I Am Who I Am
197 posts
| JJ | 21 | He | Gryfindor | Writer | Male Readers | Till The End of the Line [REQUEST ARE TEMPORARILY CLOSED] Masterlist Request Rules
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avengersohyeah · 5 years ago
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â™Ș~ ♬~ ♩♫ ♬~~
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avengersohyeah · 5 years ago
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Find the difference
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avengersohyeah · 5 years ago
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avengersohyeah · 5 years ago
Hey I hope your doing well in life and whatever you do. Keep up doing your best too!
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avengersohyeah · 6 years ago
NSFW will be tagged as #lemon sorta NSFW is #Lime Weird fet shit/ extreme NSFW is #orange reblog to spread awareness that we’re back on the citrus scale
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avengersohyeah · 6 years ago
I just dropped everything to read the newest part of "shattered glass". Awesome work!
Thank you
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avengersohyeah · 6 years ago
Shattered Glass | Part 14
Pairing : Bucky x Male Reader
Word Counts :  3037
Summary : Your world came crashing down after your captivity in HYDRA. Bucky broke your both hearts none other to protect you from them. Unbeknownst to him, you were far more broken that he thinks he knew until it was too late.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N :  I’M BACK LOVELIES !!!! I‘m sorry for the wait, and I won’t tell you any reasons. Just
 Life happened, so I haven’t been able to write  anything. I hope you like it.
  Bucky listens to the racing of his heart as he run through the compound to find you. All the thoughts of you leaving him for Jeremy is no longer being his concern. Instead, he feared of the secrets you keep from your family, from him. The fear of from knowing nothing about what you know. Just last night he nearly lose you because of that, your secret. And now to witness himself that you keep something to yourself, his head keep on drifting to the worst scenario he could think of.
 Dashing through the hallways, he nearly bump to Sam on the way. Dodging to the left swiftly, Bucky then yelled an apology as he continue his mission to find you. Leaving a very bewildered Sam who wondered “what in the hell makes this motherfucker that hurry”. Bucky run to the common room where the surprise party will be held, but no sign of you ever step into the room. He stop for a minute to think about all the possibilities of places you might be in right now.
 He smack his head in frustration because he couldn’t come up with any idea of where you might be. A second smack comes from the realization that there’s someone that could really help him with anything.
“FRIDAY, can you tell me where is (Y/N) right now ?” He ask in the empty room.
“Mr. (Y/L/N) has been recorded exiting the door to the roof five minutes ago sir.” The Irish accented AI answered.
“Thank you FIRDAY.” He said shortly before taking his leave to the roof.
 How could he forget ? a place that means so much to you, and for him. A place where you spent the night talking together after your disastrous first date, a place where at the time the sun rise that morning, you had your first kiss, a place where you both went to when you miss each other because one of you was on mission. Never in his life he feels like a total fool, Steve always told him that he’s an idiot countless time, but this last few weeks he feels like more than it. Skipping two steps of stairs at a time, he then faced up with the closed door to the roof. Pausing his movement altogether when he heard your voice. So faint like a whisper, but he could hear the quiver in it. Opening the door, he’s welcomed by the sight of you on that same chair with that same clothes from your first date two years ago. Black shirt tucked into a grey slacks that fit your perfectly shaped legs. You look great, just like you did back then, but it’s not the only thing he noticed.
 Defeated, never in his times being at your side he saw you in that state. You were always strong, you were the rock everyone could hold on to when they have a break down. You were the wind that sooth them from the fire of conflicts that sparks in the team. You were the water that wash away every pain they felt with your words and your hugs. You were the fire that could lit their spirits whenever they’re feeling down. Now you look so weak, the light that used to radiates from you seems to dim. It tear his heart further, Bucky couldn’t hold the tears escapes from his eyes. He stand there, few feet away with tears streaming down his cheeks as he listen to you talking to the thin night air.
