A Village of Cards
247 posts
Bridget | 22 | she/her | Alberta, Canada | a mess of a tarot reader | a historian at heart | main blog: snowdayinthearchives
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
avillageofcards · 6 years ago
Lmao definitely do not. He's not a licensed practitioner in...anything
Handed my boyfriend a stack of Page of Coins cards and asked him to guess the meaning from the symbolism. He said “invest in Bitcoin.” You heard it here first.
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
Handed my boyfriend a stack of Page of Coins cards and asked him to guess the meaning from the symbolism. He said "invest in Bitcoin." You heard it here first.
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Wow I'm shocked, 0 Cups and 372927272 Wands I'm such a goddamn Aries
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My 2019 tarot resolution is already taking over my nice new planner–going to pull a card a day, and see if any patterns emerge (hypothesis: I’ll never get any Cups ever because my whole personality is an emotional block and it just be like that sometimes)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
"With your hands, generally, but I'm not the boss of you."
Do I need to include a “how to use this deck” in the bottancial book, or will people be able to figure that out for themselves?
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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My 2019 tarot resolution is already taking over my nice new planner--going to pull a card a day, and see if any patterns emerge (hypothesis: I'll never get any Cups ever because my whole personality is an emotional block and it just be like that sometimes)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
For anyone whose resolution is to work out more, and read more tarot
Tarot Workout
If you’re anything like me, you like to shove tarot into parts of life where it really doesn’t belong. So with that, why not let your deck design your morning/evening workout? Get that blood pumping a little differently every day.
I’d recommend starting with no fewer than three cards per day, but that’s up to your current preferences and abilities. Pull your cards, check what they mean, and make sure all of your Majors have been accounted for. Then go for it! After a week, add another card, and then another the next week. Replace exercises that you absolutely hate or can’t do, of course! (Disclaimer– this is aimed at people who are like semi-active. If you run marathons, this will probably feel like baby stuff. It’s just meant to be a fun bit of motivation, and not to replace medical advice).
Without further ado:
Pentacles (legs)
Pips- do the corresponding number of lunges for each leg
Page- jump from a squatting position five times (point those toes!)
Knight- do ten squats
Queen- raise yourself onto your toes ten times
King- hold a wall-sit for ten seconds
Cups (arms)
Pips- do the corresponding number of push-ups (modified if necessary!)
Page- while holding a plank position, tap each of your shoulders with the opposite hand five times
Knight- do ten tricep dips
Queen- circle both arms ten times (slow and controlled movements)
King- lie in a superman position (on your belly with your arms and legs outstretched and slightly raised) and squeeze your shoulders together ten times
Swords (core)
Pips- do the corresponding number of crunches
Page- hold a plank for ten seconds
Knight- do ten Russian twists on each side
Queen- in a plank position, bring each knee toward the opposite shoulder ten times
King- ten leg raises (like a reverse crunch)
Wands (cardio)
Pips- do the corresponding number of jumping jacks
Page- run with high knees, stepping with each foot ten times
Knight- jump and tuck your knees to your chest ten times
Queen- do ten burpees
King- kick your butt ten times with each foot
Major Arcana
The Fool- Take the plunge, and pull an extra card (just for today)
The Magician- Add ten reps of any exercise you know you’re good at
The High Priestess- hold the goddess pose and feel your inner strength
The Empress- play some nature sounds or calm music and dance reallllyyy slowly for a minute (but never stop moving!)
The Emperor- shadow box for a minute
The Hierophant- add ten reps of an exercise you still want to get better at
The Lovers- double the exercises from the card you liked best today
The Chariot- run in place as fast as you can until your tempo starts dropping
Strength- do ten squats or crunches (you can pick) holding something heavy– a book will do in a pinch!
The Hermit- hold child’s pose at the end of your routine, considering how your whole body feels
The Wheel- do the whole routine a second time
Justice- if you pulled any pip cards 4 or below, pull one more card for your routine
The Hanged Man- hold the tree pose because– well, you know
Death- discard the card you think will do you the least good, and pull another to replace it
Temperance- hold a plank as long as you can on one side, then mirror the same time on your other side
The Devil- go ahead, discard whichever card you want from your routine
The Tower- pull two more cards
The Star- spend a minute deep breathing
The Moon- when you’re all done your routine for today, leave one of the cards out for you to do again tomorrow
The Sun- dance as hard as you can for the length of a song of your choosing (preferably upbeat)
Judgement- after you’ve completed all of your cards once, repeat the card that gave you the most trouble
The World- if you’d like, this card can override the whole routine for the day, and you can take a day off. If you’d rather keep it up, do all the other cards you pulled and just know that your deck is really proud of you (and I am too)
Enjoy! (Also apologies if this has been done before, I’ve just never seen it myself)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
Sammeeee it's so striking
your tarot with the red back look absolutely stunning, I'm literally so in love. Do you have a name for the deck? Are you planning on publishing it?
