awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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Still playing around in photomode.
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awakenins · 2 months
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@praynot                               It  was  a  simple  matter  to  feel  fear.  The  quakes  that  lay  hold  of  shoulders,  sundering,  rending—tearing  the  heart's  fancy  and  pulling  one  from  reason.  More  often  it  was  the  better  part  of  valor  to  flee,  but  he  had  seen  the  ones  who  would  remain  behind.  Like  piddling  beasts  undernourished  of  the  strife  of  nature,  shot  in  the  wane  of  a  quickly  encroaching  peril—yes,  they  were  the  ones  that  were  simply  easier  to  kill.  Pride  in  the  face  of  such  situations,  so  his  smile  was  a  chillingly  scarce  one—cutting  softly  into  features  porcelain,  his  outward  expression  was  a  vacillating  chain  of  concern,  a  ball-dance  of  emotional  balladry.
                                 Thick  with  unnatural  dread,  the  air  hung  over  Bright  Falls—a  quiet  town  always  living  under  twilight.  The  already  breath-taking,  dense-forest  and  mist-covered  landscape  was  now  breathless,  perhaps  in  cognizance  of  the  horror  that  had  occurred.  A  local  journalist,  notoriously  headstrong  and  always  on  a  quest  for  the  truth  under  any  circumstances—her  name:  Sarah.  Her  body  was  found  in  the  woods  near  an  old  coal  mine,  long  deserted  land  and  covered  by  local  legends  of  evil  spirits.  The  scene  was  grotesque:  a  macabre  tableau  that  seemed  to  mock  the  serenity  of  the  surroundings. 
                                 Her  body  lay  in  a  deliberate  pose,  limbs  splayed  out  in  some  twisted  parody  of  a  star.  Deep  gashing  crisscrosses  on  her  skin,  precise  and  cruel,  looked  like  an  artist's  rendition  of  malfeasance.  Her  eyes  were  wide  open,  wide  with  the  last  remnants  of  terror,  staring  blankly  into  the  void.  There  was  a  message  left,  sketched  in  blood  on  the  bark  of  a  nearby  tree:  “The  darkness  is  coming.”  Alan  Wake,  the  writer,  found  himself  drawn  to  the  scene.  He  felt  the  oppressive  weight  of  the  dark  presence  that  had  been  stalking  him—not  an  amorphous  dark  thing,  but  the  shadowy  figure  of  a  person  lurking  just  beyond  perception.  It  was  more  than  a  crime;  it  was  the  message  that  this  murder,  this  grotesque  display,  was  directed  at  him—a  taunt  and,  to  his  mind,  a  threat  of  more  to  come.
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awakenins · 2 months
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                          Here,   in   this   forsaken   place,   there   was   no   longer   any   distinction   between   the   real   and   that   which   belonged   in   a   nightmare;   each   manuscript   page   became   an   entrance   to   another   layer   of   darkness.   The   shadows,   now   more   than   mere   absence   of   light,   took   life,   moving   as   if   with   their   own   purpose,   edging   away   the   sanity   of   any   who   tarried   too   long.
                          A   place   where   knowledge   came   at   the   dangerous   price   of   peril,   and   every   answer   revealed   even   more   chilling   questions.   The   library,   once   a   beacon   of   enlightenment,   had   now   given   way   to   a   mausoleum   of   the   mind,   symbolizing   the   insatiable   hunger   for   truth,   a   force   that   could   throw   you   over   the   brink   of   madness.   Nestled   within   the   dark,   sprawling   woods   of   Bright   Falls,   the   library   stood   as   a   forgotten   relic,   shrouded   in   mystery   and   shadow.   Its   grand,   gothic   architecture,   now   decayed   and   overrun   by   creeping   vines,   loomed   ominously   against   the   backdrop   of   the   perpetually   overcast   sky.
                          Here   was   Alan   Wake,   the   hunted   writer,   skulking   through   the   oppressive   gloom   with   a   mind   full   of   single-minded,   wary   resolve.   The   lines   etched   into   his   face   over   so   many   sleepless   nights   reflected   nothing   compared   to   the   haunting   landscape   of   his   mind.   This   place   he   had   seen   in   his   dreams,   a   twisted   reflection   of   reality   in   which   words   held   power   and   darkness   thrived.   "I   feel   like   ..   I've   been   here   before."   The   atmosphere   almost   went   out   of   hand;   it   was   so   strong   and   pressurized,   like   some   kind   of   living   entity   feeding   on   fears   and   secrets   buried   deep   within   its   walls.
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win. Independent Alan Wake from Remedy Entertainment.
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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                He took a step closer, his ██████████ establishing the room in the midst of the strange climate. "... Your energy is commendable," he proceeded, his voice nearly a whisper. "But I need you to keep in mind to keep ██████████. Appreciate the work, not fair the individual behind it. Utilize that motivation to fuel your claim inventiveness, to discover your claim voice within the tremendous world of narrating."
