ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 10 - Am I ready for the BA?
Let me tell you about our last week of portfolio. We had the coolest session on blogging, where we learned all the ins and outs of creating an epic blog. And guess what? We were also busy brainstorming and planning our portfolio showreel. It was such a vibe. Ms. Dinendri, our amazing mentor, was there to guide us and give us some bomb feedback to level up our showreels.
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This is the end of Portfolio blog for now :)
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 9 - Imaginative History
Now let me spill the tea on my research this week. So, we had to dig into Sri Lankan history, and I chose to dive deep into three super interesting incidents. First up, I explored the story of the first transgender person in Sri Lanka. It's incredible to learn about the challenges they faced and how they paved the way for acceptance and inclusivity. Then, I delved into the Tragedy of Daskon and Pramila's love story, a historical event that left me shook. And last but not least, I looked into the heart-wrenching Murder of Seya. It's anyhow important to remember these incidents and the impact they had on society. History is wild!!!
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You won't believe the tea from week 9. Shanaka De Silva came through with a bomb workshop on storytelling. He spilled all the deets on how to make a story pop. From doing solid research to setting the right tone, adding excitement and drama, and nailing the storytelling form, he covered it all. And guess what? He even hooked us up with a list of must-watch movies to level up our storytelling game. I'm dying to watch the flicks he recommended.
And in the third day of the week, we were assigned to dig into a funny story happen in world history and make a flip book with it. So the story I went was, the story of the pet of Andrew Jackson, who was the 7th president of the US. His pet parrot, Poll, who squeaked and swore like a sailor had to be removed because it was swearing in the funeral of Andrew Jackson, where thousands of people gathered to pay their respect.
And as for the final assignment, we had to make a comic book based on one of our researches. So i went with the tragic love story of Daskon and Pramila.
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End of week 9.
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 8 - Using AI as a design and learning tool
This week was an absolute blast in the MGA lab... Mr. Nuwan and Mr. Indika took us on an epic adventure into the realm of AI. They showed us the ropes on how to craft the perfect prompts that AI can get its virtual brain around. And let me tell you, we unleashed our creativity and made some mind-blowing creations using AI. It was like having a digital genie granting our every artistic wish.
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Let me spill the beans about my grand adventure with this story about a fabulous female pianist.
There was this female pianist who pursued her passion for music against her parents' wishes. Her name is Clara Schumann. Clara was born in 1819 in Germany and showed exceptional musical talent from a young age. However, her father did not support her musical ambitions and wanted her to focus on household duties. Despite this, Clara continued to practice and perform, eventually becoming one of the most renowned pianists of the Romantic era. She faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but her determination and love for music allowed her to overcome them and establish herself as a successful pianist. Clara Schumann's story is an inspiring example of following one's passion, even in the face of opposition.
So, picture this, I had this genius concept to show the story of Clara in my head, but when I unleashed the powers of AI, things went a little wonky. The art just didn't quite hit the mark, and I was like, "Wait, what?!" But hey, that's the beauty of creativity, right? It's like a rollercoaster ride of surprises and unexpected twists. Oh, you won't believe the rollercoaster ride I went on to create my AI art. It was like a wild adventure filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of "what in the world?!" moments. But I did not back down. I persevered through the struggles and somehow created an AI art closer to the idea I had in my mind.
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So as for the assignment, I had to combine all the AI arts from my talented classmates, and threw in my own prompt for good measure. And voila! The result was a mind-blowing masterpiece according to me.
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End of Week 8....
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 7 - Manual Design techniques
Oh, let me spill the beans about our 6th week at AOD. We dove headfirst into the world of manual techniques, like collage making and calligraphy. We learned all about the importance of these techniques for design students, and let me tell you, it's like having superpowers in your artistic arsenal. So, watch out world, because we're armed with scissors, glue, and fancy pens, ready to conquer the design scene one collage and calligraphy stroke at a time.
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We also went to visit the W.A. Silva printing press this week. I was so surprised to see all those design machines which were used in past.
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My final weekly submission-
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End of week 7....
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 6 - Introduction to Design Software
Oh man, it was such a rad experience. We hit up the MGA lab this week and got to dive into some seriously cool design software. I'm talking Maya, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator. We even learned how to make a ball bounce in Maya. It was like watching a little digital athlete in action. And guess what? I whipped up a totally random creation on Illustrator. It's like a logo…but, you know, with a funky twist. Who knows, maybe it'll become the next big thing.
