austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Business Year: Freshman Age: 19 FC: Courtney Eaton
Anne de Bourgh was not a woman familiar with the luxury of choice. Growing up with Catherine de Bourgh as a mother, everything had been set out for her - from the private schools she attended, to the classes she took, to the friends she had, to the clothes she wore. All of it had been determined by her mother. Perhaps it was because her mother never fully recovered from the shock of losing Anne’s father. Perhaps, after Anne’s childhood illness, the fear never loosened its grip on Catherine de Bourgh’s heart. Regardless, Anne had not known a day of freedom until she started at Austen - even if it was the school that chosen and set aside for Anne since she was a child.
She had at least the sympathy and support of Georgiana and William Darcy. Although never close as children, their mothers had been best friends in high school and sorority sisters in university. The three would see each other on holidays and shared vacations, supporting each other through all that a vacation with Catherine de Bourgh entailed. Her circle, however, had not extended much farther than that.
When at last she had settled in her dorm room, however, a world of choices seemed to expand before her. She could choose who she spent her time with, where she went, what she did. Despite any pressure from her mother, Anne had the choice to determine what her life would be. It is a power she has never known before, and one she is almost afraid to wield. It had always been assumed by Anne’s mother that she would get her degree in business and finance, so she could take her place in Catherine de Bourgh’s empire. 
Anne, however, is beginning to question whether she can follow that decision. A possible career in medicine has been calling her name, and for the first time in her life Anne has found a passion for herself - and has had no experience in saying no to such things. With possibilities ahead of her, new friends around her, a mother insisting on knowing everything going on with her life, Anne’s newfound freedom of choice might just be too much for her.
Georgiana Darcy: Georgiana and Anne grew up together but were never close. Only now that they both attend Austen have they begun to get to know each other and have since become good friends.
Will Darcy: Anne knew Will perhaps even less than she knew Georgie. He was older by several years and usually spent his time with Fitz when their families got together. She has come to admire him and appreciate him as a friend and they both pretend not to know her mother’s matchmaking machinations.
Richard “Fitz” Fitzwilliam: Another friend of the family who Anne never really had the chance to know before. But since starting here he has come to be like family and she truly looks up to him.
Harriet Smith: Harriet, sweet and uncertain, is a very good friend to Anne. It is largely Harriet’s optimism and good will that allowed the two to talk long enough to become friends.
Catherine Morland: While Harriet and Anne became friends quietly, Catherine burst into Anne’s life and never left. The two are very close.
Anne is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Public Relations Year: Senior Age: 25 FC: Freddie Stroma
The world would agree that George Wickham has never gotten what he deserves. What exactly that means would likely change depending on who you ask. To George, at least, at means he has been cheated out what he believes is rightfully is. Although his father was poor himself - a hard worker but a gambler - George had always grown up in the most of elite of circles. His father had worked for William Darcy Sr., and George grew up in the halls of Pemberly. The elder Mr. Darcy had held George’s father in high esteem and treated George like a second son. Darcy had even promised to cover George’s tuition at Austen. Although Darcy passed away when George was 18, the money was promised to George in his will. George had insisted, however, that he could handle his own finances and asked for the total of his tuition transferred to his account. The money was gone by the end of George’s freshman year and he was forced to drop out. 
No one is exactly sure what he was doing for the next three years, until he reappeared in the most unlikely of places: on Georgiana Darcy’s dorm room doorstep. He tore through her life like a hurricane, and by the time George was done he had demanded the new Mr. Darcy either pay the rest of his tuition or Gerogiana never attending Austen would be the least of their concerns. Unfortunately, this time around the money is going directly to the school. George has no choice but to go to class - even if it is just often enough to keep him passing and on a meal plan. 
George knows he is meant for greater things, and it is the Will and Georgiana Darcys of the world who have stolen it from him. He will make something better for himself, he is sure of it - and maybe get even with the Darcy’s in the process. In the mean time, George has to lift his grades up for just one more year to get off academic probation and graduate. His debts and burned bridges are catching up to George, but he is sure he knows whose fault that is and it definitely isn’t his.
Frank Churchill: Frank is a perfect friend for George. Well connected and to focused on himself to spot trouble, Frank both raises George’s stature in Austen and makes Friday nights more interesting.
Will Darcy: While the two grew up as friends, George would never admit the jealousy he always harbored for Will. He begrudged him his fortune, his good family, and his surly nature. He hates him only more now for the degradation Will put him through.
