A System for living - BA3
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
Show sketchbook workings including sketchs of what idea should look like. include multiple variations of ideas for experimentation. 
Social Media platforms
Posters / Ambient Media / Public places - Where would you want to see it and why - where would it work best for best results? Who is audience and where would you atatck that audience? 
Poster Ideas for meaning
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The poster above was an idea I had about humanising a mobile phone as they hold so much information about us they are a digital version of us. Each of these phones is a person and they time represents that person. Just a thought....
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Again a phone highlighting the time that someone has been unplugged for using the unplug app. Temporarily disabling the device for a certain set by the user the device only allows the user to make emergency phone calls to a set number of contacts and displays the time ‘offline’.
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This poster was a quick idea I had to highlight the anchoring relationship that we have with our devices. They are so treasured to use that we almost anchor them to ourselves and never let them get too far or where we can’t find them. A play on that is all I had in mind but if it would be recognisable and relatable is another question. I think it works but maybe wouldn't work in public...Maybe developed it may work. 
These posters are a quick mock up I made just to try and promote the message I want to send to the viewer. A simple black and white design that highlights the use of social media and or devices/screens. 
Further development is needed to these. 
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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These simply style logos have taken my interest since discovering them. Carrying them forward into my own work I will aim to replicate this style in my own way. Experimentation in my sketchbook will be carried forward into digital work 
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- Been really interested in a pixelated style to highlight screens and devices. After looking at a few images online I have tried to incorporate this style into my work my way initially in my sketchbook but will carry it forward into digital to see if it works. 
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- Posters
- App
- Website
- Social media page/ news feed - How it will look on social media platforms
- Ambient media - Public spaces
- Tripadvisor - Device free zones
Referring back to work I had research previous, I find a simplicity in the designs that I would like to carry into my own work. Examples: 
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
- Posters 
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- App
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- Website
- Social media page/newsfeed - How it will look on social media platforms
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- Ambient media - Public spaces 
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- Tripadvisor - Device free zones
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
- My goal...
Is to design a simple way of controlling device time, e.g. screens, social media all of it in an attempt to allow people to acknowledge whats happening. This fixation that we have developed due to greed and materialism. We are currently, 2017, seeing the start of a new era of urbanisation and connectivity and who knows what the future has to bring. What will the effects be? what are the current effects? I mean we all must spend a large proportion of our time looking at some form of monitor in any circumstances.
Mainly focusing on social media....
This will be my target for platform and the age group is still undecided. I have a rough guide of 16-24 as this may help to prevent and inform.
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
Useful resources
Stephen J. Eskilson, Graphic Design – A New History,Laurence King 
An insightful book that does exactly what its title describes. Begins looking at the early forms of graphic design in letterpress and the birth of typography. As historical development takes place, with the inclusion of the industrial revolution and urban mass, the book moves on to looking at art movements in design, periodical design ( Design of the time and the beginning of posters and design ), Geographically being in the country of design and what was being designed in other countries at the same time. The book is seen out with a collection of graphic design posters and imagery that really has an appreciation of history and craftsmanship. The later parts look at more corperate design including opel and Bosch early art works, and art movementss which have influenced design. 
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Anthony Froshaug, Anthony Froshaug: Typography & Texts, Documents of a Life, Hyphen Press.
Anthony Froshhaug 
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Christian Brandle, Karin Gimmi, 100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design, Lars Muller 
I couldnt find a free copy of the book to read however found Christians work and a screenshot of some work in the book. 
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Armin Hofmann, Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice Verlag Niggli 
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Norman Potter, Robin Kinross What Is a Designer: Things, Places, Messages, Hyphen Press 
I couldn’t find much on his actual work or the contents of the book, instead found some work inspired by him and related to his name which I liked.
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Abbott Mille, Ellen Lupton, Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design, Phaidon Press 
Again, I couldnt get a look inside the book but i did manage to gather a picture of the cover and some artists work for research. 
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Paul Rand, Thoughts on Design, Chronicle Books 
A famous name is the graphic design world, Paul Rand, the creator of many iconic designs, Published a book called ‘Thoughts of design’ which I wasnt able to get a look at however did manage to get some shots from inside the book to get an idea on the content, Along with some of his iconic work and designs. 
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Lucienne Roberts, Good: An Introduction to Ethics in Graphic Design, AVA Publishing 
Adrian Shaughnessy, Lance Wyman: The Monograph, Unit Editions 
Drew de Soto, Know Your Onions: Graphic Design: How to Think Like a Creative, Act Like a Businessman and design like a god. 
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
Within my research I plan to explore a range of areas that cover the use of devices and technology and how they both impact us as humans physically and mentally.
Research aspects:
Social media
statistics on technology/devices
mental health
How technology is effecting us physically and mentally
Existing campaigns/groups 
The future of this topic
Products and services that may exist
Social Media
As we know social media has made rapid improvements in such a short space of time. However it is now that we can start to see the beginning of its real upgrades as its capabilities are expanding everyday. The obvious likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect ect have a concrete position in the best of social media. Everyone and anyone who is connected to the internet has some form of social media and this enables us to be part of the online village or the internet. 
