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CAA Pushes Back Against “Spurious” Self-Serving Claims In $55M Worldview Suit
UPDATE, 5:50 PM, EXCLUSIVE: Now the Empire strikes back.
“CAA denies Worldview’s spurious allegations and will defend itself vigorously in court,” lawyer Jerry Bernstein told Deadline this evening in response to a scorching lawsuit filed earlier Thursday full of allegations of dirty financial deeds by the agency.
Essentially a husk of a company since a series of calamities in 2014 and a slew of legal actions , Worldview are claiming that one of the causes of their ills was the $55 million they were fraudulently induced to invest in some 20 films under CAA’s tutorage. Flicks that no one else wanted anything to put money in and were just moving forward to line CAA and its clients’ pockets says the once Christopher Woodrow run company.
“Worldview has been embroiled in litigation in New York filed against it by its own investors, accusing its management of breach of duty and improper conduct with regard to the very investments about which Worldview now seeks to cast blame on CAA,” added the Blank Rome LLP attorney and long time outside counsel for the uber-agency of the self described decimated financiers.
This looks to be one for the long haul.
PREVIOUSLY, 1:10 PM: The long litigation-fueled expiration of the once-soaring Worldview Entertainment pulled CAA into court today with a multimillion-dollar fraud suit and declarations of “corruption at the highest level of one of the most respected talent agencies in the world.”
“Plaintiffs’ reliance on CAA’s promises was misplaced, and their decision to partner with CAA in connection with the financing of numerous independent films was a disastrous mistake,” the filing (read it here) Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court alleges of the first-look agreement the parties had from 2010-2015. Seeking a jury trial for some return on the more than $55 million that the Birdman financier invested in box office bombs like Devil’s Knot and the Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy-starring Child 44, the now virtually nonexistent Worldview claims it was the victim of an elaborate card trick of sorts to bilk them out of big bucks and saddle them with turkeys.
“Plaintiffs have recently obtained overwhelming proof that, rather than advancing Plaintiffs’ interests and advocating on their behalf, CAA systematically engaged in predatory practices toward Plaintiffs that were intended to deprive them and their investors of tens of millions of dollars in order to benefit CAA and its more favored partners and clients,” the complaint asserts, pulling in a stage-left cameo by the “now-discredited Harvey Weinstein,” accusations of underhanded strategies by uber-agency execs Richard Lovett and Roeg Sutherland and name checks Vince Vaughn and the pic Term Life.
While long an advocate of packaging deals for its clients in an industry where that is now the norm, CAA told Deadline this afternoon it had not seen the complaint and declined comment.
For those whose memories are a little cloudy, Worldview formed in 2007 and took several turns for the worst beginnnig in mid-2014 when, on the heels of a five-year pact with the Weinstein Company, CEO Christopher Woodrow was shown the door amid allegations of personal misconduct.
As well as listing specific sums invested in films like 2013’s Blood Ties ($3.5 million) and the Atom Egoyen-helmed Devil’s Knot ($4.5 million), Worldview’s attorneys said in the filing they have evidence of “CAA’s predatory business activities and misconduct toward Plaintiffs, which they intend to present in the course of these proceedings.” However, despite the nod to a deeper understanding of what may have really gone down, Worldview says it does not have more to offer at this time because “CAA has taken steps to prevent or, at least, to delay Plaintiffs’ ability to disclose such evidence in this litigation.”
“Once Plaintiffs remove CAA’s frivolous and unfounded road blocks to public disclosure of the documentary proof, they intend to amend their pleading to include additional details concerning CAA’s fraud, which are reflected in these currently non-public materials,” the five-claim complaint adds.
Where these “additional details” came from is left unsaid, but with legal battles ongoing in one form or another with ex-CEO Woodrow and investor Sarah Johnson, the process of discovery somewhere has likely yielded some interesting reading. Whether the reading will emerge from whatever protective order might exist is unclear.
Worldview and its various entities are represented by Paul Salvaty and Michelle Roberts Gonzales of Los Angelese firm Hogan Lovells US LLP.
