authenticasra · 1 month
Moth Skizz needs to be a thing because Tango is depicted with fire
Something something moth to a flame angst
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authenticasra · 1 month
Sausage writes a fanfic about Martyn and Ren's endings on FantasyMC SMP
Sausage: --cause I was talking about Ren lore. And one day, y'know, Ren's gonna be online when Martyn's online. And then, he's gonna see. "Wow, you're also…a big, burly, giant, (three seconds of silence) dragonborn." I love dragons. Knights and dragons--sometimes they kill 'em--sometimes dragons get killed!--by, by knights. But I don't think Ren will kill this particular dragon. I think Ren will befriend this dragon. And what's gonna happen is gonna be stuff of legend. Ren is probably gonna ride that dragon known as 'Martyn InTheLittleWood,' into the sunset. And that's one of the last things that happens. They're gonna--Martyn's gonna regrow his dragon wings--I'm calling this lore right now--Martyn's gonna regrow his dragon wings, and he's gonna be like, "Hey. Ren. Hop on, buddy." And they're gonna sail into the sunset, almost like-uh, uh, um, almost like Gem and-and FWhip did, at the end when-when they left me behind.
Sausage: And they, and they found out Pearl was dead, and they thought that I was dead, and they left, y'know? I-I wasn't mad at them, y'know? I was technically bouncing realities in that-that realm. So they had no idea, they thought we were dead. A lot of people give them grief, that they left us, no--technically, they thought we were both dead, so they left us, uh, in peace. Uh, to live a better life, outside. But technically, y'know, I was, uh, busy, jumpin' rift-either way! Whatever, you know?
Sausage: Martyn and-and-and Ren are gonna ride into the sunset, and they're gonna go visit his other king that banished him, and they're probably gonna end up doing adventures there, and kill them. Uh,this was a fanfiction, alternate reality, by me, Mythical J. Sausage. Fanfiction writes itself.
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authenticasra · 2 months
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Ranpoe and Bubbles :D
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authenticasra · 2 months
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erm.. cheesed to meet you?
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authenticasra · 2 months
ddvau by @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11
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authenticasra · 2 months
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The "what plot?" DDVAU update moodboard
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authenticasra · 2 months
It takes two to tango
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Reblogs and Compliments are appreciated !!!
go read DDVAU new chapter right now !!! I LOVE THE NEW CHAPTER SO MUCH [AU by @xmaruu11 and @kitsuneisi]
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authenticasra · 1 year
I would give my life and savings to keep Nibs okay.
He better stay with the party to the very end or I'm gonna fucking sob.
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authenticasra · 1 year
Clarizzle >>>>> Clarissa
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authenticasra · 1 year
Idea: Preston has given up a whole lot of interests because of his parents, I'd say he used to play in the mud with a stray dog but when his dad found out about it he got in trouble because of their image. He also never saw that dog again.
TW: Implied Animal Death
It was a rainy day, dirt turning to mud and water filling potholes. One boy sat outside, a little British boy around the age of six. He had curly brown hair and wore quite expensive clothing. His name was Preston, Preston Adeline. His parents were quite rich, owning their own sports business. Today, he had snuck outside to play in the rain. It was one of his favorite pastimes, though he couldn't let his parents learn of this…shameful action. They'd be furious, well, more so his father would be. He had to uphold their image, even if he was only a child.
The boy was playing in the mud, an activity he quite enjoyed doing when the rain poured heavy. It was refreshing to the innocent child, a way to relax as no one would be out and about. Sickness was the last thing on Preston's mind, making mud pies for fun was his main priority. He enjoyed the idea of making baked goods and he used mud pies as a way to learn, even if they never would get eaten. His clothes didn't take long to get muddy, though the rain did wash it away every time he stood. One other reason he enjoyed rainy days was a stray, the sweetest pitbull, she always would find her way to the lanky boy on these dreary days and the two would play. This pitbull was still a puppy, a fairly big one, but a puppy no less. She was given the name Tief, a shortened form of tiefling, from an interesting game he found while browsing a bookstore. She was his best friend.
Preston was hugging the large puppy close, mud coating the bottom of his trousers and his once-white shirt. He giggled happily as Tief gave him a big ol' lick on the face, feeling genuine happiness when with the pup. He didn't complain about the slobber that coated his face as the rain brushed it off almost instantly. He was lost in his world with his best friend. That was until a door opened nearby, the yelling of his father breaking through the loud pattering rain. He wasn't quite sure what happened next, the memory blurred in and out as it affected him significantly. He remembered his father yanking him away from Tief, maybe he thought she was hurting him? But, why not ask him what was happening? She was a good girl. Next, he remembered being brought inside by his mother along with her sobbing but he wasn't sure why. The final memory of that day was a loud bang that was followed by the loud whimpering of Tief then…silence.
Preston blinked back into reality, a hand going up to his face as he felt tears falling down his face. He had realized just what happened to Tief that day. It was…mortifying, the banging could've only been one thing… He looked up, realizing he'd fallen behind his party while his mind wandered to this horrid memory.
Scott glanced back at him, stopping abruptly when spotting the tears rolling down his friend's face, "Shit! Preston, are you alright?" He questioned anxiously, rushing towards the slightly taller male. His alarming voice caught the attention of Clarissa and Dex who now stopped talking to each other and rushed to the other two.
"Dude, what happened? Why are you crying?" Clarissa asked, doing her best to not seem all that worried about him when in reality she was fairly freaked out.
"Oh? Yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing all that important in all honesty. Just remembering." Preston did his best to brush and wave them off, it wasn't anything for them to be worried about. It happened in the past after all. He jumped slightly when the shortest of the group hugged him, "Dex?"
"Preston, you know you can talk to us if something is bothering you. We're a team, the Butt Eeterz." He grinned at him, the grin being underlined by worry. "All we have is each other."
"Right, yes, I know that." He nodded, wiping the tears off of his face. He softly smiled back at Dex, accepting the hug. Scott and Clarissa joined the hug soon after, leaving the four hugging until Preston's tears stopped. He may not have his first best friend anymore, but now he had three people who made him just as happy and that's what kept his heart warmed.
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authenticasra · 1 year
You hear a page turning
You hear another page turning
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