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Okay moving on to the weekly submission... Oh boy, let me tell you about our wild cut-out animation adventure. We were split into two groups, and I ended up with the dream team consisting of Anya, Shiza, and Kais. We were brainstorming ideas, and out of nowhere, Shiza drops this bombshell idea of a starry night theme. And you know what? Anya and I were like, "Why not go all Van Gogh on this?!" So, we rolled up our sleeves, grabbed our scissors, and got to work on our cut-out masterpiece. It was like crafting our way into the art history books. Now let me give you the lowdown on our cut-out animation rollercoaster. So, picture this: Anya, Shiza were all set to conquer the painting part of our project and I was trying to comeup with a narration to our cut-out animation. But then, out of the blue, Anya falls victim to the dreaded sickness and has to stay home. Talk about bad timing!! But fear not, because Maria and Thameena swooped in like superheroes to save the day. They joined forces with Shiza and me, and together we completed the painting.
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And just when we thought things couldn't get any better, Kais, the master of all things photography, showed up to record our masterpiece. Talk about having a pro on our team. He even worked his magic in the editing room, and voila! Our assignment was completed with flying colors. Teamwork truly does make the dream work.
Our narration-
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Our final cut-out animation,
End of week 6.See you in week 7.
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 5 - Imagination and Observation
Ah, this week was all about unleashing our imagination and sharpening our observation skills. Let me tell you, the advantages of these two superpowers are out of this world, from my point of view. It's like having a secret weapon in the creative realm. Imagination helps us dream up wild and wonderful ideas, while observation allows us to notice the tiniest details that others might miss. Together, they make us unstoppable forces of creativity. It's like having a pair of magical goggles that reveal hidden treasures in the world around us.
Alright, buckle up, because it's time to dive into the world of assignments. Brace yourself for some serious brain gymnastics, because this week, we had not one, not two, but a whopping seven assessments to conquer. Can you believe it? It's like a marathon of knowledge and creativity.
Let me spill the tea on the first assessment. We were tasked with diving deep into the mesmerizing world of art and studying Henri Matisse's masterpiece, "The Conversation." But here's the twist - we had to channel our inner storytellers and develop a narration for this incredible painting. It was like putting ourselves in the shoes of the characters and imagining what they might be saying to each other. Talk about art coming to life. It was a challenge, but oh, so fascinating.
Here's my narration for that.
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Alright, time to groove into assessment number two. So, picture this during the lectures, we were treated to not one, not two, but four funky audio tracks. And guess what? We had to bust out our sketching skills and create our own unique style of rhythm on paper. It was like dancing with our pencils, creating visual beats that matched the music.
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Oh, hold onto your seats, my friend, because assessment number three is about to blow your mind. We dove headfirst into the whimsical world of Emily Cohl's "Fantasmagorie" animation. Our mission? To unravel the secrets of unique transitions within the animation and sketch out a pattern of mind-boggling object to object transformations. It was like witnessing magic unfold right before our eyes. We were like visual wizards, conjuring up fantastical sequences that would make anyone's jaw drop.
Alrighty, brace yourself for assessment number four. We embarked on a wild adventure through the land of hair-care and beverage commercials. Our task was to watch and study these ads like Sherlock Holmes on a caffeine fuelled investigation. We had to spot all the clichés lurking in these commercials and make a list longer than Rapunzel's hair. But here's the best part , we got to flex our creative muscles and come up with our own genius ideas for hair care and beverage advertisements, all while avoiding those predictable clichés.
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Oh, now assessment number five, This one was a real adventure in people-watching. We were paired up and tasked with becoming undercover detectives, observing the fascinating characters around us, and documenting their quirks and stories. It was like being a secret agent of storytelling, creating narratives that would make even the best authors jealous.
Haha, I and my partner, Anya had quite the undercover operation. First, we two embarked on a mission to Keels, the ultimate people-watching spot. we waited there for what felt like an eternity, observing folks left and right. The staff probably caught onto our sneaky stares, making it feel like we were committing a crime just by leaving without buying anything. But fear not, Anya came to the rescue and grabbed some random snacks, while I opted for a packet of cookies to maintain our secret agent status. Smooth moves, I guess. Then, it was time for a caffeine-filled pit stop at The Fab cafe. We savoured our coffee while keeping a watchful eye on the intriguing individuals passing by. It was like being in our own little spy movie, but with the added bonus of delicious java. And of course, our adventure wouldn't be complete without a trip to MC. We explored the shops, feeling the pressure to make a purchase to avoid suspicion. So, I and Anya snagged some cute keychains to keep our cover intact. But hey, the side eyes you received were just a testament to your top-notch observation skills! Mission accomplished.
