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Hace unos años, estaba pasando por un momento difícil en mi vida. Me sentía estresado y ansioso todo el tiempo, y no sabía cómo manejarlo. Fue entonces cuando descubrí a Sadhguru y sus videos en línea.
Comencé a ver sus videos regularmente, y me sentí inspirado por su sabiduría y su forma de explicar cómo la práctica del yoga podría ayudarme a encontrar la paz interior y manejar mejor mi estrés. Decidí darle una oportunidad y comencé a practicar yoga todos los días.
La práctica del yoga me ayudó a desarrollar una mayor conciencia de mi cuerpo y mente, y me permitió aprender a relajarme y enfocarme. También me ayudó a manejar mejor mi estrés y ansiedad. Me di cuenta de que la práctica regular del yoga me ayudaba a sentirme más saludable y con más energía.
Me enamoré tanto del yoga que decidí compartir mi experiencia con otros y promover los cursos de yoga en mi página web. Estoy seguro de que si le das una oportunidad al yoga, también te ayudará a encontrar la paz interior y manejar mejor tu estrés. Por eso te invito a visitar mi página web y explorar los cursos de yoga que ofrecemos. Te aseguro que no te arrepentirás.
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El yoga es un antiguo arte que nos enseña cómo conectar con nuestro verdadero ser. A través del yoga, podemos aprender a lidiar con nuestras emociones, mejorar nuestra salud física y mental, y descubrir una mayor profundidad en nuestras vidas.
Cuando nos damos cuenta de la profundidad de este arte milenario, nos sentimos inspirados para buscar una conexión más profunda con nosotros mismos. Con el yoga, descubrimos una forma de vida más consciente, saludable y pacífica. El yoga nos ayuda a conectarnos con nuestra esencia y encontrar nuestro propósito.
El yoga nos ayuda a comprender la conexión de todas las cosas, la interdependencia de todos los seres vivos y la importancia de respetar la naturaleza. Aprendemos a abrazar el cambio, a vivir con alegría, a comprender nuestra relación con el mundo y a desarrollar la autoestima.
También nos permite comprender el poder de la meditación y sus beneficios para nuestra salud física y mental. La meditación nos ayuda a desarrollar la conciencia, la intuición y el equilibrio emocional.
El yoga es un camino hacia el descubrimiento de uno mismo. A través del yoga, aprendemos a conocernos mejor, a conectar con nuestra verdadera naturaleza y a descubrir nuestra verdadera felicidad. Es una forma de vida que nos ayuda a conectar con nuestro verdadero ser y encontrar la armonía interior.
Si deseas descubrir los beneficios del yoga, te invito a inscribirte en mi curso online de yoga: VIVE 21
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Surya Namaskar with sanskrit Surya Mantras. Sun Namaskar App. #suryanamaskar #sunsalutations
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Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) seem futile if you have a foot or ankle injury. Enter: Chair Sun Salutations!
Traditional Sun Salutations with a Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana), step back or jump back to Chaturanga, and rolling over the toes to Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), can irritate or further damage a foot or ankle injury.
Learn the Difference Between Sun Salutation A + Sun Salutation B (Yoga Photo Tutorial)
So be kind to your body while it’s healing! Skip the traditional Sun Salutations and try chair Sun Salutations instead to reap many of the same benefits for your practice and day.
For these Chair Sun Salutations, you’ll need an upright chair and possibly two yoga blocks. As with any exercise when seriously injured, be sure to check with your doctor before starting.
Using a chair will take most of the load and pressure off your feet, but that doesn’t mean the practice has to be easy or less beneficial.
Practice Chair Sun Salutations With This Step-by-Step Guide:
Start by sitting or perching on the edge of your chair. Activate your core to eliminate any sway in your back that you might normally have from slouching or resting in a chair.
Traditionally in yoga, you find balance by pressing your feet firmly into the floor. As you move through this sequence, pull your muscles in and up toward your bones instead. This small change will keep your muscles working, while being kinder to your injured area.
Follow this sequence for your chair Sun Salutations:
1. Seated Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Step one of all Sun Salutations is Mountain Pose and your seated chair Sun Salutations are no exception.
Let’s try it:
Sit in your chair and place your feet on the floor
Your feet and knees can be touching or spaced hip-width apart for more stability
Let your hands rest on your legs wherever comfortable
Inhale to gently pull your belly in and lengthen through your side, waist, and back
Exhale to release any tension in your shoulders, neck, and jaw
Keep your head neutral and find a spot to gaze at straight ahead
2. Seated Extended Mountain Pose (Urdhva Hasta Tadasana)

Next up, find length in your spine as you reach your arms overhead.
Let’s try it:
Inhale and reach your arms up overhead
Extend your arms from your shoulders all the way through your fingers
Turn your palms to face each other and spread your fingers wide
Keep your elbows and hands spaced shoulder-width apart or wider if necessary
Release tension in your neck and shoulders to eliminate “shrugging”
Keep your front body core engaged to eliminate any swaying in your back
Lift through your ribs to find length in your spine
Lift your chin slightly and gaze overhead
3. Seated Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

In chair Sun Salutations, you don’t have to miss out on any of your favorite stretches. You can still fold forward even from your seat!
Let’s try it:
Exhale and fold forward over your legs
Keep length in your spine as long as you can, and then allow your back to round over your knees as you drop your head and shoulders toward the floor
Bring your hands to the ground in line with your toes or use blocks under your palms if needed
Separate your knees to make room for your chest as needed
Gaze down toward the ground underneath your chair
4. Half Lift (Ardha Uttanasana)

Next up, find length in your spine again.
Let’s try it:
Inhale and lift your head and shoulders, finding a flat back
Lift up as high as you need to find a straight spine
Lengthen from your tailbone through the crown of your head
Engage your front and back body core to support your back and reduce any backbending
Your hands may stay planted on the floor or blocks, or come up to your fingertips for a little extra room
Gaze at the ground underneath your feet
5. Seated Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

As you start to become familiar with your chair Sun Salutations, you can flow through the steps effortlessly with breath.
Let’s try it:
Exhale and repeat the fold from step three above
6. Seated Extended Mountain Pose (Urdhva Hasta Tadasana)

Continue flowing through your rhythm.
Let’s try it:
Inhale as you sit up and reach the arms overhead as in step two above
7. Seated Mountain Pose (Hasta Tadasana)

Come back to where you started.
Let’s try it:
Exhale and return your hands to your thighs as in step one above
8. Seated Hand-to-Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

Add on to your chair Sun Salutations sequence with a bit of balance work.
Let’s try it:
Reach for your right leg, grabbing it with both hands just under your knee
On your inhale, lift your right knee up bringing it as close as you can to your chest
Press both sitting bones down into your chair for balance
If you lifted your shoulders as your raised your knee, return them to a neutral position
Engage your core to keep your spine erect and prevent backbending
Exhale and return your right foot to the ground
Keep your head neutral and find a spot to gaze at straight ahead
Repeat on the other side

9. Seated Cat/Cow (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana)

Flow with your breath through a seated Cat/Cow sequence.
Let’s try it:
Move your hands to grab the sides of your chair for support
Inhale and slide your hands back as you lift and open your chest
Allow your shoulders to roll back
Lift your chin so your head falls back, but resist crunching at the nape of your neck
Gaze overhead at the ceiling above
Release your hands from the chair and bring them to rest on your thighs
Exhale and slide your hands forward as you round your back
Pull your belly button toward your spine
Round through your shoulders and tuck your chin toward your chest
Gaze toward your belly button or at the tip of your nose
Flow repeatedly between the two shapes for a few deep breaths
10. Repeat
Repeat this sequence three to five times and you’ll find a nice flow paring breath and movement – all while keeping your injury protected.
Practice Chair Sun Salutations to Protect Your Injury and Benefit Your Body
Sun Salutations provide a wealth of benefits, and these chair Sun Salutations do as well. Start your day with this flow and you’ll likely find more focus, boost muscle tone and flexibility, decrease stress and anxiety, increase your energy, and help to stabilize your mood.
This sequence is also great to practice on break while at work, even if you don’t have an injury. You can discreetly do this from your office chair or lunch table anytime you need a few moments of Zen to destress and stay focused.
There’s nothing quite like the feeling you get while practicing Sun Salutations, so don’t let your foot or ankle injury get in the way of your daily dose of saluting the sun. Practice this chair Sun Salutations flow and gain all the benefits of traditional Sun Salutations while keeping your injury safe and stress free.
Foot or Ankle Injury? These 7 Chair Yoga Poses Are Just for You
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I still remember my school days when we students assemble in neatly aligned rows and columns in the big ground on our yoga mats every morning before our regular classes start. Our Yoga teacher will lead us and we all follow him doing the 12 sets of Sun Salutation, also called Surya Namaskar/Surya Namaskara, every day.
Yes, we followed that routine every day and it has now turned a habit for most of us. A big THANKS to my School for sowing the seeds of the powerful Yoga routine in our lifestyle.
But, you may ask – Why Sun Salutation?
We all know that – SUN is the ultimate source of life on earth. One can blindly accept that No lifeforms can exist without the Sun. Hence, Yogis those days started their day with Sun Salutation to grace the Sun God.
In the same aspect, we students also started the day by honoring Lord Surya through Sun Salutation.
Here is everything about this basic yet highly beneficial yoga routine in its complete detail to help you practice it perfectly.
What is Sun Salutation?
Sun Salutation falls under Pranayama Yoga.
Prayanama Yoga refers to the yoga techniques of controlling the breath.
Hence, like all other Pranayama Yoga sequences, Sun Salutation must also be done silently and at the same time very slowly.
When you perform 12 sets of the 12 Poses of Sun Salutation as the Sun god rises in the morning and lets the sun rays fall on you, you get good physical and mental health benefits. Let me go deep into the health benefits of Sun Salutation later in this article.
We shall now start with how to prepare for Sun Salutation.
