babarobbie · 10 months
I actually like this outfit now, what do you think of the adaptations? Low-key little enough?
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babarobbie · 11 months
Okay kiddo wake up, you start you new job on the building site today. I’m sorry daddy don’t have time to change you this morning or drop you off at work. You will have to take public transportation and ask your new boss to change you. Now now don’t pout your the one that wanted a job with real men…. Shame your not one.
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babarobbie · 11 months
That’s it diaper boy! Stick your pacifier in your mouth and head across the park to the football field where our teammates are practicing. I know they have been wondering where their team captain has been for the past month, they think you’ve been sick and have been worried. Just wait till they find out you’ve spent it filling and making stickies into your pampers and. Think they would let you remain as team captain?
Jack was trying to think how he had gotten into this situation and falling so hard, he was the star football player with potential offers from mainstream clubs, team captain and alpha jock. He had a tendency to bully anyone and everyone, for any reason being and publicly embarrassing them calling them names four eyes, faggot, sissy, nerd and even physical bully like giving out wedges, flushing their heads down the toilet, farting in a nerds face when they bent down to pick something up even pantsing the smallest guy on the team Conner so everyone could see his tighty whiteys and proclaiming some one like him should be in diapers.
Little did he know he rain of terror will some come to an end with the arrival of a new transfer joining the team. Blake a well toned handsome looking ginger lad, who was a an exceptional football player. Jack felt threatened and immediately tried to put him down in front of the team dishing out all of the ginger jokes he could think of. Blake just took it like a chap and even laughed along with him not being effected by the childish bullying, but gave Jack a look that wasn’ t threatening but made him feel uneasy and looked away uneasy. Blake knew there and then Jack was just an insecure boy who need to be taught a lesson.
One Friday after practice Jack stayed behind as usual to wank in the locker room 1 he was usually horny after practice and 2 he could just wank on the bench and the floor and he wouldn’t have to clean up like he does in his own dorm. Blake knew of his little habit and decided to wait a while till he was finished watching him jerk off his 7 inch shaft, all while thinking “that’s it enjoy it Bitch, it will be one of your last”. Blake was brought back to reality hearing Jacks moans of “ahh, oh fuck, fuck yeah!” With that he blew his load got dress and left leaving his mess for the poor clean to deal with of so he thought. Blake however had different ideas I scooped up as much of the sperm he could into a little pot to keep nice and safe the perfect black mail and leverage to bring this poser down.
Jake awoke the next day with a message from Blake reading. “Hey! We have gotten off on the wrong foot. You will meet me at 11 in the park, I have a surprise for you that would change your life”. Something about the message made Jack feel uneasy again and debated not going, but the authority with in the message made him realise he didn’t have a choice and didn’t want to make Blake angry.
So as it was getting close to 11 Jack headed off to the park where Blake was already waiting. Jack slowly walked towards him but with every step felt more timid and insecure as he watched Blake sitting there confident as anything. Blake suddenly spoke in a rough deep tone “You’re late faggot! We would have to work on your manners” stopping jack in his tracks and anger flashed across his face. “Wha, no, I’m not a , who the fuck do you thin” unable to string a sentence together. Blake spoke again in his rough manly tone again causing a loss of words for Jack. “Shut up you fag! SIT! Causing Jack to sit where he stood on the ground next to the bench where Blake was sat. “I know what you are even if you don’t. You think you can go around bullying people like you’re some alpha male. I see right through you, you’re nothing more than a little bitch, and I’m going to put you in your rightful place as the lowest of the low. Every bit of bulking you have done to everyone else I will
Make sure you experience tenfold after all I bet that’s your fantasy isn’t it, deep down you know you’re the one that needs to be bullied.” Jack tried to Summon something to say but one look from Blake was enough not to test him.”
“So hears how this is going to work. I’ve collected you cum from you perverted Friday wanks in the locker room. I have it nice and safe and if you don’t do as I say when I say well it’s more than enough to be planted as evidence saying you sexually assaulted someone. I have a little brother that I’m sure can come up with some wild stories, get you sent to prison, face in the papers, lose all your family and friends. Your life will be a misery with wall the rapings you will get being the bitch of the prison performing depraved sex acts for all that’s along with the daily beating you will receive. So what will it be?” Jack sat there shaking looking at Blake mouth hanging open. “You can’t be serious” Blake launched at Jack booting him hard in the stomach causing Jack to roll over in pain. Leaning over jack right in his face “Oh but I am serious! Now this is your final warning! What will it be? NOW! Squirming in pain jack spluttered out “please I will do what you want” between sobs. “Good boy, but next time you will address me as Sir or Master from now on. let’s go get your new life started Bitch. We have a lot of humiliation for you to suffer”.
This is how over the next month Jack experienced the worst humiliation he had ever seen let alone be victim to. As it it was summer there was no classes so it was only football Jack would miss for a while until he was ready to unveil the new him to the team. Blake took jack on a series of getaways to start his punishment gently breaking him Down with a variety of humiliating outfits, super nerdy clothes with Jack ups or short shorts, thick chunky framed glasses button up shirts tucked right into his tight briefs ,pulled up socks, dickie bows, clunky black shoes with inserts in that made him walk peculiar and bright suspenders with a ridiculous hair do also lots of pink and floral was added to his wardrobe some tight and extremely camp clothes that only they gayest gays would be seen in. This alone was enough to attract bullying from random strangers calling nerd, dork, freakazoid, sissy, faggot and poindexter casing him to flush with embarrassment on a few occasions some lads even came over and gave him a good wedgie right there in public.