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华人文化完成近百亿融资 布局全产业链
华人文化由原华人文化控股集团更名而来,于2015年底成立,并由黎瑞刚担任董事长及CEO。据悉,目前华人文化的业务已经覆盖影视、综艺、文旅等多个领域。以影视方面为例,华人文化旗下拥有制作公司正午阳光,该公司曾出品《琅琊榜》、《欢乐颂》等一系列收视率较高的影视作品。与此同时,同样由黎瑞刚担任董事长的投资业务平台——CMC资本(CMC Capital Partners,原中文名华人文化产业投资基金),也已先后投资了灿星制作、IMAX中国、B站、爱奇艺、快手、快看漫画等传媒与娱乐类公司,以及饿了么、运满满、美菜、猿题库、英语流利说、高思教育、蛋壳公寓、一条、野兽派等互联网技术和消费类公司。
而在近两年,华人文化的投资动作依旧不断。公开资料显示,2017年4月,华人文化入股经纪公司Creative Artists Agency(以下简称“CAA”),黎瑞刚出任CAA董事。值得注意的是,CAA掌握着好莱坞多位具有较高知名度的影星、导演、编剧,包括汤姆·克鲁斯、斯皮尔伯格、麦当娜在内都是CAA的签约艺人。在此次入股的同时,华人文化还与CAA共同组建合资公司CAA中国,在CAA现有的中国业务基础上,规划新战略,进一步发展中美跨境艺人经纪业务,并拓展在电影、电视、现场娱乐、体育、活动营销等相关领域的业务布局。
除此以外,集结了全国各省市21家演出公司力量的CMC live华人文化演艺也于今年1月在京成立,并拟通过对数据、产品、团队、资本的整合,深入演艺产业各个环节,目标是打造国内最大规模的演艺平台,并计划在2018年陆续举办包括五月天、张学友、范玮琪、邓紫棋、徐佳莹、陈绮贞、光良等音乐人的演唱会巡演。
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公司一小伙子说他近来在网上与好几名精美吵得不可开交,精美们张嘴民主闭嘴民主,他听得脑仁直疼。 另一位同事冷笑一声说道:美国那是真民主吗?说白了就是还想在当代搞霸权主义那一套。 我啥都没说,默默塞给小伙子一张图,让他发给精美们欣赏一下,看看他们怎么说。 等小伙子回头给我聊聊战况,我再看看需不需要给他上点新图。 P.S.图放下面了,同志们有需要的自提啊。
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托卡耶夫表示,这次的暴动是由一个指挥中心操控、有外国军事人员参与的未遂政变。根据独立媒体入手的中亚某国情报机构的信息报道,托卡耶夫指的指挥中心,设在阿拉木图市南部的商业中心里的一个房间里。在镇压前那里有22名美国人、16名土耳其人、6名以色列人运作,调度在西亚某地接受土耳其组织训练。现在已经人去楼空。 这次行动最早可以追溯到2019年兰德公司提交的报告里,提出要在俄罗斯周边增加“地缘政治压力”,而执行,落到了军情六处和土耳其人的身上。2020年6月,前英国驻土耳其大使大卫摩尔(就是前两天给新华社视频带货的),坐上了军情六处的头。摩尔一直以来支持埃苏丹的大突厥梦,也是突联的幕后推手之一。英国在各个斯坦里的渗透很深,除了土库曼斯坦,而恰恰土鸡在土库曼的势力可以平衡中俄。2021年五月,军情六处官员Jonathan Powell和在中亚地区窝藏了很多IS恐怖分子的头目见面,提出,只要这些人帮助北约反俄,就可以脱掉恐怖分子的帽子。 这次集安组织能够迅速出兵,主要是归功于俄罗斯国家安全委员会秘书长帕特鲁舍夫,在很早就提高了警惕。去年十一月美国从阿富汗撤军之后,少数中亚学者,包括塔吉克斯坦的学者姆罗亚诺夫,就指出有八千名左右的IS极端分子从叙利亚和伊拉克被蛇头偷渡到了阿富汗北部地区。帕特鲁舍夫当时就认为这些人会在俄罗斯和五个斯坦的边境上构成威胁。之后,俄罗斯驻塔吉克斯坦的第210军,开展了前所未有的数量的军演。 另外,没有人知道的是,上个月,吉尔吉斯斯坦政府在首都比什凯克阻止了一起由当地“NGO”发起的未遂政变。该组织也是和英国及土耳其有关联。
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UTA Fires Back at CAA’s Lawsuit Over Alleged ‘Lawless, Midnight Raid’
UTA officially responded to CAA’s accusations of a “lawless, midnight raid” in a legal filing in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday that called for a motion to dismiss CAA’s lawsuit against its rival agency.
“Despite what CAA would like to believe, its front doors are not a one-way turnstile,” UTA said in documents obtained by TheWrap. CAA was left fuming when 12 of its agents abruptly left the agency last month for its cross-town competitor.
UTA alleges that CAA’s lawsuit is “riddled with falsehoods, inconsistencies, unsubstantiated allegations and glaring omissions” in “a flailing and desperate attempt to save face” following a mass exodus that included the departure of top-earning clients such as Will Ferrell and Chris Pratt.