‘Surya’ means ‘Sun’ and ‘Namaskar’ means ‘Offering respect’ in Sanskrit. Hence, Surya Namaskar by itself means ‘offering respect to the Sun’.
Preparing for Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation
There are a few things that we must follow before going out and practicing Surya Namaskar.
Perform Sun Salutation during Sunrise or Sunset
Surya Namaskar must be done early in the morning during the sunrise to reap the full benefits from the Sun’s vibration.
Some might ask – Can it be done during the evening times?
The answer is YES. But it must be done before the sunset.
However, If you are doing it after the sunset as the moon rises, it becomes Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutation.
There isn’t much of a difference except for two extra asanas for Moon Salutation.
Practice Sun Salutation in an empty stomach
This is pretty important.
You must always make sure that you practice Sun Salutation on an empty stomach.
The reason is Sun Salutation incorporates Asanas that will work on your stomach. This may lead to stomach upsets if you do it with food.
Therefore, make sure you have a 2 hours limit between having food and performing Sun Salutation.
Though there are norms of perfection for each individual Sun Salutation poses, you can do it ‘perfectly’ as your body accepts it.
Never overstretch as a beginner.
Do the Asanas without putting pressure on your body parts.
With practice, you are going to master it. After all, Practice makes a man perfect, Right?
Prefer a well-ventilated environment
The best place to practice Sun Salutation is any place outdoors.
You get the maximum benefits from Sun Salutation as the light rays from the sun fall on your body as you perform the routine.
If you are going to practice indoors, make sure you are in a perfectly ventilated room.
Again, I would like to stress here that – Doing Sun Salutation in a completely open atmosphere will help you reap maximum benefits.
You will definitely feel the difference the very first day!
Practice 12 sets of Sun Salutation everyday
Every set of Sun Salutation consists of 2 rounds – one on the right leg and another on the left leg.
A good Sun Salutation routine would mean 12 sets of it.
This refers to performing 12 rounds of Sun Salutation on the right leg and another 12 rounds on your left leg.
However, if you are just a beginner, start off with at least 2 to 4 sets every day.
As you get good at it and your body adapts to the routine, complete 12 sets every day.
Follow the 12 sets of Sun Salutation, increase it gradually and one day you will hit the ‘Yogi’s Mark’ of 108 sets.
Sun Salutation Mantra
Sun Salutation Mantra
Sun Salutation comprises 12 Mantras for every posture in it.
Some chant the mantras at the beginning of each round while some chant it with each pose.
However, anything is fine.
The former method is the best for beginners and we, during school days, followed it.
The latter method becomes tricky because chanting the mantra in sync with the breathing at every step seems to be tricky at the beginning.
You can chant the mantra within your heart to make breathing easier.
You are welcome to follow any of the methods, but the second method (chanting mantra with every pose) is the correct way.
Here are the 12 Sun Salutation Mantra followed by the meaning of each mantra.
Mantras of Sun Salutation (with meaning)
MANTRA AND MEANING BREATHING Om Mitraya Namaha Salutation to the one who is a friend of everyone Namaskar Posture Om Ravaye Namaha Salutation to the shining one Inhale Om Suryaya Namaha Salutation to the one who induces activity Exhale Om Bhanave Namaha Salutation to the one whose brightness illuminates the earth Inhale Om Khagaya Namaha Salutation to the one who moves quickly in the sky Exhale Om Pushne Namaha Salutation to the one who gives strength Hold Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha Salutation to the Golden womb from which everything else emerged Inhale Om Marichaye Namaha Salutation to the Lord of the Dawn Exhale Om Adityaya Namaha Salutation to the son of Aditi, the cosmic mother Inhale Om Savitiri Namaha Salutation to the mother of creation Exhale Om Arkaya Namaha Salutation to the one who deserves worship Inhale Om Bhaskaraya Namaha Salutation to the one who brightens both the internal and external world Exhale
Chanting these mantras as you perform the Sun Salutation poses helps your body in attracting the Sun’s vibration more effectively.
These vibrations along with the individual asana’s benefits offer you a lot of health advantages which I will cover later.
12 Poses of Sun Salutation
Following are the 12 poses of Sun Salutation
Pranamasana (The Prayer Pose)
Hasta Uttanasana (The Raised Arms Pose)
Hasta Padasana (Pada Hastasana or The Hand to Foot Pose)
Ashwa Sanchalanasana (The Equestrian Pose)
Parvatasana (The Mountain Pose)
Ashtanga Namaskara (Knees, Chest, Chin)
Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose)
Parvatasana (The Mountain Pose)
Ashwa Sanchalanasana (The Equestrian Pose)
Hasta Padasana (Pada Hastasana or The Hand to Foot Pose)
Hasta Uttanasana (The Raised Arms Pose)
Pranamasana (The Prayer Pose)
Now as we prepared ourselves for performing Sun Salutation and we have the mantras in hand, Let’s jump to the interesting section of the article – How to do Sun Salutation.
How to do Sun Salutation
As mentioned above, Sun Salutation includes 12 Yoga asanas.
Let’s go through the Sun Salutation sequence step-by-step, one at a time.
Step 1: Pranamasana
Pranamasana – 1st Posture of Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation starts with Pranamasana also called The Prayer Pose.
It is similar to the Indian way of greeting people.
Here is how you do Pranamasana.
Stand on the edge of your Yoga mat and look straight.
Place your feet together. Balance your whole body-weight equally on both the feet and relax your shoulders.
As you feel the shoulders are relaxed, breathe in and lift your both arms above your head slowly.
Now, bring the arms to the prayer position between your chest as you breathe out.
Stay in this position and chant the mantra – Om Mitraya Namaha.
Benefits of Pranamasana
Pranamasana offers you a sense of relaxation
It builds up concentration
Step 2: Hasta Uttanasana
Hasta Uttanasana – 2nd Posture of Sun Salutation
The next asana in the sequence is termed Hasta Uttanasana. It is The Raised Arms Pose.
To do this pose,
Start inhaling slowly as you chant the mantra – Om Ravaye Namaha.
As you breathe in, lift your arms up and back. Make sure your biceps are close to your ears.
Now, bend your body backward as much as you can.
We used to do this posture in school with both hands parallel to each other.
However, the correct way of doing this is by stretching your body back with palms still stuck together.
Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana
Hasta Uttanasana helps you in improving flexibility.
The Asana also helps in digestion.
As you tend to stretch backward as much as you can, it stretches and tones abdomen muscles.
Hasta Uttanasana expands your chest and rib cage, thereby, improving the intake of oxygen. This helps in the full use of your lung capacity.
Step 3: Hasta Padasana
Hasta Padasana – 3rd Posture of Sun Salutation, Image Courtesy: The Yoga Bar
The third asana of Sun Salutation is called Hasta Padasana (also called Pada Hastasana or The Hand to Foot Pose).
Follow the steps to complete this Asana.
Remember, the legs should be straight during this sequence.
As you practice, deepen this posture by trying to place your palms on the ground while bending. Also, try to touch your legs with the forehead.
This sums the completion of this asana perfectly.
Benefits of Hasta Padasana
Hasta Padasana is a good posture to reduce belly fat.
It also increases flexibility.
The Asana stretches your back muscles and back of your legs’ muscles.
Hasta Padhasana improves digestion and eliminates constipation.
In fact, it decreases the occurrence of many stomach related issues.
Hasta Padhasana also helps in keeping your spine erect by toning the nerves there.
Step 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Ashwa Sanchalasana – 4th Posture of Sun Salutation, Image Courtesy: HealthLove
The next pose is called Ashwa Sanchalanasana. It is also called the Equestrian Pose.
Follow the below steps to complete this Asana.
As you inhale, take your left leg backwards and stretch it as much as you can.
Bend your right knee with your palms still flat on the ground.
Arch your back now. Tilt your head backwards and see straight ahead.
As you perform this Asana, chant the mantra – Om Bhanave Namaha.
Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Ashwa Sanchalanasana also helps your abdominal organs.
It also aids in nerve balance.
The Asana increases the flexibility of legs as you stretch them during the sequence.
Step 5: Parvatasana
Parvatasana – 5th Posture of Sun Salutation
Ashwa Sanchalanasana is immediately followed by the Mountain Pose or Parvatasana.
To do it,
While exhaling and chanting the mantra – Om Khagaya Namaha, take your right leg back and place it in position with your left leg.
Now, raise your buttocks and keep your head between your hands.
If noted, this asana resembles the mountain from sidewards.
In order to deepen the effect of this pose, you could tilt your head more inwards.
Benefits of Parvatasana
Parvatasana improves the blood circulation in your spinal region and brain.
As your body weight during this Asana is distributed equally on your legs and hands, it increases the strength of legs and hands.
Step 6: Ashtanga Namaskara
Ashtanga Namaskara – 6th Posture of Sun Salutation, Image Courtesy: Yoga Shelter
The Ashtanga Namaskara requires you to hold your breath while performing the sequence.
Here is how to do it.
As you hold your breath bring your body forward.
Let it touch the ground at 8 points – 2 Feet, 2 Knees, 2 Hands, Chest, and Chin.
Chant the mantra – Om Pushne Namaha.
NOTE: Make sure your hands are in line with the shoulders.
Benefits of Ashtanga Namaskara
Ashtanga Namaskara strengthens your hands, legs, and chest together.
Step 7: Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana – 7th Posture of Sun Salutation
Bhujangasana is one of my favorite poses and is the Seventh posture of Sun Salutation.
This is how you do it.
Inhale and raise your body with the help of your hands while chanting the mantra – Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha.
Tilt your head backwards and see straight up.
You will find that this pose would look like a cobra raising its hood and hence called The Cobra Pose.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana is a great posture to strengthen your lower back.
The Asana stretches your spine and muscles surrounding it perfectly.
It is good for lower abdomen, digestive organs, urinary organs and reproductive organs in women.
It tones your butt muscles.
