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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
PSA for Switch owners
The latest 11.0 update means that Google Analytics is a thing on the switch and turned on. What that means is that Nintendo has a deal with Google to share with them your data for advertisement purposes.
To turn it off
go to the eShop
go to your profile where your funds and account info is
go down to the bottom of the page
there you will see “Google Analytics Preferences”
select the Change
select “Don’t Share”
Please spread the word. Really shitty of Nintendo to just quietly start allowing Google to spy on users for advertising.
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
So there’s this huge dudebro in my class, who, yesterday, sat next to me. And I’m sitting there sweating because like… I’m wearing my shirt with the lesbian flag on it, and he’s the most popular jock in school, and always has this look on his face that say ‘I can and will kill you’. He looks me up and down, stares at me for a minute and then goes, “So. Girls in skirts and long socks, am I right?”
To which I nodded solemnly, both out of agreement, surprise and also a healthy amount of awkward fear. He nodded and went, “You get it.”
I said, “Yep.” He fistbumped me, and on went our lives.
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
This is literally Nausicaa
Look, I know facile trope inversion is for weenies, but I still really want to see a JRPG-style game where the shouty teenage boy who gives long speeches about the power of friendship is the fragile healer and the girl with the gentle piano-and-strings theme song and self-sacrificing “must save everyone” attitude is the melee tank. I don’t think I’m being unreasonable here.
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
every holocaust memorial day, i always ask people to keep romani people in their thoughts, but this year i’d like to clear up some misconceptions that i see every year w/ a psa
romani people are not white. we’re south asian (from northern india), and each subgroup has a unique racial makeup of asian/white/etc, in different amounts. this is also why we vary wildly in physical appearance/skintone
we still face oppression. what we face, especially in europe, can still be constituted as attempted genocide, as we’re forced to live in hazardous conditions or to give away our children, be sterilized, etc just for the crime of being roma
the ‘g slur’ isn’t just an american issue. the reason some european roma prefer the slur is because, in many countries, there is no term for roma that isn’t a slur, and it’s either the g slur or the literal translation of the n word. i’m romanian, and if you used the slur in my hometown, you’d get slapped, since we just use ‘roma��.
we live in every continent across the world. some of the largest romani populations exist in south america, predominantly in brazil. they are no more and no less roma than their european counterparts, and they, like romani in asia, africa, etc all face unique challenges and oppression.
we’re the largest ethnic minority in europe, and yet have almost no political power, no land ownership power (in some places, we’re forbidden from owning land entirely), etc. with very few reputable charities- a lot of us reject charity by principle, as well as there being a general lack of education about us- the best thing you can do to help romani people is to just spread information, and help individuals when you can.
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
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awentzedstump · 4 years ago
dysphoria is a very common hallmark of transness, sure, but gender euphoria is an almost completely universal and therefore much more reliable signifier and frankly i think we should say ‘if the idea of being a different gender than the one you were born assigned as makes you feel happy/better about yourself you’re trans’ instead of telling people ‘the way you know you’re trans is if your body feels like a prison and your genitals make you hate yourself’
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
i want you to have to live with what you did to me too
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
Netflix basically just ruined the career of a black Muslim woman. They fucked up with the promotion of that movie
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
its elmos world were just living in it
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
good things will happen 🧿
things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
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Rough around the edges but I like it :’)
You either know or you dont
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
HEY EVERYONE!! I designed a shirt on bonfire. All of the proceeds go to the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. They're devoted to ending violence against native women and children. Would you mind reblogging to get the word out?
The woman featured in the design is Buffalo Calf Road Woman, the indigenous woman credited with landing the fatal blow on General Custer in the battle of Little Bighorn.
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
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awentzedstump · 5 years ago
I wish people understood that nb people gendering themselves and playing around with gendered terms and letting their friends gender them is like…. Different than a stranger gendering you. Because with a stranger, I have no idea how you’re navigating my gender, other than that you’re calling me by limiting terms and judging me based on those limited terms. Whereas with myself and my friends like….. I know them calling me a queen or king or boy or bitch or whatever… They Get It and they Know what I am so they aren’t limiting me, they’re playing in the space that is gender. So, I guess bottom line is: if you’re a stranger, stop assuming you can gender and label people who you don’t know.
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