Auggie smirked, "Oh, if only it were instantaneous, the brewing of it." He took up her hand and placed a kiss upon it. " You're beautiful in the morning." he stated boldly, his smile fond. 
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Auggie moved down the stairs and to the kitchen himself, mussing up his bed head even more with a stray hand, ” That sounds amazing. I’m all in for anything so long as it begins with “Hot” and ends with “Cakes.” He smelled the roast as it began to bubble and brew and sighed,  ” That is, of course, after the elixir of life is consumed.”
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Auggie moved down the stairs and to the kitchen himself, mussing up his bed head even more with a stray hand, " That sounds amazing. I'm all in for anything so long as it begins with "Hot" and ends with "Cakes." He smelled the roast as it began to bubble and brew and sighed,  " That is, of course, after the exlir of life is consumed."
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
“Uh huh…” Annie fell asleep before Auggie, if not passed out.
As Annie’s eyes opened, she immediately shut them again as sunlight hit her face. “Ugh…” Blinking her eyes open, she looked in front of her. All she could see was Auggie’s chest. Oh. Oh no. Last night really happened?She lifted her head to look at Auggie’s face, making her smile. He was still asleep. Maybe last night was a good thing…Putting her head back down, she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. She wasn’t sure how things would go from here, but hopefully they would go well.
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Auggie smiled that practiced smirk, but it was effortless when it came to her.  " I know, Walker. And I like you too."  He gave her a less than chaste kiss on the cheek then began to sit up in bed. He groaned, feeling a bit of last night swirling in his head. " Coffee." he murmured, pointing generally towards his kitchen. " Coffee now..." 
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
“Uh huh…” Annie fell asleep before Auggie, if not passed out.
As Annie’s eyes opened, she immediately shut them again as sunlight hit her face. “Ugh…” Blinking her eyes open, she looked in front of her. All she could see was Auggie’s chest. Oh. Oh no. Last night really happened?She lifted her head to look at Auggie’s face, making her smile. He was still asleep. Maybe last night was a good thing…Putting her head back down, she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. She wasn’t sure how things would go from here, but hopefully they would go well.
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I came because there is so much in D.C. that I wanted to do. I'm big history lover, even if I may not seem like it. ((Sorry if you already got the first one, sometimes they don't go through and I have to change them before they do))
Auggie nodded with a grin, " It's a big adventure, coming to a new place. Are you liking it so far?"
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Auggie roused not long after, his eyes squeezing in his groggy efforts to awake. He didn't really do mornings. It took his a good amount of time to really awake into a functioning human being.
" G'morinin'" he said, his hand coming over to touch her cheek softly. She sounded as if she were awake.
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
“Uh huh…” Annie fell asleep before Auggie, if not passed out.
As Annie’s eyes opened, she immediately shut them again as sunlight hit her face. “Ugh…” Blinking her eyes open, she looked in front of her. All she could see was Auggie’s chest. Oh. Oh no. Last night really happened?She lifted her head to look at Auggie’s face, making her smile. He was still asleep. Maybe last night was a good thing…Putting her head back down, she closed her eyes and inhaled his scent. She wasn’t sure how things would go from here, but hopefully they would go well.
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Hi Auggie. Nice to Meet you, my name is Jamie. ((Though it's not nearly as fun as my username ;D ))
It's a pleasure, Jamie. What brings you about D.C this fine evening?
(( XD ))
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He wrapped his arm around her and closed his eyes. " I'll make hangover breakfast in the morning." he said into her hair. After planting a kiss there, he drifted off to sleep.
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
“Nope.” He said, grabbing a blanket for himself and heading to the aforementioned place. ” Toss me my pillow, Annie.”
“No way.” Annie gently pushes Auggie toward his bed, stopping before he touched the edge. “I’m too tired, and drunk, to argue, or move anymore.” Annie smirked and pushed him backwards, letting him flop onto the bed. She gave it a moment before crawling onto the bed herself, huddling under his sheets.
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tollulu started following auggie-anderson-tech-ops
Hey there. Auggie Anderson, tech ops.
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Auggie flopped backwards with a loud 'thump', the blanket falling over his face. He laughed and then rolled over to his side of the bed and getting under the covers. He laid down on his back, eyes bore into the ceiling. " C'mere, Walker." he said, holding his arm out so she could snuggle into his side.