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After observing all those intriguing characters, I and Anya put our detective hats back on and summarized everything we learned about them. Anya got to work, sketching their images with artistic finesse, while I put my thinking cap on and brainstormed ideas. Three ideas floated through my mind, but like a true duo, I and Anya decided to go with the last one. And oh boy, did it pay off! With our chosen idea as our guide, we two crafted a captivating narration that tied all the pieces together. It was like the perfect puzzle, each character fitting into the story seamlessly. Our collaboration was a true masterpiece. It's amazing what can happen when creative minds come together.
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So here's the final narration we developed.
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Ah, the notorious Assessment 6, the ultimate challenge that put my writing skills to the test. We were tasked with crafting an essay that not only captured our experiences throughout the week but also incorporated all the previous assessments and our learning outcomes. It was basically to talk about a multitasking masterpiece.
OMG, Assessment 7 was seriously the best. We got to play with clay and let our imaginations run wild. I was just shaping random shapes without even thinking, and then our lecturer dropped the bombshell, we had to create a story based on our creation. But here's the catch, I couldn't even name the thing I made. So, after some serious brainstorming, I turned it into a gravestone. I mean, who knew that random shapes could turn into tombstones, right?
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Okay here comes the biggest challenge I had. It was a real brain teaser trying to come up with a story based on a tombstone. I mean, what else could I do, right? So, I went all out and decided to go for the classic plot twist: someone had to meet their untimely demise in the story. And who better than a ghost to make things even more interesting? So, I crafted a story between two men, one being a human and the other a ghost. It was like a supernatural romance story. Ohh I had a little poem to the end of my story as well.
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And like that, week 5 came to and end...
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 4 - Time and Spacing
Oh, you won't believe the twist this week brought to our design journey. It was like stepping into a whole new dimension of creativity. So get this, we actually had to dance! Yes, you heard it right, dancing as design students.... Who would've thought, right? But here's the thing, it wasn't just any ordinary dance. We were taught about the magical world of time and spacing and how crucial it is in design. Just like in dancing, design also needs the perfect rhythm and spacing to create something extraordinary. We did all sorts of dance movements and exercises, and let me tell you, it was a blast. Who knew dancing could be so fun and enlightening for our creative minds? Oh boy, let me tell you about our weekly assignment. So, we were split into two groups, and each group had to come up with a 2-minute choreography video. Now, here's the hilarious part ,our team took nearly 3 days to record it! Why, you ask? Well, I truly wasn't feeling too well , and let's just say my dance moves were more like dance flops! But hey, we had a blast recording it, even though none of us had any clue about dancing. We had to redo the same moves over and over again, but hey, practice makes perfect, right? It was a memorable experience, to say the least!
Here's our final video
End of week 4
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 3 - Design and Culture
So, this week was like no other. We had not one, but two tutors in the house. Talk about doubling the fun. And to top it off, I was paired up with the one and only Maria. That's what I call a winning combo. So, our lecturers paired us up and threw this curveball at us called mirroring. I mean, who knew copying someone's every move could be so entertaining. It was hilarious, but with a twist. Definitely a new experience for me, but I embraced the weirdness and had a blast. So, after we finished our hilarious mirroring session, the tutors threw us into a partner chat frenzy. Maria and I got to talking, and boy, did we learn a whole lot about each other. From hobbies to dreams, we covered it all. But here's where it gets interesting, the tutors challenged us to find something we both had in common and present it to the class. And you won't believe it, but Maria and I both had a passion for music. It was like a harmonious coincidence that brought us together. And during this week, our lecturers took us to check out the Barefoot cafe. And let me tell you, it was like stepping into an art lover's paradise! We saw all kinds of funky and fascinating artworks. But here's the kicker, we stumbled upon a handloom machine. Can you believe it? It was my first time seeing something so ancient and cool. It felt like stepping into a time machine, but with artsy vibes.
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oh so we were asked to take pictures of the partner which will match to the background of the caricature. And about the caricature, I'll tell it later but for now here's my partner, One and Only gorgeous Maria...
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Moving into weekly submissions...So we had 3 assignments for this week.
01.The Caricature
Oh, this is going to be epic. So, after our heart-to-heart chat, we were tasked with creating caricatures based on a memorable incident from our partner's life. And guess what? Maria spilled the beans about her love for anime. I couldn't resist the opportunity, so I found a picture of her cosplaying as her favourite anime character at a comic festival. And voila! My caricature is all about Maria getting hyped up in her room, getting ready to rock the comic festival scene. I even made sure to include two posters of her beloved anime displayed proudly in her room. It's like capturing her otaku spirit.
p.s - I struggled a lot with facial features and expressions because I'm not used to draw them but I tried my best.
