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aubreenicole1 · 10 months ago
The creator of “She fell first but he fell harder”;
“I Loved You First” by Christina Rossetti
“I loved you first, but afterwards your love,
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned, the friendly coolings of my Dove,
Which owes the other most? My love was long,
And yours one moment seem to wax more
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be —
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not “mine” or “thine”;
With separate “I” and “thou” free love has done;
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of “thine that is not mine;” Both have the strength and both the length
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.”
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aubreenicole1 · 2 years ago
“The View Between Villages” by Noah Kahan is Remus lupin coded.
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aubreenicole1 · 2 years ago
Does any one realize how jegulus coded “when emma falls in love” is? James is totally emma.
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aubreenicole1 · 2 years ago
My HC:
Sirius and regulus are four years apart. So when Sirius was 21/22 and regulus would’ve been 17/18 and died in the cave. Regulus had planned on not making it out because his brother had just got sent to Azkaban so there was no reason to stay.
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aubreenicole1 · 2 years ago
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aubreenicole1 · 2 years ago
Midnight rain is jegulus coded
“you’re on your own, kid” is remus coded, “anti-hero” is regulus coded, “would’ve, could’ve, should’ve” is wolfstar coded, “the great war” is the battle of hogwarts coded, “labyrinth” is dorlene coded
taylor swift is one of us you guys every evidence is on the table.
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
R & R
Another discord drabble - thank you @elder-millennial-trash @second-sister @impishtubist @carlav-blogs @theresthesnitch and @siriuslythatbitch for the ideas (which I have shamelessly ripped off!)
‘Shhh, shhh, he’s coming!’
‘Oh my- No! Don’t look.’
‘He looks so good in that green, doesn’t he?’
‘Oh my God, Jenny! Can you shut up? He’ll hear you!’
‘Can you please be quiet! Some of us are trying to work here!’
Remus snorted. ‘Pads. I haven’t seen you open one book since we got here. Two hours ago.’
‘I have been ruminating on a number of issues.’ Sirius said, with his usual air of superiority. He threw another dirty glare at the group of girls sitting at the next table. ‘Who are they fawning over anyway?’
‘Wait for it…’ James muttered under his breath and Remus grinned.
Sirius looked between the two of them. ‘What? Wait for- oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!’
‘Hello brother.’
‘Regulus? Really?!’
‘Ye-P.’ Remus nodded at Sirius and then looked up at Regulus. ‘Hey Reg.’
‘Hello Remus. Are you ready?’
‘Nearly. Do you want to find a table by the window and I’ll just finish up here?’
‘Regulus?!’ Sirius spluttered, looking outraged.
‘I don’t know why you’re so surprised, Padfoot.’ James looked Regulus up and down. ‘Looking fiiiine today, Baby Black.’
Regulus just looked at him with contempt.  
‘Fuck off, Potter.’
James gave him a salute and then a cheeky wink. Regulus just rolled his eyes and walked off without a backwards glance.
‘Gah!’ Sirius choked out. ‘Prongs!’
‘What?’ James looked unrepentant. ‘Reg is fit. I definitely wouldn’t say no to him getting a hold of my broom if you know what I mean…’
‘…wanting him to mount it…’
‘…grip it tight.’
‘Oh absolutely. You don’t want him sliding off the end.’
‘Moony! Oh my God, what is happening?!’
‘He’s so dark and mysterious!’
Sirius whipped around to locate the culprit who had just spoken.
‘Oi!’ he whispered yelled at the group of girls who were giggling as they watched Regulus walk away. ‘Really?’
‘Oh yeh.’ One girl answered cheerfully, ‘All the sixth years think he’s gorgeous.’
‘But- but,’ Sirius seemed almost lost for words. ‘But we’re nearly identical!’
The girl shrugged and another piped up. ‘Yeh, but he’s just got this whole silent and brooding thing going on.’
‘A certain je ne sais quoi.’ Her friend added and they all nodded in agreement.  
‘Humph.’ Sirius turned back to James and Remus, pouting. ‘We’re basically the same.’
‘You talk too much,’ Remus said offhand, ‘That’s why they like him better.’
‘I do not talk too-‘ Sirius stopped in a huff. ‘At least I’m funny!’
