within a dream
21 posts
august j. cardov // 30 // english lit teacher
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
august-james · 5 years ago
“Yeah, I do,” he said, then quickly half-ran back to his car to get the cables from his trunk and made sure Ford was tied securely to his seat so he won’t jump out and get himself hit. Then he hopped in the driver’s seat and pulled around so his car was closer to hers so the cables could reach. “Stay boy,” he said to his bulldog. “I’ll be right back.”
He popped his hood and went to work. “What, uh, what kinda car is that?” August asked over his shoulder. It looked old - as his was. Maybe he found another aficionado of classical cars.
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Rose has always been nosy and depending on who people asked it was either positive or negative. Figuring people ou, asking personal questions too soon… It was kind of her thing. It came with her line of work. She curiously was watching August as he went back to pull his car closer and grab cables, noting the bulldog in the front seat. 
Well, he or she looked nice, which meant this good samaritan probably wasn’t going to try to murder her. That had to count for something. She ducked back in her car, reaching so she could pop her own hood. 
“It’s a 1977 Datsun 280Z,” She replied. “Been driving her for a while. Used to be my dad’s. You into cars?” 
August’s eyebrows shot up at the make and model. Impressive. “Nice. Um, yeah I am.” He gestured to his own car. “1952 Austin A40 Somerset. I saw the color and fell in love. Apparently it used to be more...emerald I guess, but i liked the sea-foam feel.” He ducked his head, embarrassed for rambling, and held out the other end of the jumper cables. “Here. Kinda worked out well that they’re both a little older. I’m afraid a newer car might overshoot the engine.” He shrugged. He doesn’t know much about cars but he guessed that made some sense.
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august-james · 5 years ago
it was a rare night off for alistair– so of course, he chose to spend that time in the same bar he often guarded most nights, but he was a creature of habit after all. he still wasn’t too familiar with many of the locals, instead finding friendship in the bartenders and regulars that frequented the bar. it was safe. homely, even. 
a half-empty beer was in hand as alistair’s eyes directed to the television; it was an american football game, not that he could distinguish any of the rules. it seemed like a more prolonged version of rugby, and he knew which one it was that he preferred. 
taking a long sip from his beverage, his eyes drifted from the screen back over to the bar where he spotted a familiar bunch of curls– he could recognise that hair a mile off; a punter that he often saw when he was working but never quite had the courage to say more than a few words to. he decided this would be the better chance– standing from his seat, he approached the other and gave a nod, “you’re here a lot, aren’t you?” he asked, chuckling softly, “’m alistair, i think we’ve spoke a couple times.”
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Slightly startled by the sudden - but very welcome - voice, August looked up from his coaster and smiled softly. “Oh! Yeah, hi,” he stumbled, a bit shaky. “Yes, I guess I am here a lot.” He cleared his throat and held out his hand. “August. Nice to formally meet you. A-Are you off tonight or something?” August regretted the question immediately. Of course he was off. He’s certainly not grabbing a drink when he’s supposed to be working...or at least that’s what August hoped.
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Drink Down the Unkindness || August & Alistair
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august-james · 5 years ago
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august-james · 5 years ago
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Kit Harington for The Guardian, 2017
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august-james · 5 years ago
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august-james · 5 years ago
Drink Down the Unkindness || August & Alistair
As the holidays neared, August’s students grew restless.
Even pool noodle reenactments of Mercutio and Tybalt’s fight did not seem to quench their thirst for destruction. At the end of the day, August was spent. Next week was finals week and then the holidays and, in August’s opinion, that made it the worst time of the year.
Sure, he loves his students and he loves the holidays. But in the weeks leading up to his two week winter break, he was busier than any other time in the school year. So, to relax and unwind, August hit up his favorite bar. Usually there was this really cute guy standing in as bouncer or something (he was Irish maybe? Scottish? He wasn’t sure - he’d only heard him talk a few times) and he was kind of the highlight of August’s night.