Most importantly, if you are a woman with menstrual abnormalities, master Bhujangasana perfectly. It will help you with it.
Learn in detail: How to Do Cobra Pose.
Step 8: Parvatasana
Parvatasana – 8th Posture of Sun Salutation, Image Courtesy: Bustle
Yes, it is the same Fifth pose again.
So, this is how you complete it.
Exhale and lift your buttocks to its peak.
This time you must chant the mantra – Om Marichaye Namaha.
Step 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana
This is the same as Step 4 but with a different leg.
Follow the steps as mentioned below.
Start inhaling and chant the mantra – Om Savitiri Namaha.
As you chant the mantra, fold your left leg while the right leg is stretched to its maximum.
Arch your back and tilt your head.
Step 10: Hasta Padasana
This posture is exactly the same as Step 3.
Again, with practice, the efficiency of doing this asana will improve.
Placing your palms on the ground, touching your legs with your head, and doing this asana with the legs not bent is just days away.
Step 11: Hasta Uttanasana
Yes, you must have got it right. This is exactly the same as Step 2.
Do it as follows.
Start inhaling by chanting the mantra – Om Adityaya Namaha.
Lift your arms up with palms stuck to each other in prayer position.
Bend your body backward as much as possible.
With practice, you will see that you are able to bend more backward every time.
Step 12: Pranamasana
Now we end one round of Sun Salutation with Step 1.
From Hasta Uttanasana’s posture come back to Pranamasana steadily as you exhale. Chant the mantra – Om Bhaskaraya Namaha as you perform the sequence.
As you complete the 12 steps, you have completed the first round of the first step. You can continue the second round from here.
In the second round, you just need to change legs in Step 4 and Step 9 both of which are Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
As you reach Step 4, instead of stretching back the left leg, stretch your right leg backward. Likewise, in Step 9, instead of stretching back your right leg, stretch your left leg backward and complete the round.
Simple, right?
With this, you have completed One Set of Sun Salutation perfectly.
Woohoo, High Five!
If you are a beginner start with 2 Sets, increase the set count by 2 every 3 days and you will be doing 12 Sets of Sun Salutation a day in no time.
What after Sun Salutation
So, you completed your goal quota of Sun Salutation sets like a pro yogi.
You feel perfectly activated, similar to a chemical reaction that speeds up after adding a catalyst.
We went through one more step during our school days and I too think it’s the best one.
We performed Shavasana, also called The Corpse Pose, for 15 minutes.
Don’t get misled with the English name of the asana. But you will see how this further enhances the effect of Sun Salutation
This is how you perform this posture.
Lie flat on the ground on your yoga mat.
Keep both your arms slightly away from each other with your palms facing upwards.
Keep your legs slightly away from each other.
Turn your head to the left side.
Now, having yourself set in the perfect posture, lose the sense of your body parts. Feel as if you are floating in the air.
To say in very simpler terms, just forget that you own a body for your soul for the next 15 minutes.
That is all, practice it every day and you will definitely feel the difference.
Benefits of Sun Salutation
Benefits of Sun Salutation, Image Courtesy: Gym Buddy Now
Sun Salutation is a very simple routine as you have seen. But it incorporates powerful asanas which together offer you immense health benefits.
Here are the various health benefits of Sun Salutation.
Toning and loosening up muscles and joints
Sun Salutation postures involve stretching muscles and joints.
This helps in toning and loosening up muscles and joints in various parts of your body.
In particular, the abdominal region as a whole, legs, hands, shoulders, spine, and stomach region are highly benefited.
Reduces body disorders
Sun Salutation keeps a check of the respiratory, circulatory, reproductive, and endocrine systems.
If you are a woman and still not practicing Sun Salutation, I would highly recommend you to start with it now. It is going to give you a whole lot of positive experiences.
Sun Salutation for weight loss
Here we are, the main issue of the current and so-called modern generation – obesity or excessive body weight.
Sun Salutation can even help you with weight loss.
I will cover this alone in a single separate post, so that, you can reap maximum benefits.
Other benefits:
Sun Salutation improves general body strength and body endurance significantly (Source).
Sun Salutation can help you overcome hair loss as it increases blood circulation to your head.
One important benefit of Sun Salutation is that it activates the Surya Nadi which is one of the main channels of energy in the body.
You will feel a better YOU as Surya Namaskar eliminates laziness.
It keeps your mind alert at all times.
As a personal experience, I must say, Sun Salutation coupled with meditation helps you reduce frequent burst of anger.
Who should refrain from practicing Sun Salutation?
Though Sun Salutation is easier to perform, as it involves stretching and bending, some must refrain from doing it.
If you are someone with a hip injury, knee injury, or spine injury, either take caution while doing Sun Salutation or kindly stay away from it. Injury as here refers to a small ailment to major surgery.
Can pregnant women practice Sun Salutation?
Sun Salutation for Pregnant Women
Coming to the most frequently asked question, Can pregnant women practice Sun Salutation?
The answer is – YES!!!! Pregnant yogis can practice Sun Salutation.
It is incredibly good, particularly, for pregnant women who carry an extra soul.
However, avoid putting extra pressure on your stomach. Do it as if you are a very new beginner.
To keep it much more simple, I will cover a modified version of Sun Salutation for Pregnant yogis in a separate article very soon.
The Bottom Line
So, I think I have covered everything about Sun Salutation in detail and this should pitch start your Yogic life perfectly.
If you found this post helpful, leave a comment below as to how it helped you personally. I would be very happy to know about it.
Let the Sun God shower blessings on every one of us!
Thanks to original article
Sun Namaskar App for iOS on iPhone and iPad Apple devices
For more information about Sun Namaskar App
visit the official site:
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What do Paul McCartney, Hugh Jackman, and Russel Brand all have in common? Well, aside from being incredibly talented and successful in their artistic and professional pursuits, they are all Transcendental Meditation practitioners and champions.
I first heard of this meditation technique from my sister who had recently started her practice and who inspired me to learn more about it. Taking her advice has been one of the best things I’ve done for my mental health!
Because of the sacredness surrounding the practice, there was a bit of mystique around the whole process before I connected with my local Transcendental Meditation teachers and started my journey with it.
However, the Transcendental Meditation (or TM) technique is super simple and, to be honest, a lot more enjoyable and effective than any other type of meditation I’ve experienced.
So What Is Transcendental Meditation Exactly?
TM is an inaudible sound meditation utilizing a special personal mantra (given to you during a four-day TM program), and, by repeating this specific mantra internally, you are able to transcend your body and mind awareness. This is practiced for twenty minutes twice a day.
Whereas other meditation techniques might have you focus on your breath or try to achieve a mindfulness mindset, TM allows your mind to connect to a mantra to relax and disconnect from the physical plane.
TM allows your mind to connect to a mantra to relax and disconnect from the physical plane.
You do not need to have any previous background or established meditation practice to do Transcendental Meditation or to go through the program. It is a very simple practice so it is accessible to beginners or advanced meditators alike!
6 Key Benefits of Meditation (Backed by Hard Science!)
How Is Transcendental Meditation Different From Other Forms of Meditation?
The late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded TM over fifty years ago, encourages practitioners to be comfortable physically while they meditate.
While some meditation techniques may actually discourage you from scratching an itch, TM practitioners should do their best to be comfortable on the physical level so they can continue to transcend the physical plane.
This is something you may really appreciate about the practice if you find it difficult to meditate through an annoying itch! Theoretically, you can practice TM while traveling on a plane, in a public space or anywhere you find yourself needing to take the time for it.
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It should also be noted there is no religious, philosophical or belief association with TM. No one is going to tell you how you need to change your lifestyle in any way when you go through the program.
Often people might see an image or video of Maharishi and assume there is a religious belief system you have to adhere to in order to be a TM practitioner, but this is not the case at all.
If you’re curious about mental health benefits, Transcendental Meditation has also been especially appealing to creatives.
In fact, a study by The Journal of Creative Behavior (referenced on the TM website) showed the TM technique produced a 68% increase in creativity as measured by the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.
But that’s not all. There is a wealth of research showing the benefits this practice specifically has on stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction, PTSD and ADHD.
More Benefits of Transcendental Meditation
Now I know you could be thinking that devoting forty minutes a day to meditation might be impossible – and it does seem a bit overwhelming at first! However, another amazing aspect of being a TM practitioner is the level of personal commitment and external accountability.
Though you are meditating alone, you feel like you are a part of something much bigger. Your local TM teachers may also offer regular events and opportunities to meet other practitioners in your area which is a great way to meet new people.
Furthermore, because there is a financial investment to go through the course (which is determined by your income), this adds one more layer of commitment to the practice.
Plus, once you have your mantra, you have it for life! This is a practice and technique you will have in your pocket of wellness tools forever, and so worth the financial and time commitments.
Begin Your TM Journey
While there are nuances and specific techniques to Transcendental Meditation that can only really be taught during the program, you can always try a version of this kind of sound meditation before committing by repeating a mantra – such as “ohm” – for a set amount of time.
To begin, get into your favorite meditation space and seated position and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep belly breaths to get into a meditative headspace, and silently begin to repeat your mantra of choice for whatever amount of time you have designated.
Transcendental Meditation is a practice you will have in your pocket of wellness tools forever.
Of course your mind does wander, as it is built to do! But again, there are specific tools you’ll learn through the course to manage the ins and outs of this type of sound meditation and “master” it!
Okay, you’re sold – how do you begin?
The first step in the process is to head to the website and find your local teachers by entering in your location details. This is not something you can be taught by reading a book or listening to a podcast.
Once you take the first step, you can connect with them to learn even more about the process and make sure it’s the right fit for you. The four-part training is personalized and can now be done remotely or in-person, depending on your preference.
Here’s the Motivation You Need to Finally Start Meditating
Try This Simple Meditation Practice for Yourself
I cannot promise you will have totally transcendent and fulfilling meditations for the full twenty minutes twice per day.
