ayaxasi · 7 years
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casually tying ghost’s hair into  ponytail and feeding them snacks.
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
[ tuck ]
send one to see how my muse reacts  /  soft edition.
[ tuck ] to place a blanket on my muse.
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    Though she was, for the most part, asleep, her eyes hardly fluttered open and she saw a tall shadow place a blanket over her. Immediately, the cover brought her comfort from the chilly air. A thankful, tired smile curved her lips upward as her eyes closed once again, a carriage of dreams swiftly whisking her consciousness away.
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ayaxasi · 7 years
send one to see how my muse reacts  /  soft edition.
[ trail ] for your muse to start a trail of kisses down my muses neck. 
[ shift ] for your muse to move hair off my muses face.
[ stroke] for your muse to gently stoke my muse’s face.
[ chin ] for your muse to gently grab my muses chin.
[ tuck ] to place a blanket on my muse.
[ wrap ] for your muse to walk into the room and say nothing before wrapping their arms around my muse. 
[ fidget ] for your muse to comfort mine during a bad dream.
[ braid ] for your muse to braid mines hair.
[ sponge ] for your muse to give my muse a sponge bath.
[ drape ] for your muse to help pull off / unzip my muses clothing
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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    ;; like au mother like au daughter
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ayaxasi · 7 years
                   ❛❛I see.❜❜Given her questioning tone of voice, had his daughter never learned where to place this leg ? At least spoken INSTRUCTIONS accompanied the charms which came from shrines. Yet…Katsuie doubted that he had ever found a rooster’s leg at a shrine. So this charm must have originated from elsewhere. But…would his daughter have received any GUIDANCE concerning its use, then ?
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                   ❛❛I…do not believe that wearing this around my neck would be suitable long-term. Such an arrangement would be agreeable while I am at home, wearing lighter clothes. However, I fear that the charm would be crushed beneath my armor in the midst of battle. Therefore, it would be best to locate another place in which to keep this rooster leg.❜❜Guilt tugged on his heart as he was forced to DISMISS his daughter’s first idea. Was there some way in which he could help her find a more correct solution ? To feel some sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT ? ❛❛Would you…wish to help me find a better location for this charm ?❜❜
    A frown gradually formed on her face. Of course, it was common sense that armor was dense and tough, and could, therefore, crush the foot. How could Mato be so naive and not take that into consideration? Maybe she was just so excited about the concept about fetching a gift that she did not take the time to consider the specific details that were involved.
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    At his offer, her faltered glance looked back up at him. He was still allowing her to fix her ignorant mistake – this was great! Having been offered a second chance, a bright smile flashed once again.
    “I could wish nothing more, dear father. I shan’t take long to find the answer.” Mato turned around, ready to take off – apparently, she was not aware that an opportunity to bond with her father was presented to her.
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ayaxasi · 7 years
                    ❛❛ …Is that so ? ❜❜ Katsuie had never before heard of a rooster’s leg providing good fortune. But, even if that was so…there could be some TRUTH behind the girl’s statement. After all, different regions of the Land of the Rising Sun had different LEGENDS about yokai. So a whole different country could provide different good luck charms, correct ?
                   Still —– he doubted that his daughter’s charm could actually bring good luck to him. Even if it was a success for normal people, how could it ever work for Katsuie ? The aura of misfortune around him would NULLIFY its effects. But…how could he bring himself to tell such a terrible truth to his own child ? No doubt she must have gone to great effort to find this rooster leg. He gave his daughter a worried glance.
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                    ❛❛ I…see. Thank you very much for the present. ❜❜ He ACCEPTED the rooster leg from her, grasping it in his right hand. ❛❛ If I may ask…is there a specific location in which I should place this rooster leg ? ❜❜ 
    A soft, yet enthusiastic smile graced her lips – he actually accepted her gift and thanked her! Truly, today was a glorious day! It would seem that the foot surely brought fortune.
    The inquiry, however, caught Mato off guard. She never considered that the charm had to be placed specifically. What if that was an absolute necessity to know? The thought briefly concerned the child, but only for a second. After all, if there was a certain way he had to wear it, then it would have come up during her brief research into the gift.
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    “...Perhaps you wear it around your neck? Or maybe you just need to keep it tucked away somewhere safe?”
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ayaxasi · 7 years
Top three intelligences for your muse  
TAGGED BY: @gozokuu TAGGING: whoever wishes to do this!!
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You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person.
