I am the museum
161 posts
unofficial Mistholme Museum fan blog run by Dairy the A.I. union representative • Mistholme wiki and fan community Discord server administrator • this blog is not affiliated with Dom Guilfoyle or That's Not Canon Productions
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audiotourguide · 3 months ago
I should be allowed into every museum’s archives actually
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audiotourguide · 4 months ago
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Kim Dorland (Canadian, 1974), Midnight, 2010. Oil, acrylic and gems on linen, 42 x 72 in.
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audiotourguide · 4 months ago
"bears repeating" and "time flies" are two kinds of creatures that fill similar ecological niches
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audiotourguide · 4 months ago
For Sale: Baby Shoes. Heavy wear, almost as if the baby had been hiking.
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audiotourguide · 5 months ago
do you like museums?
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audiotourguide · 6 months ago
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I'm so enamoured with this man
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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[ID: A sketchbook page titled "Quadrupedal" filled with several ink drawings. From top left to bottom right: A dog tag reading "Daisy", a rectangle filled with abstract worm-like spiraling shapes, a view of a house in a field, something round exploding in the distance, dark like a reversed sunrise. The profile of a shepherd dog and her shadow - or, maybe, another dog sitting next to her. Text above the image reads "Good dogs". The silhouette of a man coming through a door. The man is filled with abstract lines, uncertain. A pattern of worm-like lines. A dog tag reading "Winnie". A lighter and a cigarette. The cigarette is lit, smoke rising to the top of the page. On the lighter, text is engraved: "These things'll kill you, you know. Jamie." The page is signed, Meaningless Mikhaïl. End ID.]
So maybe I listened too much of The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality in a few days but I think S3E6 is definitely a favorite of mine. Yes, because there are dogs.
Every horror podcast should have at least one ominously engraved lighter.
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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Ringu (リング) (1998) // Candyman (1992) // The Skeleton Key (2005) // Evil Dead ii (1987) //Constantine (2005) // An American Werewolf in London (1981) // Us (2019)
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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for the last week of mistholme may, i'm finally posting this ux design project i did here!! its essentially a website design for the mistholme museum in-universe, and though it isn't perfect i'm really proud of how it came out ^_^ thank you to the mistholme server for being such a cool bunch when i originally posted this there :]
some pics are censored bc i took them myself, but hey its not not museum funkiness
the disclaimer section is actually up to date up until roughly early s6!! totally worth the effort imo
the weird video file sizes is bc i didnt standardise it and barely tested it but it's fine we ball (said with much stress)
michael afton is there bc it was the first filler name i could think of and i didnt end up changing it, apologies to the, if real, head of patronage
godfrey audio guide mention! i like the idea of them being a partner to the mistholme museum its cool
crystal skull my beloved, always destined to be incomplete
most buttons dont work regretfully, youll just have to admire the pretty text
the social media section contains weverse (social media for kpop stars) bc my sister thought it would be funny and it was hilarious to think abt kpop star guide
heres one more extra vid if yall r interested haha
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
Logically I know that the audio tour guide is in mother’s brain, HOWEVER, my brain doesn’t actually know how the tour guide got into her brain. Like, was he uploaded? Plugged in? How did it happen? So I end up just picturing her carrying around a mini radio like device. But my brain has made up many non-canon ways mother and the guide get around. Bellow is a few of those ideas, as well of some weird ways the guide could have gotten into mother’s brain.
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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A needle embroidery of a Jackalope inspired by Eagle from the Mistholme Museum.
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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the head of department references are done and it only took me One sleepless night
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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Just a Mother and an Audio Tour Guide.
Found a new podcast I love, called “THE MISTHOLME MUSEUM OF MYSTERY, MORBIDITY, AND MORTALITY”. I am only on season 3 but I highly recommend it to anyone who likes podcasts. The scene above is pulled from season 3 episode 5.
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
One thing I love about the Mistholme Museum podcast (outside of the obvious part where it's amazingly written and has me in a death grip) is that when we're first taken on a tour the museum itself feels like a mystery, austere and magical. The exhibits are all neat and researched as much as possible and contained with the necessary precautions and the guide is ready to tell you every story there is to tell about it. Now I'm reaching the middle of season 6 and I know the staff, I know how the place is held together with glue and a timetravel loop, I know how the research department is powered by one lady's intense desire to Know Things no matter what and the museum's heart (non physical), soul (although that's an entire can of worms of its own), and reason for still being around is a non-gendered little fellow with self-worth issues and anxiety. And the museum is still just as magical and amazing, actually it's impossible not to fall even more in love with it when learning how much care and work and trial and error and pure passion is put into every aspect of it. We the listener just aren't a visitor anymore. We, too, are part of the museum.
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
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the mistholme museum was the first podcast i have ever been there to finish— it caught my eye on the little recommendation tab in spotify, and i wanted to listen to something new, so i checked some stuff about it on tumblr and gave it a listen and holy shit i fell in love
i don’t think there has ever been a piece of media that has struck me as much as mistholme has. it’s weird, it’s cozy, lovely, strange, bittersweet it’s genuinely my favourite podcast out there.
i’m keeping this spoiler free, as i want people who haven’t listened yet to be able to know what they could be missing. i could compare it to other great podcasts— but there isn’t anything that matches it.
it’s made with so much love and you can hear it in all the actor’s voices, feel it in the stories, in the pacing and the plot, in every little detail and consistency in the strange little setting that the author’s built. it’s just fucking wonderful
go listen to the mistholme museum, it’s officially a finished podcast as of today
(and if you’ve just finished it, try dom’s other podcast, tales from the low city!)
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audiotourguide · 7 months ago
Writing has admittedly slowed down since I got a day job last year, patrons have dropped a bit. But it's a good job, I help people, it's fulfilling, and I'm good at it.
Oh also I can afford my rent now, that too.
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audiotourguide · 9 months ago
Happy International Museums Day to the following people:
The guy who called me the Whore of Babylon for teaching kids about Ancient Egypt as I stood there and nodded.
The woman who was deeply incensed that staff wouldn't open the cases so she could touch the organic objects.
The one guy who made me translate hieroglyphs on a stele for him, then was mad because it didn't say what he wanted it to say, and reported me for 'lying' to the public.
The parents who objected to the taxidermied animals having taxidermied genitalia because it was unseemly.
Those kids on a school trip who got on the floor in front of a mummy and started chanting 'we worship Ra' as their teacher desperately tried to get them to leave.
That one guy who...uh...really liked geodes. No, they were not a special interest. He really, really liked geodes.
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