autaeleafs-blog · 5 years
Love Galore (1)
“Why you bother me when you know you got a woman?”
When Park Jimin becomes infatuated with a waitress he meets while on tour in California, when he has a lover back home in Korea.
Pairing: Idol! Jimin x Black girl
Word count: 866
Warning(s): Infedelity(in later parts), Racial slurs (in later parts)
The loud sounds of chatter and silverware clinking together filled the ears of part-time waitress Taylor. Taylor had been on the clock since 11 am and although only six hours have gone by she feels as though she’s been there a lifetime. 
Taylor is also a freshman at UCLA studying culinary arts. She had always dreamed about being a celebrity chef, cooking for the best of the best and being praised by her peers. 
But that’s another topic for another day. Taylor made her way through the tiny diner trying hard to avoid any collisions. As she approached her table, occupied by a couple and what she was assuming as their two kids,she put on her Million dollar smile. 
“Ok, I have some chicken tenders, A steak with shrimp, Baked chicken, and the chicken alfredo?” In return she got polite answers as to what food belonged to who. Smiling, Taylor sat the food in front of its owner. She then asked if anyone needed a refill on their drinks. 
After her duty for that table was done, she made her way back to the kitchen to take out the next order. Sighing Taylor ran her hands up and down her sides. 
It’s going to be a loooong day.
Sitting at a table with his six bandmates, Jimin stared off into space thinking about how his relationship with Jisoo was on the rock. The two had gotten together while they were both trainees, naïve to the fact of when they debut how hard is was going to be for them. 
Before, It was all gumdrops and rainbows.Their love was something that people envied. His members always teased him calling him “ Jisoo’s younger oppa”.
But now Jimin was always stressed. Worrying about the tour and trying to keep Jisoo happy was taking a toll on him. He needed a break.
He sighed suddenly getting tired. He stood up from the table causing his members to stare at him questionably. “I’m feeling tired,” he stretched out his arms, trying to seem more believable. “I’m gonna head back to our hotel”
His members continued to stare up at him. They knew how stressed out Jimin was, with touring and his girlfriend, none of them could possibly juggle what Jimin was. They all wanted him to open up to them and talk to them about what he has been going through but they didn’t wan to force him to. They know Jimin and how he gets when he feels cornered. He shuts down. So while they all wanted to make him sit down at the table and talk to them, they just told him to be careful walking back by himself. To which Jimin responded “I will, Promise”
Jimin then grabbed his jacket and threw it over his arm and made his way to the exit. He took out his phone and noticed that Jisoo called him about 10 times. He mentally cursed himself knowing that this was gonna turn into an argument. 
Suddenly he felt a small body collide with his. On instinct he reached out to latch onto the girls waist. This caused a gasp to come out of the strangers mouth and to latch on to his shirt. 
As the two basically bear hugged in the middle of the diner he could smell a hint of vanilla coming from her. After what felt like a lifetime the girl started to pull away from Jimin first. This caused a little disappointment from Jimin as he lost her warmth. 
She then looked up at Jimin a hint of embarrassment written on her face. “I’m sorry, I’m so clumsy,” she said pushing some hair from out of her face. Jimin found the girl cute. Her dark brown sun kissed skin and full lips made the boy find her attractive. 
“It’s fine, I’m sure it was my fault,” Jimin chuckled, his hands still not moving from her waist. “Jimin,” He stated staring into her eyes. “Taylor,” the brown not so much a stranger replied.
They stared at each other, seeing deep into each others soul. Slowly falling into a hole that neither of them wanted to, at the moment, get out of. That was until someone called Taylors name pulling them both out of their little staring contest.
Taylor was the first to move away, again. “I gotta go, they need me,” She sighed. Although Taylor had said less than six words to Jimin, she felt sad having to leave him. Jimin nodded his head and smiled at her. 
“So… See you some other time?” The elder said stuffing his hands into his pockets. Taylor nodded biting her lip. She then nodded to him, turning around and heading to her co-worker Mia who called her a few moments ago. 
Jimin stared at her walking back a smile ghosting over his pretty features. Within that moment  he had forgotten all about his problems. He then made his way out of the diner heading toward his hotel.
“Taylor,” he said liking the way her name rolled off of his tongue. 
