208 posts
i love gakutenn ❤ sometimes, i'll post my own drawing
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ayami-gktn · 2 years ago
I started using tumblr for a long time. But I have never posted anything. My English was bad at that time. I couldn't write even a single word. But now, I'll active on tumblr and post more my 89 drawings. Nice to meet you all.
Edit: I still don't know how edit my theme. I'll try later @@
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
La Danse Macabre
Chatacters and Cast Comments
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
La Danse Macabre
Characters and Cast Comments
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
La Danse Macabre
Characters and Cast Comments
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
La Danse Macabre
Characters and Cast Comments
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
Assertion of the Heart
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Takamizawa Arisa is eager to make friends and fit into class at her junior high school. However, she doesn’t fit into the girl groups and the only person she talks to is Enomoto Kotarou who sits in the seat behind her. Though she feels close to Miura Karen, a fellow classmate who doesn’t fit in class, she was scared of being singled out by her peers. Shibasaki Ken, Kotarou’s friend, takes notice of the conflicted Arisa but – “It’s too boring to hate all the time.” What awaits Arisa as she takes a step forward in her own way!?
Please support Honeyworks by purchasing the novel here! (CDJapan is also a good alternative)
preparation 1 preparation 2 preparation 3 preparation 4 preparation 5 preparation 6 preparation 7 preparation 8 preparation 9 preparation 10
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
Traducción al español de “Ijiwaru na Deai” (Encuentro desagradable).
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Sinopsis: Ken Shibasaki, de la preparatoria Sakuragaoka, disfrutaba del amor libre y ganaba a chicas en sus días de secundaria… Sin embargo hoy en día tiene la intención de acercarse a Arisa Takamizawa, a quien ha estado cuidando silenciosamente en la secundaria, pero ella no deja de repetirle: “¿Qué estás haciendo?” Ken es sacudido por esas palabras. ¡No debería tomarse en serio sus sentimientos por Arisa, pero su corazón desea ser correspondido! 
Por favor, apoyad a Honeyworks comprando la novela, esto sólo está hecho para que la gente que no entienda japonés pueda leerla pero sería incorrecto disfrutar de ella sin pagar a los autores. Dejo aquí un par de enlaces:
❥ Bookwalker (formato digital)
❥ Amazon Japón (formato físico).
Como incentivo, sabed que la novela trae ilustraciones inéditas en blanco y negro entre sus páginas.
(Esta traducción la hemos hecho directamente del japonés al español)
♡  Introducción.
♡  Capítulo 1.
♡  Capítulo 2.
♡  Capítulo 3.
♡  Capítulo 4.
♡  Capítulo 5.
♡  Capítulo 6.
♡  Capítulo 7.
♡  Capítulo 8.
♡  Epílogo.
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
Assertion of the Heart - introduction + preparation 1 + 2
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Takamizawa Arisa is eager to make friends and fit into class at her junior high school. However, she doesn’t fit into the girl groups and the only person she talks to is Enomoto Kotarou who sits in the seat behind her. Though she feels close to Miura Karen, a fellow classmate who doesn’t fit in class, she was scared of being singled out by her peers. Shibasaki Ken, Kotarou’s friend, takes notice of the conflicted Arisa but – “It’s too boring to hate all the time.” What awaits Arisa as she takes a step forward in her own way!?
Find the masterlist with all the chapters here!
Please support Honeyworks by purchasing the novel here! (CDJapan is also a good alternative)
We finally get Arisa’s story after wondering about it for so long!! This time, we’re going back in time to their junior high school years before they were all friends, so this is gonna be interesting. If you’re wondering why I’m posting this as a double chapter, though this novel has way more chapters than the other novels, a majority of them are also way shorter than usual. I’m going to be posting them as double chapters, but preparation 9 and preparation 10 will be getting their own individual posts as they’re much longer chapters.  
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ayami-gktn · 3 years ago
IDOLiSH7 Fanbook Translations
SO I’m going to try to start translating things of note in the fanbook!  I did a poll on twitter and the most desired segment seems to be the Member Comments, so that’s where we’ll start!
Each of the 10 members of I7 and TRG got comments from two fellow idols.  Suffice it to say I died reading most of them.