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
“Nope.” He said, grabbing a blanket for himself and heading to the aforementioned place. ” Toss me my pillow, Annie.”
“No way.” Annie gently pushes Auggie toward his bed, stopping before he touched the edge. “I’m too tired, and drunk, to argue, or move anymore.” Annie smirked and pushed him backwards, letting him flop onto the bed. She gave it a moment before crawling onto the bed herself, huddling under his sheets.
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"Nope." He said, grabbing a blanket for himself and heading to the aforementioned place. " Toss me my pillow, Annie."
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Feeling a little better, she stood up and left the water bottle on the couch. She followed behind Auggie, watching his movements. He knew exactly where he was going, and she liked it. She was proud of him, even though it didn’t really matter. It seemed trivial, or maybe silly of her, to be proud of such a thing.
As they approached his dresser, she looked at the drawers in amusement. “A t-shirt would work fine.” Annie smiled, knowing he could tell she did. Without a lot of thought behind it, she began removing her shoes and placing them next to the dresser against the wall. She stood back up and began to unzipper her dress, knowing not only did Auggie probably not mind but he probably was enjoying visualizing.
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Auggie breathed out raggedly, feeling how warm she was under his hand. " Uuuh, yeah. I'm always there for you too." He was smiling a goofy smile, leaning in to give her another kiss. 
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Feeling a little better, she stood up and left the water bottle on the couch. She followed behind Auggie, watching his movements. He knew exactly where he was going, and she liked it. She was proud of him, even though it didn’t really matter. It seemed trivial, or maybe silly of her, to be proud of such a thing.
As they approached his dresser, she looked at the drawers in amusement. “A t-shirt would work fine.” Annie smiled, knowing he could tell she did. Without a lot of thought behind it, she began removing her shoes and placing them next to the dresser against the wall. She stood back up and began to unzipper her dress, knowing not only did Auggie probably not mind but he probably was enjoying visualizing.
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Auggie held out a t-shirt and some pajama pants, " If you'd like, you can hang up your dress in the closet. There's room."
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Feeling a little better, she stood up and left the water bottle on the couch. She followed behind Auggie, watching his movements. He knew exactly where he was going, and she liked it. She was proud of him, even though it didn’t really matter. It seemed trivial, or maybe silly of her, to be proud of such a thing.
As they approached his dresser, she looked at the drawers in amusement. “A t-shirt would work fine.” Annie smiled, knowing he could tell she did. Without a lot of thought behind it, she began removing her shoes and placing them next to the dresser against the wall. She stood back up and began to unzipper her dress, knowing not only did Auggie probably not mind but he probably was enjoying visualizing.
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" Follow me to my humble boudoir." he jested, getting up and moving towards his dresser. 
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Annie had sat down on the couch and subsequently drew her legs up on it. She sat upright, looking over to Auggie as he sat down, the water bottle now in her hands. She opened it and took a large drink, knowing she would need it. “Thanks. And a little. But… how are you?” She gently tapped the side of his forehead, indicating what they just spoke about and the kisses.
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Auggie nodded. "I'm good. Better than I was before." He grinned, " You've always seemed to have that effect on me. Ever since we first met." He played with the arm of the chair, worrying a seam in the fabric with his thumb.
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Annie had sat down on the couch and subsequently drew her legs up on it. She sat upright, looking over to Auggie as he sat down, the water bottle now in her hands. She opened it and took a large drink, knowing she would need it. “Thanks. And a little. But… how are you?” She gently tapped the side of his forehead, indicating what they just spoke about and the kisses.
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He moved over to his fridge and pulled out a water bottle. Making his way to the living room, he handed it off and took up seat at across from her. " Better?"
The Day After: Auggie|Annie
Auggie kissed her suddenly, right there in the kitchen. Hand to each side of her face, he kissed her with abandon. ” God, I’ve been waiting for you to tell me. I mean, you and I are the best of friends, and I thought that that was all we were. And I did love Parker. I still do…. But, she doesn’t want me.” Auggie kissed her again, ” I really had no idea, Annie.” He laughed, ” I guess I am blind.”
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As he kissed her, her eyes flew open. The lights seemed bright and made it hard to focus. She kissed Auggie back, her arms wrapping themselves around his neck and hanging down. “Well you do now.” As he landed another kiss on her, she gently nibbled on his bottom lip. She knew if they went any further, Mr. Petron was going to be doing all the talking…
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