‘Eh.’ Remus tilted his head with a slight grimace. ‘Are you though? I mean Reg has got this dry sense of humour that just makes you want to-‘
‘I have more muscles.’ Sirius interrupted, ‘Reg looks like a limp noodle.’
‘Yeh but it’s all about those lean muscles these days.’ Remus rested his chin on his hands, ‘I mean I wouldn’t like to say but at a guess I reckon that under that green jumper of his Reg is pretty bloody-‘
‘I WEAR COOLER CLOTHES!’ Sirius half yelled, sounding increasingly desperate. He cleared his throat, running his fingers through his hair. ‘I wear cooler clothes.’
Remus gave him an unimpressed look. ‘Leather is out Sirius. Nobody likes real leather these days.’
‘But- I- Oh.’ Sirius seemed to deflate. ‘Ok.’
‘Right!’ Remus got to his feet wiping his hands on his robes and shot a charm at his hair, which flattened itself slightly. ‘How do I look?’
‘What? Wait! Remus,’ Sirius reached up and grabbed the Remus’ sleeve, ‘You have a crush on Regulus too?’
‘Noooo,’ Remus looked back over his shoulder in the direction Regulus had wandered, ‘Why would you think that?’
‘Because he’s drop dead gorgeous, that’s why.’ James chimed in.
‘And on that note,’ Remus gently removed Sirius’ hand, ‘I’ll see you losers later. I’ve got books to find in the stacks. If you know what I mean.’
‘I don’t know what that means!’ Sirius said, now sounding slightly hysterical. ‘Remus! What does that mean?’
But Remus had already turned away and was sashaying towards the back on the library, chest puffed out and his hips swinging.
‘Prongs.’ Sirius turned to James, who was biting the insides of his cheeks, his lips twitching upwards. ‘What’s happening? Moony- he- James!’
James schooled his face into something akin to sympathy. ‘Never mind mate.’ He patted Sirius’ hand. ‘There’s plenty more fish in the sea.’
‘Good Lord Padfoot,’ James said an hour or so later, nudging Sirius who had been jiggling a leg violently for the past ten minutes and making the table shake. ‘Can you stop?!’
‘What do you think they’re doing?’ Sirius pushed his chair back and jammed his quill into his mouth, chewing on the end.
James sighed and reached over, extracting the now soggy feather from Sirius’ mouth. ‘I don’t know. Studying?’
‘Yes, but what?’
‘Potions, probably. You know Rem is shit at potions.’
‘But why is Regulus helping him? I could help him!’
‘Have you ever offered?’
‘Well, no.’
‘There you go then.’ James passed Sirius a sugar quill to suck on. ‘Maybe if you’d-‘
‘Shhhh!’ Sirius shoved James hard in the ribs and grabbed the nearest book, ‘They’re coming.’
James rolled his eyes. ‘Hey Hot Stuff!’ he hollered, ‘And Reg,’ he added, snorting to himself.
‘You really are an imbecile, aren’t you Potter,’ Regulus said as he approached the table, followed by Remus.
‘Why’s your hair like that?!’ Sirius demanded, pointing at Remus’ hair, which was definitely looking more dishevelled than it had done an hour ago. ‘And where’s your tie gone?’
‘Oops,’ Remus gave an uncharacteristic giggle, patting his hair down and then reached across to pull his tie out of Regulus’ back pocket.
Sirius blanched. ‘Wait. You didn’t actually kiss Regulus, right?’
‘I’m starving.’ Remus said, ignoring Sirius entirely, ‘I think I’ll go and see if the House Elves can make me some tea.’
‘See you later, lads.’
‘Remus! Don’t walk away from me!’ But it was too late, Remus had turned the corner and disappeared from sight.
‘Regulus. Please.’ Sirius looked up at him frantically.
Regulus gave him a calculating look. ‘Are you actually planning on doing anything about it?’
‘About what?’
‘Don’t be a prat, Sirius. Are you going to actually tell him?’
‘Oh my God. You kissed him, didn’t you!’
‘No!’ Regulus looked affronted. ‘But I will if you don’t sort your shit out and tell him how you feel.’
‘But- but- he’s got a crush on you!’
Regulus snorted and James let out a loud hoot of laughter. ‘You really are an idiot. Why do you think he’s doing all of this?’
‘Wait for it…’ James said, for the second time that day.
‘Oh. Oh! Fuck!’ Sirius scrambled to his feet, crashing into Regulus and knocking the books balanced in his hands to the floor.
