{Closed AU Denmark RP blog affiliated with World of Nations.} {None of the artwork on this blog is mine unless stated otherwise.}
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“Perfect!” Mathias replied, clapping a friendly hand on Else’s shoulder. Why was it perfect that she was getting breakfast? Well, of course, that meant that they could go grab a quick meal together! Eating, like drinking, was always better when accompanied by friends, at least in the Dane’s mind. So it was only natural, Mathias felt, that he fell into step beside Else. “Got any plans for today?”
She’s My Best Friend || ~Mathias and Else~
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Mathias’ face lit up as Emil agreed to come along. There was the usual reluctant tone present not just in his words, but his face as well. But, of course, since he had agreed to accompany him at all was all the proof that the Dane needed that Emil was, at least to some degree, looking forward to this. And that was good, because, frankly, drinking alone just wasn’t the same as drinking with a friend – or a brother, for that matter.
“Hah, I knew that’d get you to come! All right, there’s a pretty quality bar right nearby. Convenient, isn’t it? We can walk there and then walk back and not have to worry about hailing a cab or anything.”
Kicking Back || ~Mathias and Emil~
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When Mathias came to, the first thing he became aware of was the small prods and pokes he felt, almost imperceptible for the Dane’s numbed senses. Then there was a voice, faint at first, but steadily growing louder. And then, as his eyes flickered open, he recognised the face of Basch. That was weird, though… Why would the Swiss man be in his room? Unless…
A quick glance around told Mathias that this was not, in fact, his room. Startled, the Dane shot up to his feet. The sudden movement elicited a sharp, throbbing pain behind his temple, and then he was stumbling forward, thankfully finding the bucket before he heaved out his stomach’s contents.
Once finished, the Dane stood up once more, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve and glancing around one more time. “What happened?” he asked, finally settling his eyes upon Basch. He couldn’t, for the life of him, remember much, except that he’d been at the bar… probably, though even that was a blur in the Dane’s memory.
Drunk and Stupid // Mathias & Basch
It wasn’t uncommon for this Swiss man to be dragging the wild Dane out of the bar. It was however, not normal to see him passed out. He wasn’t all that worried about what would happen to the man, but despite thinking this, he was dragging him upstairs without realizing it. It wasn’t like him, although he had softened up a bit recently. Once he had gotten Mathias upstairs, he was quick to prop him up, grabbing a bucket in case for vomit. The Swiss pinched and flicked the others, trying for a response.
“Aren’t you ever getting up?”
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With the sun bearing down upon the World of Nations hotel, engulfing it in a sweltering, blistering heat that was as of yet unmatched by anything the Dane had personally experienced before, Mathias figured it would be best to head back to his room after his gig. There, he had grabbed one of the beers he kept his mini-fridge stocked with, peeled off his clothes, and sat naked on his bed, gulping down the refreshingly cold drink. Beer was ever a source of rejuvenating energy for the Dane – and, today, more so than usual – so when he heard the idle chattering of people walking by outside, speaking of the pool, he decided that he was going, too. What better way to spend such a hot day than in the water, after all?
So Mathias put on his swim trunks and packed a towel and some beers into a bag, which he then slung over his shoulder for easy transport as he made his way out and down to the pool. Upon arriving, he paused near the edge of the pool – a bad idea in hindsight – and looked around for a place to set his belongings. Before he could scope out a good spot, however, something – someone, rather – bumped into him, throwing him off-balance enough to totter over the edge of the water before falling in completely with a splash.
Panic set in for a moment as he flailed around uselessly in the pool. Then he found his bearings and pushed his head back above the water, coughing and sputtering. “Hey!” he spat, once he’d caught his breath, “watch where you’re going!” He paused, then, as someone crouched at the water’s edge. “Does it look like I’m okay here?” Well, to be fair, it wasn’t like he had been injured or anything – just surprised, though it was, indeed, unfortunate that his bag and all his belongings inside were soaked.
Going for a Swim? | ~Jade and Mathias~
With everything settled in, and her things unpacked back in her room, Jade had decided it was time to go exploring. For nearly half an hour she roamed the halls of the hotel, looking for anything of interest. But…all she’d managed to find so far was vending machines, vending machines and oh, vending machines. Not exactly the most interesting of attractions, but they did provide her were a few snacks as she continued her search.
By the time she had found the pool, nearly all of her kitkat bar had been eaten, and a good thing it had been too. For just as she took a few steps closer to the water, something- or someone- had made contact with her shoulder. There was a large splash, followed by what she presumed was the sounds of anger as the young Cantonese slowly turned to see the situation.
“Oh,” It was rather emotionless considering just what was before her, as she crouched to get a better look. “Are you like, okay?”