But – I can promise you that by committing to this practice, you will notice a lot of shifts in your stress levels and hopefully open the door for more creative thought to enter into your mind.
Whether you are a seasoned meditator searching for a practice that truly resonates with you, or a beginner looking to explore what meditation looks like for you, Transcendental Meditation is sure to bring more peace and grounding to your world.
Do you practice Transcendental Meditation? How has it shaped you and why do you love it? Please share with us in the comments below – we love hearing from you!
Meditate With Us on YogiApproved Classes!
In addition to hundreds of yoga, fitness, and movement classes, we also offer a variety of guided meditation classes on YogiApproved Classes. 🙂
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108 Surya Namaskar - What Is The Right Schedule To Follow?
We often hear about the term Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), but many of us hardly make an effort to include it in our fitness regime. Leave alone 108 Surya Namaskara (108 sets), many even struggle to complete a few sets perfectly. Of course, it is difficult for beginners even to imagine themselves doing it 108 times. But, give yourself a few weeks, and you are almost there. But, many of us falter at one aspect — consistency.
From increased flexibility to a stronger spine, the benefits of this ‘yogathon’ challenge are wide-ranging. But how do you get started with this humongous task? Well, we are here to help you. In this article, we have developed a schedule that will help you scale up your reps to 108 over a few weeks. Besides, we also explore its many benefits and who should consult a doctor before embarking on this ‘yogathon’ of Sun Salutations. Keep reading.
Benefits of 108 Surya Namaskar
So, why would anyone be crazy enough to do Surya Namaskar 108 times? Any yoga novice who has seen what it involves would balk at the idea. Yet, on April 7, 2012, millions took this same ‘Yogathon’ challenge and completed it successfully. Here are some benefits of doing 108 Surya namaskars:
Different muscle groups are stretched and contracted alternatively – no muscle strain
Increased flexibility and stamina
Cleansed chakras or nerve centers
Deep breathing cleanses the respiratory system
Flatter abs, stronger spine, firmer muscles – need I say more?
Makes you mentally calm and poised
How to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Challenge?
The Surya Namaskar 108 challenge can be a daunting one for many. It is advised that novices, pregnant women, and patients of backache avoid this routine without consulting their doctors first. The expert brave hearts, however, may begin planning and preparing well in advance. Remember, it won’t happen in a day. You need to first assess your physical condition and stamina. The schedule given below follows a pattern spread over a month; follow the schedule to avoid stress related injuries and dejection of failure. Further, don’t push yourself too hard. It is not a competition to be won, but a health summit to be attained. Stay hydrated, eat well and don’t forget to take timeouts for rest. Lastly, remember that this schedule is not engraved in stone. You know your body best, know your limits and be prepared for a delay of a couple of days before you reach your ultimate goal of 54 sets of Sun salutations.
Reaching the 108 pinnacle
The 108 sun salutation is hailed by many celebrities and yoga buffs as the elixir of a young body and mind. It must be mentioned that the body and mind require rest after each session as they increase in pace. Therefore, you must warm up your body before you start the Surya Namaskar series, and cool down the body in Shavasana, at the end of the series. At the end, you can also practise yoga nidra to relax the body. Remember not to skip any days on the suggested schedule.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 1 4 sets 8 12 16 20 24 Rest Week 2 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rest Week 3 36 36 36 36 36 36 Rest Week 4 48 48 Rest 54 54 54 54
The Art of living foundation suggests a further regimen of two weeks after attaining the 108 Surya Namaskar challenge where one reverses the salutations, gradually falling back from 54 sets to 6 sets a day.
The benefits of 108 Surya Namaskars are numerous, ranging from enhanced flexibility to a stronger spine. This deep-breathing exercise cleanses the respiratory system while calming and balancing the mind. However, novices, pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, hypertension, hypotension, heart problems, slipped disc, or any other back issues and backache patients should seek medical advice before trying out this schedule. In addition, the exercise mentioned above follows a monthly pattern, and you should stick to it to minimize stress-related ailments. Finally, keep in mind that the schedule is not set in stone. You know your body best. So, recognize your limits and be ready to achieve your ultimate objective of Surya Namaskars.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many calories do you burn in 108 Surya Namaskar?
Since one round of Surya Namaskar burns 13.90 calories, you may burn 1,501.2 calories in 108 Surya Namaskar.
Is Surya Namaskar better than walking?
Although walking may improve the function of your lungs and heart, Surya Namaskar is known to have more physiological benefits. It can boost circulation, and the respiratory system, and improve endurance (1).
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
A comparative study of slow and fast suryanamaskar on physiological function
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A jack of many trades and a master of some, Shirin is a writer, a fashion designer, and a chef...
Sri Yogi Anand is well-versed in the practical and philosophical aspects of yoga and spirituality. He has been teaching yoga...
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108 Surya Namaskar - What Is The Right Schedule To Follow?
We often hear about the term Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), but many of us hardly make an effort to include it in our fitness regime. Leave alone 108 Surya Namaskara (108 sets), many even struggle to complete a few sets perfectly. Of course, it is difficult for beginners even to imagine themselves doing it 108 times. But, give yourself a few weeks, and you are almost there. But, many of us falter at one aspect — consistency.
From increased flexibility to a stronger spine, the benefits of this ‘yogathon’ challenge are wide-ranging. But how do you get started with this humongous task? Well, we are here to help you. In this article, we have developed a schedule that will help you scale up your reps to 108 over a few weeks. Besides, we also explore its many benefits and who should consult a doctor before embarking on this ‘yogathon’ of Sun Salutations. Keep reading.
Benefits of 108 Surya Namaskar
So, why would anyone be crazy enough to do Surya Namaskar 108 times? Any yoga novice who has seen what it involves would balk at the idea. Yet, on April 7, 2012, millions took this same ‘Yogathon’ challenge and completed it successfully. Here are some benefits of doing 108 Surya namaskars:
Different muscle groups are stretched and contracted alternatively – no muscle strain
Increased flexibility and stamina
Cleansed chakras or nerve centers
Deep breathing cleanses the respiratory system
Flatter abs, stronger spine, firmer muscles – need I say more?
Makes you mentally calm and poised
How to Prepare Your Body and Mind for the Challenge?
The Surya Namaskar 108 challenge can be a daunting one for many. It is advised that novices, pregnant women, and patients of backache avoid this routine without consulting their doctors first. The expert brave hearts, however, may begin planning and preparing well in advance. Remember, it won’t happen in a day. You need to first assess your physical condition and stamina. The schedule given below follows a pattern spread over a month; follow the schedule to avoid stress related injuries and dejection of failure. Further, don’t push yourself too hard. It is not a competition to be won, but a health summit to be attained. Stay hydrated, eat well and don’t forget to take timeouts for rest. Lastly, remember that this schedule is not engraved in stone. You know your body best, know your limits and be prepared for a delay of a couple of days before you reach your ultimate goal of 54 sets of Sun salutations.
Reaching the 108 pinnacle
The 108 sun salutation is hailed by many celebrities and yoga buffs as the elixir of a young body and mind. It must be mentioned that the body and mind require rest after each session as they increase in pace. Therefore, you must warm up your body before you start the Surya Namaskar series, and cool down the body in Shavasana, at the end of the series. At the end, you can also practise yoga nidra to relax the body. Remember not to skip any days on the suggested schedule.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Week 1 4 sets 8 12 16 20 24 Rest Week 2 24 24 24 24 24 24 Rest Week 3 36 36 36 36 36 36 Rest Week 4 48 48 Rest 54 54 54 54
The Art of living foundation suggests a further regimen of two weeks after attaining the 108 Surya Namaskar challenge where one reverses the salutations, gradually falling back from 54 sets to 6 sets a day.
The benefits of 108 Surya Namaskars are numerous, ranging from enhanced flexibility to a stronger spine. This deep-breathing exercise cleanses the respiratory system while calming and balancing the mind. However, novices, pregnant women, people suffering from high blood pressure, hypertension, hypotension, heart problems, slipped disc, or any other back issues and backache patients should seek medical advice before trying out this schedule. In addition, the exercise mentioned above follows a monthly pattern, and you should stick to it to minimize stress-related ailments. Finally, keep in mind that the schedule is not set in stone. You know your body best. So, recognize your limits and be ready to achieve your ultimate objective of Surya Namaskars.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many calories do you burn in 108 Surya Namaskar?
Since one round of Surya Namaskar burns 13.90 calories, you may burn 1,501.2 calories in 108 Surya Namaskar.
Is Surya Namaskar better than walking?
Although walking may improve the function of your lungs and heart, Surya Namaskar is known to have more physiological benefits. It can boost circulation, and the respiratory system, and improve endurance (1).
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
A comparative study of slow and fast suryanamaskar on physiological function
The following two tabs change content below.
A jack of many trades and a master of some, Shirin is a writer, a fashion designer, and a chef...
Sri Yogi Anand is well-versed in the practical and philosophical aspects of yoga and spirituality. He has been teaching yoga...
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How meditation can change your life and get rid of anxiety
The first time I tried meditation, couldn't do it.
I was 19 years old at the time.
And healthy to me was drinking orange juice after a long night of drinking alcohol.
I kept hearing about meditation and its benefits. So I sat down alone. I closed my eyes and all I got hit with was a huge wave of thoughts that I just couldn't sit with.
Maybe meditation isn't for me it just seemed like a waste of time. And honestly, I didn't feel like I needed it. Life was good. I was having fun and I didn't have much responsibilities, little did I know meditation would one day change my life and help me uncover emotions that were stored deep in my mind, but more on that later.
Two years passed and I hit 21.
My days of getting messed up at parties aren't as often, and I have a lot more responsibilities.
There's also this really incessant need to succeed, but not the inspiring kind, a need based in fear.
You see, I dropped out of college and now that all of my friends are starting to graduate, it seemed like everyone had their life figured out.
I am no longer, OKAY, with just having fun and enjoying the moment.