According to the document, “CAA’s complaint is nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to illegally restrict competition through the court system and stands in direct contravention of California’s strong public policy favoring free and open competition, and employee mobility.”
UTA’s filing also alludes to California’s “seven-year rule,” which stipulates that a contract for personal services can’t last longer than seven years. Two of the agents whom UTA lured from CAA entered written employment agreements in July 2005, it notes, while CAA’s own lawsuit claimed they started employment in 2009. That’s quite a discrepancy in start dates!
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CAA Pushes Back Against “Spurious” Self-Serving Claims In $55M Worldview Suit
UPDATE, 5:50 PM, EXCLUSIVE: Now the Empire strikes back.
“CAA denies Worldview’s spurious allegations and will defend itself vigorously in court,” lawyer Jerry Bernstein told Deadline this evening in response to a scorching lawsuit filed earlier Thursday full of allegations of dirty financial deeds by the agency.
Essentially a husk of a company since a series of calamities in 2014 and a slew of legal actions , Worldview are claiming that one of the causes of their ills was the $55 million they were fraudulently induced to invest in some 20 films under CAA’s tutorage. Flicks that no one else wanted anything to put money in and were just moving forward to line CAA and its clients’ pockets says the once Christopher Woodrow run company.
“Worldview has been embroiled in litigation in New York filed against it by its own investors, accusing its management of breach of duty and improper conduct with regard to the very investments about which Worldview now seeks to cast blame on CAA,” added the Blank Rome LLP attorney and long time outside counsel for the uber-agency of the self described decimated financiers.
This looks to be one for the long haul.
PREVIOUSLY, 1:10 PM: The long litigation-fueled expiration of the once-soaring Worldview Entertainment pulled CAA into court today with a multimillion-dollar fraud suit and declarations of “corruption at the highest level of one of the most respected talent agencies in the world.”
“Plaintiffs’ reliance on CAA’s promises was misplaced, and their decision to partner with CAA in connection with the financing of numerous independent films was a disastrous mistake,” the filing (read it here) Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court alleges of the first-look agreement the parties had from 2010-2015. Seeking a jury trial for some return on the more than $55 million that the Birdman financier invested in box office bombs like Devil’s Knot and the Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy-starring Child 44, the now virtually nonexistent Worldview claims it was the victim of an elaborate card trick of sorts to bilk them out of big bucks and saddle them with turkeys.
“Plaintiffs have recently obtained overwhelming proof that, rather than advancing Plaintiffs’ interests and advocating on their behalf, CAA systematically engaged in predatory practices toward Plaintiffs that were intended to deprive them and their investors of tens of millions of dollars in order to benefit CAA and its more favored partners and clients,” the complaint asserts, pulling in a stage-left cameo by the “now-discredited Harvey Weinstein,” accusations of underhanded strategies by uber-agency execs Richard Lovett and Roeg Sutherland and name checks Vince Vaughn and the pic Term Life.
While long an advocate of packaging deals for its clients in an industry where that is now the norm, CAA told Deadline this afternoon it had not seen the complaint and declined comment.
For those whose memories are a little cloudy, Worldview formed in 2007 and took several turns for the worst beginnnig in mid-2014 when, on the heels of a five-year pact with the Weinstein Company, CEO Christopher Woodrow was shown the door amid allegations of personal misconduct.
As well as listing specific sums invested in films like 2013’s Blood Ties ($3.5 million) and the Atom Egoyen-helmed Devil’s Knot ($4.5 million), Worldview’s attorneys said in the filing they have evidence of “CAA’s predatory business activities and misconduct toward Plaintiffs, which they intend to present in the course of these proceedings.” However, despite the nod to a deeper understanding of what may have really gone down, Worldview says it does not have more to offer at this time because “CAA has taken steps to prevent or, at least, to delay Plaintiffs’ ability to disclose such evidence in this litigation.”
“Once Plaintiffs remove CAA’s frivolous and unfounded road blocks to public disclosure of the documentary proof, they intend to amend their pleading to include additional details concerning CAA’s fraud, which are reflected in these currently non-public materials,” the five-claim complaint adds.
Where these “additional details” came from is left unsaid, but with legal battles ongoing in one form or another with ex-CEO Woodrow and investor Sarah Johnson, the process of discovery somewhere has likely yielded some interesting reading. Whether the reading will emerge from whatever protective order might exist is unclear.
Worldview and its various entities are represented by Paul Salvaty and Michelle Roberts Gonzales of Los Angelese firm Hogan Lovells US LLP.
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Bannon turned himself in. Guo Wengui was at the end of his rope.