It was at this point Jack was feeling things couldn’t get any worse but Blake had so many more plan’s including slipping him laxities and diaretics ensuring he would wet and mess his self in public malls, Theam parks, cinema places where there would be a guaranteed crowd for maximum effect causing the most embarrassment. This of course was leading up to Jack being made to purchase and wear thick obvious and loud diapers, of course the first time he brought some was after he wet and messed one of his dorky outfits staining his cream shorts so everyone could see and smell that he needed his new diapers.
Blake. Marched jack into the mens toilets at the other side of the mall and cleaned him up right there on the floor making conversation with the men that would come in “yeah you would think my older brother would be out of diapers by now wouldn’t you” and saying “yeah he just keep failing his potty training, looks like his going to be in his diapers for a long time”. Finally clean Blake applied excessive amounts of baby powder and taped him into 3 of the thick nappy’s. “ don’t want the the little boy to leak or get a rash now do we?, now you can’t wear these shorts anymore “ binning his cream poo stain shorts and Pulling out a thin pair of white shorts sliding them over jacks thick diapers doing nothing to hide them they could still be seen through the shorts and the nappy’s spread the shorts in an obscene way if anything making him look more ridiculous. Blake noticed jack looking horrified in the mirror “ what’s a matter don’t like what you see? To bad from now on you will always be padded and this is your normal padding! Felling guilty for all the people you bullied yet? Don’t forget I can always go to the police if that’s what you want?”
This is how he spent the rest of the weeks dressed in nerdy, sissy camp outfits with diapers budging out of his shorts so anyone who was half blind could see no matter where they went on the train, checking into hotels, out for meals, shopping, comic cons and on the beach although his beach attire usually consisted of him with having his nappies on full display and bright coloured crop.
Adding to his physical appearance of humiliation jack was trained to talk in a high pitched soft voice at all times, mince in an overly camp way with the aid of his shoes, learn how to suck dick ready to become the best cock sucker on campus, download gay dating apps listing him self to have the most obscene and ridiculous fetishises,get fitted and locked in a chastity cage only being allowed to cum in his wet and messy pampers when Blake let him, be parried round gay bars in a lead and collar Blake saying “he asked for this this is what his into” then to go up to guy of Blake’s choosing complimenting them begging them for a date with the padded fairy or let him service them. Blake loved to mix this up being young handsome athletic guys, old, extremely fat, geeky, chav and even a few homeless men just to degrade him even further. During the usually laughter and distance from the guys Blake would say “that’s okay faggot we will take you to the seedy gay bar and you can be tided you and have your mouth used” which was a promise he kept good on living up on the promise of turning him into a faggot that would never see or taste pussy again.
Over the coming days Blake order some special abdl nappies, clothing, bibs, bottles plastic pants and pacifiers to add to jacks ever more embarrassing wardrobe even a few pretty pink sissy dresses. He had some deliver to hotels along they way but the majority was delivered to their college accommodation which will be a surprise for jack when they home.
“Okay faggot just around this next corner and all your friends will see you for the real you.” Bring jack out of his daze this was really happening everyone in his life was about to find out about him how long till his family, friends, people at college will find out? “Now remember when they gather around you your to mess and wet yourself drawing attention what you’ve done. You will tell them this is who you were meant to be and you love being this way. You will thank me as your mater for making you this way. You will beg forgiveness for all the bully and turn to Conner saying your really sorry you picked on him the most it’s just you have a huge crush on him and would love to make it up to him by serving him. Don’t forget to embarrass yourself when trying to play football missing the ball falling over, I want them to boot you off the team. But don’t worry I’m sure I can convince them to keep you on as a cheerleader and the personal team slave cleaning all the toilets and uniforms, cleaning the locker room so the care taker don’t have to and I’ll even get you trained as a team urinal and cock slave”
Breathing heavily through his pacifier, nearly shaking counting down the steps 5, 4, 3 2, and one they had rounded the corner into the open of the college football field where all could see. Already hearing laughter and comments “WTF” “is that jack and Blake?” “Wait is jack wearing a fucking nappy” causing the attention off more people jacks fate was sealed, disowned and his future in ruins. Though he still had his master who would force him to remain in college and endure the humiliation make him get cleaning job maybe scrubbing toilets, maybe the college will take him on.
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babarobbie · 3 years
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Most exposed I’ve ever been, had a few look, stares and some lads laughing. Felt like I had found my place.
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babarobbie · 3 years
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Dorky diaper boy vibes. Shorts or no shorts?
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babarobbie · 3 years
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Just a diaper butt studying. You have to dress the part right?
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babarobbie · 4 years
Hi little robby how r u doing I see u live in Birmingham well I live in Birmingham aswel I'm baby boy aswel if u want to chat I'm happy to talk
Hey ☺️, yes I would like that 😊
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babarobbie · 4 years
Seems like this is the new thing so jumping on the bandwagon.
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babarobbie · 4 years
Had to do a little diaper check🙈🍼
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babarobbie · 4 years
Some little time in some cute outfits 🐶🍼🐻
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babarobbie · 5 years
Little stuff.
So where does everyone keep their kink stuff? Just curious and looking for ideas.
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babarobbie · 5 years
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Got some new little clothes, and spent the a night in Manchester :D
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babarobbie · 5 years
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babarobbie · 5 years
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babarobbie · 5 years
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First time padded in a while
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babarobbie · 6 years
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Padded trip a few months ago had a little accident in the lift 😳😳😳
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babarobbie · 6 years
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