averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
Harry Potter AU where Fred and George don't give Harry the Marauder's map in POA
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
I’ve never really cared whether Draco or Harry is taller, I think it’s cute when Draco is like a few inches taller then Harry so things like nose and forehead kisses are common but, I will never be able to get over the headcanon that over the summer before 8th year Harry grew like a foot, making him taller then Draco. I love the idea of Harry being more intimidating to Draco and that Draco’s Malfoy Mask just falls when they bicker for the first time
“Wow Malfoy quite a different style you have going. No longer priss and proper all the time?”
“that’s- I- Potter-” *gay panic* “nope. I’m not doing this.” *turns and walks away*
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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‘Who’s a scarhead now, Malfoy?’
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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Ok. This is for all the Drarry nerds out there. Imagine:
First year:
Harry had learned long ago to wear long sleeves to hide his wrist in fear of being bullied for having both male names on his wrist. Once both Dudley and Harry had been old enough to understand the concept of morals, homosexuality, and shame, Dudley had joined on his parents’ bandwagon of shaming Harry for having both male names. So, Harry hid his wrists.
Harry had heard tales that for the most part, you wouldn’t find either of the people on your wrist until you were 20+, so he didn’t worry about either. A problem for later.
But here he was, in front of the Grand hall waiting for Professor McGonagall to call them in for sorting, and this Draco Malfoy prat was quickly making himself an enemy. As soon as he heard the name, “My name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”, Harry felt chills down his back as he knew he’d found one of his wrist prophecies. At only eleven.
He stared at both his best friend, Ronald, and his newfound enemy, Malfoy, bite at each other, subtly looking at his left wrist, at the fancy name written in fancy calligraphy, and then looking at the blond git in front of him.
Later that night, in the privacy of his four-poster bed, he lifted both his sleeves to look at his new enemy, Draco Malfoy, on his left wrist and his future husband, Tom Riddle, on his right wrist. He felt, maybe, a little better, now that there was less guessing.
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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Draco malfoy cause I miss the harry potter series
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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“What would Draco’s boggart be?”
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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“My father thought he was protecting me. Most of the time. I think you have to make a choice — at a certain point — of the man you want to be. And I tell you that at that time you need a parent or a friend. And if you’ve learnt to hate your parent by then and you have no friends … then you’re all alone. And being alone — that’s so hard. I was alone. And it sent me to a truly dark place. For a long time.”
— Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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“ Only you could be the keystone of a war against darkness while engaging in a whirlwind romance with a Death Eater’s son, Harry Potter.” - Hermione Granger to Harry Potter, at some point.
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
headcanon: eighth year drarry sharing a room
harry: turn off that damn light, malfoy! nox
draco: i'm not going to, so piss off! lumos!
harry: why? aww,is the death eater scared of the dark?
draco: *stiffly* if you must know, yes. it makes me feel unsafe and alone.
harry: *to self* i fucked up. *gets up, plops down onto draco's bed* move the fuck over
draco: wtf why
harry: *softly, tucking himself in* because having someone with you makes everything feel better. *clears throat, normal voice* now turn the damn lights off!
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
draco — what would happen if i casted the engorging charm on my-
harry — draco
harry — no
draco — it's just a-
harry — draco, no
draco — but, harry, i'm cu-
harry — no
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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Bar hoppers
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
what she says: im fine
what she really means: what if when draco malfoy was crying in the bathroom he hadnt thought about cursing harry. what if harry came closer to him and draco, in complete desperation, had thrown himself on harry's arms and cried there. then harry would have started patting him awkwardly on the back for a while, but then he would start aknowledging that draco malfoy was an actual person, who was /crying on his arms/. he would then wrap his arms around the crying boy and they would stay there for a while. and draco would feel safe, for the first time that year.
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
#library #fluff #madam pince (kicking them out)
Prompts: @bleeding-fandom-heart Author: @queenofthyme
Hermione and Ron weren’t in the library like they said they’d be. It wasn’t surprising, really. They were always sneaking off or running late these days. Harry stopped asking where they’d been after the fifth bout of giggles he’d received in response. He was happy for them of course, but it did leave him feeling a little bit lonely at times. Like now. He’d actually have to study (rather than play noughts and crosses in the margins of his Potions textbook with Ron).
