ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Aya didn't realise she was daydreaming until her friend poke her from the back, as quickly as she snap back into reality she regretted it as the substituted teacher is still standing in front of the class and talking about how great she is and how dumb everyone else’s are.
Aya turns back to her friend “Why did you bring me back to this cruel reality?” Aya softly ask in a dramatic way “Easy!, I want you to suffer with me, no running away into your dream” Winter whispered “Silence back there!” The substitute teacher shout The two girls went quiet, soon the teacher start gloating again, The moment Aya hears the teacher’s gloat she quickly turn back to WInter. “I hate this teacher!, she sucks, she's not even-” The teacher suddenly cut in and points at Aya with a ruler
“At the end of this ruler you’ll see someone who is unable to listen to people and doesn’t know when to be quiet!” Aya ask confused
“Aaaa, Mam which end of the point are you talking about?” The whole class laughed, winter shook her head knowing full well what the teacher gonna say next The teacher tried to compose herself but failing “go...to...DETENTION!!”
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
“This is so weirddd!” Aya says as she rubs her head in confusion, “why would someone have that item in their bag, too?” 
 She had been about to finish working when she saw a bag at a bench near her, she looked at it and thought something about it was similar. Maybe the shape of the bag? She’s used to finding lost bags but normally she would have found the owner quickly, however this time it was different. The item in the bag was too weird and random. Inside the bag there’s a pink water bottle, some snacks (Aya’s stomach grumbled as she looks at the snacks), a scarf that looks like hers, and a sherlock book. The items are just like hers, and it made her mind go wild. 
“What if someone is spying on me!" She gasps "Maybe someone was stalking me!... Wait, those two are the same thing, aren't they?” She pauses to consider the similarities and differences before gasping again. “What if they're watching me right now!” 
 Aya immediately scanned the area, cautious of any ‘suspicious’ movement. As she was scanning she saw an old man who smiled and nodded at her, she politely smiled and nodded back. 
 “ITS HIM!” She shouts internally. “What should I do? Should I run? What if he follows me? How long has he been stalking me for? Should I call the police? Should I call Kunikida?” Aya asks herself frantically in her mind.
As she was thinking about all this, something caught her eye. The top of the bag had a name tag and she wondered how she didn't see it the first time. She looked at the name tag and her cheeks started to burn red in embarrassment. 
“Oh...” She says to herself.
 The name tag had her own name written on it. Conveniently she recovered her memory and remembered that she put her bag there, as she usually does. She was so embarrassed she looks at the old man and felt really bad for accusing the nice old man, then she quietly got up and quickly left the station she was at and went home without another word.
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
One of those people....(again)
Aya: *sighs* *A woman just dropped her wallet right in front of her* Aya grumpily pick up the wallet and went close to the woman. She tap her shoulder, the lady turned Aya: Excuse me miss, but I’m pretty sure you dropped this *she extends her hand, preparing for it to be snatch away. Instead the lady just slowly take it from her hand and look inside it, Aya lift her head* Aya: Uhhhh.... Lady: O! sorry for my rudeness, I have a really bad habit of not trusting people *Aya just shrugs* Lady: but I see that nothing is missing, so here’s a $10 dollar note for you as my thank you Aya: Oh thanks, but no thanks!, I dont do this for the money! Lady: You know what!, just for that I’ll give you another $10 Aya: but I just said I dont do this for the- Lady: Here’s another $10 *Aya considers about it for a bit, then decided to just take it before the lady gives her more money* Aya: Thank you! Lady: You know, I wish there was more people like you, keep doing your work! Aya: O, thank you, I really appreciate that~! *The lady walks back to where she was going and Aya walks happily, not because of the money but because someone finally complemented her work*
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
@lovecraftsuggestion I love the moster youve created. Granted I havent actually read the book, I love the monster Cthulhu youve created. How did you think of such interesting….entity? What inspired you to get the idea?
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
@lovecraftsuggestion I love the moster youve created. Granted I havent actually read the book, I love the monster Cthulhu youve created. How did you think of such interesting....entity? What inspired you to get the idea?
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Of course you are! You are like the real version of sherlock (better of course) 
O I recently just found out this series called SHERLOCK and its…..AMAZINGGG~~!!!. although I must admit the sherlock guy really reminds me of someone on the detective agency….I think his name was ranpo?. Anyway its a reallyyy cool showww
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
O I recently just found out this series called SHERLOCK and its.....AMAZINGGG~~!!!. although I must admit the sherlock guy really reminds me of someone on the detective agency....I think his name was ranpo?. Anyway its a reallyyy cool showww
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
“AAAAAA!!!!” Aya’s eye popped open, she sat and look around the darkness Sweat running away from her body “Its just a dream, Its just a dream” She assures herself quietly She look at the clock, thinking it was time to wake up anyway “WHAT?!? Its only 4 am???” She says in frustration She then went back to bed and tries to sleep, while beating back the nightmare with her annoyance
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Unrelated to anything
I just got back from a day trip and most of the time I was sitting facing the other way. Now I feel woozy
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Another survey
What do you guys do after youve done working?
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
One of those people....