Georgiana Darcy: As pompous and selfish as her brother, George only thinks less of her for naivety and gullible nature. It was her own fault she made it so easy for him and her family’s faults for putting him in dire straits.
Elizabeth Bennet: As angry as George is at most things, it is nice to have a break in the face of Lizzie. While she may be a bit of a know-it-all for him, her pretty face and hatred of Darcy makes her amusing company.
Isabella Thorpe: Neither Isabella nor George are deceived by what their arrangement is. Theirs is a friends with benefits situation, just without the friendship.
George is open. You can apply for him here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Business Year: Senior Age: 26 FC: Bob Moreley
Fitz is a man proud of his name, and proud of his family. Faithful to the core, he has stood by his family through all of the events of the last ten years. This has not always been easy, and weaker men than Fitz might have walked away. But whether it was supporting Will and Georgie through the loss of their father, standing by his family when they lost their fortune, or helping Georgie through the events of the last couple years, Fitz has been true to his family. He would give up the Fitzwilliam fortunate all over again for the people he loves. He counts himself rich so long as he has them in his life.
It was his senior year of high school when the fortune was starting to run out, not leaving enough for his tuition. Rather than growing bitter, however, Fitz chose to enlist. After four years of service, his tuition at Austen was covered and he could begin the rest of his life. It was a time of immense worry and concern, as he watched his cousins struggle with their own burdens. But he is determined to reach the other side, get his degree, and begin his life so that he can support his family.
It’s his final year at Austen, and he is thrilled that he will graduate with his cousin and best friend, Will. Georgie is at last on the mend and thriving at Austen. He has a job lined up at Darcy Enterprise’s come May. Everything is falling into place at last, and he could not be more excited for the future. All he has to do is pass the rest of his classes, make sure to keep Wickham in line and away from his cousins, and try to keep the extended family off of their backs. But he’s been to war, so surely he can handle this, right?
Will Darcy: Will and Fitz grew up more brothers than cousins. Fitz has always pulled the good humor out of his more dour friend and the two have always had each other’s backs.
Georgiana Darcy: Fitz was 16 when Georgie lost her father at only ten. He stepped up, looking out for her and helping both siblings through their grief. He is very protective of Georgie and looks out for her as a sibling.
George Wickham: Unlike Will, Fitz never trusted or liked George; but in this instance he didn’t enjoy being right. If he had his way, Wickham would be behind bars or dead.
Anne de Bourgh: Their families had always been close, so Anne and Fitz grew up almost like cousins. But with her overly protective mother, Fitz never had the chance to get to know her as a person until this year. He has come to appreciate her as a friend and looks out for her.
Charlotte Lucas: Fitz met Charlotte at the start of the year and absolutely in no way whatsoever has a crush, because he absolutely definitely in no way has time for something so silly and childish.
Frank Churchill: Frank has always amused Fitz. He knows well enough not to take the man too seriously or to rely upon him in any capacity, but Frank knows that the main is only vain and selfish. With no real malice, Frank can at least be relied upon for a good time.
Richard “Fitz” is open. You can apply for him here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Journalism Year: Junior Age: 21 FC: Candice Patton
The Bingley name might be new money, but Caroline is determined that no one else remember that. Caroline remembers what it was like when her parents had to work so hard to put food on the table, when they couldn’t afford school supplies for the new semester. Caroline is determined that no one else in her family ever has to go through that again, and she does not care who she has to step on to make that happen. 
Someone else might call her heartless, but Caroline certainly has a heart. She just doesn’t leave room in it for many people. Her brother might be naive, but Caroline knows that it is money that has gotten them where they are and status that will keep them there. Getting admitted into a university like Austen is just one of the steps Caroline has taken to ensuring their future. She is not about to let anything get in her way - least of all those awful Bennet sisters. 
Caroline maintains her status with flawless grades, a position on the school newspaper, and by keeping only the best company. If she can get Will Darcy to finally see how good they would be together, then her image will be perfect. She doesn’t like how that image is being threatened now that Charles is hanging out with Bennet trash. Jane at least is beautiful, but she doesn’t understand how Charlie and Will can stand that Elizabeth Bennet - least of all how Will can be talking about that ‘fine eyes’ bull. 
There is only one year left before Charlie leaves, only two years left for Caroline. This might be a mess to clean up, but Caroline is fully confident in her abilities to do so.
Charles Bingley: Charles is Caroline’s older brother and one of the few people Caroline truly cares for. She will always do what is best for Charles, regardless of whether Charles might agree it is best.