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Well, Mathias’ job really only strictly involved him getting up on the stage and regaling the crowd with his talent, but that didn’t mean he didn’t offer a helping hand to the staff when he was off-duty and doing nothing interesting. He didn’t really get much out of it, so it wasn’t like he did it out of any kind of self-interest – the Dane legitimately liked to offer his hand in assistance when he could at times. Today, he was helping a few of the staff members set the stage up for a show happening later – just what kind of show, he didn’t really have the details yet, but he was interested in checking it out – and was carrying a stack of boxes to the lounge. He could hardly see past the stack in his arms, and so didn’t notice that there was somebody in his path until he collided.
“Whoa!” the Dane cried, jumping aside as he scrambled to stop the boxes from toppling to the floor. Once he had regained his footing and balance, he sighed, and turned to see someone… “Hey, you’re that new resident! Aren’t you heiress to this hotel or something?” The one who had the penthouse to herself on the ninth floor? Well, heiress to the hotel or not, her tone and demeaning manner of speaking struck a raw nerve within Mathias, and his mouth pulled down into a disgruntled frown. “Hey, you got a problem?”
Bow Down, B------s | open
It was not easy being queen – actually it was. While she was not technically queen (she was just a princess, she may as well be a queen. She carefully carried her back pack into the hotel, havi g just got done with her classes for the day. She was going for her Doctorate at the moment, and was rushing around, working hard on classes when she wasn’t enjoying the finer things of life.
She was so engrossed in herself, she bumped into someone. With a cough, she gave a saccharine smile, “Watch it, peasant.”
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As Emil emerged from behind the door, the Dane’s expression brightened up. He fully expected that the nation – whom he considered, in several aspects, to be his younger brother, of sorts – would accompany him to the nearby bar. His sudden, blunt statement crushed these hopes, however, and Mathias’ face fell as he paused and looked over Emil once more.
“I didn’t even get to talk yet,” he retorted, his mouth pulling down into a slight frown as he crossed his arms over his chest. “And anyway, I wasn’t even gonna for free drinks. This one’s on me!” On the other hand, though Mathias was rarely ever one to turn down free drinks if someone else was offering to buy them, it wasn’t like he was a complete, helpless mooch, and he even liked treating those he considered his close friends and family now and again.
Kicking Back || ~Mathias and Emil~
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Can’t Beat Me || ~Mathias and Alfred~
Mathias stood tall at in front of the lounge door, a certain arrogant smirk pulling at his mouth as he looked beside him at the American. His gaze tracked back across the lobby, over to the other side, where the door to the kitchen was. It was a straight line from here to there, and the furniture that had been in the way had been temporarily shoved aside to set up for the perfect race conditions. It wasn’t a long stretch and, with Alfred’s notorious love for greasy fast food rather than anything that could be considered healthy, as well as his reputation for not exactly being one to hit up any kind of gym, Mathias was reasonably certain that he would win.
And then Alfred would have to treat him to whatever he wanted, whether that be food or drinks. And, of course, Mathias being Mathias, he already had it planned that he would take the American to the bar after his inevitable win and let him buy them a couple of drinks. All in all, it would be good fun. Okay, so they technically weren’t supposed to sprint across the lobby like this, but so what? No security was around as far as Mathias could see, and it wasn’t like it would take very long, anyway. Just a quick race to see who truly was the fastest!
“You ready, Alfred?” he asked, fixing his eyes upon the destination once more as he lowered his body into a stance poised to sprint. “All right, three, two, one… go!” And he took off, tearing across the lobby as fast as his legs would carry him without so much as looking to see how far behind his opponent was.
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She’s My Best Friend || ~Mathias and Else~
“Hey, Else, what’re you up to here?” Mathias had stumbled upon the nation he considered to be one of his best friends in the lobby while on his way to grab some breakfast. The day had just started, but already it felt like a good day – or at least a decent one – perhaps partly because he had no shows to perform all day. It was his day off, which meant he could do whatever he wanted! And, well, he was always up for chatting up Else. She could be a bit reclusive, aloof, even, but that only made him think that she needed a friend like him all the more! She didn’t work, he knew, so he didn’t feel particularly intrusive for bothering her like this.
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Kicking Back || ~Mathias and Emil~
Life at the World of Nations hotel was, admittedly, not too bad so far. Actually, Mathias was fairly pleased with his decision to get a room here. It was a change of scenery from his old house, and that was nothing if not a breath of fresh air for the Dane. Things had started to get pretty stale back at home, and, well, this hotel wasn’t too shabby so far. Well, yeah, there weren’t a ton of people here yet, but it was newly opened, so it just needed time! And the fact that there was a bar nearby was just an added boon. Mathias could amble in on his days off and drink as many drinks as he wanted – and his job here helped to fund it!
Well, actually, a few drinks sounded good about now. He had finished a gig in the lounge not long ago and felt the weariness pressing down on him. Perfect time for a drink! And perhaps he should invite a friend out to drink with him? He was fond of the saying “the more, the merrier!” So, yes, that decided, the Dane plodded over to the room across from his own, room 101, and rapped on the door. “Hey, Emil, you in there?” he called, hoping to get an answer. The nation he thought of as a little brother of sorts had been placed in that room, how convenient for him, right?
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