I have this tattoo on my arm that says enjoy now, which was ironic because that was the last thing I was doing.
I have a deep anxiety, a fear of failure, a need for everything to happen now.
Even though I try to be healthy, my mind can go out of control.
I've never been taught to manage my own stress and thoughts. I would often burn out and binge only to come back the next day and feel guilty for taking a break. I was trying to grind my way through life. I was gaining success in my business and I was able to go full time in videography in 2019, but like a lot of other people, I was neglecting my mind.
Working all day and drinking tons of caffeine starts to amp up my anxiety and I start to feel like I'm losing control.
While watching one of my favorite YouTubers, YesTheory, they mention meditation and how it has helped them control their anxiety. So I say, screw it. Let's give it another try.
At the time I probably meditated once a week and it was unbearable. I didn't see the point in doing nothing when there was so much that had to be done. Eventually I hang out with a friend who was also trying to get into meditation and he was like, yo, we should meditate together.
We sit down and we put on a 10 minute guided meditation. And for some reason it was a much more profound experience. The act of meditating with a friend with another human being, with another presence, gave me a sense of calm and peace that carried on throughout the whole day.
Finally, for the first time, I felt the benefits of meditation. I felt so good about it, that I ended up buying a meditation app. And this is what changed the game for me because I'm a frugal person, so when I spent $60 on a year subscription, best believe I'm getting my money's worth.
The infrequent once a week, meditation started to turn into five time a week meditations, and I started to understand the practice.
Let your thoughts pour in and then let them go slowly.
I was convinced that meditation was helping me, but let me be honest, during my first year, I would go weeks or months without having any amazing experiences like I did the first time. Those were far and few between it took a lot of discipline and willpower to keep on meditating, but eventually it did pay off one year later.
What used to seem impossible was now actually kind of easy. I could go 10 to 15 minutes without losing my mind. The benefits are subtle. It's like a muscle that you train over the course of a couple years, and it's something you have to practice frequently to keep. I noticed that I have a bit more anxiety when I haven't been meditating.
Just like I noticed I start to lose muscles when I haven't been working out. Whenever I'm in a bad mood or feel uncertain about something, meditation helps bring me back to myself. It helped me realize that a lot of my problems aren't actually that big of a deal that yeah, I have a lot going on, but no matter what everything is going to be alright
I started to feel more confident throughout the day. And I started to notice a sense of calm in my conversations with people. I could hold eye contact way longer.
All the times I saw people preaching the benefits of meditation, now started to make sense to me, when not too long ago it seemed like a complete waste of time.
I really started to amp up the meditations during quarantine. I was bored and I had so much free time that a routine was essential. 20 minutes a day, every day. This is when I had one of the most amazing experiences. It was eight months after my last breakup.
It wasn't until eight months later, when COVID happened that I actually dealt with what was going on. You see, I think that's what meditation does. It forces you to confront your own mind.
So one morning I'm meditating and I feel a deep sense of peace. Come over me. This happens like once or twice a month, you get a euphoria that is unexplainable. You just feel so damn good from nothing after the meditation.
And out of no where all the sad feelings from the break up resurfaced, and I started bawling. This was the first time I had really let myself feel sad about it, but afterwards it felt like a hundred pounds had been lifted from my shoulders.
I attribute this to meditation because I don't think those emotions would've surfaced. And I would've been able to let them go if I didn't have the space in my mind to do it.
And that made me realize as human beings, we hold onto things way longer than we think. And we leave them bottled up inside.
It's time to figure out who you truly are to take a step back from all the things going on in the world, because ultimately all your goals, everything you have and everything, you know, will be gone.
And the one thing you want to have figured out before your life ends is your self.
submitted by /u/The_Mindful_Mentor [link][comments]
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13 Of The Best Mantras To Use In Your Spiritual Journey | mindbodygreen -
Traditionally, a mantra is a word or sound repeated to help with concentration during meditation, originally seen in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
As sound healer and meditation expert Susy Markoe Schieffelin tells mbg, "Mantra means 'mind vehicle.' Mantra is a vehicle in the form of a word or syllable that uses vibration and sound to help us move beyond the thinking mind."
Different mantras have different meanings and effects, and Markoe Schieffelin explains that meditating on a mantra silently, or chanting it out loud, can help bring you into the more peaceful, subconscious mind. "Over time," she adds, "working with mantra can help you to create positive shifts in your mindset and therefore create positive changes in your life."
Mantras can be repeated any time, with mantra meditation being a popular practice for mantra enthusiasts. "I find that for people who believe that they 'can't meditate' or have especially 'busy' minds, chanting a mantra out loud gives the mind something positive to focus on, which can then allow it to slow down and bring a sense of stillness in meditation," Markoe Schieffelin adds.
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Can Surya Namaskar Help You Lose Weight? Yoga Expert Nidhi Mohan Kamal Explains
Last year, as we all got confined to our homes during the pandemic lockdown. An important question was raised by many: can we actually achieve all our fitness goals without going to the gym? If we were to believe ashtanga vinyasa trainer Nidhi Mohan Kamal, the answer is “yes.” According to her, a dedicated Surya Namaskar routine and a good diet can help you achieve your goals. That said, it is way more profound than just being a workout routine. It is an entire philosophy that can change your life.
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations is a much-celebrated yoga practice consisting of 12-asanas sequence. From Shilpa Shetty to Kareena Kapoor, some of the fittest B-Town celebs swear by its many benefits. Studies show that this dynamic practice, in fact, yields immediate results and can drastically improve your strength if done the right way.
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
As per a study conducted by the International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, Surya Namaskar “balances the respiratory, circulatory, reproductive and the endocrine system. The moves and postures of the asana help all our internal organs function better. It helps combat insomnia, regulates menstrual cycles, and makes childbirth easier.”
Nidhi, Founder of NidSun Wellness, has been practicing and teaching this holistic yoga routine for over 11 years. She ranks it among some of the most efficient full-body workouts. In a recent conversation with POPxo, Nidhi acquainted us with the nuances of this wonderful workout routine and how it can transform your entire life.
Benefits Of Surya Namaskar
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
From an improved posture to increased Vitamin D levels, there are a plethora of benefits you experience if you do Surya Namaskar regularly. But let’s open with how it impacts your menstrual cycle especially for those who experience severe cramps. A 2017 study published in the International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine shows that Surya Namaskar indeed has a positive impact on the “menstrual cycle, reduces BMI (obesity) and hair fall.”
Further elaborating on the benefits, Nidhi adds, “It’s a full-body workout and it helps builds stamina and develops body flexibility. But, in regular practice, it is also excellent as a warm-up to go into deeper poses and stretches. It involves a lot of forward bending, so it really lengthens the posterior chain of muscles like hamstrings and back. It strengthens your shoulder and arms and works on improving your posture. It also gives you a stronger, more flexible body, that’s agile.”
But, Can Surya Namaskar Help You Lose Weight?
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Yes, Surya Namaskar can definitely make you lose weight. “It is a full-body workout and would be effective for weight loss,” says Nidhi. However, she insists that just like it is in the case of any other workout routine, your food and nutrition play a huge role in determining your overall shape and size. She explains, “But when it comes to changing the shape and overall body fat percentage of the body, the contribution of food and nutrition is 85%, so unless you work on a good diet, it wouldn’t be as effective.”
That said, according to Nidhi, “You would still be fitter than 90% of people if you break down all the poses in Surya Namaskar.” She herself practices Ashtanga-style Surya Namaskar every day and her well-chiseled body would more than convince you that it works like a charm if you are dedicated and consistent. The Ashtang-style Surya Namaskar is a heavy-duty routine and consists of push-ups, lunges, squats, burpees and is like a typical circuit workout you would do in a gym or in CrossFit. Essentially, it has all the body movements that work your full body.
How To Do Ashtanga-Style Surya Namaskar?
Okay first things first: Before digging into the step-by-step break up of Ashtang-style Surya Namaskar, we need to understand that:
With all the movements we need to focus on the breath
The gaze needs to be fixed on a spot, meaning you need 100% concentration when you are performing the sequence. If you lose your focus for even a second, you lose the flow
And now that we have established the basics, here’s how to start your Surya Namaskar routine:
Step 1: Inhale- Arms up extension on spine
Step 2: Exhale- Arms down on the floor while lengthening the spine to press hands on the floor and drop the upper body done.
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 3: Inhale- Press palms down, look up (opens the shoulder and chest)
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 4: Exhale- Jump/walk back to a plank and go into Chaturanga (push up) strengthening the arms and shoulder
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 5: Inhale– Flip your toes, press the shoulder blades together, knee caps off the floor look up, into an upward facing dog (deep chest opener and backbend)
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 6: Exhale- Downward Facing Dog, an extension on hamstring and strengthening of arms
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 7: Inhale- Step forward into half lift
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 8: Exhale to forward fold
Nidhi Mohan Kamal
Step 9: Inhale to return to arms up ( starting position)
Here’s how beginners can follow a Surya Namaskar sequence
Things To Keep In Mind While Performing Surya Namaskar
As Nidhi says, “Once your foundation is perfect, you wouldn’t make a mistake.” Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Focus on breathing, gaze, and movement.
Stay present in the moment.
Rather than focusing on how you’re looking in each pose, shift your focus inside your body and observe how are you feeling in each pose. Your muscles and body awareness would bring the maximum improvement and changes.
Try doing it early morning and on an empty stomach.
Lastly, it is important to understand that the real benefits of Surya Namaskar would come with working on the little details. Before you dive in, understand each pose and what feeling you should get on each muscle. And now that we know that a full-body workout is very much possible at home, it’s time we stop making excuses and go chase our fittest versions!
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Featured Image Courtesy: Nidhi Mohan Kamal
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Surya Namaskar: Mantra for Weight Loss - Women Fitness Org
Performing Surya Namaskar to lose weight along with minimal modification in your diet is achievable, as per the research from the M.R. Medical College which is based in India that has been published in the prestigious Asian Journal of Sports Medicine.
