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They still have me by the throat, your honor 😔
I’m a bit slammed this moment, so I can’t participate in the whole week this year, but here’s my piece for day one of zutara week - tradition
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Zutara Week 2022 Day 1: Tradition
Zuko takes SWT tradition too seriously...
...until someone had been pranking him. Telling him that "people from the other nation who wishes to court a water tribe girl must kiss a fish before offering it to a penguin seal, to symbolize his/her love".
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It was Gran Gran 🤫
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Iroh: so Toph, what are your goals in life?
Toph: I’ve been banned from every major city’s transportation system except Omashu
Toph: I don’t know what their limit is but I will fucking find it 
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enough healing i need to kill
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i hope sokka lived a happy and fulfilling life that he was able to share with lots of generations. i hope he was able to learn lots about the world and space and science. i hope he was able to implement all the things he wanted to as a councilman and i hope he felt good about helping nonbender kids feel a part of the community. i hope he kept a strong relationship with katara, toph, zuko, aang, hakoda and suki. i hope that he got a medal of valour or something alongside the gaang and i hope his efforts to create a better community weren’t ignored because he deserved all of that
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me rewatching atla: maybe this time katara will end up with zuko
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sokka was the only kid in that show with social skills and a brain and he effortlessly charmed literally every. single. person. he met especially royalty no matter the age or nation this is why the writers had to nerf him and make him a non bender cause if he coulda bend anything the show woulda been called sokka and his good pal the avatar and its main conflicts would all be resolved by the third episode tops
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I know we all know that toph loves to cuss, but I just realized
She had an extremely sheltered upbringing, then when she snuck out to fight, she went to the Earth Kingdom version of WWE, which, if it’s like real world WWE, is family entertainment, and she never spent time backstage, she came she fought she left
I don’t think Toph knows any swear words
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Ozai and Aang Parallels
“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
This quote encapsulates Aang perfectly. He defeated Ozai, only to later become exactly like him.
Parallels: Parenting
Ozai favored Azula for her bending ability; Aang favored Tenzin for his airbending ability.
Aside from Ozai outright saying this in the comics, the show illustrates this favoritism constantly in the praise Ozai gives Azula and the responsibilities he places on her.
Aang’s favoritism was shown in LOK and I think in a much more heartbreaking way. Bumi apologizes to Aang’s statue for not being an airbender.
“Look uh, I'm sorry I didn't turn out to be an Airbender like you hoped. But I've tried my best to keep the world safe. Hope I made you proud.”
Bumi is in his sixties and he still holds this shame. The implications this has for his childhood is heartbreaking. How many times he was probably treated as not good enough or the disappointment always seeping from his fathers face when he looked at him.
Kya is similar, while she is a waterbender, she still wasn’t an airbender and his disappointment was also present when she saw how he would clearly favor Tenzin over her and Bumi.
Ozai’s favoritism towards Azula’s controlled her life and led to herdownfall, Aang’s pressure controlled Tenzin’s life and made him sacrifice his happiness.
Azula always was pressured to be the best by Ozai’s standards. She was a prodigy, a leader and ruthless because thats how Ozai conditioned her to be. Ozai’s influence is what led Azula to be as destructive as she was.
Aang did the same thing to Tenzin. Aang conditioned him to re-establish the airbenders at all costs and this controlled his life. It forced Tenzin to end his long term relationship with Lin because she didn’t want children. We never actually learn if he did either. All we know is that he needed to have children and Aang made sure to instill that in him. The abuse went both ways but in different types.
Ozai’s neglect led to his children’s resentment; Aang’s neglect did the same to his children.
The neglect Ozai presented to Zuko eventually led Zuko to become arguably the best parent out of anyone from the original gaang.
Aang’s neglect was much more damaging because unlike Ozai who is viewed by the world as a villain, Aang is the hero that ended the war. So in effect, Aang was able to gaslight the world into thinking he had a happy family and anyone- even his own children- who said otherwise were dramatic and wrong.
The impact of Aang’s neglect also had real world consequences for his children outside of family dynamics. His own acolytes- now Tenzins- did not even know Aang had other children. They said so to their faces. This shows how little Aang cared about his other kids to even put his airbending child above his other children even in conversation.
The implication of this is even more heartbreaking because it shows that his love for his children was conditional and if they didn’t turn out how he wanted, he would pretend they didn’t exist. And we can also see this pattern in his marriage with Katara. Which leads me to…
Parallels: Marriage
Ozai’s relationship with his wife was estranged and distant. Aang’s relationship with Katara eventually turned out that way as a result of his neglecting his two other children.
Ozai in the comics treated Ursa as a prize for her linage. Aang treated Katara as a trophy for him ending the 100 year war and dictated their relationship in the same way Ozai did in their big decisions.
Ursa had no power in her relationship and Katara didn’t either in a lot of ways. Ursa was held to the standards of the royal court. Katara was held to the standards of public opinion and the expectations put upon her for being with the Avatar.
Both Ursa and Katara’s decisions were overlooked compared to their husbands and that is because they were always considered unequal to their partners. Katara went along with it because that had always been her dynamic with Aang. He was the avatar and his words were taken seriously compared to her which were taken as nagging.
Behind the scenes she had some authority over how the group interacted and contributed to the team. But, that did not transcend into public life and Aang did nothing to establish her as an equal to his decisions. His neglect was not only to his children, Katara suffered too.
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Azula always lies. 
saw this post by @heavenly-dusk and kinda went insane thinking abt it so i drew it, i hope you don’t mind! 
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Never forget that Bryke made Aang a bad dad.
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me, your friendly neighborhood villain apologist: zuko was never evil he was just 16
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What kind of shitty comfort is this?!?
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Fixed it.
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I hate the trope of "I refuse to hit women!! [Gets decked]" cause it's boring but I do like the trope of someone in an RPG going "hey I don't wanna hit a kid that's kinda fucked up" and the kid just obliterates them
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think i forgot to post this here earlier and that is honestly such a shame
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