aversvm · 5 years
Reblog this if you still love the old mutuals you lost touch with and would rekindle your friendship again in a heartbeat!
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aversvm · 5 years
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Sylvie: I shall wait here until the unsuspecting birds come to feed
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aversvm · 5 years
two strangers exploring the same ‘haunted’ house that thinks the other is a ghost AU
- (@lonely-lucretia)
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aversvm · 5 years
I don’t really see Sylvie as shippable tbh, at least not romantically. Even if it weren’t for her child-like personality, there is the matter of her species. She may be able to take on the form of a human at will, but she is still a fox at her core, with all the animalistic instincts that come with it and no true understanding of what it means to be human.
I could make an exception for muses who are also foxes, or at least partially foxes, but otherwise, it’ll have to be strictly platonic.
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aversvm · 6 years
open: sylvie
She bit her lip, tears threatening to fall as she inwardly cursed whoever thought it was a good idea to set traps in the woods where unsuspecting animals could step in them. Her efforts to free herself were fruitless, and she was struggling not to make a sound for fear of attracting the attention of whoever had set the trap.
In a last desperate effort, she had shifted into her human form, but it had only made matters worse. Now the jagged edges were buried even deeper into her leg, and it was doubtful she’d even be able to walk on the off chance she could pry the jaws open. She dug at the ground around the base of the trap, her pain-hazed mind reasoning she could at least drag herself away from the place. It had not yet occurred to her that the hunter posed less danger to her now than when she was in her fox form.
A shadow fell across her, blocking her view. She gasped and looked up. “Pl-please don’t-” she tried to scramble away, a strangled cry wrenching itself from her when her escape attempt was hindered by her trapped leg.
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aversvm · 6 years
Reblog if it’s okay for your followers to approach you even though the past interactions haven’t worked out.
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aversvm · 6 years
I think I'm gonna give this blog a revamp. I'd like to have everything centered around Lottie and the twins, and sorta tweak the other muses' bios to fit around their world. Pestilence is going bye-bye and Zaphiel and Nahaliel will be going to Luci's blog as npcs. Might get rid of Iris, too, she doesn't really fit in here
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aversvm · 6 years
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aversvm · 6 years
two strangers exploring the same ‘haunted’ house that thinks the other is a ghost AU
- (@lonely-lucretia)
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aversvm · 6 years
tips for interacting with a multimuse blog
We won’t be offended if you followed for one particular muse, we’ll just be happy you liked that one!
Understand that maybe we don’t have muse for all the muses all the time. It may take us a little bit to get back to that one particular thread
If you want to interact with EVERY SINGLE MUSE WE HAVE we also will not be upset about that
other multis feel free to add more to this
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aversvm · 6 years
hey uh - please reblog this if you’re cool to write with a multimuse and with original characters who are over the age of 25?
i’m aware that tumblrp has some weird issue with older characters - so it’d be nice to surround myself with people who are open and willing to write with one. thanks.
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aversvm · 6 years
“You’re not as smart as you think you are.” - Daimhin -FAE VERSE
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“Maybe, maybe not. It all depends on how smart you think that I think I am.”
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aversvm · 6 years
You’re not sentence starters
1. “You’re not funny.” 
2. “You’re not my type.” 
3. “You’re not evil.” 
4. “You’re not a monster.” 
5. “You’re not ______!” 
6. “You’re not my ______.” 
7. “You’re not very bright.” 
8. “You’re not stupid.” 
9. “You’re not making any sense.” 
10. “You’re not scary.” 
11. “You’re not okay.” 
12. “You’re not crazy!” 
13. “You’re not going to keep doing this, are you?” 
14. “You’re not in love with me.”  
15. “You’re not old enough to do that.” 
16. “You’re not too old to do that.” 
17. “You’re not mad at me?” 
18. “You’re not ugly.” 
19. “You’re not hurt?” 
20. “You’re not going to hurt me?” 
21. “You’re not like other ______.” 
22. “You’re not as smart as you think you are.” 
23. “You’re not as dumb as you think you are.” 
24. “You’re not listening to me.” 
25. “You’re not allowed in there.” 
26. “You’re not happy to see me?” 
27. “You’re not very good at this.” 