                Alan's eyes met hers, filled with a blend of thoughtfulness and ███████████████. "In case cherishing my stories brings you bliss, at that point keep that fire lively. But continuously keep in mind to cherish your possess travel, your possess life exterior the pages of fiction. That's where your genuine story lies." She, out of all those whom he had met along his ███████████████ journey, where his kindled roads were brimming with the clinks and hums and roars of countless beasts and men of learning that never once denied their will to know his fires.
                ██████████ He finished with a tender, knowing smile. "Your concern touches me deeper than you could possibly imagine, but promise me this: continue to be a weaver of words, not just for my sake, but for your own. Your writing has a profound power to inspire, much like a beacon in ██████████, just as my words have done for you."
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a face flickers in and out but she could never forget a most handsome face like that. it was her writer. he who would be the catalyst for her obsessively great dedication for such a great many years. she built a beautiful shrine in his name one compact with much of her lovely fanfiction. he made her a better person and she has no intention of letting him not know of how much she adores him. ( heck , he might as well be the reason she breathes air ! ) " alan wake .. o-oh .. ! ██ my god ! " a soft squeal escapes her. she can hardly contain her excitement. her heart has already taken the leap out of her body. she might as well hand it over now. bloodied and all. it might be kind of romantic. " alan --- i've █████ your ██████ ! i feel so █████ that i ██ to be your ████ in this ███ ! " she doesn't even mind the fact that half of what he has said was lost in the void. this is alan wake ! her writer ! in the flesh !
" i was thinking about █████ what we █████ name our kids █████ ! " was that too forward ? yeah , maybe. she doesn't really mind though. would he mind ? she should stay focused. < if loving you is wrong , alan , i don't want to be right >
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awakenins · 2 months
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In a Violent Nature (2024) dir. Chris Nash
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awakenins · 2 months
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awakenins · 2 months
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                Manuscript # ██████████████████
                He battled his way through ████████████, feeling as though his legs were constantly engulfed in oppressive shadows. The flashlight he was holding wavered weakly, casting a shaky, warped light in his ████████████ direction. Beyond this heavy darkness, he could feel someone, but the gap seemed unbridgeable. His voice, lost in the darkness, reverberated into nothingness.
"Can ███ hear me?" Those words echoed in a vacuum, being lost in the whisper of the wind and the rustle of unknown horrors. Yet he went on, motivated by a need, a frantic yearning to reach the other one and warn him of the impending ████████████disaster. The forest was alive with danger all around him, yet he refused to stop.
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awakenins · 2 months
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 Author's  Note:
                Within  the  leaves  of  these  ████████████,  a  tapestry  of  shadows  is  woven—interwoven  with  threads  of  dread  and  stitched  with  the  whispers  of  the  uncanny.  There  are  such  things  in  this  tale  where  borders  blur  and  the  everyday  crashes  into  the  monstrous  that  a  dance  of  darkness  calls  the  bravest  souls  to  venture  deeper.  Gear  yourself  up,  for  this  roller  coaster  ride  will  lead  you  through  the  hallways  of  fear,  where  every  beat  echoes  in ████████████  with  the  pulse  of  the  unknown.  Here,  the  secrets  of  the  night  are  dark  compared  to  the  spaces  between  stars,  and  with  each  turn  of  the  page,  an  unquiet  terror  grips  the ████████████.
                However,  in  the ████████████  of  the  chilling   chapters,  there  blooms  a  fragile  beauty,  a  beauty  born  out  of  tested  courage—that  of  characters  who  refuse  to  succumb  to  shadows  cast  upon  them.  They  are  our  guides  in  this  labyrinth  of  fear;  their  struggles  are  attested  to  by  the  indomitable  spirit  of  man.  So,  reader,  take  heed  as  ████████████  upon  this  odyssey  into  the  realms  where  nightmares  reign.  Let  your  mind's  eye  see  the  images  the  words  paint,  and  may  the  chill  in  the  air  be  but  the  whisper  of  the  unseen,  leaving  tales  inside  that  will  leave  an  indelible  mark  upon  your  imagination. With  a  typewriter  and  a ████████████,  Alan  Wake.  Written  by  echo. 
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 Publisher's  Note
                These  stories  are  a  work  of  fiction.  Names,  characters,  places,  and  incidents  are  the  products  of  remedy  games' and  are  used  fictitiously.  Any  resemblance  to  actual  events,  locales,  or  persons,  living  or  dead,  is  entirely  coincidental.  Graphics by kaisercomms. Their exceptional artistry and keen eye for detail have brought the visual elements of this page to life, enhancing the narrative with compelling and evocative imagery.
                This page does not have a "Do Not Interact" policy. Anyone is welcome to join and participate here, as long as it remains decent. Mature content is allowed here and at times even integrated directly into the stories themselves. It can range from graphic language, gore and violence to sexual themes.
                Participants should be 18 years or older and comfortable with such material. But most importantly, remember that role-playing is about fun and creating memorable stories together. Embrace creativity, enjoy the journey, and support each other in creating an interesting and vivid world.
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awakenins · 2 months
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