Harry plonked his books down (ignoring Madam Pince’s ominous Shhh from across the library) on an empty table squeezed between two shelves of books, happy for the privacy. The Hogwarts library was similar to the rest of the castle in the way that it had a mind of its own. The tables and bookshelves were constantly rearranging themselves and each day there would be a new configuration. This was Harry’s favourite so far. No one would even know his table was there unless they were specifically looking for it, or for a book on the spiritual properties of Flobberworm, which sat nestled on the shelves behind Harry’s head.
He opened up his Potions textbook and considered playing noughts and crosses with himself before sighing and flicking over to chapter seventeen to read up on the brewing process of Veritaserum. Apparently, it wasn’t enough to make the potion, they had also been assigned to write an entire essay on the method before even attempting it in class. To make the whole thing even more unappealing, they weren’t even allowed to keep the potions once they were completed. Harry could do with some Veritaserum, he thought. He’d chug a whole flask, take a walk around Hogwarts and finally tell everyone what he really thought. “If only,” he whispered to himself.
“If only what?”
Startled, Harry looked up quickly and found Draco Malfoy peering around a bookshelf at him. He frowned. This was the first time he had heard Malfoy talk all year. They’d been avoiding each other mostly, looking away when they caught the other staring (which, admittedly, was often) and keeping a wide distance as they passed in the corridors.
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
no-voldemort drarry au
harry and draco see each other frequently at those old distinguished family parties and become best friends as little kids
they meet the weasleys when lily and james take the two of them shopping in diagon and molly's short a sickle so lily lends her one
harry starts growing close to ron and draco gets jealous asf a lot because ron and soon hermione take up a bunch of his time but hides it
throughout school they stay bffs because draco gets sorted into gryffindor (read: begs the sorting hat to put him in whatever house harry's in so the hat says he has to hold off and send the next person in whole he thinks and the whole great hall is SHOCKED)
once they're out of school draco takes an apprenticeship in another country and once he leaves harry's just bored and mopey and he can't even figure out why and then hermione and ron ask him how he's holding up long distance and he's like ???
they tell him they thought he was dating draco and just didn't kiss in front of other people (because harry and draco are super tactile and hug and play with each other's hair and count on each other's fingers and treat each other's beds as their own)
harry realizes he's halfway in love with draco when he sits back and thinks about it
he makes some huge grand poncy gesture that draco would appreciate and starts dating him
and now for some established relationship shenanigans 🤩💦
sirius, fleur, and draco talk shit about their boyfriends in french and our very own oblivious king, harry, watches like 👁️👄👁️
mrs. weasley sends harry two weasley sweaters (one is for draco) and draco's is too big and harry has a collarbone kink for draco so he basically drools over him more than usual until Ron realizes and falls over a table because he was too busy laughing at Harry
when h&d tell wolfstar about them dating sirius just yells BE GAY DO CRIME and remus is like SIRIUS NO THAT IS NOT THE MARAUDER SLOGAN and they start arguing and harry and draco just back away like uhhh
lily and james ask them why they took so many years to tell them and harry just gives up on trying to explain that they've only been together for a week
narcissa and lucius just look at them blankly: "and you dating is news because?"
the golden trio and silver trio families have one HUGE christmas dinner that basically turned into a banquet that was a chaotic mess filled by the moms fretting and Molly and narcissa arguing over the menu and the dads attempting to help but being relegated to "yell at quidditch, it's all you're good for"
harry learns to tame his hair because his grandfather makes a special edition of sleekeazy's just for him which draco makes fun of him for FOREVER
harry and draco setting up Ginny and Blaise and "and-i-oop"-ing when they break up but professing their faith for the two of them at their engagement party
THEY CAST MATCHING PATRONUSES (draco gets super annoyed because he gets the female patronus and refuses to talk to harry for a whole week)
feel free to add on to this messy dump of fluff jdksksdk
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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i am my father’s son
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averydrarrysideblog · 4 years
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Thanks @drarryruinedme7 for the suggestion!
Also side note, I usually draw longer hair on Draco when they’re older and out of school. With Harry he has sort of an undercut with a curly top 
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