azureheights · 20 hours
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Happy Chaos Copy
I'm trying to get back into digital painting, and start doing copies/studies.
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azureheights · 6 days
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I used to be in the "Koopaling Subfandom." I used to browse Lemmy's Land and watched Freezeflame22. I remember having so much fun.
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azureheights · 6 days
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My Pinata Girl as Ky Kiske (My Strive Main)
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azureheights · 13 days
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azureheights · 13 days
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a cooldown sketch of snackparty after doing a lot of art today. i’m working on a little youtube video featuring her! her favorite food is swedish fish because haha uh, candy cat, candy fish. also her claws are sharpened candy cane
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azureheights · 13 days
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sketch of my character Snack Party because I haven’t drawn her in a bit
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azureheights · 13 days
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Made a new character. In love with her. She's filled with some of the best candy you'll ever have
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azureheights · 13 days
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azureheights · 13 days
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@gokutober Day 22 - Harvest
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azureheights · 13 days
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When your grandpa is the strongest fighter in the universe, make sure he stays hydrated
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azureheights · 13 days
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Doodled on Photoshop. Really like Poodles.
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azureheights · 19 days
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Blazblue Alternative: Dark War | 晩杯あきら🌪️
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azureheights · 19 days
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sketch comms have been opened as well! i'll draw most anything provided that it's not like. racist or something complicated designs A-OK, despite the fact that all the examples are animals humans are A-OK too
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azureheights · 19 days
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what a waste... 🌊
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azureheights · 19 days
Demons, Vampires, and Human Blood.
While thinking of Ideas for characters, I think of a Demon-Human Hybrid. I thought that was boring, so I sat on it. I thought of other concepts, but I settled on "Human gets injured severely and gets a heart/limb transplant from a demon." And I think, well since Demon's are supernatural it would regenerate/improve their vitality. I noticed this started to overlap a bit with Vampires. And then I had an excellent idea for a scene.
MC recovers from injury and feels better with new limbs. MC and their teammates are fighting hordes of cultists/soldiers/whatever. While fighting, a large splash of blood flies on the MC's Face. MC starts flipping the hell out, but not in the usual way. First, they stand there in shock. There heart begins to beat rapidly as their limbs go numb. Their Vision grows blurry as they drop to their knees. It feels like every cell in their body just went crazy. Their Magic flares up like never before as they get up laughing. Their eyes are blood red, teeth sharper and elongated. MC proceeds to go nuts, attacking EVERYTHING with amped up Magic.
So the transplanted part essentially converted the MC into a Demon. And my idea is that Demons have aspects of Vampires, one of which is the lust of Human Blood, not for sustenance, but for power. It's like a drug which causes the Demonic Consumer to go nuts. They essentially use Human Blood like power source. It's like the equivalent of drinking a Magic Boosting Elixir/Drug. Also, transforming into a Bat/Goat/Snake.
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azureheights · 21 days
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azureheights · 21 days
Ragna and Nu parenting hcs plsssssss ty!
Ok I have like 2 asks that are older than this one but the random motivation went brrr so fuck it we ball. Also that one Ragnu fic on fanfic.net was a big help in getting this done.
This is...probably not my best, but this ship is fucking hard to do.
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-Taking place in an AU where Ragna doesn't have to sacrifice himself at the end of CF, whether the two of them decide to adopt or Nu is able to have children, these two are...odd as parents to say the least.
-Ragna takes the parent role much more naturally, though that's not really saying much when Nu used to be a weapon created for war, but she's starting to have normal emotions now and very eager to learn. Chances are though she's probably going to need more attention than the kid sometimes to make sure nothing goes wrong.
-Ragna does have at least some experience with kids? Luna and Sena, at least, and might as well throw Tao in there because she might as well be one. Though one that's supposed to be his is another matter entirely. He's not the biggest fan of them normally, but the little rascal manages to grow on him somehow.
-The kid's going to grow up one of two ways: a smartass delinquent or an innocent, mildly socially awkward kid, maybe a bit of both.
-They're also going to grow up with an affinity for swords, there's no avoiding that. Someone's going to need to keep a constant eye on the kid and keep innovating on new places to hide any and all sharp objects.
-As long as Ragna's around, the kid's going to learn how to defend themself when needed, half out of necessity and half out of a subconscious fear Ragna has of something happening. Terumi still fucked him up beyond full repair after all. Also he's not gonna let them not learn how to cook, the last thing he needed was his own progeny ending as up another Noel. Kind of a hardass sometimes, but a cool dad.
-Nu is one hundred percent the one that spoils the kid. She just can't help but dote on them, though sometimes Ragna has to keep her from taking it too far so they don't end up a spoiled brat. This might earn some pouting from her, but it's probably for the better.
-At the very least, poor Ragna and Nu aren't going to be alone. Noel and her friends, Lambda, Celica, Jubei, and to a lesser extent Jin (though he's going to be a fucking tsundere about it) are willing to help out. When it comes to a child as chaotic as they are any and all help is greatly appreciated.
-Rachel would probably not want much to do with the kid, at least until Ragna talked to her about it. The kid could use a godmother, even if the world was a much safer place than the last one. He half expected an immediate no, but he was pleasantly surprised.
-To be honest Rachel herself was surprised as well. But since the insanity of Terumi and the looping world had finally all ended, she felt as if the world had finally been taken off her shoulders. She could finally live and enjoy life for what it was. And if part of that was Ragna's child, so be it. She did want to see where it went, though she'd never admit that out loud.
-The kid's got one gigantic found family, with plenty of positive influences in their life. Ragna and Nu are optimistic that they'll turn out for the better as long as they don't royally fuck up.
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