Why ? At least tell me why you have to turn my life this way ?... You made Bucky betray me, You made HYDRA’s experiment on me succeed and gave me a countdown to my own death, and no matter what I do, I couldn’t figure out what future You have for me, and I’m tired
.” You paused swallowing hard the lump starting in your throat. Looking up as to speak with someone above, Bucky can hear the crack in your voice “I’m tired of giving myself a false hope even when I know I won’t be able to heal. I’m tired of lying to myself that everything could be fixed while they’re not. I’m tired of fighting a battle that I know I won’t win no matter what.” You drop your head to your opened palms. “I was ready to give up
 I was ready to give up last night
 but you had to give me that vision and brought me back to life. I don’t understand
 I don’t understand
” You repeat those words over and over as you clutch on your hair crying. That’s the last straw for Bucky, he’s by your side in a heartbeat engulfing you in his embrace. Taking you by surprise for a moment, but you let yourself to relax and let everything go. His arms tightening as your sobs growing louder. He rest his head on top of yours, closing his eyes with the tears still flowing out of them.
 His embrace felt so strange and new at the same time, it’s comforting and familiar. Slowly, your arms begin to circle around his body to return the embrace. You can feel his muscles tensed for a second before they relaxed altogether when you squeeze him lightly. You can hear the skip of his heart since you’re pressed tightly to his chest. You can feel his tears as they fell to the top of your head. For once in two months since everything went to hell, you can finally admit that you’re not as strong as people thought, as you thought. And it happens in the arms of someone that being the start of it all.
 It lasted for as long as your hand could hug him. Because when they fell limp to Bucky’s sides, he pulled away. Clearly shocked by the loss contact of your hands. He look down to see you looking up at him, the tears makes your stunning (Y/E/C) seems clearer.
“Are.. are you okay ?” He asked softly
You open your mouth to say yes, I’m okay but instead “No, I’m not
” escaped from them. And that, makes Bucky pull you back to his arms.
“(Y/N) I’m sorry, I’m so sorry
” He rock you both gently and keep on apologizing.
After long moment, your tears are finally dry and you start to question him. “Buck, why are you here ?”
“I’m looking for you.” He answer truthfully
“For what ?”
“I know that you hides something (Y/N)
” He let his words hang in the air to see your reaction, you sigh admitting his suspicion. “It’s more than Jeremy isn’t it ? Something you haven’t told anyone
 Please (Y/N) don’t keep anymore secrets, I
 I feel like a useless fool when you don’t tell me anything. Please
. Let me in
 give me another chance to protect you
 Please.” He begged with a fresh wave of tears from his eyes.
Looking up from his chest, you bring your hands to cup his cheeks and wipe the tears with your thumbs. “I’ll try Buck, but I don’t know if we have time to fix this
At your words, Bucky could only stare at you with a whole new wave of sadness in his eyes. He understand right away, one thing you hadn’t told anyone from your response. He wants to protest, denies the fact that you won’t survive. Try and motivate you to hold on until Bruce and Helen could find something. But instead, he just pull you back and hug you tighter, inhaling your scent of vanilla and peach, mixed with both yours and his tears. Craving them once again to his memory, along with the feel of your heart beating against his. Because he knows that whatever the future he wished he’d have with you, they might never happen.
 Sam’s POV
 What is going on with that motherfucker ? He asked himself as Bucky sprint his way from him. Bewildered and confused, he didn’t realized that Helen is already by his side.
“Sam ?”
“Woaahhhh!” He jumped to the side, making Helen chuckle at his action.
“Why are you looking at the emergency stairs door ?”
“Tinman was just
.. whoah
” Sam paused as he take in Helen’s appearance “You’re
“Tongue tied big bird ?” Helen teased, but look down bashfully also.
“Just damn! You’re Gortiful
 I mean Beautyous
” He cover his face in embarrassment and tried once more to compliment her. “You’re beautiful
Helen couldn’t help the smile growing in her face because of his adorableness “Thank you, you don’t look too bad yourself..”
Hearing this, Sam straightened and puffing his chest while act all confident “Thank you ma’am Sam Wilson at your service.” Both just cracked and laugh together in the empty hallway. “Well, you’re ready ?” Sam offered his elbow for Helen to twine her arm to.
They walked and talked the whole way to the common room “Anyway
 you said something about Bucky earlier what was that about ?” Helen asked
“Oohh yeah I forgot, he was running like somebody’s up his tail while looking for (Y/N).”
When your name is mentioned, Helen stopped instantly bringing Sam to stop as well
“Why did he want to see (Y/N) ?”
“I don’t know, but he looked so worried and before I can ask why, he was already flying up the stairs. Helen, why are you silent ?” Sam asked, growing worried also because of Helen’s reaction.