However, this time the mystery man was not standing outside the door, but instead some brutish bald guy. Whatever, August thought. I still have the drinks to look forward to. His favorite part about living in a town like this: everything was just a short walk away. August could drink as much as he wanted because he didn’t have to drive home. Thank god for that. He needed it.
He sat down at the bar, and order his usual - Amaretto and diet. Tasted like cherry coke and went down as smooth as butter. He’d feel the effects in no time and all his stress from the past few weeks will melt away. At least until morning.
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august-james · 5 years ago
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edward rochester –
– «jane eyre»,
charlotte bronte
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august-james · 5 years ago
dayton was no fool, he knew the effect he had on people, he knew he was good looking and could be funny and that’s what everyone was after, right? nonetheless, it made him smile a smug little grin as he saw the blush pass over august’s face. “yeah? do you know what kinda dog he is?” dayton asked as he looked down at the little guy. “if you’re looking for some help on lead training though, i’d suggest getting what they call a choke chain, it’s harmless really, just kinda grabs their attention when they try pulling away. eventually they stop because it gets annoying, trust me, bruce wasn’t all this chill before.” he had to add in and laughed some. 
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“Ah, English Bulldog,” he said as he bent down to scratch the dip between Buford’s eyes - his sweet spot. That calmed him down. “And uh, yeah that would be great, actually. Thanks.” He smiled up at the stranger (well, maybe not stranger since he knows his name; acquaintance maybe? Yeah, acquaintance). He smiled up at his new acquaintance and noticed really how attractive this man was. August wasn’t really sure if he had a type, but this might just be it.
Exit, Pursued By a Bear
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august-james · 5 years ago
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moodboard: patroclus & achilles (the song of achilles)
“i could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; i would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. i would know him in death, at the end of the world.”
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august-james · 5 years ago
dayton took the man’s hand in his own and gave a firm shake and smiled in a friendly manner. “nice to meet you both, i’m dayton and this is bruce.” he said and patted the top of his dog’s fuzzy head. “no need to apologize though, i’m nearly seven feet tall i think i can handle him some.” he said and chuckled a little bit. “and i love dogs, so i mean, no harm no foul.” dayton said and gave a soft smile. “he usually running off on you or is this some sort of pick up tactic?” he asked and smirked just a bit.
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“Oh,” August’s eyes widened and a hint of blush crept up his cheeks. “Uh, no, he just gets uh, distracted and excited sometimes. I only got him recently, so I guess he feels he can just run off when he wants.” August grabbed Ford’s leash and wrapped it around his hand to keep it secure. He looked down at his feet and rubbed his face bashfully, avoiding the second half of the question.
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Exit, Pursued By a Bear
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august-james · 5 years ago
It had been just another day for the lawyer, busy but normal, with February sifting through paperwork, having several meetings. In truth, he was tired. It never took a lot to drain his social battery, and today he was titering. Making his way down the sidewalk, the lawyer mostly kept his eyes down, with hands neatly pushed into his pockets. Maybe he should eat before he got home? The idea of cooking made his head hurt.
In truth, February hadn’t thought much of it. Heading several people laugh or yell. Yet the sound of small padded feet caught his attention, looking down the dog was a bit of a surprise. He wasn’t exactly what people would have called a dog person– or even an animal person really, yet the dog was already circling February. The lawyer made a face, but when the dog made an effort sitting and begging for love, February gave a weak sigh. He gave in, letting a hand fall, scratching behind the dog’s ear. They liked that, right? 
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Hues rose to the owner’s voice, “ … This is your dog? “ February stopped petting him, “ Lucky for you he stopped. “ 
August breathed a laugh and shrugged. “Yeah he is. And I am, I guess. Lucky.” August reached out to grab Buford by his leash and wrapping it around his hand. This way he couldn’t run off again, at least without dragging August with him. He held out his free hand. 
“I’m August. Nice to meet you. And sorry about him.”