Will Darcy: Caroline has known Will for a few years now, ever since he became friends with her brother, and she has waited all of this time for Darcy to realize how perfect they are for each other.
Jane Bennet: Jane is pretty enough and sweet, Caroline supposes, but she still is not the sort of person Caroline and Charles should be spending time with. She is tolerating her for now at least.
Elizabeth Bennet: Caroline might at least tolerate the eldest Bennet sister, but she despises Elizabeth Bennet. It might be in part jealousy, but Caroline would insist Elizabeth has nothing she could ever be jealous of.
Mary Crawford: To the extent that Caroline Bingley has close friends, Mary Crawford is Caroline’s closest friend. Most people might think ‘ally’ would be a better word. 
Thomas Bertram: Thomas might be awful, but at least he has the kind of money and status that Caroline can be proud to have as an ex boyfriend. If occasionally they have a few too many drinks and repeat old habits, it is nobody’s business but their own.
Caroline is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Business Year: Senior Age: 24 FC: Ansel Elgort
No one is actually sure what William Collins did in between high school and college. Car salesman? Infomercials? Door to door Jehova’s Witness? Regardless of what he was doing, he can tell you plenty about what got him here - should you make the mistake to ask. He will tell you all about the kindness and patronage of one Mrs. De Bourgh. And tell you. And tell you. And tell you. 
Without such an esteemed woman as Mrs. Catherine De Bourgh paving his financial way through school, William Collins could never have attended such a prestigious university. The son of a small town business man, William’s humble beginnings do not seem to have given him enough modesty to balance out his elation at his own good fortune - but at least he has a large enough vocabulary to tell you all of his blessings, in at least a dozen different ways.
With the great debt he owes to Mrs. De Bourgh, he has been more than happy to follow the stipulations of the scholarship (a business degree and a good GPA), as well as anything she could think to ask for (such as weekly updates on her daughter). To William Collins, being at Catherine de Bourgh’s beck and call hardly seems like a burden - if anything, an honor. So far, nothing as of yet has been able to dampen his ample enthusiasm and gratitude for his current situation.
His enthusiasm might have remained unabated, but reality should soon be settling in. It turns out, it is not so easy to balance Mrs. de Bourgh’s expectations with the demands of attending one of the most rigorous universities in the country. Unable to fathom why he could not be at the top of his class, given his connections, William is reeling. University seems to be requiring a degree more imagination than he possesses, and waxing poetic about his professors does not seem to help. Between that and the fact that the Bennet sisters are not paying any attention to him, Austen just might not be meeting his expectations.
Anne de Bourgh: Instructed by his patroness to keep tabs on Anne, William cannot fathom why she does not wish to spend time with him.
Elizabeth Bennet: With the right university degree soon to be in his pocket, William is seeking out other forms of status; namely a beautiful woman on his arm. And since everyone knows Jane Bennet is off the market, his sight has been set on Elizabeth.
Charlotte Lucas: While the Bennet sisters seem uncaring of his attentions, Charlotte Lucas has been a very sympathetic ear. And since she is so close to Elizabeth Bennet, he has been eager to further the acquaintance.
Harriet Smith: Jury is out whether Harriet actually likes William Collins, but his enthusiastic wish to be a guiding figure in her life has hardly left her a word in edgewise.
William is open. You can apply for him here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Music and Psychology Year: Freshman Age: 20 FC: Imogen Poots
Georgiana Darcy had always been everything that was good and sweet in the world, despite the fact that the world has not always been good and sweet to her. She would never believe that fact, too utterly sure of her great fortune to have been loved by such wonderful people. She only has a few memories of her mother, but she never doubted that she was loved by her. She might have only been 10 her father died,  but that was 10 wonderful years she spent with him. Besides, she is so grateful for having a brother like William. He always looked out for her and that did not changed when they went to live with their Fitzwilliam relatives. Despite how much Georgiana missed their parents, they were still happy.
And then Will started university. She had always been painfully shy, but the loss of never seeing her brother outside of holidays drove Georgie further and further into her shell. When she started high school, her aunt and uncle enrolled her in one of the best prep schools money can buy. She knew she should be grateful, but mostly Georgie was just lonely. She excelled academically, but she never made friends closer than passing acquaintances. It was second semester when George Wickham came back into her life, a memory that Georgie admits still hurts. It was two years before she was in any condition to start university. 
