TRUAMAGENIC SYSTEM ~ NOT D.D//L.G ~ AGERE ~ DNI banner by @tinypawprints ~ Side blogs: SmolRegressors, babyssmallitems, moonshinesystem ~ SFW ~ Puppy and kitten regressor ~ creator of SmolRegressors ~ DNI if NS.FW or k!nk ~ Dumb hours where we've posted bad six the musical drawings is imanutteridioticdiasaster ~ Colective pronouns: They/it ~ Bodily 15 ~ DNI for mobile
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Hiii. ‘M Drista buts yous can also calls me Hannah or awex. Ranboo an’ Niki are bof in fwont too. All free of us regress. I regress from 1-3, Niki regresses 3-6 and Ranboo regress 6-9. I alsos use lots of pronouns they’re all listed on my blog @quueenofchaos
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some very important info re: paid accounts~
I am not a lawyer, but I can decently interpret legalese and, being as I also suffer from tl;dr syndrome and assume others may as well, I took one for the team and went through the updated TOS for the post+ accounts and highlighted (what I understand to be) the most pertinent information, which ultimately comes down to this:
You cannot monetize copyrighted works (aka charge and earn money from fanfic, fanworks, etc) and if you do decide to put your fanworks behind a paywall via Tumblr, when you are inevitably sued, Tumblr will not protect you and will not defend you and you alone, personally, will be responsible for whatever monetary damages said lawsuit results in.
If anyone is a lawyer and knows I've gotten any of this wrong, please do not hesitate to correct me/this post.
Screenshots taken from Tumblr's TOS (updated 7-21-21), Stripe's Account Agreement, and the post+ FAQs.
1. Your paid account will not be hosted by tumblr; it is routed through a 3rd party.
2. By signing up for a paid account, you're entering into an agreement with Stripe, so in addition to Tumblr's TOS, you are also bound to Stripe's TOS.
3. Stripe, like Tumblr, will not defend you or protect you against any lawsuits.
4. Furthermore, you may end up owing Stripe money (indemnify = compensate)
5. Tumblr's TOS specifically states that you can't put any content on your post+ account that violates any laws, including laws that protect intellectual property rights of others. This is super important, because Tumblr's post+ FAQ also states that you can post anything that you would regularly post on tumblr, which I'm sure many will take to mean that gifsets, fanworks, etc are fair game, since all of that stuff can be posted on tumblr now. However, the difference is, you're not making money from the fanworks you're posting or reblogging now. Once money enters the equation, the game changes.
Tumblr is making it seem like any and all content goes for post+ accounts, knowing 90% of this site is fanworks. This is not true and you'll be opening yourself up for lawsuits if you charge for fanworks.
6. Tumblr further disclaims any and all liability in any legal issues.
tl;dr: Please do not make a post+ account, bc you will be opening yourself to lawsuits and if that happens, Tumblr's response will be not our problem, you agreed to all the terms which said you couldn't do that, sorry not sorry. Please protect yourself.
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Earlier today we announced to the press that we are running a beta test program for Post+, Tumblr’s newest add-on subscription tool. Post+ is a completely optional tool that will allow creators to make some of their posts exclusive to their paid subscribers. You can read more about it right over here on our @postplus Tumblr. This feature is being tested by a small group of incredible creators on Tumblr.
We want to hear about what you like, what you love, and what concerns you. Even if it’s not very nice. Tell us. We can take it. We WANT that feedback. It helps us make Tumblr better.
What we won’t ever accept is the targeted harassment and threats these creators have endured since this afternoon. These creators are some of the most talented people around, and all they’re doing is testing out a feature. These are the people who graciously agreed to pilot a program to help us discover bugs before we open it up to all creators. These are the humans who are testing a feature that we hope will soon help thousands of Tumblr creators feel empowered, get rewarded for their efforts, and find support within their community.
Our Community Guidelines are clear: Don’t engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment.
Anyone in violation of these guidelines will be dealt with swiftly and will be forced to contend with the appropriate consequences. It’s okay to tell us how you feel. It’s not okay to bully someone because you disagree with their choices.
