avvkward · 1 month
Oh, young ones were so easy to impress. A few beautifully woven words was all it took to win their favor, and it seemed no matter how many generations past on earth, that never changed. How quick they fell all for invitations to what seemed to be a great feast of entertainment or beauty. Ehnyá could imagine for this one to make an easy victim for the faeries ever so bored courts. It was rare they would pick one that was not exactly human but he'd not have been the first. Lucky for him, it was unlikely and he should spend a happy life in freedom. "Talking is an art of its own, you know? Being able to spin the ideas, wake your imagination, a painting of the mind." They always had shown great talents for illusions, right from birth but unlike his beauty, it was something Ehnyá could keep selfishly to himself. There wasn't a way for him to reject a marriage to court, it would have meant death but the practice in the shadows always paid out. As the tea was served and long fingers entwined, the fey smiled amused of this one's eagerness. "You are welcome to stay the night, I will let my staff know to prepare a guest room for you, those are a little more comfortable than the rooms for rent. I shall only give you a warning not to wander off property once it grows dark. You might get lost," a finger tapped against his cheek. "How about we make that a surprise, you will see tonight."
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The artist was immediately straightening his position, nose lifting, just a bit. This was what attention and affection did to him, the slightest bit of praise, he would soak it all off. And being treated in a special way? Of course he was enjoying the feeling of that. "You surely have me curious why that is so, fell in love with me immediately?" Rafayel found himself grinning, though, he was just a bit suspicious on why this man was showering him with just a bit more attention than he was giving to most of his guests. Why him? He was adjusting his bag while following Ehnyá, brows raising at the way this stranger was rambling. How sweet. Was he always that chatty or did that come from the special treatment? "You're doing a tea ceremony for me?" Now, Rafayel had to admit that he never really participated in a traditional tea ceremony, but there was always room for first times, wasn't it? Rafayel slowly sat down by one of the tables, after all, it seemed like he would get tea served soon and he was not going to stop Ehnyá in whatever he was doing. "I would say I am pretty imaginative. And yes, pretty one, I am sure I could paint a picture in my mind. Will you let me stay anyways?" Rafayel was not aware of potentials fingers. Maybe this was just a pretty trap and he was walking into it happily. "Will I be spending the night with you or will I get to sit outside painting? You can happily accompany me."
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avvkward · 2 months
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SEONGHWA - 'WORK' 240604
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avvkward · 2 months
"Oh, you received special treatment the moment you walked in, this is far passed of what I allow most to enter, at least without invitation," the fey hummed, their features remain steady while he watched. "Now, I have quite a few speciality you never have tried before. While their taste might be a little out of the ordinary," Ehnyá's fingers moved along each word like a play of an instrument invisible to the eye. "But, it's an experience you will not forget. Hm, think of it as a blend unique to the visitor. I never safe them same twice, unless you dare to come again." He moved around and vanished for a moment, he had a few corners in rooms harboring his private collection, carefully choosing a few before he returned, suiting himself down on the table. "I am a little more chaty than the tradition of tea ceremonies most seem to be familiar with. Let's say, where I studied the art, it was almost considered a crime to fall into silence. Some day, they were scared of the sounds of the silenceof the night but the truth is much simpler, thoughts are louder if there is no voice to fill it. What does your painter's mind think of that? Can you draw a picture in your mind of a scene like that? If the answer is no, you should stay with me for the night, be my guest and use one of our rooms. As pleasant as sunshine is, I'd say we are much more tempting at night fall but people here are far to shy to stay so late." It's as they know about something earie lingering at night. Not that it was dangerous, oh not at all. The seeds he blanted just needed some protection of magic to properly blossom, home in a world where it was always night.