By only finishing 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar every day for six continuous days a week, 49 men and 30 women were successfully able to shed weight by not altering their diet. The best thing about Surya namaskar is that you can practise this from the sanctity of your home without any issues.
Contraindications or side effects of Surya Namaskar include certain signs like sudden high blood pressure; in rare cases a slipped disk and sometimes coronary artery disease.
Surya Namaskar & Weight Loss
To lose some weight with the help of Surya Namaskar, incorporate the following steps into your daily schedule and see quick results –

The first step is to learn how to do Surya Namaskar the right way. All the 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar, need to be performed with precision to see visible weight loss results! One complete round of Surya Namaskar takes about 3.5 to 4 minutes on an average.
You need to perform it every day at the same time to lose weight faster. If you would like to stay motivated throughout the exercise routine, try some soothing and gentle music.
You should perform the steps at a slow and steady pace. It would take around 12-15 days to perfect all the 12 poses. This will also allow you to build strength and get slim faster.
Once you have built enough strength, increase the number of rounds you do! For effective weight loss, you can practice Surya Nmaskar for about 6 days a week and do a total of 12 rounds.
End your yoga session with 5 mins of stretching and relaxation poses like Shavasana (Corpse Pose).
Surya Namaskar vs. Calories Burned
With 1 minute of Surya Namaskar a person is likely to burn 3.79 calories. Also, the time taken to complete a round of Surya Namaskar exercise is around 3 mins 40 seconds. Therefore, it indicates that the calories burnt in 1 Surya Namaskar full round can be up to 13.91 calories. The further extension to the calculation of calories is that 1 pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. So, if you want to reduce a pound every week, on an average you are required to burn 300-400 calories. So using these values, the efforts required by an individual will bear the following results –
1. 18 mins > 250 calories
2. 25 mins > 350 calories
3. 40 mins > 500 calories and so on!
Surya Namaskar is the mantra to lose weight and stay peaceful, healthy & fit. Yoga has been there since time immemorial, and nothing can be wiser than opting Surya Namaskar to reduce weight!
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The Benefits Of Yoga In Depression Recovery
Depression and Yoga Therapy
Depression: A Background
Why Use Yoga as a Adjunct Treatment for Depression?
A complex illness which has a profound societal impact, depression is thought to be caused by an intricate variety of genetic, biochemical, psychological and circumstantial factors. Within a wider treatment plan, yoga for depression is a multidimensional response to this multidimensional illness.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), by 2030 depression will be leading cause of disability worldwide. At the time of writing, it is the predominant mental health problem, followed by anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – as well as being the 10th leading cause of early death.
Sadness is an inevitable part of life and we all face times where we find it difficult to take pleasure in daily activities. The experience of depression, however, goes beyond normal fluctuations in mood and can negatively impact an individual’s personal, social and professional life.
Depression and Yoga Therapy
“If your autonomic nervous system is balanced out, then the rest of the brain works better”
Dr. Chris Streeter, associate professor of psychiatry and neurology at Boston University School of Medicine
Anyone who has been diagnosed with depression will meet diagnostic criteria, sharing commonalities with others who suffer with this mental health issue. But despite this, it is still a deeply personal illness, and yoga can be part of a personalised response which takes into account both mind and body.
The experience of depression varies from individual to individual. Depression can develop the wake of difficult circumstances, or it may have no definable cause. Similarly, the illness may last for months, or appear intermittently over the course of decades. Symptoms can also manifest themselves in varying ways – for example, one person might be affected by a draining and persistent sense of sadness, but another may experience emotional numbness and lack of interest in life.
Medication is, for many people, a vital and sometimes life-saving intervention, and doctors will often also recommend counselling or other psychological therapies. Yoga therapy offers an additional treatment which can be adapted to the individual needs of the patient, while also empowering them with a tool they can immediately take into their everyday life. This is particularly pertinent considering that people can sometimes wait months for access to talking therapies.
An estimated 10 – 30% of people diagnosed with depression are treatment resistant, defined in the NICE guidelines as people who have not responded to courses of two different antidepressants. In cases such as these, yoga therapy can step into the gap and provide support while an appropriate pharmaceutical response is found.
Depression: A Background
Clinical depression be expressed through a variety of symptoms, which include:
Persistent low mood and sadness.
Feelings of hopelessness.
Suicide ideation and thoughts of self-harm.
Lack of motivation, tiredness and loss of interest in life.
Weight gain or weight loss.
Loss of pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyed.
It is very hard to explain to people who have never known serious depression or anxiety the sheer continuous intensity of it. There is no off switch.
Matt Haig, bestselling author.
These symptoms often reflect in social ramifications for patients, including the avoidance of occasions with friends and family, poor professional performance and no longer taking part in hobbies. Sometimes, depression can occur through a “downward spiral” of events, where an initial misfortune triggers a sequence of actions and emotions which contribute to the eventual development of clinical depression. For example, someone losing touch with friends and becoming isolated after a divorce.
Chronic illness, bereavement and job redundancy are other triggers for depression, but some cases, the reasons why someone may have developed the illness are less clear. Gender, social circumstances, drug/alcohol use and whether a person has a family history of mental illness can all increase a person’s vulnerability to depression – and a chemical imbalance of key neurotransmitters is the theorised, if unproven, physical cause.
While doctors may follow a “wait and see” approach (and recommend self-help) for mild depression, frontline treatment for moderate to severe depression – where the illness is having a significant impact on a person’s ability to function – includes antidepressants and talking therapies. There are almost 30 types of antidepressant, but patients are most likely to be prescribed an selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and they may also be referred for counselling or cognitive behavioural therapy.
Why Use Yoga as a Adjunct Treatment for Depression?
Depression is such a varied and complex illness that a “one size fits all” approach is unlikely to be fully effective for a significant proportion of patients. People with depression often have to weigh up the benefits of antidepressants with their well-reported side effects. Unfortunately, the fact that depression is still far from being entirely understood means that there is no perfect solution.
Within the context of pharmaceutical and other therapeutic remedies, yoga therapy can assist people in symptom management and recovery – and in cases of mild depression, it can be their primary self-help tool which prevents their symptoms from worsening.
“Yoga-based interventions have promise as an intervention for depressed mood and that they are feasible for patients with chronic, treatment-resistant depression”
Nina Vollbehr, MS, of the Center for Integrative Psychiatry in the Netherlands
People with depression exhibit elevated levels of cortisol, which is related to brain changes in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex and amygdala. While the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex (which are involved in emotion regulation, memory forming and decision making) appear to lose volume, the amygdala (responsible for our fear and stress response) becomes enlarged and more active (1). Known as the “stress hormone”, those with depression exhibit greater cortisol levels at all points during the day than people without depression.
Studies have demonstrated reduced levels of cortisol in those who practice yoga (2). It’s thought that the breathing exercises that are a key part of yoga induce the body’s relaxation response, and mindfulness meditation (another aspect of yoga) is also associated with lowering cortisol in study subjects (3) as well as reductions in the size of the amygdala (4). In one study, participants exhibited lower cortisol levels immediately after a yoga class – which suggests the effect isn’t confined to long-term practice.
Depression also appears to be linked to reduced levels of certain GABA neurotransmitters, with “increasing evidence points to an association between major depressive disorders (MDDs) and diverse types of GABAergic deficits.” (5) A 12-week yoga intervention found greater improvements in mood than a metabolically matched walking exercise, and also was “the first time that yoga postures have been associated with a positive correlation between acute increases in thalamic GABA levels”. (6)
One promising study showed a reduction in suicide ideation (7) for people suffering with depression after 12-week yoga intervention, concluding (while further studies are needed) that Iyengar yoga is a safe intervention for those whose symptoms include suicide ideation without intent.
Another benefit of yoga is that it offers a form of exercise to people living with or prone to depression. The efficacy of exercise for decreasing symptoms of depression has been well established (8) and given that depression is known to drain motivation, yoga can offer a gentle and enjoyable way to begin a exercise regime. Yoga is a non-judgemental practice that is beneficial to people whatever their “skill” level, and yoga classes are welcoming spaces that can provide a supportive sense of community.
This is important for people living with depression, as feelings of worthlessness and self-blame might be a barrier to physical activity. Another barrier is the experience of depression itself. When someone is suffering with a severe depressive episode they may find it hard to even leave their bed, wash or eat, so it would be unrealistic to expect them to attend a yoga class. It is therefore important to suggest a yoga intervention at an appropriate time, where the practice will aid in recovery (9) and help to prevent a major resurgence of symptoms.
To find out more about the science behind yoga for depression, order your copy of Yoga for Mental Health. If you are a health, psychological or yoga professional you can also explore our upcoming CPD courses to discover options for further training. For those experiencing depression and who are interested in working with a yoga therapist, please see our Minded Clinic.
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How Suryanamaskar keeps you young and healthy
What is Suryanamaskar?
Yogasana is designed to keep two things in consideration one is to keep the abdomen flat ( there should not be fat around the stomach ) and the other to retain the flexibility of the spine.
Its been said by joseph pilates that "you are only as young as your spine is flexible".
Suryanamaskar is a sequence of twelve different posture which involves forward bends and backbend is done synchronizing the breath. The Practice of Suryanamaskar is a perfect routine to bring flexibility to the spine and also to reduce fat around the abdomen.
Surya in Sanskrit is sun and namaskar is praying by joining both hands together. Hence suryanamaskar is pronounced as Sunsalutation in English. Sun salutation is a way of offering respect to the sun god as he represents health and wealth.
According to yogic thoughts, it is believed that offering prayer to the sun is blessed with health and prosperity.
The twelve powerful posture of Suryanamaskar activates all the organs and glands of the human body and thereby ensures it functions properly for healthy living. This is known to be one of the best techniques to reduce fat faster as it burns more calories in a short span.