But start she has, and Georgiana is determined to make the best of it. She had always loved piano, but she has recently decided to go into music therapy instead of becoming a concert pianist. Her family isn’t thrilled, but Will and Fitz support her and Georgie has never loved anything more. She’s even begun making friends. She loves being able to see her brother and cousin when she wants. It might be hard seeing George on campus and knowing there is nothing she can do, but Georgie is determined to be as brave and strong as she dreams of being. She won’t let anyone - George or otherwise - keep her from her happiness or her family. 
Will Darcy: Will is Georgie’s older brother, her savior, the greatest human being in the world. Georgie looks up to him more than anyone else.
Richard “Fitz” Fitzwilliam: Fitz might be Georgie’s cousin, but she considers him more like a brother. 
Anne de Bourgh: Their mothers were best friends and the two girls grew up alongside each other. Though they were always like family, they didn’t really start to become friends until Austen.
George Wickham: Georgiana and George have known each other since they were children, although it is an acquaintance Georgiana wishes she could forget.
Mary Bennet: Georgie met Mary in one of their shared music classes and the two have formed a quiet and close friendship. While perhaps not best friends, the two care about each other and share a love of music.
Mary Crawford: Georgie shares an upper level music class with Mary and admires her talent, but she secretly feels at least a little afraid of the woman.
Georgiana is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Theater Year: Freshman Age: 19 FC: Willa Holland
Where Lydia goes, Kitty followed. This has been the truth of the youngest Bennet girls for as long as anyone can remember. The two have been inseparable all of their lives. Although not twins, Lydia only waited ten months after Kitty’s birth before coming in to the world herself. Since then every antic, every flirtation, every wild anecdote has been done together. K
itty loves her sister as much as (if not more than) she loves herself. She counts herself as lucky to be a Bennet and to have such wonderful sisters, and to have Lydia as her confidant and best friend. When Lydia decided it would be such fun to go to the same university as the older Bennet girls, Kitty of course agreed. When Lydia wanted to be roomies, Kitty eagerly agreed. Naturally they both enrolled as theater majors, with almost the exact same schedules. Where Lydia goes, Kitty follows.
At least, that’s what it has been. Kitty has always relied on Lydia to make her feel special. She fed off of Lydia’s light, always afraid of being forgotten as less beautiful, less strong, less talented, less charming. She might have always wished to be her own person, but she never truly believed she could do it. That all started changing with one journalism class. It was the first thing Kitty has ever done without Lydia and she has never loved anything so much. She is starting to discover a whole world outside of Lydia, and realizing that she may really be good for something on her own. 
She never realized how she felt like she was suffocating under Lydia until now and it feels so good to breathe. She has started pulling away from Lydia. While Kitty is eagerly pursuing her new classes, she worries for the decisions her would-be-twin is making. The more new friends Kitty makes, however, the tighter Lydia is holding on to her. Kitty hasn’t told Lydia or any of their sisters that she is planning on changing majors, and she certainly hasn’t told them she doesn’t plan on rooming with Lydia next year. She never knew becoming her own person was quite this scary.
Lydia Bennet: Her younger sister has been Kitty’s best friend all her life and now is her roommate. Except Kitty doesn’t want to go where she goes any longer.
Mary, Lizzie, and Jane Bennet: While never as close to her older sisters as she is to Lydia, she has always loved and looked up to them. She has only begun to trust their guidance more since she started at Austen.
Catherine Morland: Kitty and Catherine met during their first semester and quickly became close friends. Catherine has been so supportive of Kitty’s new endeavors and so patient with Lydia’s jealous streak.
Frederick Wentworth: Kitty met Frederick when she got lost one night after leaving a party Lydia had dragged her to. They were her knight and shining armor and while at first she thought she was interested, now they are just friends.
Henrietta Musgrove: Henriette and Kitty met at orientation and found kindred spirits in each other. They’ve agreed to room together next year, though Kitty is afraid of how Lydia will react when she finds out.
Kitty is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Theater Year: Freshman Age: 18 FC: Ella Purnell
Lydia Bennet has always been the star everywhere she has gone. Although their parents love all of the Bennet girls, Lydia was always their mother’s favorite. Since she was 14, the eyes of every boy (and sometimes girl) in the room followed her. She grew accustomed to the attention and learned to love the limelight. Full of charm, vivacity, and beauty, Lydia has always been sure to be loved where ever she goes. 
At some point over the years, the attention stopped being a pleasant surprise and instead became Lydia’s expectations. She has always adored her charmed life, and has been thrilled to share it with her best friend and would-have-been-twin sister (they were born only ten months apart) Kitty. When the two of them were accepted into Austen, Lydia was sure life would continue on in the charmed manner it always had.
