You know that awful movie trope where people meet when one person is hurrying out of a coffee shop and bumps into someone? Well that happened to me today. Unfortunately, I was the one being bumped into. Anyone know a good stain remover?
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I didn’t know who that was so I had to google him. And I can see what you see him. He’s a looker.
Have you never seen Lord of the Rings?? I’m disappointed in you, Marcus.
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no kidding! Did they tell you why it’s taking so long??
Apparently my ankle is just terrible. I am doing physical therapy for it too, and that sucks ass.
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OUCH!!! What happened???
That sprain from before spring break... Apparently it’s taking its sweet time healing.

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Liv Tyler has always been pretty hot, though Viggo Mortensen is much more my type.
Armageddon is still a fucking great movie no matter how many times I watch it. Fuck. Liv Tyler could be my wife today and when Bruce Willis fucking sacrifices himself– fucking got even me feeling it.
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What made you fall? Are you gonna sue or this a you should have been paying better attention type deals?
Well it happened in my own bathroom, and I don’t think I can sue myself. I definitely should have been paying better attention.
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Oh no! What are the chances you can deflect explaining the how and go straight to cashing in on the sympathy and kindness of students and coworkers? Like, clearly you got hurt being a superhero and saving babies, they should bring you coffee and doughnuts.
I don’t know that anything like that would work. I’m not such a great liar... And by that I mean I’m an over-sharer. It’s my fatal flaw.
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That sounds rather painful and embarrassing. How much is it worth to you for your students to never hear about this?
How long are you suppose to wear the cast?
It is. Honestly, I don’t know. But I had Clayton and his crew over today to remodel that bathroom so it can never happen again. I’m supposed to wear it until I get the okay from the doc to stop, so who knows how long it will be.
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Then I will certainly make something and come over with it. Tomorrow, maybe?
That would be lovely, Kurt. You’re the absolute best.
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That’ll give you a leg up for sure. That was an unintentional bad pun. It’s been pretty good. I met my bride-to-be and it seems like we’ll get along when the time comes that we’re forced into matrimony, so that’s about as good of a week as it can get.
Thanks... That’s great! Well, as great as it can be being a forced marriage.
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Aubrey 📲 Clay
Clay: You should save the compliment for after we're finished with the remodel. Maybe put it in a Yelp review?
Aubrey: You did such a great job with the rest of the house, I’m confident enough to go ahead and praise the work now.
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Aubrey 📲 Clay
Clay: My crew and I are on our way to your house. We'll try to be out of your hair by 4 but that depends on the work.
Aubrey: Awesome. You’re the best, Clay, seriously
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Aubrey 📲 Clay
Clay: Is it that time already? I didn't know or I guess I never noticed that it happens at the same time as the time change.
Clay: Hard to think of this as spring time when it's still 40 degrees
Aubrey: It snuck up on me too, but it does seem like it's really early this year
Aubrey: Amen
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Aubrey 📲 Clay
Clay: Thank you for thinking of me when it came to this project.
Clay: Will you be there during the reno or should we meet beforehand to get a key?
Aubrey: Sorry for the delayed response, but I will be there. It's spring break for me.
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Aubrey 📲 Clay
Clay: Hope it's not inappropriate to text you on a Sat night but I went ahead and ordered everything needed for the remodel. My crew and I can start Tuesday at 10am. Is that a good time for you?
Aubrey: That would be great. Thank you so much for getting this together on such short notice.
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