Initially, you can start with 12 rounds and gradually increase to more than 50 rounds based on your fitness level and time availability. This can be practiced from the comfort of your home as you need a small space to accommodate a yoga mat and freehand movement.
Most of the Yoga Classes use this routine as a warmup sequence which should be done before attempting the Asana. The Asana is usually retained for about 20 seconds or more hence warming up is essential to avoid injuries.
The two major advantage of this workout is it comes at less price, and you must spend only on a good yoga mat rather expensive equipment, and this is suitable even for people who live on a tight schedule.
It must be noted that Suryanamaskar is practiced on an empty stomach or no food must be consumed at least three to four hours beforehand and it is a must to learn under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher.
Suryanamaskar is usually done facing the sun in the morning and in the direction of sunset in the evening.
How to do Suryanamaskar:
Different teachers have different ways of teaching the sequence of suryanamaskar. One of the popular authentic schools of yoga called the Mysore style ashtanga yoga has two types which are Called type A and type B and the method we learn here is usually followed by people who generally practice hatha yoga.
Whatever the difference is a novice must first try to master one style and adopt that regularly to gain muscle memory before trying other styles.
One must not forget to follow the simple thumb rule of breathing while doing the sequence that is to inhale while bending back and exhale while bending forward.
Follow these 12 Steps of suryanamaskar.
Step -1 ~ Pranamasan or Prayer Pose.
This is a basic prayer stance. Stand at the edge of the mat keeping your feet together and balance your weight evenly on both feet. As you breathe in, lift both arms up from the sides, and as you exhale bring your palms together in front of the chest in a prayer position.
Step -2 ~ Hasta uttanasana
Breathing in, lift the arms up and bend back, keeping the biceps close to the ears. In this pose, the effort is to stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers.
Step -3 ~ Padhahasthasana
Padha means foot and hasta is palms. Breathing out bend forward and bring the palms down and place them on either side of your feet and your forehead must be touching the knees.
( It could be difficult for a beginner to reach the palms to the floor, hence try reaching the fingertip initially and bend only to the extent possible without jerk movements, with regular practice you must be able to gain the flexibility to put complete palms on the floor)
Step -4 ~ Ashwa sanchalasana
Breathing in, send your right leg back, as far back as possible. Bring the right knee to the floor and retain your left foot in the same position which is in between two palms. This pose gives a good stretch to the right quadriceps.
Step -5 ~ Dandasana or Plank
The meaning of danda in Sanskrit is a stick which means your body must be straight when you do this posture. As you breathe out, take the left leg back to maintain keep your body in a high plank.
Ensure your wrists are in the same line as your shoulders, your body in a straight line without arching your spine.
Step -6 ~ Ashtanga namaskar
Ashta is eight and anga is limbs, here eight-part are in contact with the floor which is your feet, knees, chest, chin, and palms lie alongside your chest. From dandasana drop your knees on the floor then chest and chin.
Inhale and raise your trunk by pressing your palms down, this pose is called the cobra or serpent pose as this resembles the cobra which is about to strike while facing the threat.
Adhomukha svanasana in Sanskrit is a downward-facing dog. From bhujangasana exhale then raise your tail bone up and bring your head in between arms so that your body makes an inverted " v ". This pose gives a good stretch to the shoulder and hamstring.
Step -9 ~ Ashwa sanchalasana
Inhale bring your right leg between palms while resting your knee on the floor, this pose is the same as step 3 except the leg's position is interchanged.
Step -10~Padhahasthasana
Exhale and move your right leg next to your left foot, this stance is again the same as Step 3
Step -11~Hasta uttanasana
Breathing in, lift the arms up and back, keeping the biceps close to the ears. In this pose, the effort is to stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers. This pose is the same as Step 2
Step -12~ Samastiti or tadasana
As you exhale, first straighten the body, then bring the arms down. Relax in this position and repeat the sequence sending the left leg back this time.
10 Health Benefits of Suryanamaskar:
1. Respiratory System: Suryanamaskar is highly effective in improving the respiration rate. yogis' life span is not decided by a number of years rather a number of breaths. Yogis believe that the slower and deep the respiration a person survives longer.
In Suryanamaskar the breathing is synchronized with each movement, during exhalation, the lungs empty all the traces of stale gases and refill them with fresh, clean, oxygenated air.
The oxygen content of blood is increased which improves overall vitality. Suryanamaskar practiced this way may help in relieving people suffering from respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.
2. Circulation: Proper circulation is necessary so that blood receives oxygen and the oxygenated blood moves around the body. Suryanamaskar improves the flow of blood, speeds up the elimination of waste matter, and introduces fresh oxygen and nutrients to all the cells. The cardiac muscles to are strengthened.
The circulation of lymph is at optimal and this is of prime importance in fluid balance and in combating infections. The body gains an increased resistance to infections and better able to heal and in other terms suryanamaskar boosts immunity.
3.Better Digestion: The alternate stretching and compressing movements of suryanamaskar especially during padhahasthasana allows the abdomen to contract.
The constant forward bending pose tones the whole digestive system by thoroughly massaging all the abdominal viscera. The Practice of suryanamaskar increases the digestive fire promoting a healthy appetite and also it enables complete and rapid assimilation of food.
4.Stimulates Pancrease: Pancrease is an important gland that produces a hormone called insulin. The major role of insulin is to pump glucose into cells.
Surya namaskar compresses the abdominal organs which press the pancreas especially during backward bending like bhujangasana which stimulates pancreas function.
5.Aids in Weight Loss: Suryanamaskar done at a slower pace has therapeutic benefits and when done at a fast pace after practicing regularly it builds stamina and aerobic capacity. The suryanamaskar can be compared to any other aerobic activity like running, cycling, and swimming.
The 30 minutes practice of suryanamaskar is enough to make us sweat profusely and some studies have a state that Surya Namaskar can burn up to 400 calories making it a wonderful workout not only to reduce weight but also cut down fat around the abdomen and make you look stunning.
6.Enhances Fitness and Flexibility: Suryanamaskar is also a compound workout that has benefits for the entire body. The muscles are contracted and stretched constantly while switching the poses in a series. It strengthens the muscles involved and also gives a good amount of flexibility while stretching.
7.Stimulates the nervous system: The nervous system is involved in receiving information about the environment around us ( sensation ) and generating responses to that information ( Motor response).
It also deals with higher cognitive functions such as memories, learning, and emotion to produce a response. Suryanamaskar tones the nerves flow by stimulating internal organs. It stretches nerves, works on the spine, and enhances Prana, which activates brain centers. The whole nervous system is activated.
8.Endocrine system: The main function of the endocrine glands is the production and secretion of hormones or the chemical substances released into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body which acts upon a particular organ.
Some of the glands of the Endocrine system are:
1. Hypothalamus - Functions include releasing hormones and regulate body temperature
2. Pineal Gland. - Produces melatonin which induces sleep
3. Pituitary Gland - Also known as Master gland as it controls other glands
4. Thyroid - It plays a major role in metabolism and growth.
5. Parathyroid - Monitors the calcium in the blood.
6. Thymus - This gland protects us from bacteria and viruses.
7. Adrenal - This gland produces hormones for emergency situations.
8. Pancrease - It secretes insulin which aids in digestion.
All the glands must secrete the right amount of hormones, any imbalance like over secretion and under secretion results in diseases. Surya namaskar activates these glands and plays an essential role in the maintenance of these glands.
9.For a Healthy Skin - The skin is the largest body organ and apart from holding the body together it serves to regulate body temperature as well as excreting waste matter through perspiration.
Suryanamaskar brings shine to your face and maintains your skin radiant plus and ageless. Many have seen a noticeable difference in their skin health that It keeps skin free from acne, pimples, and other skin troubles.
10.Highly beneficial for Women - A lot of young women these days undergo uneven menstruation. Doing suryanamaskar on an everyday basis help to control the menstrual cycles plus also ease childbirth. It surely improves your probability of having natural birth and balances the feminine hormones.
Surya namaskar has been practiced in many forms of yoga as it warms up the body and makes one ready to perform asanas. Patanjali stated, "sthiram sukham Asanam" which means asana has to be steady and comfortable. Suryanamaskar did before Asana practice helps in Achieving it.
Note: It is always desirable to learn yoga or any yogic practice under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher.
You can learn from our certified and highly experienced yoga teachers click on the link to know more about our online yoga classes
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What Are Mantras and Why Do We Use Them In Yoga?
Mantras are a truly powerful tool. The words, phrases, or sounds you choose as your mantra in your yoga and meditation practices can help to keep you tethered to your mat, and keep your mind focused. Day to day, our lives are packed with 1,000 things to do, people to see, emails to respond to, and more. It’s no wonder our brains have difficulty slowing down! But doing just that – slowing down – is so beneficial to our minds and bodies. One easy method of slowing down our minds is practicing mindfulness, the art of being fully aware and present in the moment. Slowing down and being mindful gives our brain a chance to rest and recover so we can come back to our lives full-force. Mantras are one way to practice mindfulness because we focus on a word or phrase as a way to calm and center the mind. In this sense, mantras help us slow down our brains and allow for more space in breath, mind, and body.
The Meaning of Mantra
Mantra is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates to “vehicle of the mind.” Man means mind, and tra means transport or vehicle. A mantra is any word, phrase, or sound that helps to keep your mind focused. Practicing mantras throughout life can be helpful to keep you focused, but they become especially helpful during your yoga and meditation practices. When you keep your mind focused on your breath and a mantra during practice, it can help to reduce your chitta vritti, or mind chatter.
Are you ready to try meditation, but don’t know where to start? Read Mindfulness Meditation Guide: How to Start a Daily Practice
Common Mantras to Use in Yoga, Meditation, and Daily Life
A mantra can be any word, phrase, or sound. The following mantras are a quick list to help you get started:
Om Shanti (Om Peace)
I am enough
Peace begins with me
I am healthy
I am capable
I am strong
I am present in the moment
You can recite these mantras (or whatever feels right in the moment) silently to yourself as you breathe, or you can say them out loud to charge them with even more powerful energy.