You can find other translations here.
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
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Second character profile for TRIGGER! Kujou Ten (CV: Saito Souma)
“If it’s going to be like this, it’s unfit for an idol alright.”
Voice Samples:
Everyone! Thank you for coming all this way for our sake! From now on, for Kujou Ten, for TRIGGER, please take care of us!
What is it? We’re not on stage right now so I’m not going to give any fanservice.
Age: 18
Height: 173cm
Birthday: 9 July
Likes: Things that are perfect
Dislikes: Things that are half-assed
Has an outward appearance of a little devil kind of character, is a perfectionist and is strict when it comes to competency.
He vowed to himself that whenever he is in public, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, he will give his best for a perfect performance.
Because of his high level of professionalism, even for those who knew him previously, it is easily misunderstand that he has a cold personality. 
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
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Gaku’s Radio Station (TL)
It’s finally August, huh. I know I was talking about how hot it is before, but are you making sure you’re taking care to avoid heatstroke?
It’s not just about staying hydrated, you should really carry around tablets so you can replenish your salt levels. The salty ones, you know.
This season is when everyone tends to sweat the most, after all, so make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting your electrolytes in!
That reminds me, people always tell me that it doesn’t really seem like I ever sweat, but...
I do.
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
Story 3; Chapter 8, Part 4
Leopard Eyes
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
Danshi Tarumono MATSURI recording Hatano (Gaku): At first, I was so enthusiastic and sang it like “APPAREEー!!!😆” Hatano: But hearing that, director’s face suddenly changed… “Hm… Gaku-sama…?😡” he said. Hatano: So I had to retake it… In the end, it became “Appare✨”
Egu: What a nice voice!!
Wingu: Nice voice!!
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
LYRICS TRANSLATION for the ending theme of the anime IDOLiSH7: Third Beat!
Singer : TRIGGER
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
katamuita tou no ue hajimete
For the first time on the top of a leaning tower,
jimen to no kyori omoishirasareta
I was reminded of the distance between me and the ground.
muchuu de nobotteita toki ni wa
While I was obsessively ascend myself up,
存在さえ忘れていた tightrope
sonzai sae wasureteita tightrope
I'd forgotten that this tightrope even existed
ochiteiku sokudo wa kitto
The speed at which will I fall,
souzou yori zutto hayai no darou
It's probably much faster than I ever imagined.
kowai ka hitei dekinai mama
Am I afraid? I cannot deny it
試されている rise on shaky legs
tamesareteiru rise on shaky legs
but I'm being tested to rise on shaky legs
afureru kotoba tachi ga
These overflowing words,
nari yamanai myuujikaru ga
and this musical that won't stop playing
koko ni aru koto no riyuu wo
Say your reasons of why you're here
azayaka ni hikaru inpuresshon
in a vibrantly shining impression
踏みしめるんだ どこへ行けばいい
fumishimerun da doko e yukeba ii
Step on firmly, where should I go?
踏みしめるんだ 幸せにしたい
fumishimerun da shiawase ni shitai
Step on firmly, I want to make you happy
1歩1歩を 進んでいこう
ippo ippo wo susunde yukou
Step by step, let's keep moving forward
1歩1歩が 明日に繋がる glitter
ippo ippo ga asu ni tsunagaru glitter
Every step is a glittering step towards tomorrow
自問自答結論を got in the way
jimonjitou ketsuron o got in the way
Ask yourself, since the conclusion got in the way
ano hi ano toki wo kuyamu tabi ni
Every time I ever regret that day,
hazu beki koto da to kakushitemo
Even if I hide it as a mere shame,
kimi dake wa itsumo minuiteita ne
You were the only one who always saw through it.
