We're All Queer Here
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Nap time is anytime if you're not a coward
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audoldends · 9 days ago
jeremy knox is THE quirked up white boy goated with the sauce i fear.
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audoldends · 9 days ago
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And if I said this is what I imagine for Go Luck Yourself by @sararaasch
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audoldends · 10 days ago
Back at it again with another desperate cry for help and funding, except this time it's Worse!
My name is Dre and because I lost my job in January and with no luck in finding a new one I'm in need of help to pay rent for March! I used all my saving to pay rent for February so I have pretty much nothing right now.
The property management company that owns my building is forcing me to stick with a month to month lease by not letting me sign any other type of contract with them and also refusing to provide any documentation that I actually live in the building under contract with them. All that really means is that I'm in a nerve wracking spot as far as housing is concerned.
I'm looking for a new job but as it's coming closer and closer to the wire I wanted to reach out and ask for help before it was too late. But any help is appreciated because anything is more than I have!
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audoldends · 22 days ago
Our journey with the Bells Hells is ending tomorrow! Now feels like a good time to do this.
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39 looks across 25 different characters, and that’s not even all of them!
From the moment I started working with Critical Role, I’ve been keenly aware of the privilege of my position. Not many artists get to experience the joy of seeing their designs cosplayed, drawn, loved, or even hated at the level I have. Every pitch, every sketch, every hour banging my head against every long render- it’s all been such a gift.
I’ll be eternally grateful for the years that the Lucky One was Me.
So sail on, Bells Hells. I’ll see you all the next time I’m in Exandria.
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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It ain't much but it's honest work
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audoldends · 22 days ago
So I’m a minor (16 to be specific) and I frequently watch and read stuff with explicit sexual or 18+ content in it. I live in an extremely conservative Christian household and things like explicit fanfic are pretty much the only option I have for learning about sex that isn’t abstinence only. I do feel bad about it, especially when I see adults online say stuff like “oh i watched lots of inappropriate things as a teen that i really shouldn’t have” and it makes me feel like I’m ruining myself in a way that I won’t realize until I’m an adult? Right now I don’t see what the big deal is but i get the feeling that when i’m 24 or something I’ll wake up one day and be ashamed of this for some reason i’m not mature enough to know yet. Should I just stop and wait until I’m 18 to continue or what?
hi anon,
okay. I'm gonna hit you with something:
turning 18 does not actually change the way you feel about porn or sex or anything. the difference between being seventeen and 364 days and being 18 is nonexistent. there's not a magical switch that changes you as a person; that comes from lived experience. if you're 18 and your experience is still that porn and smut and what have you i something that you should feel bad about, it's still going to feel that way and a birthday won't change that.
look, the whole notion of "I saw [x] that I shouldn't have when I was young" is like. okay. so you saw something that was a little mature for you that you didn't quite get? awesome. did you die? no. most people's hangups about sexuality don't come from seeing a rogue titty when they were a teenager, they come from the culture that person was raised in that made seeing a rogue titty feel like something to be ashamed of instead of a completely natural part of life.
story time! when I teach my 4th-6th grade OWL classes (Our Whole Lives, great human development program) I always start by holding a meeting with the kids' parents. I've been doing this for seven years, and every time without fail some of the parents will recall seeing porn for the first time as a kid. these guys were kids when printed porn magazines were still a thing, so they were discovering them in all kinds of places - the bedrooms of their parents or their friends' parents, at bus stops, in the woods, once even stowed in some farm equipment. and they remember it feeling illicit and exciting, sure, and possibly making them confused or even horny for the first time in their young lives, but like... that's it. none of these people are irreparably damaged by seeing porn. in fact, they've grown up to be the kind of people who go out of their way to make sure their young kids are enrolled in a queer-friendly, body-positive, diversity-embracing sex ed class to counter stereotypes and misinformation they might receive elsewhere.
looking at things that arouse you is morally neutral. it can be a great way to help you learn about what turns you on, and even if it's not the best source of factual, realistic depictions of sex, it can still help you discover things - hell, I only figured out what the clitoris was by reading Young Justice fanfic (shout out Snaibsel).
you can't ruin yourself, at any age, with the media you like to consume. what makes you uncomfortable and anxious is the attitude you've been taught to have about that media, which is something that has to be actively unlearned, because it's certainly not going to just disappear on its own when you become a legal adult.
tl;dr obviously no one is making you watch porn and you shouldn't if it makes you uncomfortable, but if you drop it right now and come back when you're 18 don't expect to feel any different if you haven't done any more unpacking re: the conservative Christianity of it all.
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audoldends · 22 days ago
"derivative and masturbatory"...? Hell yeah i love maths and jacking it
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audoldends · 22 days ago
Phil: [Seeing the giant eye in the sky] JESUS. Oh ok, that's not–
Sneeg: Oh yeah, that's– yup. Isn't that cool? It's just a giant eyeball–
Phil: [Logs out]
Phil: Purgatory in 2025. Like… do we just never log in? 'Cuz I'm like, never logging in. [Laughs] Dude–
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audoldends · 22 days ago
do y’all remember usernames??? from back when every fuckin website didn’t need your email phone number home address social security number just to join/sign up for something?? when you could make website-specific accounts that weren’t linked to literally anything else??? they tried to boil us like a frog slowly switching to “username/email” and then just asking for your email. but I remember. I remember usernames.
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audoldends · 22 days ago
we need block appeal on this site i need to be able to argue my merit to people who hate me for one (1) thing i said so that i can reblog their good posts
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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oh um. sorry . sorry
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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audoldends · 22 days ago
“can mutuals dm you?” my mutuals can fire me from a cannon through a brick wall, looney tunes style. as long as we’re all having fun
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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Pure and Dumb: A Summary
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audoldends · 22 days ago
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This kinda drives me insane tho Off picked that man up like a backpack..... Ik Gun is tiny but I also know he's secretly fit okay he's not actually light and teeny... Off Jumpol putting hours in the gym so he can carry the babyboy around......
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