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So to start I'm prefacing this with the fact that I am an alter in a traumagenic system. (we don't know exactly if it's a DID or OSDD one.) I am not the same alter as the ones who started this blog or the ones who continued to run it. Emilia and Blossom(probably) started it and Emie continued it. Both Emie and Emilia had attachments to CGLRE and its accompanying terms. I the current host do not have these same attachments. This is why we are going non-com as most of us who regress do not have the same attachments to the terms. We'll likely continue using terms that are similar but not tied to any communities. Also, we will probably start signing off who posts on here but it will probably just be emojis. If you want to know who the emojis belong to you can check out our system blog @moonshinesystem. Once this is posted I will edit the post to have the tags we are switching to. We have too many posts here to retag them all. To be honest, Emie will probably continue using the terms it used prior and Emilia may. The majority of us however will be using new terms. I'll introduce myself in this post as well. My names Niki and I'm 19 (THE BODY IS ONLY 14 DON'T BE WEIRD) I use She/they currently (I am planning on collecting some neos however). I regress mostly from 3-6. I am a factive (yes that is necessary and no I won't share my source. If you work it out good for you, this is only so no one harasses me [fakeclaimers /neg] {if you think you got it DM us and I'll confirm} .) I'm demibisexual and biromantic. If I forget anything important someone else will edit it in. Also, we may let the littles post and for the love of God be even more SFW than normal. This will be reblogged on all our agere blogs.
#🌺#agerespace#M&lg#M&lre#M&lb#CG&lre#CG&lg#CG&lb#D&lg#D&lre#D&lb#littlexgirl#littlexboy#littlexone#agere#age regession#theres probably more that will be added later
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Restaurants and bars really love to test your sobriety by making the route to their bathrooms as labyrinthine as possible
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An example post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam nisi lorem, pulvinar id, commodo feugiat, vehicula et, mauris. Aliquam mattis porta urna. Maecenas dui neque, rhoncus sed, vehicula vitae, auctor at, nisi. Aenean id massa ut lacus molestie porta. Curabitur sit amet quam id libero suscipit venenatis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Nam at tortor quis ipsum tempor aliquet.
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse sed ligula. Sed volutpat odio non turpis gravida luctus. Praesent elit pede, iaculis facilisis, vehicula mattis, tempus non, arcu.
Donec placerat mauris commodo dolor. Nulla tincidunt. Nulla vitae augue.
Suspendisse ac pede. Cras tincidunt pretium felis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque porttitor mi id felis. Maecenas nec augue. Praesent a quam pretium leo congue accumsan.
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I made a matchmaker account on instagram
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hewo. i jus wanna weave my littlespave wishlist hewe. Alsos if chu wants chu cans fowwow my instgwam @babyblossombear
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A quick guide to being a good little prince/ess/ette!
👑 Always be kind! A good royal is nice and helpful to all everyone. After all, you represent your little kingdom!
👑Manners! Being courteous is a giveaway that you are a person of royalty.
👑As a ruler you must have a kingdom! Your castle can be your room, a pillow fort, or you can even draw what you’d want it to be like! It’s up to you!
👑It can help to have royal subjects! My plushies are all part of my kingdom, and I can pretend to meet with other aristocrats and even other princesses! It’s a lot of fun!
👑Playing dress-up! Wearing my cutest clothes always helps!
👑Tea parties! Tea parties all the time! Invite your plushies!
👑It’s not a must, but wearing my crown makes me feel like a little princess whenever I wear it! You can get one on etsy but there’s always a budget friendly option at a nearby party store. It doesn’t have to be a crown either. Any accessory will work as long as it makes you feel special.
👑But the most important thing is to have fun! Enjoy being an absolutely adorable little prince/ess/ette!
Feel free to add more!
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Babie syndrome
grabby hands
baby talk
is playful
is bratty
kicky feet
bites e v e r y t h i n g
repost if you have baby syndrome!!
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Hey guys I have an agere discord so if you’d like to join just follow this link
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Yes, I’m a professional toddler.
My PhD’s include cartoon watching, tantrum throwing, and sippy cup mechanics.
Any questions can be directed to the office of the ages two through five years old.
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