awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 8 years ago
Love who you want to love 'cause in the end no one can push you to love someone, and you'll just regret that you didn't fight for that person whom you want to spend your life with. Just because someone is against it. Take the chance, and don't take anything for granted.
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 8 years ago
Forbidden love.
I told myself before that i will never be in love with a woman but look at me right now, i’m in a relationship with a woman. How funny it is you become something you thought you’ll never be. 
This kind of love is forbidden in this world, some say  it’s a sin, some support it. But, what’s wrong with loving someone who has the same gender as you, you’re not doing anything wrong. You’ve just fallen in love with someone who has  the same gender as you.
This love may be hard to accept in this messed up world, where you’ll be judged whatever you may doing good or bad things. But, if you know yourself that you’re not doing anything that could hurt someone nor ruin someone else’s life. Do it if it makes you happy. 
Even fight for it, fight for what you love, because you only live once, so make the most out of it, and forget about what other people thinks of you two. 
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 8 years ago
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 9 years ago
she's something you won't forget
my messed up mind
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 9 years ago
they told me i’m too young for “love”
i told them that i wouldn’t fall in love that easy 
but then i met you, everything that i told them i wouldn’t be
i became one.
- too young
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 9 years ago
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i saw you, we looked at each others eyes for the first time again 
i miss you i miss us i want us back 
if i i only knew what i had before it was gone
i hope it’s still us in the end
i’m still hoping. 
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awesomesadkhaleesi-blog · 9 years ago
I find myself moving on, but when someone mentions your name it is like a punch to the gut. All the wind gets knocked out of me. Now a name that used to be so sweet only leaves bitterness on my lips.
C.H. (via hopefulsky)
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