axgcstxs · 4 years
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august had decided to go out for lunch instead of ordering something. his father was out sick at the moment so he was getting away with not being at the office for longer periods without any scrutiny. he was sat down at a booth in the sunrise diner, his current file on the table next to him. he was representing some guy who was accused of murdering his wife. while he wasn’t too happy about who his father’s firm represented, it’s what got him his house and tesla that was parked outside. he side, reading up on the evidence a little lost in his own world. he noticed something moving beside him. “excuse me, could i get another cup of coffee.” He hummed, eyes not leaving the file.
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axgcstxs · 4 years
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『 tom holland. twenty-four. cis man. he/him. 』 oh heavens, is that AUGUSTUS VANDERBILT from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them BRASH & MAVERICK. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool LAWYER and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been CHARMING & PROTECTIVE. i hope i see them around again! 『 autumn. 24. est. she/her. 』
hi guys ! i’m autumn ! i’m so excited to be here and i can’t wait to get to know all of you. if you guys want to plot or anything just message me or heart this and i’ll come to you ! 
on june 8th, 1996, the vanderbilt family made a new addition to their legacy. they named the new baby augustus the fifth. they day he was born a path was laid out before him. he barely had to move a muscle, all he had to do was walk down it. after all, he was going to be the heir of a law firm been around since the need for lawyers in the town arose. 
growing up in his household, augustus was raised by a nanny, while his father was stuck at the office screwing his secretary and his mother was off at parties and brunch like the rest of the socialites in town. when he was three, his mother had another child, a daughter. she was giving another family name, katherine. she was so sweet, and became the light of augustus’ life. she was the one who actually give him his nickname, auggie, though most refer to him as august now. 
when he was to start middle school, he was sent off to boarding school, one with a respectable name, and would make him a shoe in for harvard. i mean with daddy’s money to back him up, it was a for sure thing. while the boy enjoyed his time, a few weeks later he received a call from his dear little sister, telling him she wanted him home. no, that she needed him home. so without second though, the boy staged a fight with a friend and was sent packing, even after daddy tried to bribe the headmaster. 
coming home was something of a challenge. yes, that meant he got to stay home and go to public school again, but his father was upset. which if father wasn’t happy, no one was. there was fighting, constantly. his father warning him that he better not have blown his chance, so augustus buckled down and started getting the best grades just to make his dad happy. 
after some time he got bored with it, and started acting out. he started smoking, and sneaking out late, but his grades never went down, but then again mom and dad never really noticed when 40 dollars went missing, so buying his grades seemed like the next best thing. 
after he graduated, he was accepted into harvard, all thanks to his secret test taker. he graduated with honors, he wouldn’t tell even if he didn’t fully get it on his own. once he got back home and started practice with his own father, august hated it. he couldn’t stand the same thing over and over again. his life was turning into something that scared him. the suit he had may have been of the finest quaility, but it made him feel like he was being strangled. the constant tapping at a keyboard was the same noise that would wake him from nightmares. 
at first he thought he could tolerate it, but soon enough the boy was dreading his life that had been laid out for him so many years ago. was it endless? was he really just in hell ? well after some time he started lashing out with his father, and one day his father threw the first punch. it shocked him, seeing as his father wasn’t around enough before to ever lay a hand on him, and that was the moment that august came to realize he was trapped. his life was already figured out for him, and sadly the vanderbilt name and fortune comes with the dreadful curse of a mundane life. 
okay so honestly wrote this in a small amount of time bc i was afraid my laptop would die before i finished. but, i hope you all like it. i’ll also post a small list of wanted connections here, but by tomorrow i plan on having a bigger one. 
first girlfriend - probably like middle school/high school, but more than likely he cheated on her, because he was definitely a douche bag and didn’t/doesn’t care about anyone but himself. maybe he texts her now and again to tap
best friend - just someone he really gets along with and kind be ‘bro’ with. go out drinking together, playing golf, more than likely runs in the same society-deems-us-the-best-bc-we-have-money group. possibly family friends that grew up together, or their nannies just so happy to know each other. 
wrong lifetime - probably someone he had a crush on growing up, but because he was an asshole nothing ever came of it. maybe there’s still fillings, maybe not . 
secret-test-taker : this would be the person who is the sole reason he got through highschool, and possibly college if you wanted to take it that far. maybe their friends now, or absolutely hate each other. either works really well. 
that’s about all i have so, if you have anymore questions about my character, let me know ! or if you have a wanted connection you think august could fit, just let me know. 
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axgcstxs · 4 years
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