How to Use Mantras in Meditation
It’s no secret that meditation can be difficult. For me, as soon as I close my eyes and get maybe two breaths in, my brain starts the incessant chatter. That’s where mantras come into play! As you meditate and your brain starts to flare up with to-do lists and random ass thoughts, employ the focus of a mantra. With your chosen “vehicle of the mind,” you’ll be able to sit for longer, and leave your meditation with a sense that you’ve manifested whatever mantra you’ve recited. Mantras during meditation can be especially helpful if you’re gearing up for a specific kind of hectic day. Know you have 10 deadlines today? “I am confident in my abilities to complete the tasks at hand.” Are you feeling distracted? “I am present in the moment.” By reciting mantras that are extremely specific to how you’re feeling, or to what your schedule looks like for the day, you’ll be able to conquer the day with more confidence and ease!
How to Use Mantras in Your Yoga Practice
Mantras during your yoga practice work similarly to your meditation practice, but there is one key and obvious difference: you’re moving! Mantras during your yoga practice work more like an intention, where you recite the outcome you want to achieve at the beginning of your practice and work towards it throughout. The mantra you choose for your yoga practice will likely relate more to your physical abilities. You might choose mantras like “I am powerful,” “I am abundant with energy,” or “strength.” Then, as your mind wanders throughout your yoga practice, you can return it to your chosen mantra. This comes in especially handy during more challenging poses. Full confession: my mantra for Plank Pose is, “I am strong, I am powerful, I can DO THIS.”
Mantras: The Takeaway
Adding mantras to your yoga and meditation practices are a powerful way to slow the chatter of your mind and find some stillness. This will help you to focus, clear your head, and even manifest something you desire! Through finding stillness, we are able to reevaluate what we’ve prioritized in life. After using a mantra in your practice, you may find that something you thought was super important is actually fine to live on the back burner for a bit. Finding a level of clarity and focus with mantras will allow you to return to your life with more drive, focus, and ambition. So what are you waiting for? Pick a phrase that stands out to you (usually if something jumps to your mind – that’s it), and add it to your practice.
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Beginner's Guide to Common Yoga Chants and Mantras| Sanskrit Chants
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1. Aum The Primal Shabda
Om, actually pronounced “Aum,” is an affirmation of the Divine Presence that is the universe and is similar to the Hebrew “Amen.” There are many ways of chanting Aum, but this is an approach that will initiate you as a Shabda Yogi, one who pursues the path of sound toward wholeness and higher states of consciousness.
2. Lokah Samastha A Chant for Wholeness
Lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness.
3. Gayatri Being Illuminated by Sacred Sound
Om bhur bhuvas svaha Thath savithur varaynyam Bhargo dheyvasya dhimahih Dhyoyonah pratchodhay-yath
We worship the word (shabda) that is present in the earth, the heavens, and that which is beyond. By meditating on this glorious power that gives us life, we ask that our minds and hearts be illuminated.
Perhaps the most revered of all Hindu mantras, is the Gayatri Mantra, which is found in the first sacred Vedic scripture, the Rig-Veda (3.62.10). Gayatri literally means “song” or “hymn,” but the word also indicates an ancient verse meter of 24 syllables, typically grouped in three octets.
This mantra is addressed to the solar deity Savitri, the Vivifier (and so also called the savitri-mantra); originally its motive was to petition for the god’s blessings. Gayatri is personified as a goddess, wife of the creator god Brahma, and mother of the Vedas, because it’s believed that its syllables gave birth to and so embody the essence of these sacred texts. Every upper-caste (male) Hindu repeats this mantra during both morning and evening devotions, and on certain other special occasions.
The recitation of the Gayatri Mantra begins with the sacred syllable Om, followed by what’s called the “utterances—the names of three of the seven mythic Hindu worlds, bhur, bhuvar, svah, which are respectively Earth, the Middle Region, and Heaven. These worlds symbolize three states of consciousness, from our ordinary earth-bound consciousness to consciousness of the “heavenly” Self. Next comes the verse itself. This has been rendered into English in many ways; as one example: “Let us contemplate that beautiful splendor of the divine Savitri, that he may inspire our visions” (translation by Georg Feuerstein). The recitation concludes with another Om.
4. Om Namah Shivaaya
Om Namah Shivaaya, Namah Shivaaya, Nama Shiva
I bow to Lord Shiva, the peaceful one who is the embodiment of all that is cause by the universe.
5. Bija Mantras Seed Mantras
In the “seed” (bija) mantras each seed is conceived of as the sound-form of a particular Hindu deity, and each deity is in turn a particular aspect of the Absolute (Brahman). It’s said that just as a great tree resides in within the seed, so does a god or goddess reside in each bija. When we chant the bijas, we identify each syllable with the divine energy they represent.
Translations courtesy of Russill Paul’s The Yoga of Sound.
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12 Surya Namaskar Mantras - Meaning and Significance
Surya Namaskar is getting highly popular with the name of Sun Salutation all over the world. It is prominent because it is called the ‘King of Yoga’ by great yogis. Surya Namaskar is a very systematic technique that combines the twelve asanas in a yoga sequence.
The solar plexus (located behind the navel, which is the central point of the human body), also known as the second brain, is connected to the sun. This is the main reason why the ancient rishis recommended the practice of Surya Namaskar.
The regular practice of Sun Salutation enhances the solar plexus, which increases one’s creativity and intuitive abilities. Moreover, as we can do it almost anywhere and it is relatively easy, it is one of the best things anyone could do to become fit.
Below are the Surya Namaskar Mantras and the significance for each step of Sun Salutation. The breathing technique associated with each pose is also provided. You should Inhale and Exhale through the nose while practicing Surya Namaskar Yoga.
1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
ॐ मित्राय नमः Om Mitraaya Namaha
Meaning: One who is friendly to all.
Breathing: Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. Inhale while lifting both arms up. Exhale while bringing your palm together right in front of your chest in the namaste or prayer pose.
The significance of the Asana:
Pranamasana helps maintain the balance of the body.
Relaxes the nervous system.
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
ॐ रवये नमः। Om Ravaye Namaha
Meaning: The shining one, the radiant one.
Breathing: Breath in while gently lifting your arms in the backward direction.
Significance of the Asana:
Hasta Uttanasana stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen.
Expands the chest resulting in the full intake of oxygen. Lung capacity is fully utilized.
3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
ॐ सूर्याय नम:। Om Suryaya Namaha
Meaning: The dispeller of darkness, responsible for generating activity.
Breathing: Exhale, bend forward from the waist while keeping the spine erect till the palms are kept flat in line with the feet. Touch the knees with your head keeping the legs straight without bending.
Significance of the Asana:
Hasta Padasana makes the waist and spine flexible.
Stretches the hamstrings.
Opens the hips, shoulders, and arms.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
ॐ भानवे नमः। Om Bhaanave Namaha
Meaning: One who illuminates or the bright one.
Breathing: Breathe in and stretch out your right leg back as far as possible and look forward. The right foot and knee should touch the ground and left foot along with the level of hands.
Significance of the Asana:
Ashwa Sanchalanasana strengthens the leg muscles.
It makes the spine and neck flexible.
Good for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.
5. Dandasana (Stick Pose)
ॐ खगाय नमः। Om Khagaya Namaha
Meaning: One who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.
Breathing: Stretch out your left leg backward, keeping your hands perpendicular to the floor, and exhale gently.
Significance of the Asana:
Dandasana strengthens the arms and back.
Improves posture.
Stretches the shoulders, chest, and spine.
Calms the mind.
6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts Pose)
ॐ पूष्णे नमः। Om Pooshne Namaha
Meaning: Giver of nourishment and fulfillment.
Breathing: Pause breathing (No respiration)
Significance of the Asana:
Ashtanga Namaskara enhances the flexibility of the back and spine.
Strengthens the back muscles.
Reduces tension and anxiety.
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः। Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Meaning: One who has a golden-colored brilliance.
Breathing: Gently Breath in and raise your head and bend the spine backward as much as possible.
Significance of the Asana:
Bhujangasana stretches the shoulders, chest, and back.
Increases flexibility.
Elevates mood.
Invigorates the heart.
8. Parvatasana(Mountain Pose)
ॐ मरीचये नमः। Om Mareechaye Namaha
Meaning: Giver of light with infinite rays.
Breathing: Exhale, slowly lower your head and raise the body, the toes, and hands resting on the floor. (Inverted ‘V’)
Significance of the Asana:
Parvatasana strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.
Increases blood flow to the spinal region.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
ॐ आदित्याय नम:। Om Aadityaaya Namaha
Meaning: The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.
Breathing: Breath in, bring the right foot along with the hands’ level, and look forward. The left foot and knee should touch the ground.
Significance of the Asana:
Ashwa anchalanasana tones the abdominal organs.
Adds flexibility to leg muscles.
10. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
ॐ सवित्रे नमः। Om Savitre Namaha
Meaning: One who is responsible for life.
Breathing: Exhale, bring the left leg also forward and come back to Position No. 3.
Significance of the Asana:
Hasta Padasana stretches the hamstrings.
It opens the hips, shoulders, and arms.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
ॐ अर्काय नमः। Om Arkaaya Namaha
Meaning: One who is worthy of praise and glory.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the hands overhead and bend backward
Significance of the Asana:
Hasta Uttanasana stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen.
Expands the chest resulting in the full intake of oxygen. Lung capacity is fully utilized.
12. Tadasana (Standing or Palm Tree Pose)
ॐ भास्कराय नमः। Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Meaning: Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.
Breathing: Gently Exhale and come back to Tadasana or mountain pose.
Significance of the Asana:
Tadasana improves posture.
Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles.
Relieves sciatica.
(Last Updated On: January 30, 2022)
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