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Exit, Pursued By a Bear
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august-james · 5 years ago
it was around five, dayton had been off the clock for a little bit and decided to go for a walk with his siberian husky, bruce, who was more than happy and willing to go for a walk to their favorite place in town. there was a small donut shop that had been a favorite of dayton’s since he first arrived in town, they were cheap but fucking incredible and you could always catch him with a couple. today was no different, and he had missed out on his daily breakfast donut this morning so obviously he had to make up for it. 
after putting the dog on his leash, dayton and bruce were slipping out of his place and making their way down to danny’s, the donut shop. he was coming out of the building when he was being nearly taken down by a dog, and well, dayton couldn’t resist. “oh who are you?!” he cooed out as he reached down to scratch at his ears. looking up as he noticed someone joining them, day looked up and asked, “this your dog?”
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“Uh, yeah he is. Buford. A-And I’m August,” he held out his hand to greet the stranger. “Again, I’m so sorry about him. He doesn’t seem to realize how big he is.”
Movement caught his eye, and August noticed the husky. “Aw damn, ain’t he a pretty thing.” He moved to let the dog sniff his hand. “What’s his name? If you don’t mind me askin’.”
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Exit, Pursued By a Bear
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august-james · 5 years ago
This was definitely a prime way to get murdered - not that she was particularly paranoid about that sort of thing, but it still made her wary as she glanced over her shoulder. “Uh - one sec,” she said, ducking into her car to take it off neutral and put it back in park so she could stop pushing the damn thing. 
“You have jumper cables?” She asked, warily. “I just need to get it back to my office and… Well, I guess I’ll figure it out from there.” 
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“Yeah, I do,” he said, then quickly half-ran back to his car to get the cables from his trunk and made sure Ford was tied securely to his seat so he won’t jump out and get himself hit. Then he hopped in the driver’s seat and pulled around so his car was closer to hers so the cables could reach. “Stay boy,” he said to his bulldog. “I’ll be right back.”
He popped his hood and went to work. “What, uh, what kinda car is that?” August asked over his shoulder. It looked old - as his was. Maybe he found another aficionado of classical cars.
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august-james · 5 years ago
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✨Wherever you are and whatever you do, be in love✨
Moodboard for @petiite-abeille
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august-james · 5 years ago
Exit, Pursued By a Bear
It was five in the afternoon and Ford really needed to pee.
August could hear him whining through the door as he jingled his keys trying to unlock the door with his hands full of his travel mug, stinking of old coffee, his lunch pail, and his mail. Eventually, he made it through and was immediately bombarded by 60 pounds of grunting, wrinkly flesh.
“Okay, okay just let me put my things away - geez Ford, just a second!”
When they made it downstairs and out of the building, Buford ran straight for his favorite lamp post and lifted his leg. August tried to avoid eye contact from the people passing him on the sidewalk, embarrassed that his dog couldn’t even make it to the park across the street.
All of a sudden, however, something caught the monster’s eye and Buford bolted. August ran after him, dodging people left and right and screaming the dog’s name at the top of his lungs. Ford rounded the corner, and August swore. Following suit, he halted at the sight before him - Buford, his god forsaken mutt, was getting his ears scratched by someone kneeling and crooning at him.
“I,” he said breathlessly, “am so sorry. He normally is somewhat behaved when we leave the apartment. I guess we’re still trying to get to know each other.”
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august-james · 5 years ago
Hey alex here :)
auggie here is my sweet bab
he’s got a weird past - staunchy family, formal education, forbidden love that has scarred him forever, ya know. same old same old
he’s a sweetheart, but is scared to show it. he has a sweet spot for his youngest sibling, and a close relationship with his older brother, so I would love to see either one join him in Cedar Valley
I want so badly for him to find love, but also some really good friends. he’s never really had any of those
can’t wait to get to know y’all and have some fun!
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august-james · 5 years ago
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full name: August James Cardov nickname(s): Auggie (by me and his siblings) and AJ (by school friends) faceclaim: Kit Harington age: 30 gender: cismale pronouns: he/him/his sexuality: homosexual occupation: high school English Lit teacher hometown: Summers in Lund, Sweden and winters in London, England positive traits: determined, chivalrous, trusting negative traits: brooding, burdened, clingy
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