Austen, however, has not reached Lydia’s expectations. Sure, she has no shortage of male attention, however, Lydia is realizing that the attention she is receiving is perhaps not the attention she wants. She thought being at Austen would mean all of the Bennet sisters could be together and happy again - like it was when they were children - but between Jane’s senior year, Elizabeth’s double major, Mary’s music, and Kitty’s study sessions, Lydia feels like she is being left behind. 
There is only one more year until Jane graduates, and Lydia is desperate for the five sisters to spend it together. Add in how Kitty has been pulling away with no explanation, and Lydia has no idea what to do. There’s a hole in her chest that she’s never quite felt before. She’s lonely. She’s been trying to fill that hole with parties, flirting, and going out; but so far it isn’t working. It is, however, succeeding in tanking her grades - a secret she is desperate to keep the other Bennet sisters from finding out.
Kitty Bennet: Lydia’s would be twin and closest friend, the two girls have been inseparable since birth. That’s changed since starting at Austen, however, and Lydia can’t figure out why.
Mary, Lizzie, and Jane Bennet: Although clearly the way more boring and way less fun Bennet sisters, Lydia loves her sisters with all her heart. All she wants is to spend time with them before Jane graduates.
Mary Crawford: Lydia is thrilled that she has gotten in with the crowd of seniors, and since befriending Mary she has gotten to do things she’s never done before.
George Wickham: Lydia met George through Mary and she is smitten. If only she can get him to see her as more than a little freshman.
John Willoughby: Lydia met John at a party her first week, and while he was cute he was way too smitten with that Marianne girl. Regardless, the two became great friends and can often be seen barhopping or going to parties together.
Lydia is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Music and Religion Year: Sophomore Age: 20 FC: Astrid Berges-Frisby
Mary’s life has always been a strange mix of being on the outside and being strangely and wonderfully loved. She has always considered herself the least remarkable sister, and she would not admit to anyone that that is what initially drove her to music: the hope that somehow it would make her special. She had not Jane’s sweetness, Lizzie’s natural wit, Kitty’s bright spirit, or Lydia’s charm. Music was what made her matter, when Mary’s unimportance was her greatest fear. 
Although she perhaps felt ordinary and boring next to the vibrant characters of her sisters, Mary has never doubted that they loved her. Mary might have been born Michael, but when she began asking to be called Mary at 7 years old, her family happily supported her. Her parents treat her no differently from her sisters and love her just the same; her father in his own strange way and her mother in her tireless concern for all her daughters’ love lives. 
Since starting at Austen, at least, Mary has finally been able to start feeling like her own person - someone who matters independently of her sisters. She had always felt slightly on the outside, never quite able to step into the close relationships between Lizzie and Jane, Kitty and Lydia. But now Mary is finally making some of her own friends, making her own accomplishments. 
Mary - like all of the Bennet sisters - has been relying on scholarships and student loans. But now Mary is one of the finalists for a major scholarship, if she can only finish her composition in time. Never naturally creative herself, Mary finally has friends who can help her with her music - like Georgie Darcy. She hasn’t told her sisters yet, afraid to tell her family if she should only end up failing. She is working so hard and is so close, it isn’t time for Mary to get distracted now. The only problem is that the friend who is helping Mary with her music makes a very lovely distraction.
Lizzie, Jane, Kitty, and Lydia Bennet: Mary might feel somewhat on the outside, but she knows that nothing can shake the love she has for her sisters or the love her sisters have for her.
Franny Price: Franny’s shyness and Mary’s reserve might have been expected to keep them from becoming friends, but the two roommates became best friends early on at Austen.
Georgiana Darcy: Georgie and Mary met at the start of the fall. While they are not quite best friends, they are certainly close. They’ve bonded over their love of music and their affection for each other.
James Elton: Mary met James in an introductory religion course. For reasons her intuition could not fully explain, she was afraid of him. Two years later and she is still very careful to never be in a room alone with him.
Robert Martin: Mary met Robert as a scared and lonely freshman. Somehow his gregarious nature pulled her out of her shell and he saw something in her as well. They have been good friends ever since.
Mary is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: Social Work Year: Senior Age: 22 FC: Sarah Gadon
Jane’s ability to be both incredibly beautiful and to see all of that beauty in everyone else has always amazed everyone who has loved her - in short, everyone who has met her because it is quite difficult to know Jane Bennet at all and not love her. Jane holds what is perhaps the unique ability to see the good in everyone and make it even better, and to actually honestly and wholeheartedly believe it. 
