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i fucking love azupadre sooo much
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azupadre-shrine · 1 year ago
“cariciaspadre is best ship!” “azupom is best ship!” WAIT!!!!!!!!!!! have you maybe considered the following???
azulin x padre
caricias x azulin
caricias x pompon
pompon x padre
i have tons more pls let me cook! pls!!
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azupadre-shrine · 1 year ago
who would eat up my unicorn wars art if i said i couldn’t draw bears and dont know basic anatomy + my artstyle is kinda wack
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azupadre-shrine · 1 year ago
kinda wish there was azupadre art, and fans….. its so underrated it actually makes me rip out my hair……. i made some edits about them too but i think i deleted them forever.. but they r so cute together, its insane??
since there srsly isnt much abt the movie, anything can be up to your interpretation kinda but also dont forget its an anti-war film .?.?!.?.?
i fully believe that azulin and padre had atleast some typa feelings for each other, i saw them kinda close to each other and maybe they had off-screen interactions to build their relationship more. i mean the man literally screamed, “NOO, PADRE!” and looked absolutely heartbroken whilst gordi who didn’t have an on-screen interaction i can remember with padre, just gasped and ‘😱’ (me too, gordi, me too)… but srsly, no one honestly does that unless they are close??? i feel like if unicorn wars was a series and had a few episodes or two, it would probably show atleast a little bit more of their relationship, since series tend to have more opportunities to make their characters interact.
also i’d like to mention the only time we can see padre smiling was when he was looking at azulin and talking to him, LIKE OMFG,?? that man def had smth for azulin pls omfg !!
they also tend to stick somewhat closeby each other during the parts where they are walking in the forest, idk it might not matter but its cute to me !! also it seems azulin kept two things of padres, the book he was gifted and the flask he was seen drinking and the one caricias stole and drank from during the worm scene. it might be something they get when working there instead of recruiting at, but shh. i think i remember a few ppl agreeing that he had gotten it from padre. also it makes sense, i dont think a literal church or military base would hand-out decorated flasks for the priests or lieutenants, especially since most discourage drinking…
uurrghhf idk what else to say, i just LOVE yapping but anyway bye for now !.!!.
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azupadre-shrine · 1 year ago
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azupadre-shrine · 1 year ago
i love this ship, sosoososo much but here is kinda what i’ll post here
comships, my ideas and stuff, fave ships and stuff i might be working on if they r related to these.. or just me yapping lolsies
i plan on making it mostly just unicorn wars stuff here soo ^_^.. i might post oc lore and stuff here
anyway, azupadre rules!
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