felt like Noah was tying your hands, but that’s show biz wasn’t it?
“Hey.” He whispers, kissing your forehead gently before bringing his face to your level. His brown eyes were so captivating. You couldn’t look away from him. “Trust me. Okay?” He cups your cheek before kissing your lips gently, eerily gently, almost thinking if he were to kiss you any harder, you would disappear. The door shoved open behind the two of you which scared you both. Noah had slightly bitten your lower lip so you made a noise as he pulled away from you. You turned around and see Ruffilo standing in the door way, a look of surprise plastered on his face. You looked at Noah before looking back at Ruffilo. You felt warmth of embarrassment flush over your face before your fight or flight kicked in and you shoved past Ruffilo, back inside.
**Noah’s POV**
The minute Ruffilo opened that door, the entirety of my fucks flew right out my head. Did I want him to catch Y/N and I in the back alley? No. But was I upset that he did? No. It was going to get out eventually. Ruffilo doesn’t say anything before he steps outside, closes the door with a loud slam and shoves me square in the chest. I stumble back with a grunt before I catch myself from falling flat on my ass. “What the fuck, Nick?” I groaned, placing my hand on my chest, rubbing it softly. “I knew you were an idiot Sebastian, but I never took you as a fool.” He pointed at me. “Why the hell are you macking on Folio’s sister? Huh?”
I rolled my eyes. “Her name is Y/N.”
“Don’t bullshit me. We’re almost done with our tour and you pull a stunt like this? I always knew you had feelings for her but I never thought you’d be stupid enough to act on them.”
Punch. I punched my best friend square in the jaw. The minute I did it I regretted it because he retaliated by shoving me and he started swinging. I’m not sure if it was the testosterone that got the best of me, or the feelings I had pushed down about Y/N for so long, but they finally reached the tipping point. Nick kept swinging at my face and I tried to hold his wrists when my voice of reason came back to my conscience, but he wouldn’t stop.
My lip split and I felt bruising starting to form around my eye, until I heard the door open. “Nick!” Matt rushes out of the building, followed by Jolly and Folio. Jolly and Matt try to pull Nick off of me. With a bit of a struggle, they were successful. Jolly helped me up and Matt was furious. “Just what the FUCK do you think you’re doing Ruffilo?” Matt yells, holding Nick by his chest until he had calmed down. Y/N peeked her face out of the door, trying not to be part of the fight. She genuinely looked crushed and frightened. Nick had never blown up like this before, let alone on his best friend. The minute her eyes landed on me and my fresh injuries she looked like she was going to cry.
“Nick, what the hell?” Folio asks. Nick chuckles, astonished as he shook his head. “You all are so oblivious. Noah’ s been fucking Y/N under all of our noses while our band is supposed to be nearing it’s peak.” The area filled with silence. “That’s not true Nick.” I tried to defend Y/N, only to earn an eye roll form him. “Please. I come out here to see you shoving your tongue down her throat. What, are you black mailing her to play for us? I wouldn’t put I by you, Noah.”
With that comment, you could tell something set Noah off because he tried to get out of Jolly’s grasp. You could see the flames light in his eyes as he approached Nick and grabbed him by the collar, shoving Matt aside briefly. “You ever say some shit like that about her, I don’t care if you are my best friend, I swear to God I’ll kill you.”
“Noah.” Matt snaps as Noah lets Nick go, and doesn’t even bother to go back inside past you. He walks in the other direction, into the parking lot, and he doesn’t look back.
“Noah, get your ass back here right now, we have a show to do! You can’t leave!  Matt exclaims. Jolly starts slowly jogging after him before you lock eyes with your brother. You couldn’t read his face but you could see an exhale exit his chest before he walks towards you. “Come with me.” Folio whispers grabbing your wrist gently.
One thing about your brother, is that when he was quiet after something of this sort happens, shit was about to hit the fan.  
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