“I think something’s not right, If There are things that we learned this past month is that (Y/N) kept a lot of things to himself. Especially after he woke up from the coma, and the whole Bucky drama happened. I’m scared
” She’s visibly starts shaking. Sam pulled her close in sideways hug, and rub his thumb on her shoulder.
“Then we better find out what he hides, let’s meet the others and talk it out. We can ask Wan
” The sound of his ringtone cut him off instantly. Picking his phone out from his pocket, he answer the call from Steve. “Yeah cap what’s up ?”
“Have you seen Sharon there ?” At this question, Sam raised his eyebrows and reflectively put the phone on speaker.
“No, you said that you’ll go on a date with her tonight. So why would she be here ?”
“She texted me that she’ll wait for me in there since she had an intel to deliver.” At this statement, Sam look up and lock eyes with a very confused Helen.
“Wait Steve, let me ask FRIDAY.” Sam turned from his phone to speak to FRIDAY “FRIDAY, is Sharon in this building ?”
“Agent Carter has reportedly leaving the facility at 9 am. No sightings of her in the facility since then.” As FRIDAY finished her report, they could hear a faint shit.. before the call is ended.
Meeting each other’s eyes, they start to pace quickly to the common room. “FRIDAY, please inform everyone that he party has to start now, Something’s wrong and we need to figure it out.” Helen ordered, she looked to the side and noticing the way Sam is looking at her “What ?”
“You’re hot when you’re barking orders, especially when those science stuff is part of it.” Sam said without breaking eye contact.
“You’re silly man Willson
“You like me
.” He said smugly in a made up low voice
“That I do.”
  Normal POV
  7 pm. 7 pm when the whole team of earth’s mightiest heroes assembling in the day of a surprise party for Captain America. But the reason is not for the party itself, it is because the girlfriend of Captain America has gone missing in the day of his birthday. One by one they entering the common room in a rush. Everyone shares the same look of worry as Steve arrive. Silence is all they have when Steve burst into the room.
!” Tony breaks the silence with showman hand gestures. Which earned him a pinch on his side from Pepper. “So, When was the last time you spoke to her ?” Tony asked.
“Around 12 we were on the phone before lunch, I was on my way to pick her for our date when she texted me she’s heading here to deliver some intel.” Steve explained.
“Clearly she’s not, FRIDAY confirmed it when you called. I asked her team and no one talked to her since the time she left headquarter this morning, she’s not handling any mission either.” Sam interject.
“Have you checked the location where she texted ? Her tracker ?” Nat joining the discussion.
“I did, and guess where is it ?” Tony paused and makes everyone silent in anticipation. “It’s in here, in her office, in south wing, hasn’t been deactivated since the last time it is implanted.”
“But FRIDAY said she left at nine, if she came back then FRIDAY should have the record of her entering the building.” Nat countered. “Even if she does entered without FRIDAY noticing, no one saw her since this morning.”
 In the midst of the discussion about Sharon’s whereabouts, (Y/N) feels something in the corner of his mind. A tingling feeling like whenever he’s about to have a vision. So he give up to his power, and let it wash his brain with a vision. Sitting with his eyes still open, no one would ever guess that he’s having a vision right now. Everyone would only think that he’s digesting the information just like others in the room. Everyone but Wanda, when she felt a flicker of (Y/N)’s power in the back of her mind, she turns to him. For everyone else he might look like he’s listening, but for Wanda that is somehow still connected to him, he is already deep in his vision that she couldn’t see. So she let him.
 White desk with a bunch of different files splattered on top, evidence board on the wall and a plant in the corner of the rom, a photograph of Peggy with John F. Kennedy on display. Sharon’s office, here at where he stands, (Y/N) could see her going about her routines. He look at the clock , 8.50 am, she then leave her office with her bag clearly leaving for the day. When he think it’s useless information, he is stopped by the sight of someone she’s talking to.
“Excuse me agent Carter ?”
” She answered as she turned around.
“I was wondering if you can help me with something. It’s about agent Romanoff’s latest mission in Uganda. It appears that the Kartel has ties to HYDRA.”
“What help did you want from me ?” Sharon asked curtly, which is somehow out of character in (Y/N)’s eyes.
“Lend me your SHIELD clearance ID..”
“You know I can’t do that Jeremy
 (Y/N) came back from his vision with a force, jerking his body backward for Bucky to catch before he fall. All eyes turns to him.