Growing up in a family like the Bennets, Jane certainly has practice in sifting through the more interesting flaws of others and finding only the best. Jane adores all of her sisters, even if Lizzie is her closest friend. She will admit that their family is ‘eccentric’, even if she would note use language as strong as that of her closest sister. She is grateful for the life she has. For a family that loves her, wonderful friends, the education of her dreams, and getting so close to graduating and pursuing the career she has always hoped for. 
Life could not be better, but the handsome guy in her senior seminar class might be making it sweeter. They’ve been talking for a few months now, and so far they have yet to give what they have a name. When asked, Jane will smile and say she likes him. But Jane can tell that she is falling fast, and it scares her. She thinks Lizzie can tell, even if Jane isn’t ready to say it. 
But senior year hits everyone hard. Jane is trying to juggle her last year of college, a budding relationship, and concern for the sisters she will leave behind at Austen. She is especially concerned for Lizzie, who she know struggles the most with change. But Jane firmly believes that the change will be good, even if she is going to miss her sisters fiercely when she moves on. There are many happy years ahead for Jane, she just has to get through this one. 
Elizabeth Bennet: Lizzie is Jane’s younger sister by one year, and also Jane’s closest friend. The two have been inseperable all their lives, and it has not changed at college.
Mary, Kitty, and Lydia Bennet: Mary, Kitty, and Lydia are Jane’s younger sisters who Jane both adores and worries over.
Charles Bingley: Charles and Jane met this year in their senior seminar, and Jane is absolutely smitten.
Caroline Bingley: Caroline is Charles younger sister and Jane absolutely loves her. Lizzie doesn’t trust her, but Jane can’t see why. Caroline has never been anything but kind to her. 
Franny Price: Jane found a kindred soul in Jane. Franny is in the social work program as well, and has become like a little sister to Jane. 
Jane is open. You can apply for her here.
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austenuniversityrp · 5 years
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Major: History and Literature Year: Junior Age: 21 FC: Emmy Rossum 
Elizabeth Bennet had always been a contradiction of good humor and cynicism, stubbornness and faithfulness, sharp wit and deep kindness. The second eldest of 5 students - all of whom came to attend Austen - Elizabeth is deeply devoted to family. It is not a secret, however, that Lizzie’s closest friend was her elder sister Jane. The two sisters had dreamed of coming to Austen ever since they were children - university memorabilia hung on the walls of their shared bedroom. Jane dreamed of making memories and becoming a nurse. Elizabeth dreamed of the books she could read and getting away from their overbearing mother. The hardest year of Lizzie’s life was the year between when Jane started at Austen and when Lizzie finally joined her.
Now, a junior at Austen, Lizzie’s world is changing once again. Rather unexpectedly, all of the Bennet sisters are at Austen. Mary’s choice of university was a surprise, even if her acceptance was not. But now Kitty and Lydia have begun here as well, and Lizzie will confess that she worries for the more exuberant of her sisters. Add in the growing tension between Lizzie and their parents - she never was the kind of daughter her mother thought she should be - and Jane’s impending graduation, Lizzie is desperately trying to hold on to life as it is now before everything will inevitably change. Add that awful Darcy fellow from her lit class who always seems to be hanging around now that Charlie and Jane have started talking, and Lizzie may have finally found her wits end. If only student loans were the only thing Lizzie had to worry about.
Jane Bennet: Her older sister and her closest friend, Jane Bennet is Lizzie’s most favorite human.
Charlotte Lucas: Charlotte and Lizzie have known each since they were kids. They’ve always been close, but things have been strained lately and Lizzie doesn’t understand why.
Mary, Kitty, and Lydia Bennet: Lizzie loves her sisters more than life itself, but God help her if those three don’t succeed in driving her up the walls before the semester ends.
Emma Woodhouse: Emma and Lizzie were in the same orientation class their freshman year, and bonded over their shared wit. Now if she could just get Emma to stop trying to set her up.
Will Darcy: If Lizzie only had to deal with this pretentious stick in the mud in their literature class . . . well it would still be too much. Lizzie knows how much they both hate each other, so why on earth is he always around?
George Wickham: While there might be a little too much irritation from one gentleman in one of her classes, at least she has some eye candy to admire in another.
Elizabeth is open. You can apply for her here. 
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