Hello! Thank you so much! I’m so glad it’s reasonating with people already. The deck is called Le Tarot Tricolore, which is a referrence to the three colors used and the french names (the french flag is known as the Tricolore). I’m going to be starting a kickstarter once it’s complete, so keep tabs on this tumblr for that! Thanks again for the love! Messages like this make my day 
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Her name's Sigrid and I love both her and this card
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The moon cactus is the brightly coloured one. They’re always such pretty colours like orange, red, pink, yellow, because they have no chlorophyll. As such they can’t make they’re own food so they have to be grafted on to another cactus to be able to survive.
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Time to go on an adventure with my mom
(Month of Spreads, day 7)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Wear pearls, cry a lot, learn stuff (sung to the tune of the advice given John Mulaney)
(Month of Spreads 2, Day 6)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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What is it they say? That if you don't chase your own dreams, someone will pay you to chase theirs?
(Month of Spreads 2, Day 5)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Rest now, fall in passionate goddamn love later
(Month of Spreads 2, Day 4)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Month of Spreads 2, Day 3
Usually I try to be short and sweet with these, but this spread really moved me. How can I be more gentle with myself?
I've never been good at being gentle with myself, but things have gotten worse since May. For 17 straight years I'd been in school, and I was good at it. Even if I wasn't attractive, or if I was awkward, or if I was lonely, I found comfort in doing damn well in school. I knew how to use school to challenge myself, to help friends, and to grow.
But after getting my bachelor's I needed a break to get work experience and a few dollars, and to make sure I knew what I wanted from my future. It was nice for a few months, but now I find that I barely recognise myself. I'm still awkward and lonely, but now that GPA I worked so hard for means nothing, and it's hard to see anything good in myself. How can I be more gentle with myself when I barely know who I am?
Getting the Queen of Swords honestly made things fall into place a little. She's quick and wise, and overcomes loneliness by working on independent projects. She's also hugely self critical, and sometimes doesn't know what to do with her feelings. I've always admired this queen, but I never once saw myself in her until now. It's weirdly self affirming.
The King of Pentacles, in a silly way, feels like permission to take myself to lectures and art shows and museums. I need to save enough for rent, but there will be leftovers to use for places of discovery and learning, even if it's not formal school. I can learn to learn in new ways. (And in fact, I'm going to the local museum tomorrow).
The Sun is a reminder to love the things I love unabashedly. Even if something feels juvenile or inconsequential (or knowing me, neurotic), I'm allowed to feel that joy. I'm allowed to open the window so it rains inside; I'm allowed to keep a journal of what teas I've had; I'm allowed to post pictures of cool things I see in my new home.
How can I be more gentle with myself? I can give myself space to be lonely and awkward, but then I can build that into outings and projects and experiences that give my new life meaning. I can pause, and remember to be my own friend.
(Also, speaking of being gentle to oneself, I hope you like the number I did on my finger with a potato peeler while making curry the other day, haha).
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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And true it may seem like a stretch
But it's thoughts like this that catch
My troubled head when you're away
And when I am missing you to death
Such Great Heights (Iron & Wine cover)
(Month of Spreads 2, Day 2)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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Ah, October. If you let some of the art that's inside come out, then there's room for other things, like wisdom and pie.
(Month of Spreads 2, Day 1)
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
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I’m officially committing to the mega deck.
A 120 card deck. 10 sections. Trees, flowers, crops, spices, cacti, poisons, herbs, medicinal, mushrooms and bonus.
22 major arcana, 80 minor, 16 court cards, and 2 bonus.
I’m sending out an email tomorrow, and then on Wednesday I’ll post it on instagram and my main blog. I must be crazy.
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avillageofcards · 6 years ago
When you're reading the cards after a string of bad days, and you're like "okay but what can I do?" and they just say "BETTER" over and over again with no clarification
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