✨🧁🦇Eddie's Little FuckMuffin🦇🧁✨
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REPOSTING IS FINE! I WRITE INCORRECT CRAPPY HEADCONS. 🩷ENJOY🩷 🎸Eddie Munson lover🎸 bisexual. tired. always hungry. multi fandom bitch. this blog is 18+ minors DNI. i started this account in 2017 this is a safe place. so please don't be a racist homophobic transphobic bigot.
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babybatmunch · 4 months ago
Last Christmas I gave you my heart!
And the next year you came to stay 💕
Steddie Christmas from this year vs last!!!!
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I hope whatever you celebrate or don’t this season you find peace in whatever situation you are in. I know it’s a hard time of year for a lot of people! Believe me, the trauma I have from this season hits hard at times I’m alone.
Whatever you are going through remember you deserve to be happy 💕 take time for yourself to do what you need. If that’s leaving the family event that’s gotten too much or having the seasonal favourite snack!
Love you all my silly beans in my phone💕 idk if an update will be up on the 25th but I will try this week at the very least to get one out��💕💕
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babybatmunch · 4 months ago
eddie: well, if you ever want to talk or anything, i’ll always be inside you.
steve: uhh?
eddie: *screams* i mean, beside you! not— not that! beside you!
steve: ……well, if you’re offering….
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babybatmunch · 4 months ago
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Steve "Fuck This Shit" Harrington
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babybatmunch · 4 months ago
Fic recs where Eddie defends Steve from the rest of the party? They do or say something, which to them seems normal but since Eddie is new calls them out on it?
ohhhhhh i have some of this trope. but apparently, i don't have much of it. im sorry. some of this eddie is basically not new, he still gets mad or he defends steve. (also if you know some please recommend them on the comments!)
what love is by kissesforcas - i CLEARLY remember a scene where eddie defends steve from the kids and they were in the car. honestly one of my favorite steddie fics.
At 4PM by strangersteddie - basically mike says something ridiculous and steve goes missing.
Odds and Ends by kikisifi13 - steve gets a migraine but dustin ignores him and kind of tells him that its just a headache. love this. love the steve harrington gets migraines agenda.
Guess I Better Wash My Mouth Out With Soap by Babybuckleydiaz - this one it's el that defends Steve. basically dustin calls steve dumb and el pushes him away with powers.
You're an Idiot, Steve Harrington by Anjel_Starling - this one isn't necessarily the party but it's nancy. this one was harsh. like even i was hurt jesus christ.
hurt people by life_is_wack - again, this one focuses on nancy. but this one, steve tells eddie his side of the story and eddie goes to nancy to defend steve.
TW on this one The Silence We Feel - PeterDrunklage - the boys keeps on pranking steve and one of their pranks become too dangerous. heavy angst i think, but i liked it (but i like angst so...)
king (nerd) steve harrington by sky_of_starflowers - steve have read LOTR but the party doesn't know. i think this is more of eddie falling in love with steve and steve feeling kind of stupid? (which he is not!)
edit: i found another one (and maybe i'll remember more later)
always a lonely boy (cry, boy, cry) by riceenthusiast - this one its robin that defends steve but eddie's also there. she snapped because people still call steve asshole.
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
Eddie’s trying to film a Tiktok showing off what he thinks is the best Chinese food in Chicago but has to stop because he’s getting the most judgmental look from Steve so… “What? What’s that look?”
Steve: What are you doing? You don’t know anything about good food.
Eddie: Yes, I do. I’m a foodie.
Steve: No, you’re not. Your favorite food is pizza rolls. Cooked in the microwave.
Steve: I watched you eat Ramen out of the trash once.
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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stranger things as memes requested by patreon members part 2 (part 1)
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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.... he’s a JACK-O-lantern...
I’m sorry
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
Dustin posts a Tiktok where it’s very clear that he was going to say something important but was instantly distracted by the snippet of conversation walking (unannounced) through his front door.
Eddie: …like when you’re a kid and you didn’t understand the concept of death so you kept putting bugs in your pockets and killing them on accident.
Steve: That’s not a universal experience, Eddie.
Eddie: Yes, it is. Everybody did that. You did that when you were a kid.
Steve: You think I was putting bugs in my clothes???
Eddie: Yes??? Just like everybody else. Back me up, Henderson
Dustin: I created habitats for bugs and kept them in my room.
Steve: That’s why your cat got eaten.
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
Eddie posts a Tiktok that starts with an exasperated: Ed
Eddie, as the camera focuses on Steve: No, no. Steve Harrington, repeat what you just said. Repeat it word for word, exactly what you said.
Steve: All I said was that I had a song stuck in my head and I asked you if you knew what it was.
Eddie: Sing it!
Steve: I don’t know the words! That’s why I asked!
Steve, rolling his eyes: It’s like *hums a melody*
Eddie: And who did you think it might be?
Steve: Cyndi Lauper or like, Madonna
Eddie, flips camera around so you see him next to a radio: *hits play*
Radio: *plays song matching the melody Steve hummed*
Song: *by Corroded Coffin*
Steve: …well that’s embarrassing
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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“What do you say, Stevie… Should we show them what a desperate slut you really are?”
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see full version here!
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
Eddie goes to a very interactive and scary haunted house with CC. They get separated, one thing leads to another, and Eddie finds himself crouched behind a dusty curtain, trying to evade a masked killer with a spiked bat.
But then his smart watch lights up, and he realizes that he needs to turn it off.
Except his shaking fingers accidentally press the "find your phone" function. One moment, Eddie is suppressing his labored breathing. Now, he's scrambling to turn off his phone as it keeps screeching "I'M HEEEREEEE!" in an obnoxious voice.
The curtain opens and the killer stares at him from above. Even with the mask on, he seems disappointed.
Eddie just stares at him.
The killer stares back.
Then, as an act of mercy, he takes Eddie's phone and turns off the noise. He returns the phone and uses his bat to give the gentlest bonk to Eddie's head.
Eddie still stares and isn't moving.
The killer sighs, removes his mask - and wow. Maybe fear scrambled Eddie's brain, but the guy's so cute!
"Oh wow," he whispers. "If I knew you were so pretty, I would have let you catch me sooner."
He half expects the guy to be disgusted, but he just snorts. "That can still be arranged. But now," he lowers his mask back, "you have five seconds to start running. And if I catch you, you don't get to ask for my number."
Eddie runs like hell. He makes it past the exit gate, he rolls on the floor, wheezing and sweating. But he still finds the words. "Your...oh fuck, my ribs...your name...big boy? And number?"
The guy didn't even break a sweat. He walks up to Eddie, takes his phone and types in a number, plus a name - Steve.
He cocks his head to the side. "My shift ends in three hours. Try not to disappoint me again, hm?"
And then he leaves.
Eddie's friends stare at him, having witnessed the whole scene. But Eddie doesn't explain anything, he just clutches the phone close to his chest and says: "I'm gonna marry that guy."
And surprisingly, he ends up being right.
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
thinking of like modern famous eddie and nonfamous steve and like eddie’s fans freaking out whenever they get a glimpse of steve. like eddie on a tiktok live doing a q&a on their couch and steve steps into the kitchen in the background and suddenly the chat is all “EDDIE CAN YOU FIGHT?” and eddie is like sweetheart i need you to step out of frame two thousand people are wanting to fight me for your hand rn
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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It’s all fun and games until Eddie accidentally slips into the bowl and gets his fur all sticky…🍓🫐
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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can we talk about how the only time there's been someone to actively show they care about steve and sound protective towards him he's unconscious and doesn't hear any of it
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babybatmunch · 5 months ago
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this is so unbelievably stupid
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