aworonke · 5 years
You will love people who will never love you back and still you mustn't ever misplace your magic.
Neon Soul, Alex Elle
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aworonke · 5 years
"By declaring, I intend to feel successful and attract prosperity, your emotional energy will shift and you'll act as if what you desire were already true. Your actions will be in harmony with the faces of intention, and you'll be provided with what you are, rather than attempting to be provided with what's missing." pg 181
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aworonke · 5 years
"Negative emotions tell you that your pulling power from intention is weak or even non existent. Positive emotions tell you that you're connecting to and accessing the power of intention. ' PG 181
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aworonke · 5 years
"Abundance is the natural state of the nature of intention." pg 180
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aworonke · 5 years
"Your emotions are the inner experiences that tell you how much of the divine energy you're summoning for the manifestation of your desires...You must learn to  pay close attention to the presence of these feelings. These emotions aren't just facets of your life that are empty of energy - they're agents that are in charge of how you clean and purify the connecting link to intention." pg 180
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aworonke · 5 years
"Detachment comes from knowing that your true essence is a piece of the infinitely divine field of intention...Genuinely feeling abundant and successful is possible when you detach yourself from the things you desire and allow them to flow to you, and just as important, through you." pg 179
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aworonke · 5 years
"As you practice allowing and living the faith of least resistance, success is no longer something you choose; its something that you are. Abundance no longer eludes you. You are it, and it is you. It flows unimpeded beyond your resistance...You must avoid becoming attached to and hoarding what shows up in your life." pg 179
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aworonke · 5 years
"I feel successful, I intend to feel the abundance that is here, now." pg 178
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aworonke · 5 years
"When the frequency with which you're vibrating is in contradiction with the frequency of the universal supply, you create resistance, thereby inhibiting that flow of abundance into your space." pg 177
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aworonke · 5 years
"When you react to low energy with more of the same, you're not being peacefully authentic or connected to the power of intention." pg 166
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aworonke · 5 years
"Taking responsibility for how your family members treat you helps you create the kind of relationship with all of your relatives that matches up with the universal mind of intention." pg 164
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aworonke · 5 years
"How others treat you...has a lot to do with how you treat yourself and thereby teach others to treat you." pg 164
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aworonke · 5 years
"There are no risks at all if you pay attention to that light, which is your knowing. Combine your strong knowing with the faith that Spirit will provide, and you acknowledge the power of intention at work. Your trust in this inner knowing is all you need." pg 155
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aworonke · 5 years
"When you feel inspired, what appeared to be risky becomes a path you feel compelled to follow. The risks are gone because you're following your bliss, which is the truth within you. This is really love working in harmony with your intention." pg 154
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aworonke · 5 years
"It's not necessarily about performing a specific task or being in a certain occupation or living in a specific location. It's about sharing yourself in a creative, loving way using the skills and interests that are inherently part of you." pg 152
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aworonke · 5 years
"There is a silent something within that intends you to express yourself.  That something is your soul telling you to listen and connect through love, kindness, and receptivity to the power of intention." pg 152
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aworonke · 5 years
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