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小学文盲说谎卖药竟想谋财害命 倒郭新闻遍地开花揭露神药骗局
小学文化能演神药医学大咖,美国黑户胡吹乱侃许诺政治庇护。已经入秋了,9月份的郭文贵总是能让我们莫名其妙的想到,秋后的蚂蚱——看似精神百倍,活蹦乱跳。其实已然气息奄奄,进入了覆灭的倒计时。 这其中最为明显的信号就是美国广播公司商业频道CNBC短短的20天内连发4文揭露郭文贵在各大平台上发表疫苗阴谋论。这是自SEC和FBI对郭文贵“鸡”系列这些案件已经进入尾声、美国慈善导航网站把郭文贵的法治基金标记为“低可信度组织”以及新西兰市场监管局对GTV投资发出警告之后,网友们看到的又一次美国���流媒体发表的关于郭文贵诈骗团伙的负面新闻���如果说以前这些执法部门和媒体对于郭文贵在网上跳着脚大叫“爆尿革命”并且大肆销售“空气币”只是作壁上观、睁一只眼闭一只眼的话,此次对于郭文贵借着新冠疫情编造谣言,甚至谋财害命的行为发出重锤也足以向大家证明,此时的郭文贵诈骗团伙已经进入了分崩离析、穷途末路的阶段。此时眼见反郭新闻遍地开花,而且全部指向郭文贵所有的行为都是说谎和诈骗,也足以证明了世界各国现在对于郭文贵恬不知耻的诈骗行为和谋财害命的造谣行为已经忍无可忍,可以想象的离郭文贵彻底完蛋的日子大概也不远了。 可是郭文贵总是给人以我命由我不由天的感觉,即使死到临头,依然充分发挥了死鸭子的精神,明明自己深陷多个司法案件的泥淖,甚至随时随地都可能面临牢狱之灾。却依然能够在网上坚持自己卖假药的行为,声称自己推广地塞米松等药物救人完全是不求回报的行为。然后对揭露其骗局的CNBC破口大骂,这个美国知名的主流媒体是“垃圾”,并热忱地问候了成立于1991年的CNBC的八十八辈祖宗,还跳着脚大骂“我知道你们在看我的视频,你来问我啊,你这帮孙子。”如此口出狂言,癫狂嚣张,完全化身成为了一个不知廉耻的骂街泼妇,实在是让人大跌眼镜。 可越是骂的凶,越是证明了郭文贵做贼心虚的本质。自从新冠疫情爆发以后,他就一直和垃圾博士闫丽梦一唱一和的打着“以毒灭共”的幌子,在他所谓的“爆尿革命”更宣传各种关于ccp制毒和疫苗的阴谋论,一开始着实骗倒了一群人,并且又吸引了一大批人稀里糊涂的投资他所谓的“鸡”系列,可是在华丽的谎言也总有被拆穿的一天,随着郭文贵利用新冠疫情造谣的行为越来越嚣张,甚至直接将些已经被科学家和主流媒体证实的对新冠疫情毫无疗效的药物甚至是兽药便造成能够治疗新冠疫情的“神药”,其行为已经严重的干扰到了美国政府对于新冠疫情的控制,甚至有些听信了他神药谣言的蚂蚁在误食的这些药物之后,出现了明显的中毒症状。于是乎!在全球民众一致抗疫的情况下,美国政府以及主流媒体自然是不会容忍有这��的“搅屎棍”存在的。 所以,郭文贵一通造谣诈骗的操作猛如虎,自然也会迎来“破鼓万人锤”的应有下场。不仅谋害了那些忠心耿耿支持他的小蚂蚁的性命,其行为也是丢尽了全球海外华人的脸面。实在是是可忍而孰不可忍。所以也在此小蚂蚁们一定要及时清醒,掉在稀里糊涂的被小学文化的郭文贵这种没有科学依据的“神药”谣言所蛊惑了,不然新冠病毒没赶跑,我可能就已经死在“自己人”郭文贵造谣的“神药”之下了。该出手时就出手!希望还在“中毒”小蚂蚁们一定要及时的清醒,然后积极配合美国司法部门以及海外的“砸郭”势力积极提交各种郭文贵诈骗的证据,及时将这个老骗子、强奸犯、美国黑户、谣王送进监狱,这个老东西不要再为祸人间,才是真正的“抗击病毒”!