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As an artist, a main motive for Rafayels acts often were driven by beauty. It was actually that easy, lured in by anything that would be considered beautiful, sometimes things only he seemed to consider that but still. It drew him in nonetheless. So maybe it came naturally that he stumbled upon the tea house, some otherworldly location, at least, this was how some people liked to describe it. Rafayel surely got to see just a few pictures of the place, though it always seemed, for a location as beautifully described, there were hardly any pictures online. A fact, that would cause the male to pout. Now he would have to believe in rumors, potentially wasting his precious time And still, he did manage to find his way there, to be, surprisingly pleased, by the beauty he was faced. Not only the flowers the architecture, but a charming man that would welcome him so nicely, with a naturally playful charm. Oh how intriguing. "Bold of you to assume I can't appreciate a nice cup of tea." His words were accompanied by a soft chuckle. Maybe he wasn't an expert on the topic, but still, he did enjoy it, actually. Rafayel lifted a little sketchbook, just shortly wiggling it before he lowered it once more. "This place surely is known for a certain kind of beauty which I wanted to judge myself. I don't come with any deeper motive than wanting to look at something pretty." Now, his gaze would only shortly wander over the owner before he did follow him inside, leaving it up to Ehnyá if they took it as a compliment their way or to the tea house. "I surely don't mind to try an extra blend, now, is this how you welcome any guest or can I feel special?"
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avvkward · 2 months
"Right, if you would have the choice to be consumed by a demon and stop to exist or actaiully attempt to live, would you just say ok I die? Ah, maybe your species just thinks death is better than existing in such a form," he sighed, shaking his head a little. "We fought for life and death in hell, that was no fun," Blank exhaled deeply, this one was giving him a headache, really. "It took like years... down there at least, I needed ten years to get back up here." Maybe time really was going different in hell, he never really considered it since he simply had no memories other than how he came to be what he was now, the human life entirely erased from his memories for good. "I like being a demon, I have no problem with it. How about I write you a confirmation letter, give it to your boss, tell him to go and f... do something else. I am sure there are plenty of willing humans needing safety." Why would they care about losing a single one if there are so many others? "Look; we are supposed to be enemy, or some shit but we can just be ... pretending we do not exist, yes? I am sure demons come and eat humans frequently. Just tell them that and blame it on the people who let some guys use others as sacrifice."
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The confusion was visible on Matriels face, an emotion that was most prominent for the angel. Humanity confused him, permanently. "You willingly allowed this creature to become part of you?" Brows furrowed while his strong arms crossed over his broad chest. Now, he wasn't sure about this overall small talk situation, he was not good at it. But he was attempting to, at least, listening to the ramble of words that Blank had for his appearance. "You consumed the demon and had coffee with him." That was what he was getting, confusion. What had coffee to do with it. "Maybe if adding something else to your coffee, there is a way to separate it once more. Though, why do you add milk to your coffee if you don't want it in there." Yeah, maybe he didn't properly listen, just because he was thinking of ways how to fix this. It was an issue needed to be solved. The hint of black in Blanks eyes caused the angel to step closer. "A guardian angel is not supposed to kill their assigned human but I guess in a case of demon possession or consumption, how you call it, I might have to." Now Matriel looked anything but pleased with that situation. "That, or we will find a way to unmix you."
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avvkward · 2 months
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( @rainyearning ) receives an invitation to a private tea session with Ehnyá.
The gentle illusion around his figure disappeared as he stepped back, looking at the other. They hummed slightly, opening the paper door with a single finger, throwing the stranger a few gazes: "You do not look like you are somebody who greatly cares for tea. So, what would bring you here? Curiosity? Business? Are you looking for some more special ingredients? Mh, I wonder."
Oh receiving guests in this world was so much more fun, all kinds of fingers, untouched from a kind of magic that made them all the same. How dull, the royal family always so confused why they grew bored of all their toys so quickly when all they did was shaping them in the same fashion.
"Don't be shy, let's discuss it over a cup of tea, I just have the perfect blend in mind for you."
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avvkward · 2 months
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jongho goes BOING over san!
