The Mugler-ten
119 posts
The blog filled with film thoughts and reblogged memes
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azurevalley · 30 days ago
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azurevalley · 1 month ago
You ever just look at someone and think
“Fucking tranny”?
Me in the mirror this morning.
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azurevalley · 1 month ago
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New worst thing I've ever made
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azurevalley · 2 months ago
you there, self hating feminist white boy, if you hate men so much, why dont you stop being one
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azurevalley · 2 months ago
Was having an argument with my girlfriend and she turned on read receipts just to leave me on read
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azurevalley · 2 months ago
Today (21/12/2024) is the 4th anniversary of my main Terraria world. Yes, I have in fact also played on other worlds, but this world is the one that I always came back to to do some builds here and there and dump all my loot from other worlds. In fact, this world started as just me storing all my items from finished playthroughs to keep my world select menu clean. Since I made a similar (read: long and rambly) post not too long ago about all my copies of terraria, I thought I would do the same for this world since its a substantial portion of my steam playtime of the game.
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Here it is! Created four years ago today. As the name would suggest, it was originally a playthrough where I only used constituent parts (and constituent parts of those parts, and so forth) of the Zenith as the only weapons I could use. Another stipulation was that I had to actually collect all of them to craft the zenith at the end. Eventually, I started using it as a deposit for all the items I collected (as previously mentioned). The first iteration was very simple, rows of platforms with labelled chests, but it was quickly proving inadequate, so I wanted to create a new storage system. I thought dynasty wood looked cool, and I bought a fuckton off the travelling merchant, with the final result looking like this:
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Except not exactly since there were originally less golden chests (vanity item storage) and I had a few rows of the different lunar fragment chests (for class-based weapons and armour), and some of the furniture at the top floor were added later. The weapons and armour storage, being about 5 chests per class, very very quickly proved to be inadequate, so the solution I came up with a while ago was, rather than raise the building, build a basement underneath the crafting stations room (pictured below as well):
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What's that at the bottom? Is that an excessively wide hellevator? Why, yes it is, because the original hellevator in this world was just bombed into place instead of mined.
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More or less looks like this all the way down. The original had planked walls instead of the wood there now. It sucked. Also, in case anyone was wondering, the vertical wood is not wooden beams, it is in fact ebonwood walls painted brown. Cool build hack.
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At level surface, I also have a world-spanning railway (and in the corner you can see the chests containing every item in the game sorted by item id. that was a fun project).
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Back to the surface for a bit, and outside the doors of each entrance to the main building are trans flags because they are cool and awesome (and so are trans people)
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I also collected every banner and put them on display. Hovering over the banner buff icon shows a massive wall of text showing all the enemies you are buffed against. I once left my game like that when streaming it to a group chat while I left for a minute and someone asked if that's how I play the game.
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I also made a massive arena (that I need to redo at some point) that doesn't fit on one screen so here's where all the stuff is. The pylon was only moved up there in 1.4.4 when the distance to access pylons was increased since before I had 2 pylons at spawn.
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Also here is every music box in the game sorted by volume (with space for vol. 5 which will contain tracks form 1.4.3-1.4.5). What can I say, I like building things to show off stuff like this and the banners.
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A bit further to the right, and we reach the desert pylon. This is the more recent version, with the original being much more shit and basically being slightly decorated shoeboxes around a (smaller) oasis. Those corridors at the sides are not directly the level surface railway, and we will get back to them later.
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Jungle pylon here, this is one rennovation that was also a moving, previous ones were shoebox houses on stilts that were placed just below the railway here:
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Also this is an example of how I "buried" all the tunnels I built (no single tile is exposed to the rest of the world, there are always natural tiles blocking it).
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Moving downwards from there, we have the original arena I used for Plantera,
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Completely mined out and rectangle-ified temple (with bonus still-sealed door cause I hoiked in for some reason),
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And Plantera bulb/life fruit farm.
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Further right on the rail, we get to a 128x128 canvas for pixel art, that I am still yet to think of something I want to fill there.
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And finally on the railway, the end (plus rightmost shaft going down to hell).
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Also above is the ocean pylon which is in an airship I built block-for-block from someone else's world cause I thought it looked cool.
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That is about it for the right side (except for a couple things I'll get back to), so now moving onto the snow pylon. Notice the similar non-train tunnel from the desert pylon. I'm sure this will not come up later.