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Company PAX galloped in hot pursuit Cheater Guo who was in plain sight would have no way to go
On July 12th, the latest news came that the New York Supreme Court has issued an ultimatum to Guo Wengui, ordered the latter on July 21th at 11 am to accept the court teleconference inquiry and explain why to let the Lady May flee to Spain regardless of the judgment. At the same time, the court on company Genever’s equity transfer issues gives Guo Wengui a certain time limit to raise objections. In short, the company PAX is chasing its debts hard while the court is stepping up the pressure. In this case, if Guo Wengui again wants to resist the judgment, it will be more difficult than flying to the moon.
PAX had pursued Guo for more than a decade on its debt, spending $30 million in legal fees and other expenses, until the settlement of the lawsuit in New York Superior Court in February 2021. It can be seen that PAX has great determination and confidence. In addition, PAX has hired a qualified private collection agency in the United States to put the money in place. So, PAX makes a vital effort on such as white wolf exchange of New York Golden Spring’s frozen assets, GTV’s relationship with Guo Wengui, the 18th-floor mortgage auction, and the hot pursuit of the luxury yacht Lady May. In a word, Guo Wengui’s wealth has been exposed to PAX. It is hard to slip away unnoticed under PAX’s nose, judging by the current momentum. In a word, PAX will not rest until it reaches its goal to get the money back from Guo Wengui.
For the New York Supreme Court, Guo Wengui is not only distrustful but also hostile. Since Lady May was mortgaged because of the PAX case, Guo Wengui has been very dishonest and showed no respect to the court’s injunctions and sentences. Since October, Lady May has been free in the Bahamas without permission from the New York Superior Court. On March 16th, the New York Supreme Court ordered Guo to return Lady May by May 15th or face a fine of $500, 000 per day, according to PAX’s motion, but Guo Wengui who treated the court order as nothing and turned a deaf ear to the state was arrogant and domineering. This was shocking. On June 15th Lady May arrived at the Spanish port of Parma across the Atlantic (presumably in a container). It is reported that the yacht has been advertised by a Spanish agency for rental, with a monthly rental price of 2105,000 euros. Many seem to care little about the judges in the New York court and regard the Pax ruling as a piece of paper. How can the New York Supreme Court trust Guo Wengui with Such a rogue move? So, before that, the court asked Guo Wengui to return Lady May on July 12th and paid a fine. There is no specific information yet on the progress. However, Guo Wengui can not be trusted in court, which is clear at a glance.
Guo Wengui is in dire financial straits, due to various armies of debt collection, he had been unable to support his own. Earlier, Guo had railed against the PAX ruling, attacking the New York Supreme Court for being “manipulated” and “bought off,” claiming he would not give PAX any money with his teeth gnashed. Now, Guo Wengui is indeed acting so. There are many reasons for this situation. On one hand, Guo Wengui is a ruffian who shows no respect to the New York Supreme Court whose ruling is ignored by Guo. On the other hand, Guo Wengui also does have difficulties. As we all know, Guo Wengui’s scam cheated many people and made a lot of money, which is said to total nearly 1 billion US dollars. But the money is a hot potato, which is difficult to be embezzled. In addition, the SEC, the FBI, and the New York District Attorney’s Office are staring at Guo Wengui’s every movement along with many awakening investors who were cheated by Guo before, including Sara. Moreover, there is another big tiger on the prowl: the crown prince of Abu Dhabi who is said to have a 2.65 billion dollars claim on Guo. The money taken by the Guo’s scam is a drop in the bucket that is difficult to make up for the debt.Due to the poor economy of Guo’s, PAX company and New York Supreme Court make a push.
In short, PAX has not given up tracking Guo Wengui until now. What’s impressive is its patience and willpower. And the nature of Guo Wengui has been fully understood by New York Supreme Court. Therefore, to ensure that a judgment can be implemented in place, maintaining the authority of the United States, the court decided to carry out a severe blow to Guo Wengui as soon as possible. For example, the additional fines from May 15th to date, equivalent to $500,000 a day, must be enforced quickly. Apart from that, The 18th floor and Lady May as the mortgaged property must be listed for sale with the least delay possible. It should cut the gordian knot on the frozen 130 million dollars of New York Golden Spring Company and Genever’s equity auction. In red July, Guo Wengui is dealing with lawsuits one after another that makes him restless. Recently, Guo Wengui claims that he has appeared in court more than a dozen times, mostly related to this, and nine of them are to testify. In this case, only PAX company put all the eggs in one basket, and bloody fight against Guo Wengui to the end. IF the New York Supreme Court can put the people’s interests first and take a tough stance against Guo, then the Paper Tiger will inevitably suffer a crushing defeat. What’s more, Luther, Yan Limeng has defected from Guo Wengui now. The fort of the Guo group has been blasted a big hole from the inside. It’s the best time for PAX and the New York Supreme Court to charge. Why’re they hesitating ?!
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