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avvkward · 2 months
"You would be surprised how cocky those guys are, really. I mean they obvious came to whoever those people where who used me for this. It took me a long time tho, it isn't like it was how do you say it, walk in the park?" At least, the other wasn't shy which was ... well, nice was the wrong word but maybe that would help? if he could wrap this up without any hassle, he was not really keen on fighting how if he could deal with an angel and heaven sounded like a shithole from the stories he heard. "Well, I guess that's fair. At least, you are good at blending in like, that appearance is nice, good job. It doesn't scream LOOK AT ME, you know?" There was this feeling in his stomach getting stronger that told him to act but he had learned to push it back, not to let the demonic flow overrun him, not ifit was not necessary. But then he made a face: "You really did not listen, did you? I am not possessed, I took it in and we mixed and, it's likewhen you put milk into your coffee. It can't be undone. C'mon, how about we just leave this peacefully?" This time, he did not hold it back, there was a hint of his eyes taking an even darker shade and something more unpleasant radiating from him. "I'm really not keen on making a scene."
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Matriel was by no means a wise creature. He was a guard, all his eyes focusing on his human, sensing their danger and chiming in to prevent anything bad from happening. He was dutiful and caring, a force, ever to be sensed but mostly not seen. He took a visual form when needed and with this hard case, yes, Matriel was forced to do so. Now, the males reveal was surprising. The angel was taking that as a reason to step closer, gaze wandering all over Blank. He remained silent, for a moment, maybe two. "You want to tell me that you defeated a demon and consumed their soul instead?" His hand quickly took hold of Blanks chin, moving it around so he could look at it from every side and angle. "We are not exactly subtle if I we are all eyes and wings among humans. How should I do my job when people keep staring at me?" He was still very busy with observing that face and he couldn't visibly see a demon, just feel it. "So you just gave up on humanity?" He sounded disappointed but let go of the males face, pushing his head back in the process, as in a way to show how disgusted he was with the outcome. "I will get rid of that demonic soul for you. That's how I redeem myself. I will make you human again!" He sounded determined, completely ignoring the way Blank tried to tell him off. "I will protect your humanity to the very end. You're not meant to be this."
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avvkward · 2 months
"You do realize that I am pretty sure that demon's not really alive anymore like, he wanted to eat my soul and I just ended up fighting it and won so now, I guess I ate its soul?" It wasn't really like he understood the whole progress but it did not really matter. There was no memory, just a blank clean state of starting this life as a demon, doing whatever he was doing now. The demon turned around, giving the angel a long look. He was a stubborn one, he couldn't deny that, if not for bothering his fights, maybe it would even be endearing. "YOu know, I always thought you guys would look a bit more ... threatening, giant floating balls of eyes and all. I have an excuse to look like this! I mean, I do have some other look but ... " It seemed, this one was rambling on, asking odd questions. "I already told you, I went to hell because I was breakfast, then I made a bet and won, so I became this. Look, I am not like here to eat souls or anything and I do not think I can die that easily now, so you can just... go and babysit humans? Like actual humans."
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"Free the human." Even if he was getting repetitive at this point, Blank was not some shape shifting creature, no. The demon had taken a host, a human, therefore, Matriel was very sure that not all was lost and that the pour human could still be freed. "You do realize there are dying people everywhere, all around this world." His arms crossed over his chest, making sure his overall vibe was more intimidating than friendly, he had studied humans and this seemed to be something they did when they didn't want to be all open and welcoming. "I am worried about your body, not you. You just do that little hellish thing you do and find fund in destroying what is not yours. I'm his guard." And whatever he had done had not been enough, somehow he couldn't sense the presence of the demon, lost his human and had been punished, back in heavens for failing his duties. But he was back now and he intended to make up for his mistake. "How did you do it? Sneak past me back then?"
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avvkward · 2 months
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( @rainyearning ) watched a pitch fight with Blank.
"What exactly do I have to do so you stop following me around?" This was driving him insane because the other kept showing up in the middle of fights and it was difficult to focus on not losing balance or letting his magic slip when you got glared at by ... an angel. Wasn't this angel supposed to like ... avoid him like heaven? "I mean, not sure if you noticed but you aren't really good at giving me glares while seemingly being worried about me getting injured ... which actually's the point of the whole thing. People wanna see a fun fight where more happens than bloody noises, it's not like i don't heal within a few hours," or days but that freaking werewolf had been playing really dirty the other night.