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2.The Map
As for the second assignment, we were assigned to draw a visual map of our way from home to university and our way from university to home. Well my map looks like a drawing of a 6 year kid. I was unable to put a lot of time and effort to this because I spend a lot of time for my caricature. Once again I noticed my weakness when it comes to managing the time.
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3. I don't how to give a name for this assignment but let me explain this. We were given a task to bring something old and valuable from home. Now, living with my grandma, her house is like a treasure trove of ancient goodies. But you won't believe what caught my eye , these elephant brass bells hanging in her living room. They've been there since I was a wee little kid, and let me tell you, they've got quite the jingle. It's like a musical safari right in her living room if we hit those bells.
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Alright, buckle up for this incredible tale! So, get this, in my grandma's family, there's this whole ritual thing where the grandpa gifts the eldest granddaughter a baby elephant. And guess what? These brass bells hanging in her living room? They were the bells that came along with that adorable pachyderm. According to my grandma, those bells are legit ancient, like over 1000 years old. Can you believe it? They've been passed down from generation to generation, adorning the necks of every elephant in the eldest granddaughter's family line. Now, here's the hilarious part, my mom didn't get an elephant, and well, I didn't get one either. So those precious bells are just chilling in my grandma's house, as a reminder of our elephant-less legacy!
And here's my poster kind of thing about the elephant brass bells,
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So in the last day of week 3, we had this amazing exhibition where we had to present all of our 3 assignments and our university administration and some of our lectures came to visit.
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and just like that...week 3 came to an end.
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 2 - Point of View
Oh god, where to start speaking about my struggles throughout this week? But let me tell the artistic beans! We dove into the world of point of view in art, and boy, did we have a blast! We practiced drawing images from one point of perspective and two point of perspective. But let me tell you, I had my fair share of struggles too! I mean, I didn't know anything about it before, so it was like trying to juggle oranges while riding a unicycle! But hey, with a little perseverance, I managed to get the hang of it. And moving onto our weekly submission, we were split into two groups and given the task of capturing different perspectives of our university premises in pictures. And guess what? We had to choose one of those pictures and draw it! Now, let me tell you, it was quite the adventure! I spent a good 4 hours on my masterpiece, and I even had to dive into the depths of YouTube to figure out all the nitty-gritty details. But hey, all that effort was totally worth it in the end....
Below is the picture I chose,
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And here's my drawing. I tried my best...
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End of Week 2....
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Week 1 - Find and learn about yourself
During our little self-exploration session on this week, we were hit with some thought-provoking questions. And guess what? It turns out I discovered some things about myself that I never even knew existed! Who knew a simple questionnaire could lead to such self - discovery ? And we have been diving into the fascinating world of semiotics and visual language in design. We also explored the mysterious realm of VARK modalities. Let me tell you about this VARK thing we encountered. It's like a secret decoder for learning styles! And guess what? I cracked the code and found out which modality works best for me. It's like my learning superhero power! You know what, when it comes to auditory, reading, writing, and kinesthetic learning, I'm learning really fast. I'm all focused and attentive. But when it comes to visual learning, oh boy, I'm like a squirrel chasing shiny objects! My attention span goes out the window! It's like my brain has a secret mission to explore every distraction in sight!
Into weekly submissions... So we were assigned to make a juice box and an infographic.
JUICE BOX - Let me spill the juice box secrets to you! So, I had this brilliant idea of creating a juice box specifically for kids. But let me tell you, my brainstorming session went wild! I had all these crazy and impractical ideas flying around. But then, a lightbulb moment happened! I thought, why not make the juice box in the shape of a robot? It's super easy with boxes! And when it comes to packaging, it's gonna be a showstopper in the local market. Kids won't be able to resist it! But here's the funny part, I wanted to add ears to the robot using bottle caps, but I couldn't crack the code on how to do it! Any ideas, genius? And also I used sort of bright colours because obviously kids love bright and vibrant colors.
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INFOGRAPHIC - Moving on to my infographic journey! At first, I was all like, "Let's talk about how people misuse technology these days!" But then, a wild idea appeared! I thought, why not shine a light on Enclophobia? It's like a secret topic that nobody talks about, but it's so eye-opening! Not many people know about it, and I wanted to change that. And you know what? I even used the color palette of extroverts for this. So, it's gonna be vibrant and attention-grabbing!
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Can you believe it? The first week at AOD has come to an end, just like that! And let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster of fun and learning! I had a blast and soaked up knowledge like a sponge. Now, I'm eagerly looking forward to your blog about week two!
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ayodya-mga2023mi3459 · 10 months
Hello. I'm Ayodya and I am a MGA student at AOD. 10 weeks of our portfolio is almost over and here I am to blog about my past 10 weeks as a portfolio student.
Stay tuned....
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