28. “You’re not bad at this.” 
29. “You’re not what I expected at all.” 
30. “You’re not capable of doing that.” 
31. “You’re not going to go outside?” 
32. “You’re not a criminal.” 
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aversvm · 6 years
“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific than that, boy; I can’t read minds.” 
She tugged the knife out of the floor, tapping the blade casually against her palm, a mischievous smile coming to her face. “Perhaps you are looking for a love spell? Those are very popular with you goth types, and you’re going to need all the help you can get.”
“You can’t blame a lady for trying to defend herself.” She walked around the desk, grabbing a knife and flinging by his feet, effectively breaking the trap.
“Forgot to tell you to mind your dainty little toes. Please don’t cause any trouble.”
Ciar made a face, practically hopping free of the trap as soon as he was able, eyeing it with distaste. “I can’t, that’s true, but I have a feeling you’re more than able to defend yourself. I’m looking for a book of spells.”
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aversvm · 6 years
Bio: Faolan
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Name: Faolan
Species: Fae
Preference: pansexual
Age: 300-ish
Court: Seelie
Faolan is a cousin to the Seelie queen- not in line for the throne, but apparently as marquis is close enough of a relation to qualify as an eligible match to form an alliance with. He has wormed his way out of that particular trap twice already.
Faolan takes up travelling in an effort to avoid any more unwanted matches, and as a result gets called ‘solitary’ by his relatives- it is meant as a slur but it does not bother him.
Faolan is an excellent tracker and sometimes offers that as his services, but he is also in the business of trading human commodities (including humans themselves) to other fae in exchange for favors.
Abilities: Upon sensing danger, or something too powerful for him to handle, Faolan’s first instinct is to retreat into the nearest river. Once there, it is impossible to catch him, because he can become one with the river.
However, he is most powerful in the river he was born in, because he is able to control the river itself.
He has the ability to compel most mortals and even some weaker fae to do his bidding
He is weaker the further away from a river he is, but he tends to be more feral when cornered, lashing out without reason, much like a wild animal.
Faolan is a river fae- in his natural form, he has silvery blue scales streaking up his arms and the sides of his face and his skin is cold to the touch no matter what the weather. His eyes can theoretically change color to reflect the nearest natural body of water, but since he rarely travels with companions and is usually glamoured, it has never been proven.
Glamoured, he favors a form with blue eyes, blond hair and lightly tanned skin, and rarely drops the mask around strangers. One can catch a glimpse of of his natural form in the moments before he shifts to become one with his river.
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aversvm · 6 years
Moved Anya over here. I now have two dragons on this blog, so please don’t get confused! 
Ash is the large red dragon who knows what she wants and how to get it
Anya is the smol angry blue dragon who isn’t really all that smart
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aversvm · 6 years
Bio: Anya
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Name: Anya
FC: Mylene Jampanoi
Age: 72, but claims she’s as old as the sea itself
Species: water dragon
Human form:
blue eyes
dark hair
scale pattern across her shoulders (also spreads to her face when she gets upset and her glamour slips )
skin cold to the touch, much like in her dragon form
Dragon form:
blue eyes & scales
due to a birth defect she never grew past 2 and a half ft long (half of that length is just her tail)
scales cold to the touch, resulting in spending lots of time napping in the sunlight
Human form: manipulates water, fighting abilities
Dragon form: flight, spews out water that may or may not freeze on contact, freezes water, camouflage (only when in water), lightning speed (only when in water)
Likes: food, sunshine, water, rain, fluffy pillows, snowglobes
Dislikes: dogs, vehicles, boats, machines
Personality: gets offended easily, will hold a grudge until you appease her with an acceptable gift, very passionate about the ocean and keeping it clean, will try to ‘prove herself’ if someone isn’t scared enough of her, spends a good chunk of her time napping in the sun
Anya left her nest when it became clear she wasn’t going to get any bigger and she was at a disadvantage ( though she remains convinced she’s just a late bloomer). She learned how to create for herself a larger body, and when she realized it came with its own drawbacks (humans’ less-than-flattering attitude towards women in general, for example), she learned how to use it to defend herself and hurt others when the occasion called for it.
She scours the ocean for treasures and makes a living by selling what she doesn’t keep for herself
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