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avvkward · 2 months
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( @united-as-one ) receives an invitation to a private tea session with Ehnyá.
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"The beauty of a real tea ceremony is much more the act itself rather than the end product but sadly, in this time and era, nobody has the motivation anymore. Such a pity, all they are so keen of doing is to freeze it into their little phones. Mh, they forget that the beauty of a flower is that they die, it's death that makes them beautiful. No matter how hard you try, every flower that blooms does so knowing it's meant to wither. If they do not, then they are boring, don't you think? One year a flower might have a different color from another but those standing still, why would you bother looking at them." Ehnyá hummed as he leaned over, pouring a cup of tea for the other, the play of water and wind swallowed all of the noises coming from the large main house with all the other guests.
The fey settled down, leading a cup to red lips, a particular smile adorned it when they took a particularly small sip before placing it back down on the plate. "Then, I take it you have come for more sinister business? Something about it right in the air. Why else would we have this conversation, in consideration of how rarely you come to visit me? So what would it be this time?" His left index finger pressed against his chin, as they playfully tilted their head slightly to the left and right: "A rumor, a little bit of gossip, or maybe an especially rare poison. Mh, if the answer is just because I'd be greatly disappointed. I was about to go out as you came, so do not disappoint me naughty flower."
Ehnyá was quick to be bored and usually, it meant falling out of his favor long term. Sure, maybe not everyone would see the benefit of being aquatinted with the fey but to some, it could be quite beneficial.
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avvkward · 2 months
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Ehnyá's Teahouse | The Dew
While by the locals simply referred to as "the tea house", it's a large property at the edge of the suburb and was constructed 100 years ago based on the 'first owner's' design choices. While it seems heavily to be inspired by east asian architecture, there are some elements seemingly out of place but make perfect sense to the fey who cooperated design choices of his home, including the selection of plants. During the daytime, most of the tea rooms are open to all visitors, excluding those behind the small lake which are only for special customers. The Teahouse has a separate building which includes the kitchen and several rooms that Ehnyá rents to people he finds interesting. Prices seem surprisingly low for the everyday visitors but those who crave to do some more supernatural businesses tend to pay a little more and for the very rich and insane, on lucky days, one might can also get a private tea ceremony from the owner themself. Next to its great play of water, the gardens are especially popular and there are whispers that it seems, some flowers only seem to bloom at night. To the dismey of many, there is no wifi on the property and for some reason, no signal either, leaving many unable to share anything and seemingly forgetting they ever intended to post about it to begin with.
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avvkward · 2 months
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san ♡ limitless mv making film
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avvkward · 2 months
Blog Information; Read First
Hi, I'm R. (they/them/30+), located in Europe. My activity can be sporadic depending on my current work schedule. I am slow with direct messaging on tumblr. English is one of my secondary languages, so please note that mistakes happen. Discord is available for mutuals. You can mainly find me on 'eachnight'
Blog: This blog is home to original characters. Multiverse. I prefer pre-established relationships and usually just wing them, but I'm open to plotting. Personal blogs please DNI or if you're younger than 20.  While I like using gifs, it's optional, no pressure to use any. Currently low activity.
Selective: Please only follow if you're interested in interacting. If I follow you/back, I'd like to write. I prefer to write with mutuals, but opens are for all and we can see how it goes. I will only rp with original and fictional characters (movies, TV shows, books, etc.). I won't interact with characters from cartoons & anime, including live-action adaptations & blogs using the krp/jrp tag. 
Shipping: I'm multi-ship ; no cheating. I'm open to shipping, ask away if you're interested. If the chemistry is there, I'm likely up for it. No taboo ships, including any forms of stepcest. I also enjoy writing about other dynamics like family, enemies, and friendship.
Adult/Mature Content: Adult, mature, and similar themes will appear on this blog, I also enjoy writing angst and darker topics from time to time. Triggering content will be tagged: "term tw". I'm selective with smut & usually prefer to write it on discord but it will be present at times. We can fade it to black. I don't use gifs in smut replies.