This subject stood out to me most in early thoughts of what approach to take.
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United Nations Global Compact
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The united nations Global Compact. Upon visiting this website I had suspected that it would be very corporate and not what I was looking for and I was correct. However, It took a very different approach to what I had based my project around. 
Here are some of the areas they cover:
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An extract:
“ Social Sustainability
Social sustainability is about identifying and managing business impacts, both positive and negative, on people. The quality of a company’s relationships and engagement with its stakeholders is critical. Directly or indirectly, companies affect what happens to employees, workers in the value chain, customers and local communities, and it is important to manage impacts proactively.
Businesses’ social license to operate depends greatly on their social sustainability efforts. In addition, a lack of social development, including poverty, inequality and weak rule of law, can hamper business operations and growth.
At the same time, actions to achieve social sustainability may unlock new markets, help retain and attract business partners, or be the source for innovation for new product or service lines. Internal morale and employee engagement may rise, while productivity, risk management and company-community conflict improve.
The first six of the UN Global Compact's principles focus on this social dimension of corporate sustainability, of which human rights is the cornerstone. Our work on social sustainability also covers the human rights of specific groups: labour, women's empowerment and gender equality, children, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, as well as people-centered approaches to business impacts on poverty. As well as covering groups of rights holders, social sustainability encompasses issues that affecting them, for example, education and health.
While it is the primary duty of governments to protect, respect, fulfil and progressively realize human rights, businesses can, and should, do their part. At a minimum, we expect businesses to undertake due diligence to avoid harming human rights and to address any adverse impacts on human rights that may be related to their activities.
As a complement, not as a substitute for respecting rights, businesses can also take additional steps:
Contribute in other ways to improve the lives of the people they affect, such as by creating decent jobs, goods and services that help meet basic needs, and more inclusive value chains.
Make strategic social investments and promote public policies that support social sustainability.
Partner with other businesses, pooling strengths to make a greater positive impact. 
And although it still remains very corporate the information still comes with value to what I am doing. I have highlighted some key parts which I found useful and insightful. It is explaining a manifesto basically on company policies and laws based around human rights. It still very much recognises that it should be followed to maintain a balanced social environment, even if it is a company environment.
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I found this extract both amusing and also insightful. I have always had this curiosity to find out the real effects of, what I call, the western world. Below is all about individuals who don’t really recognise a problem and see society as a new way of life which is ever changing, consequently causes us to forget what life is all about. 
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Human Kinetics
As the world begins to become ever more connected, it seems we as individuals are becoming more alone that ever. With access to world networks in the palm of our hands we become ever more focused on involving ourselves with it to the stage where our phone is us. It holds so much information about us that it really is a hand ware version of you. Time spent looking at devices can only increase as they become more readily available to us. The youth of today is immensely involved with tech and a new generation of human is born. 
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Both sides of the fence on this article: 
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It is apparent that technology has the potential to harm or enhance your social skills and social life. The key is to analyze how technology affects you socially. Do technologies help you build positive, meaningful relationships, or do technologies hinder this process? Are you better able to communicate, listen, and share because of the technologies in your life? Do you use technologies to improve your relationships and build new ones? Are you letting a few choice people know who you are and what you contribute to this world, or are you merely distracting yourself with shallow pursuits? Does technology increase or decrease your concern for others, your compassion for others, and your desire to serve them? Such are the critical questions regarding technology and social development.
This is the final paragraphy of the article but one that summarises the whole of the investigation. Before this paragraph is a length of research arguing both sides including charts and graphs to better highlight statistics. 
MIT Technology Review
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My Essay Point\
Tumblr media - forum with q and a from user to user - Blog for rants ect ect about facebook and users ect.
Statica is a website which showcases all kinds of factual and statistical information and below is just one example of that. Here I have found a figure which ranks social media sites by number of users. 
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They have a high volume amount of data, which can unfortunately only be accessed upon paying for an account. However they do have some free stats which have become very useful to my research and understanding. It has highlighted some keys areas for the direction of my own project. I will need to refine my work and specify what my goals by answering the obvious, who, what, where, and why. 
Mental health 
Physical and mental effects on us as humans
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Existing campaigns - Blog for rants ect ect about facebook and users ect.
The future and predictions
Existing or developing services and products
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
Early development
After choosing a shortlist of ideas to explore and develop I started working paper based to take notes and see what ideas I could generate. 
Comments on thoughts 
Ideas and explained 
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
Initial Ideas
Off the back of the briefing we were asked to get into groups of 5 and discuss initial ideas and how we could approach. 
comments on thoughts and angles
ideas generated 
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ba3systemforliving · 8 years ago
A system of living - BA3A
Back for year three and first terms brief is 
To design and produce a creative approach to the following challenge:
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