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autaeleafs-blog · 5 years
Love Galore (1)
“Why you bother me when you know you got a woman?”
When Park Jimin becomes infatuated with a waitress he meets while on tour in California, when he has a lover back home in Korea.
Pairing: Idol! Jimin x Black girl
Word count: 866
Warning(s): Infedelity(in later parts), Racial slurs (in later parts)
The loud sounds of chatter and silverware clinking together filled the ears of part-time waitress Taylor. Taylor had been on the clock since 11 am and although only six hours have gone by she feels as though she's been there a lifetime. 
Taylor is also a freshman at UCLA studying culinary arts. She had always dreamed about being a celebrity chef, cooking for the best of the best and being praised by her peers. 
But that's another topic for another day. Taylor made her way through the tiny diner trying hard to avoid any collisions. As she approached her table, occupied by a couple and what she was assuming as their two kids,she put on her Million dollar smile. 
"Ok, I have some chicken tenders, A steak with shrimp, Baked chicken, and the chicken alfredo?" In return she got polite answers as to what food belonged to who. Smiling, Taylor sat the food in front of its owner. She then asked if anyone needed a refill on their drinks. 
After her duty for that table was done, she made her way back to the kitchen to take out the next order. Sighing Taylor ran her hands up and down her sides. 
It's going to be a loooong day.
Sitting at a table with his six bandmates, Jimin stared off into space thinking about how his relationship with Jisoo was on the rock. The two had gotten together while they were both trainees, naïve to the fact of when they debut how hard is was going to be for them. 
Before, It was all gumdrops and rainbows.Their love was something that people envied. His members always teased him calling him " Jisoo's younger oppa".
But now Jimin was always stressed. Worrying about the tour and trying to keep Jisoo happy was taking a toll on him. He needed a break.
He sighed suddenly getting tired. He stood up from the table causing his members to stare at him questionably. "I'm feeling tired," he stretched out his arms, trying to seem more believable. "I'm gonna head back to our hotel"
His members continued to stare up at him. They knew how stressed out Jimin was, with touring and his girlfriend, none of them could possibly juggle what Jimin was. They all wanted him to open up to them and talk to them about what he has been going through but they didn't wan to force him to. They know Jimin and how he gets when he feels cornered. He shuts down. So while they all wanted to make him sit down at the table and talk to them, they just told him to be careful walking back by himself. To which Jimin responded "I will, Promise"
Jimin then grabbed his jacket and threw it over his arm and made his way to the exit. He took out his phone and noticed that Jisoo called him about 10 times. He mentally cursed himself knowing that this was gonna turn into an argument. 
Suddenly he felt a small body collide with his. On instinct he reached out to latch onto the girls waist. This caused a gasp to come out of the strangers mouth and to latch on to his shirt. 
As the two basically bear hugged in the middle of the diner he could smell a hint of vanilla coming from her. After what felt like a lifetime the girl started to pull away from Jimin first. This caused a little disappointment from Jimin as he lost her warmth. 
She then looked up at Jimin a hint of embarrassment written on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy," she said pushing some hair from out of her face. Jimin found the girl cute. Her dark brown sun kissed skin and full lips made the boy find her attractive. 
"It's fine, I'm sure it was my fault," Jimin chuckled, his hands still not moving from her waist. "Jimin," He stated staring into her eyes. "Taylor," the brown not so much a stranger replied.
They stared at each other, seeing deep into each others soul. Slowly falling into a hole that neither of them wanted to, at the moment, get out of. That was until someone called Taylors name pulling them both out of their little staring contest.
Taylor was the first to move away, again. "I gotta go, they need me," She sighed. Although Taylor had said less than six words to Jimin, she felt sad having to leave him. Jimin nodded his head and smiled at her. 
"So... See you some other time?" The elder said stuffing his hands into his pockets. Taylor nodded biting her lip. She then nodded to him, turning around and heading to her co-worker Mia who called her a few moments ago. 
Jimin stared at her walking back a smile ghosting over his pretty features. Within that moment  he had forgotten all about his problems. He then made his way out of the diner heading toward his hotel.
"Taylor," he said liking the way her name rolled off of his tongue. 
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autaeleafs-blog · 5 years
My first post
Hiiiiiii! I’ve just recently made a tumblr and I am excited to be on this wonderful app with you wonderful people!!!
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