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Mushroom pylon here, another rennovation that moved the build. The original was right next to the dungeon, in a natural slope from original world gen, sloping down into the dungeons left wall, with basic shoebox houses plus a mushroom grass patch to count the biome. I'll come back to the dungeon in a sec, but just before that,
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Hallow biome house. There's also a sky rail (straight line of rails) and some simple farms and fishing spots for the spreadable biomes in the sky.
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Much like the temple I am also hollowing out the dungeon, but in a way to maintain the funky shape, since the temple was already almost rectangular.
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I also modified the pillars at the dungeon entrance to make the tablet symmetrical, and, what's that? Why is it buried? Why is the surface on top flat? Well,
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I made the whole world flat. Just cause. Jungle was the hardest since i had to raise it and place mud manually, desert was easy cause sand falls. Snow was mostly just shaving off a mountain, and dirt could be done with dirt bombs. I levelled it around spawn's depth level, which is why the dungeon is buried.
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Final pylon, caverns. This one used to just be simple in a cave over a natural cave lake (tried to keep it more or less the same in terms of the framework of it). There used to be a tunnel coking off the right from the bar (which is where the ruby display used to be), but that was removed for reasons I will get into when discussing some more recent changes to the world.
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Just next to the cavern pylon (in a very literal sense) are 12 different variants of the standard slope-type mob farm. The original version used to be 3 (in a 2x2 grid with the lower right one missing) 200x200 excavations with about 5 or 6 tiles of natural generation between them and giant multi-block slabs of crimson, corruption, and hallow blocks for """farms""". They were incredibly shite and looked fucking ugly so I am clad i took up a bit more space to make better-looking and -functioning farms.
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Directly to the left (and down slightly but still touching) the farms, is this display of all the furniture sets (which I recently overhauled and made space for upcoming sets)
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It's this layout for every furniture set, with some variation that some sets have special crafting stations, and some have a potentially relevant music box. Also Santa moves into the boreal one every christmas.
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Here is the bottom of the central shaft, with a regular non-minecart tracked tunnel (the track is in the middle of hell, like the sky rail its just a line of rail but thats a future project), and a little bit going under to properly enter hell- wait, where the fuck did hell go!? Yes, as the next image (of the full world) will show, hell is completely gone. There are ash blocks on the map image, but that is only cause terraria's ingame map actually is able to show 1-2 tiles out of bounds in all 4 directions.
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And here it is, the complete world map. Yes, I completed the world map and made sure every pixel was at max light level because it looked nicer that way.
Final thing for the main post, because of symmetry (the 9 tile long units between torches in the tunnels, I wanted the same amount on each side) I decided to recently move the entire spawn build, and the shaft below, 26 tiles to the left. Also rebuilt the natural terrain using a world copy I made with a (original version I made this in) GOG backup installer (I love drm free files). Had to use TEdit to move the spawn point though.
Post will continue in a reblog because 30 images per post max. It'll show full terramap images of the current world, original world pre- me doing anything, and also what the world if generated today (1.4.4) would have looked like. Also the train stations I most recently built in this world for the pylons.
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azurevalley · 3 months ago
As if talking about how films rely on nostalgia wasn’t already a millennial talking point
Can we talk about how much media feels like a millennial nostalgia content mill yet, or are we still not ready for that conversation?
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azurevalley · 6 months ago
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azurevalley · 6 months ago
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azurevalley · 7 months ago
Flammable maths is so great :)
I wish Germans were real though :(
excuse me WHY (x)
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azurevalley · 8 months ago
I remember seeing a tweet that said something like “transitioning won’t solve all your problems but it will make you feel like you can solve them”.
Always surprised how true that is
I havent had self-harming or suicidal thoughts even once ever since i decided to embrace my girl side tbh
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
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I like to imagine that there’s an old frail Japanese grandma typing in “sata andagi” for instructions on how to make it but instead bombarded with Azumanga shitposts
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
If I recall correctly, it would be like log_10(2) louder or something.
It’s kind of like 2 people with the same strength pushing on something, maybe because of reasons the total force wouldn’t be twice the force of one person but at least the total force would be more
If you play stuff on 2 speakers and 4 speakers, but they're all at the exact same volume, would one be louder?
I assume so because they would probably superpose, unless they were the same volume but different frequencies?
Can a physicist help pls?
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
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Edelgard fanart I did last year for a zine
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
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sussus amogus
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azurevalley · 9 months ago
Maybe you could try a koru spiral or something?
Perhaps a simplified seed in a fruit, like a circle inside a larger circle
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Coming up with symbols is hardddd
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