shinjirareru taisetsu ga kitto
There must be something important to believe in
yodomu sekai mo sukitooru chikai e
A vow that clears the stagnant world
kaete iku tonari ni wa itsudemo
it's always next to me to change myself
眩い希望 ever-present
mabayui kibou ever-present
The dazzling hope is ever-present
sora e to nobasu ude ga
My arm who extends into the sky above
suberu you na ashi sabaki ga
As if my standing below are slippery,
itooshikute shikata nai no da to
I can't help it because it was dear to me
告白のような ready go
kokuhaku no you na ready go
by saying ready go, just like a confession
噛み締めるんだ どこだっていいさ
kamishimerun da doko datte ii sa
Chew it thoroughly, it doesn't matter where
噛み締めるんだ 届け続けたい
kamishimerun da todoke tsuzuketai
Chew it thoroughly, I want to keep delivering
一つ一つを 悪無き図
hitotsu hitotsu wo aku naki zu
Every single of them is a picture of no evil
一つ一つが 明日を彩るように
hitotsu hitotsu ga asu wo irodoru you ni
Let each one of them color your tomorrow
suki datte omoi wa kesshite ubaenai sa
I can never take away my feelings even if I had taken like to it
tatoe kizutsuitemo
Even if it would get myself hurt
shougai ga hora netsu wo agete iku
Look, the heats of our lives had rising up
mushin no mama ni tatakaou
We shall fight as we please.
afureru kotoba tachi ga
These overflowing words,
nari yamanai myuujikaru ga
and this musical that won't stop playing
koko ni aru koto no riyuu da
This is the reason why we're here
俺たちの夢が stand up again
oretachi no yume ga stand up again
Our dreams shall stand up again
踏みしめるんだ どこだって行ける
fumishimerun da doko datte yukeru
Step on firmly, I can go anywhere
踏みしめるんだ 幸せにしたい
fumishimerun da shiawase ni shitai
Step on firmly, I want to make you happy
1歩1歩を 進んでいこう
ippo ippo wo susunde yukou
Step by step, let's keep moving forward
1歩1歩が 明日に繋がる PLACES
ippo ippo ga asu ni tsunagaru PLACES
Every step leads to the PLACES of tomorrow
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
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Sougo Photobook: Special Interview
“Tamaki-kun has full confidence in me, I’m very thankful.”
Tamaki: Hey, Sou-chan.
Sougo: What is it Tamaki-kun?
Tamaki: How do you start an interview?
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
(1) from radio Scat Babys Show #93
Satou (Ryuu VA): Hatano-san cried when MonGene started right? on 1st day.
Hatano (Gaku VA): (lol) Of course I would cry!
Satou: You were like “Uwaaah Mitsuki!! Iori!! uwaaaaa~~”
Hatano: Mitsuki put his arm around Iori’s shoulder, you know!?
Satou: You were already crying 3 minutes after the live started, and the staff was like “Oh no, the makeup! let’s go fix it!”
Hatano: I was disciplined (lol)
Both : LOL
Hatano: I was like “Crap, crap, my turn is after this!”
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ayami-gktn · 4 years ago
AINANA behind the scene 2
From Shirasaka radio 65
Sakai Kodai & Shirai Yusuke (Nikaido Yamato CV) + guest Yonaga Tsubasa/Wing (Izumi Mitsuki CV)
In their party after i7 live, the seiyuus gave a short speech starting from no.1, Massun (Iori CV)
Massun’s speech was so loud like “GOOD WORK EVERYONE!!!! (drunk)” while listening to Massun, Shirai and Wing were like “What should I say? What will you say?? (panic)”
Second is Shirai (Yamato). At first, his speech was fine, but suddenly Shirai started crying “I was involved in some games and anime *sobs* But this is the first one *sobs* that left a really deep impression on me *sobs*” He didn’t cry at all on stage because Yamato would never cry in front of his fans, so he held it back until the live ended.
The third is Wing (Mitsuki), Shirai’s speech made him panic, “I’m after him, what should I say??” Wing is the one who cries easily among them, but since Shirai had cried before him, his speech was cheerful just like Mitsuki.
Surprisingly, Eguchi (Nagi) cried as well. Every time Egu and Wing had a live together as Trignal, the one who cried was always Wing, and Egu always laughed while trying to stop him crying. Eguchi RARELY cried after a live, even the other seiyuus said he only cries once a decade LOL. But looking at Shirai crying, he couldn’t help it and cry too in the end.
The producers, staff, and dance teacher’s table was beside the seiyuu’s table. All of them were crying so much that the seiyuu could hear sniffing noises from their table XD
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