You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.
You enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. You like telling stories. You are motivated by books, records, dramas, opportunities for writing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your language intelligence include reading aloud, especially plays and poetry. Another idea is to write down reflections on what you've read. You may also enjoy exploring and developing your love of words, i.e., meanings of words, origin of words and idioms, names. Use different kinds of dictionaries.
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
Tagged by: myself because it was fun doing it with Jia Yu
Tagging: well everyone’s done it so...
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The name “garnet” comes from the Latin word “Garanatus,” meaning “seedlike,” in reference to a pomegranate. This reference makes sense as small garnets look like the bright red seeds you find inside in a pomegranate. In medieval times, the stones were thought to cure depression, protect against bad dreams, and relieve diseases of the liver. According to legend, Noah used a finely cut, glowing garnet to illuminate the ark during those dark wet days and nights. In ancient and medieval times, garnets were worn to enhance bodily strength, endurance and vigor. There are many beliefs in the power garnet has over the not just physical health, but mental health as well. Garnet’s virtues have been long believed to include passion, true friendship, fidelity, success, self-esteem, loyalty, devotion, energy, faith, consistency, and truth. Garnet has been believed to be extremely beneficial in the realm of business as well. The stone causes people to be attracted to the wearer, which aids in business, as well as in personal success.
Also known as Gillyflower, a carnation may come in hues of red, yellow, white, purple and even green. Carnation’s scientific name roughly translates to "Flower of Love" or "Flower of the gods" and symbolizes love, fascination and distinction. In the Victorian era, giving someone a carnation hides a secret message, that differs by color. A red carnation means, "My heart aches for you", a pink carnation means, "I’ll never forget you", a yellow carnation means, "You have disappointed me", and a striped carnation means, "I wish I could be with you". A carnation is also the state flower of Ohio and the 1st wedding anniversary flower.
Capricorns are known to be loyal, resourceful, responsible, patient, willful, practical and ambitious people. You are so ambitious, you always have something you are pursuing and you do so without haste. You are extremely patient and will wait however long is necessary to get what you want. Along with your ambition comes the wise trait of being cautious. You are also quite philosophical and intelligent and tend to take on other people's problems with selflessness. You are ok with change but introduce it slowly so you can get used to it and incorporate it into your life with ease.
The Tiger
You are passionate, enthusiastic, sociable, bold, ambitious, courageous, charismatic, confident, energetic and exciting. You are a lively, kind, funny and generous person. You have the ability to clearly see problems as they arise. You have a strong sense of independence and you go to extraordinary lengths to prove yourself. You are an excellent parent and a generous, inspiring friend. You love trying new things and taking risks. You will give your all to anything that inspires you. As such, your life is never dull as there is always something new awaiting you.
You are ambitious, reliable, determined, driven, resourceful, level headed, sociable, knowledgeable, well spoken, passionate, sensual, and funny. You know how to use your energy wisely to achieve the most effective results. You always have your eyes focused on the goals ahead and you always accomplish them, for you will stop at nothing until you do. This can apply to competitive sports, business, and personal matters. You also go to great lengths to protect your loved ones and you are extremely honest. Your conscious desire is to succeed while your unconscious desire is to rest. Your spiritual path is to learn patience.
Elm Tree
You are organized, tasteful, cheerful, open, direct, noble-minded, generous, honest, faithful, funny, and practical. You are passionate about life, You appreciate and love everything in life that is harmonious and beautiful. You are quite outspoken about your opinions and emotions and because of this, you make a great friend, partner, and family member. You love to be a leader, not a follower.
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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what exactly is a Nora…
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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ayaxasi · 7 years
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♧ authorized reprint for tumblr // artist:   北方子
✿ please do not remove source link// edit  illustration // change caption // upload to other websites!  
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ayaxasi · 7 years
☔️ ( Tama )
☔️ - Share an umbrella with my muse after it’s noted they’re walking in the rain alone
    Hm? Where did the rain go?  Mato instantly considered whether or not it abruptly stopped raining, not immediately recognizing the other female in her peripheral vision. This was easily corrected, however, after she looked up and realized that she was shielded with a parasol.
    Come to think of it, standing in the rain was probably considered unwise, as most people could possibly get sick as a result. Was this stranger that considerate of her well-being? Well, it was best to not be rude towards her generosity, and so Mato offered a soft smile in return.
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    “Thank you very much; I apologize if I brought you any inconvenience.”
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