‘There we go!’ James said. ‘It’s taken you long enough, Padfoot. He’s been mad for you for ages.’
‘Shit. Sorry Reg.’ Sirius bent down and began to help Regulus pick up the books.
‘What are you still doing here?! Go! Go!’
‘Right!’ Sirius straightened up, his body vibrating with nervous energy. ‘I’m going! Off I go. To tell Remus that I want to-‘
‘Go!’ Both James and Regulus shouted.
‘Yes!’ Sirius turned in a full circle, like a dog chasing his tail. And then spun on his heel just as Regulus bent down to pick up the last of the books.
‘See you in a- Oh my God!’
‘What?’ Regulus asked, looking up at him from where he was bent double.
Sirius looked at him and then at James. ‘Is that- why are you wearing James’ underwear?!’
‘Ah,’ James said, an apologetic look on his face. ‘Sirius. Padfoot. My bestest pal. About that…’
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
Spotify is the original pick me.
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
*in the Slytherin dorms*
Regulus: Why is my towel still damp?🤨
Barty: because it’s not your towel, its my towel Reg🙄
Regulus: no it’s not your towel, yours is the red one😐
Barty: I’ll tell you this pall, i have never used that, I do use that every single day.😬
Evan: Oh god…
Pandora: this towel is so warm and fluffy, its like its been out in the sun forever🤗
*Regulus is in disbelief*
Evan: this means you guys have been drying your junk with the same towel 😀
Pandora: Intimate🥰
Barty: what do you mea-
Regulus: HOW DO YOU EVEN THINK THIS IS YOUR TOWEL? Do you even wash it😤
Barty: No I dont wash the towel, the towel washes me! Who washes the towel 😂
Pandora: you never wash…
Barty: you wash your towel👀
*regulus throwing up noises*
Regulus: I am furious right now.😠
Barty: I get out of the damn shower, im clean as a damn baby and I use the towel!
Regulus: Let me ask you this… have you been wearing my underpants 🤨
Barty: Sometimes, yeah, who cares🤷‍♂️
*more regulus throwing up noises*
Barty: You guys don’t wear each others underpants, you’re liars! 😑
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
She’s so sweet i love her
Just gonna say this once but I heard people are upset about the ending or Art Heist, Baby! (Not upset as in sad, but like feeling betrayed or whatever) 🙄
List of the things Nat did:
- tag correctly from the beginning
- post all the final chapters at once so nobody would be left with the pain of the MCD moment
- provided a spoiler option for those who wanted to be prepared for the MCD
- wrote an epilogue that brings the characters back together so you finish with a little more peace
Only the FIRST one was required, but she did all those things anyways. Not to mention the fact that the MCD happened all the way at the end and it was an option to just stop reading at chapter 33 and enjoy the fic anyways.
Its super annoying to whine about it. You look stupid doing it. You are not a child. If you can read a fic you can read its tags. You also don’t need to share any negative thought you have about anything online. Ok that was it thanks for coming to my ted talk (:
@otrtbs it was incredible and even though it made me cry I don’t regret a THING
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
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Can someone explain why thats the first option that pops up💀
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
I fucking hate stranger things
I just watched robins coming out scene in stranger things and i want to cry
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
Now im actually crying cause alexei just died😭
I just watched robins coming out scene in stranger things and i want to cry
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
I just watched robins coming out scene in stranger things and i want to cry
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
The summary of Regulus and Remus’ friendship in @lostmykeysie series “Chimaera & The Wolf”
Someone: “Are you guys hooking up?”
Regulus and Remus: “No
-t yet 😏”
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
When minions: (the rise of gru) starts playing all the young dudes
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aubreenicole1 · 3 years ago
Chapter one
Its dark, its quite, its peaceful… Is it? Yes. This is what happiness is to Regulus Black, being alone on his roof with only his thoughts to accompany him. His thoughts of self-hatred, self doubt, self-loathing, if there were enough words in the world to describe what goes through his head at night it wouldn’t be enough. But this is still his happiness, not being cursed by his mother or father for simply breathing, not being stared down with hatred by his older brother, just simply… gazing into the night sky with the stars surrounding him. It wont be like this forever, he knows that’s a guarantee.
Fic name: iurgia amantium est amoris renovatio
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