Who says that high school poetry class doesn’t come in handy? #aukeleshearth #myhusbandmademedoit #complainwithasmile #butgetmyshitrighttho #rhyminsimon #laydownthosefunkybeats
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🎶Is this love that I’m feeling? Is this the love that I’ve been searching for?🎶 #aukeleshearth #catlady #ilovemylovewithanh #caturday #youmakemehappy #youmakemyhearthappy #love #dreaminginblackandwhite #familiar #furbestie #sleepykitty #myheart
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Evening stroll at the lake. To think this lusciousness is under water a few months a year 😍 #aukeleshearth #igooutwalkin #green #lakelife
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Success! Gimba-jams went under this time, and they were able to remove the cyst next to her eye yesterday. She’s definitely not a fan of her new neck ware. Small price to pay and temporary. Otherwise, she’s doing very well, and the wound is looking good. #aukeleshearth #mycatnamedginger (at Caturday)
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Being a mom isn’t for everyone. However, I know my beautiful friend @laura_j_novak was meant to be. She will be absolutely phenomenal and transition from Maiden to Mother with grace and ease. To celebrate her manifestation (because let me tell you, this woman manifested her heart out), I’ve crafted this little guy. He’s a lovey, combination blanket and best friend, the perfect Companion 😉 for any bundle of joy. I’m so happy for you, mama! I can’t wait for you to meet your magic 💜 Adapted from pattern: #aukeleshearth #lovey #crochet #makingsmiles #mommytobe #lovecrochet #loveyourfriends #unicorns #therewillbeunicorns #maternalmagnificence #givewithlove #openheart #youmakemyhearthappy
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I’m a peekaboo bandit, baby 🦝 #aukeleshearth #acebooncoon #raccoon #lakelife #heybaby #trashpanda #peekaboo #iwanttosquishhisface #besos💋 #trees #peekaboobandit #butdaddyilovehim
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🎵I only need one eye to see; the other one confuses me 🎵 #aukeleshearth #dreaminginblackandwhite #endofvacationblues
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I’ve watched it a hundred times, and I’ll watch it at least a hundred more. Along with Labyrinth and Soaceballs, Clue is in my top 3. Tim Curry (not pictured) and Madeline Kahn? Stop it. From the beautiful woodwork in the house, to the plot holes, to the facial expressions and corny puns, to the comedic timing and genius, I will always find just another reason to love it with every single viewing. #aukeleshearth #clue #topthree #nerd #dorkfordays #mymomthinksimcool #punsyscheme #timcurry #madelinekahn #iloveclue #whodoneit #letthebodieshitthefloorrrawr
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Happy Father’s Day to all of the amazing father figures out there! #aukeleshearth #happyfathersday #fatherfigures #daddies
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Looking at old pictures with my mom. Two year old me, little Hawaiian surfer girl. Look at those golden curls y’all. #aukeleshearth #babysurfer #throwwayback #hawaii #overthirtyyearsago
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So unladylike but gimme those belly fluffs 😻 #aukeleshearth #velbelle #ilovemylovewithanh #bellyfluff
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We’ve been watching the Harry Potter movies. I own them. (Of course, you do). This scene is, in my opinion, the most beautiful and touching of all the movies. Yes, yes, I know Snape’s love for Lily. That’s all well and good, but this scene moves me, personally, so deeply. Greg asked when it was over, “What was he expecting, a kiss or something?” Naturally, I rolled my eyes. Reflex. “No, not at all. He genuinely only wanted to make her smile.” Ron had just left the group in a huff with no way of finding them again. He is lost to her. She is heartbroken and has shut down. Harry, her best friend, wants his friend back. He wants to see her happy. It worked for a moment, but reality sinks back in, and with it so does she. I’ve never been a very popular person. Trust me, I’m a-okay with that. I have a small ring of people I know intimately (not to be confused with romantically), and only one person on the planet can say she knows me inside and out (I love you). I’m very fortunate and grateful to have a handful of people who are so incredibly supportive. Each one of you is very special to me. Thank you so much for your love, advice, and support the last few months, as I’ve struggled. I don’t have words to convey how much I appreciate you. Find your people. You don’t need a lot of friends. You just need the right ones. #aukeleshearth #findyourtribe #thankyou
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Which one to be today though? #aukeleshearth #curlsfordays #messyromanticorevilwitch #maybesomaybenotwhoknows
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Y’all, I can’t tell you how freaking excited I am that we actually have tomatoes this year! The cucumbers also going crazy, as are the peaches. The pumpkins and melons are just starting to vine out (not pictured). No strawberries, jalapeños, or broccoli though �� Still thankful 😍 #aukeleshearth #growyourownfood #backyardhomestead #gardening #tomatoes #peaches #peachtree
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Spending time with the guda this morning 💜 Isn’t she beautiful? Happy Sunday dearlings! #aukeleshearth #gudadrum #vibratehigher #vibrationalhealing #makemyhearthappy #musicislife
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I haven’t posted because I don’t know what to say, and I’ve been afraid of saying the wrong thing. Silence is no help, and I love to help. As a white woman, living in Texas, I’ve had far more exposure to hispanic cultures than I have black cultures. As an empath, I focus more on a person’s energy than I do the color of their skin, who they love, or who/what they pray to. I can’t quite wrap my head around the reality of so much hatred, disregard, and disrespect in the world. I knew it existed, I just didn’t realize it was still so prevalent. I am in no way qualified to speak to these horrible injustices. ** For those saying “All lives matter,” if all lives matter, then so do black ones, but for far too long they have not been treated like they do. Our black brothers and sisters have been screaming for help, yet we have not listened. I’ve spent this week trying to broaden my exposure, bearing witness, holding space, and listening. The common theme I keep coming across is fear. They have been taught to fear us, as we have been taught to fear them. It has to stop. Us and them, them and us. We are all the same but also unique. It’s one of life’s greatest contradictions. Every person born on this earth shares a common thread. Life. We spend far too much time focusing on how we are different rather than recognizing how we are the same. All life is sacred and should be treated as such. ** I can’t help being white. I can’t help the way I am treated, privileged or otherwise. I can’t help that there is no way I will EVER know what it’s like to be anything but white because it is not a part of my experience. However, what I can, have, and will continue to do is help the way others are treated in any way I can. I could never know, but I can listen. I will continue to see you all for the luscious energies you are, and I implore whoever reads this to do the same. Change your perspective and change the world. Be kind, dearheart. Spread love, not hate. #aukeleshearth #imwithyou #endracism #endracismnow #lifeissacred #bekind #changetheworld
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