azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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ok I’m officially obsessed with the home improvement subreddit
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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calvin and hobbes
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
Why do conservatives complain about the price of gas and groceries?
If you don't like the price of gas and groceries, just stop buying gas and groceries.
What's that? That's horrible advice?
Well, that's the exact advice you've been giving to other struggling people since the beginning of time. You've been nonchalantly defending the free market whenever it was harmful to others. You convinced yourself that those who are struggling deserve it until you became one. Then, you suddenly decided that it must be some deep state conspiracy instead of accepting that what's happening to you is exactly what you dismissed when it was happening to others.
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
i forgot how fucking hilarious "informational" mental health diagrams can be.
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
Imagine that for your whole life your entire house has been on fire at all times.
And then after years of pushing and fighting, the government finally relents and goes "okay I guess we can send some firemen to put out one of the fires, maybe the one in your bedroom"
And then suddenly everyone for seemingly no good reason is yelling at you and calling you slurs and accusing you of being a sexual predator and are just so unreasonably angry at how much of the fire departments water supply you're taking up!?
That's kinda what being trans is like these days.
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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After Tokyo 2020 this map remains the same. All men’s water polo gold medal winners since 2000 were born inside this circle.
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
Ease off with the "leeches" rhetoric. Landlords are bad not because they are "leeches", "lazy", or "do not contribute anything". They are bad because they extort the working poor for money with a basic need.
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
Man, one characterization of Vader that I love but rarely see is: Vader as deeply religious. 
Because from an in-universe perspective, that’s so weird! Vader and the viewer know that the Force is not a matter of faith, and that it does in fact give him powers up to and including the ability to accurately see the future, but the galaxy at large doesn’t know that and his fellow Imperials definitely don’t. I think the point of Motti, besides introducing Vader’s ruthlessness toward even his own faction, is to demonstrate that Force use is not just a known factor of the Star Wars universe. 
In that context, Vader is inexplicable. Not only does he have uncanny and inscrutable powers, like those the murdered Jedi are rumored to have had, but he is the only figure in the Imperial military who seems to talk about his religion. At least among the military leadership, he’s not secretive about it; if he’s got to leave a conversation to hunt down Obi-wan, he’ll just come right out and say that he has supernatural knowledge which he needs to go address now. He wields a banned, antique Jedi weapon. He has several times invoked the Force while speaking to his officers. 
In-universe, the general public doesn’t know why he’s like this! The Empire isn’t a theocracy; besides banning the Jedi religion, Emperor Palpatine doesn’t really seem to make a lot of overtly religious policy choices, and I don’t think the general public knows if he subscribes to any specific faith. Except for people who know what the Sith are, Vader just seems like an extremely devout sole adherent to a religion that is all but dead, its other practitioners hunted for treason. He’s like if the president had a weird murder pet who was a Catholic nun, only Catholicism was banned and all other church officials had been murdered by the government. 
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azurepancake768 · 6 hours
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We asked you not to catcall.
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azurepancake768 · 7 hours
Remember, white people: If you aren't funny you can always make a joke about cum or vore and if that fails, do a family guy impression
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azurepancake768 · 7 hours
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azurepancake768 · 7 hours
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azurepancake768 · 7 hours
its ilegal to look for boob pics on google.com/imagesearch
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