Faceclaims: Banned are minors, deceased personalities, criminals, or those who do not wish to be used. If you spot one of my face claims being somebody problematic, please let me know. I don't always keep track of all of them.
Resources: Many of the gifs are my own. All other credits can be found on my resource sideblog. Please don't save anything from my blog. If you are looking for anything in particular, let me know. While I post gif packs, this is not a resource blog.
Other: I don't interact with dashboard drama or call-out posts. Please reach out in person and privately if there are any concerns or problems. If you unfollow, consider softblocking, that way I won't accidentally try to interact with you when you no longer wish for it.
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avvkward · 2 months
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avvkward · 2 months
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avvkward · 2 months
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[ Blank ] can't recall anything about his human life. All he remembers is the pain and fear on the day, his so called " friends " used him as a sacrifice to a demon. The one thing the summoned being didn't expect was for the teen to refuse to simply give up, challenging him instead for a duel in hell. There are several versions of what exactly happened but in the end [ blank ] was named the winner and instead of being the one absorbed, did so with the demon. After needing another decade to manage to control his powers and find a way to flee the fiery pits, [ Blank ] returns to the human world, without a memory of where he once belonged or just how long he had been gone. By chance, he stumbled into Ehnyá and they seemed to share a particular distaste about being used as bargains. Upon their suggestion, Blank adapted the name as his own partly as a joke to life and started to work as an underground fighter, challenging other inhuman beings in a professional set up, renting one of the rooms of the tea house, and helping out here and then. More so, dealing with unpleasant customers.
character traits : calm , relaxed , observer , focused , lost in thoughts if alone , enjoys fighting , ( curious ) , small smiles , flirty , picky with company, ( teasing. ) maybe a little selfish / mean at times .
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Blank Gim; who wears the human name Gim Soo-bin, is described as a somewhat short but well-built man with dark eyes & a strange presence. [supernatural beings may recognize him as a demon]. While he has no exact idea of how old he actually is (although assumed around 1-2 centuries) ; on his fake documents, he is considered to be twenty-five. Blank prefers to go by he/him and he takes little interest in gender when it comes to sex or dating , instead a person needs to catch his interest. He claims to work as a waiter for the public but makes his living by engaging in underground fights of the supernatural world. Some whisper, he looks like Choi S.an (1999)
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avvkward · 2 months
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[ Ehnyá ] originated from the Court of the Night Fey, belonging to the Unseelie Faeries. His family held no special rank within the court and considered it a way of improving their status by offering their youngest child as a gift to the ruling royal family. Due to his beauty, he was accepted, and Ehnyá became the third husband of one of the Queen's many daughters. In her eyes, he was a tool to play with, but like all of them, she lost interest after a few decades. Growing weary of feasts and dances, century by century doomed to play by the laws of those he despised, Ehnyá dared a bold move and fled, luring a human to take their place instead. He finds beauty in the fleeting things in the human world, especially mortals with their lives as short as a spring flower. One hundred years ago, he opened a tea house, and thanks to his magical abilities of illusions, while the owner seems to change often in human eyes, Ehnyá made it a successful business. Not only do they get to play with his favorite flowers, but they also engages with those similar to or very different from him. It's a place for humans to relax and for the supernatural to conduct the business of magic. The tea house also has several rooms strangers can rent, one of them being Blank, somebody the fey finds amusing and likes to bet on when the demon goes to the pits to fight.
character traits : curious ; witty , ( plays with people ) , charming , patience , observer , extrovert , playful , can't be trusted , bored , flirty , fling , ( cruel. )
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Ehnyá ; who wears the human name Ahn Eun-Ji, is described as an outstandingly pretty man with grey eyes & a tall figure. While born more than seven centuries ago as a fey in the realm of the Night Court ; in the human world, he is considered to be twenty-seven. While Ehnyá cares little for the mortal idea of gender, most use he/they for the fey. In their eyes, he's the fifth owner of the tea house, unaware it has been in his possession ever since. Ehnyá finds beauty in all genders, whether in bed or in heart, although love seems to be a strange concept to him. Some whisper, he looks like Park S.eonghwa (1998)
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