“Kiddo you alright ?” Tony ask clearly concerned.
“She was talking to him
” (Y/N) panted
“Who’s talking to who hun ?” Nat asked
“Jeremy, Sharon was talking to Jeremy before she left the building. He was talking about borrowing her SHIELD clearance ID.” He look up to see stunned face of everyone’s in the room.
“And how do you know that ?”
“It’s my power Steve, you guys already knows that my power’s changing ever since I woke up from coma. I told you, Wanda told you all.” (Y/N) raised his voice while he tried to catch his breath after the vision.
“Hey, hey easy, take a deep breath, now let go
” Bucky guide him to copy his breathing. Then giving his best friend a death glare.
“I’m sorry (Y/N), I didn’t mean to upset you.” Steve apologized.
“I know, it was just, the aftermath from my power gets harder for me to take. Anyway, FRIDAY locate Jeremy.” There’s thirty second pause before she responded.
“Field agent Jeremy Compton, status, active on a mission in Japan since January and have not returned due to the estimated duration of
“No FRIDAY, the other Jeremy..”
“It appears that agent Jeremy Compton is the only field agent registered under the first name Jeremy.” At her answer, everyone’s eyes goes wide. Don’t need a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist to connect the dots. With your vision, and what FRIDAY just told everyone, this is it, the one string that ties Jeremy to (Y/N)’s suspicions.
 People scramble inside the room, Tony Commanding FRIDAY to run complete scan to the system to see any sign of hacking. Even if she’s designed with the most advanced firewall Tony Stark created, a missing data of an active agent is a major breach. Steve gathered Bucky, Sam, and Nat to think of the best strategy to find Sharon, and catch Jeremy at the same time. Because whatever the motive is, Jeremy’s the one responsible for Sharon’s MIA. While the others are concentrating with their tasks, (Y/N) could fell something’s approaching. The crippling feelings on his arms, the slight shift of weight in the air he breathed. And before he could say anything, a bright orange circle appeared in the middle of the room. Stepping out of that circle, is a man with a red cape, and another man with shaved hair and big body.
“Happy birthday Captain, I hope we’re not interrupting the party” The taller one greeted.
“No doctor, we were
 the party
 what party ?” Steve is confused with the doctor’s greetings.
“Your birthday party of course, that’s why everyone’s here right ?”
“My birthday party ?” Steve do a double take at everyone’s outfit and sighed “It was supposed to be wasn’t it ? Before I called about Sharon
“Yeah, but now we have to find your girl before we celebrate pal..” Bucky says while patting Steve’s back.
 the party hasn’t started ?”
“Strange !” The bigger men warned.
“I’m sorry, it was rude. I can help you find her, just give me one of her belongings and I’ll cast a tracking spell.”
“Yeah OZ’s right, he can help us find her faster.” Tony chirped while his hands furiously tapping to his monitor.
“Thanks doctor”
“Your welcome Captain”
     Taggs :  @mrgrant9559-blog
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avengersohyeah · 6 years ago
I am rereading all of my fanfic
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avengersohyeah · 6 years ago
When’s the next part of Shattered glass gonna be up?
I don't know honey, at this point maybe before Halloween.?đŸ€”
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
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Someone know who he is? Can anyone tell me?
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
Hey! Are you still active on this blog?
Through the phone app yes 😁
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
I really love your work, it’s amazing. And i just found out that you live in indonesia!, so where do you live in indonesia? Since I’m from indonesia too!
Thanks boo, I'm currently living in East Kalimantan. 😁
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
hey i love uuu
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
HOLY SH- I didn't know you're a fellow indo! Man! Wow! I love Shattered Glass! Anyway, not to sound dumb, but have you tried downloading vpn on your PC? Like CyberGhost or something?
I tried, but since i used wifi on my employees dorm they keep on redirect me to "Internet Positive" page. I keep on trying to download different vpn apps, hoping something could solve my problem.But thanks for the suggestion, I'll try it tomorrow 😁 and INDONESIA đŸ‡źđŸ‡©!!
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avengersohyeah · 7 years ago
For those who asked why i haven't post any updates to my fanfic, THIS IS WHY! The only times i am able to access tumblr is through my phone using private vpn, which i trid on my PC and didn't work out. I am sorry for all my friends that waited for so long for my updates but got nothing except for a reblogs.
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