Aya:  excuse me miss!, I believe you have dropped this? *Aya says as she takes out a long brown leathery wallet from her small sling bag* *The Old lady eyes winden and immediately snatches it away from her hand* Old Lady: How dare you try steal this from me!? Aya:.....what???? Old lady: You think you’re so smart dont you, acting all kind and nice, when youre really trying to steal it from me! Inner Aya: THIS OLD HAG CANT BE SERIOUS!! *Aya tried to compose her self and decided not to say anything, but instead just smile, bows her head, and leave *
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Aya: So thirstyyyy, need water, I’m going to die of thirst
Kunikida: Well why don’t you get up and go to the water fountain behind you
Aya: Uhhh, its too far
Kunikida: It really isn’t, its 2 sec walk to get there
Aya: Thatss too longg. Oh if only there’s a gentleman who would give me water or carry me to the water fountain, that’ll be so nice of them
Kunikida(as he leaves): Good luck waiting for that person
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
‘Day dream’
“You let us die!” Two shadowy figures say as they stand before the girl, “We thought you loved us? We thought you cared about us? We thought you….”
The girl slowly walk backwards, as the shadowy figures continue walking towards her while howling cries at her.
“Aya!” The girl eyes widen and she looks around trying to find the soft voice, however her thought was cut short when her back touched a wall. She snaps back to the current situation she’s in and the shadowy figures continue to walk towards her. The girl tries to run away but the wall is holding her there. No matter how much she tries to struggle, her body doesn’t want to move. The shadowy figures soon stand right in front of her. They go quiet for a bit.
“YOU KILLED US!!!!” They suddenly shout, jerking the girl. She shakes her head, trying to say 'no', but her mouth is kept shut by fear and all she manages in the end is a whimper. Tears start to form in her eyes, drops starts to flow down. “What? trying to make us sympathise for you~?” The shadowy figures ask sarcastically, “You want us to look like the bad one? Even though you killed us?”
She knows the figures are lying, yet she can't help but to think that maybe they are right. ”I could have called the police, I could have asked for help, I could have jumped out of the closet and did….something, anything! But all I did is just sit in the closet. My parents death is because of me!” She convinced herself as her head drops and she looks down at the floor that is as dark as the void. Just as she was about to accept the ‘reality’ she heard it again.
“Aya!” This time it was much clearer than the first time. Suddenly everything turns bright, blinding her. Shutting her eyes, she squints to refocus her eyes only to realise that she’s sitting in front of Kunikida in the detective agency. “Are you okay?” Kunikida asks as he fixes his glasses “You seem...distracted”
Aya suppresses her tears that are building up in her eyes and her anxiousness, and turns on her happy switch. “Oh! Yeah I’m fine I was just….lost in my mind,” she says, as she chuckles.
If Kunikida suspects anything he doesn’t show it on his face “Okay, anyway what was that item that you said you found? You said it might have something to do with the agency?”
She then remembers why she's here. She rummages through her bag and finds the item. “I found this butterfly hairpin and, if I’m not mistaken, I'm pretty sure it belonged to the woman with long skirt and white shirt?”
Kunikida takes it and examines it, and after a few second of silence “Oh you meant Yosano?....I think she did ask about a hairpin. I'll be sure to give it to her when she’s back, thank you”
“No worries, it's my job to find lost items!” She says with enthusiasm. “Anyway I gotta go now, I got to help out at the train station, Bye!” Aya says as she stands up and leaves the room with a smile and a wave. As she starts to walk out of the building her smile begins to fade away, as if the smile has a weight down turning it into a frown. Tears start to roll down from her eyes as she walks the opposite way to the train station.
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Yeah for me it keeps showing an error so i just assumed it tumblr being a dick. My Discord is HedonistHarli#3553 You're welcomed to contact me there okay!!!
Ooo Kk, I added you XD
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
What do you guys do?
So what do you guys do on your free time?
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
Bushy tail quivers (5), Scampering through the branches (7), Stocking for winter (5)
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ayasuggestions-blog · 7 years
“Please spare her…!” a man pleaded
A little girl peaked through the closet door, the flame was dancing around the pleading man, standing in front of him was a mysterious man. Without saying a word the mysterious man pulled out his gun and shot 3 bullets into the pleading man’s chest, the little girl eye’s widen and her mouth opened trying to scream but the shock stopping the sound from coming out. She quietly shuffle to the back of the closet while watching the mysterious man’s silhouette, hoping that he would just leave.
The silhouette of the man soon started moving away from her after what felt like hours (when really it's just been 1 min). The silhouette soon was getting dimmer and dimmer.
“Ringg!” The phone sing as it shuffle
The little girl looks at the phone, eyes wide as she saw in the bright light that the phone was emitting the word “DAD”. She quickly turn her attention to the closet door and just as she feared the man’s silhouette was getting bigger and bigger, until eventually it's directly staring at her. She wanted to run but the shock and fear was strapping her tight to where she’s sitting, she quickly tries to scan the room hoping there would be a secret door like her father’s bedtime story. The doors than open and there she sees the man, with phone on his hand that says “Calling “Lovely daughter”” he then click cancel and the phone that was on the close stop ringing. The girl in her fear and shock wasn’t surprised by this, after all the man sleeping on his pool of blood was his dad.
The man threw the phone behind him and stretches out his hand to grab the little girl, the girl screamed. Then darkness.
Eyes suddenly wide open, nose working hard trying to find oxygen, sweat running all over her body. She sat up breathing hard while quickly scanning the room in panic, after she finally catches her breath she remembers where she’s at. The white wall with pink line, the messy table, the Sherlock holmes’s jacket and hat hanging on her chair, and the most important thing of all her teddy bear (with a burned left arm). She was back at her room.
“Mom….Dad….” She says as tears gently rolls down her eyes, and went to hug her teddy bear.
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