baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
*she waves!! With both hands!*
You say that, but we'll be TTFs someday! I know it!
That’s a compliment! I’m no Unicron but I do try. You’re surprisingly serious, Memey!
*she bobs up and down on her heels, tail flicking.*
You’re always terrorizing other people, but i’m YOUR terror. Isn’t that funny?
[he is so glad he was forged with the gift of the flight. he can transform and fly]
[which is what he is doing]
[he is noping out of here]
I refuse to accept you as my terror
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
That's a compliment! I'm no Unicron but I do try. You're surprisingly serious, Memey!
*she bobs up and down on her heels, tail flicking.*
You're always terrorizing other people, but i'm YOUR terror. Isn't that funny?
*crash! There goes the sheep! Thank goodness she has so much natural padding.*
That’s where the line is! Okay!
*she beams. Don’t engage with a goat without expecting horns every once in a while.*
You alright? I was teasing, but a game is no fun if the other player quits.
I was fine until you pulled me down by my horn
[frowning, growling, he is upsetti™]
You’re terrifying on a whole new level I have yet to experience
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
*crash! There goes the sheep! Thank goodness she has so much natural padding.*
That's where the line is! Okay!
*she beams. Don't engage with a goat without expecting horns every once in a while.*
You alright? I was teasing, but a game is no fun if the other player quits.
Wait, wait, wait! You forgot something!
*pulls down a horn and boops the nose!*
[violently jerks his helm in such a manner he probably pulled the sheep along with him, sending ‘em for a bit of a flight with the momentum]
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait! You forgot something!
*pulls down a horn and boops the nose!*
Aw, you missed me! How sweet! I’ve been lying in wait, as sheep do. Or, well, wolves in sheep’s clothing. 💋
I’m leaving.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
Aw, you missed me! How sweet! I've been lying in wait, as sheep do. Or, well, wolves in sheep's clothing. 💋
He’s thinking what makes people go absolutely feral and wanting to chase him down. Is it really the horns? Or is it the combination of multiple factors?
It’s quite peculiar just how many people want to pursue him or even become possessive of him.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
It's the thrill of the hunt! If you were less entertaining, people wouldn't play with their food nearly as much.
He’s thinking what makes people go absolutely feral and wanting to chase him down. Is it really the horns? Or is it the combination of multiple factors?
It’s quite peculiar just how many people want to pursue him or even become possessive of him.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
Now she’s just hanging on his arm, with the biggest uwu face that could possibly be managed by anyone ever. Congrats, Meme, you have a limpet.
Holds his hand. uwu. -baabaabitchsheep
Look at him. He's letting this terror hold his hand. He squeezes the servo in a gentle manner.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
Private comm: ::Thank you, Chicken Wings! I appreciate it. Entertainment is hard to find.::
By the way, I'm heading down to Iacon soon-
anyone need something from there?
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
More buttons to stick to Meme so he sets himself on fire again.
By the way, I'm heading down to Iacon soon-
anyone need something from there?
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
Now memeykins is a REAL hottie.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
He'll. Never. Find. It.
He'll never find the tracker I stuck on his aft.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
He'll never find the tracker I stuck on his aft.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
She continues to follow with astounding accuracy. Wherever you are, whenever you rest. You have a persistence predator, now.
Friiiiend? Reachy arm. -baabaabitchsheep
Moves away very far.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
She's approaching. Slowly. Forever closing in on you, Meme.
Friiiiend? Reachy arm. -baabaabitchsheep
Moves away very far.
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
"...you are destroying your beautiful chest guns and making Primus cry. You know you need to use a nanofiber mesh to clean them after you extend them fully from your chassis?"
"You're a serious case of Rust-Rash waiting to happen. Here, free sample of my wool. It's an great polishing material."
She just. Hands over a clump of pink nanofiber mesh wool. It's soft, and easy to hold with claws because its so densely packed together.
➣ Slap their servo away
The sheep looks up and blinks innocently. Angelically.
"I got sucked in by the guns on your chassis. Oops! They're huge. How do you do maintenance on them? Are you interested in knitted chest gun cozies?"
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
➣ Slap their servo away
The sheep looks up and blinks innocently. Angelically.
"I got sucked in by the guns on your chassis. Oops! They're huge. How do you do maintenance on them? Are you interested in knitted chest gun cozies?"
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baabaabitchsheep · 2 years
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