au-stories202 · 4 years
Marvel AU
Garou as Bucky Barnes and Badd as Captain America [Prologue: When I Lost You]
For: Temperance-sama @the-goddessfighter
How many attempts was this now for Badd? 7 maybe? But he just had to fight in the war! His parents were both in the previous one before his father lost his life and his mother died of tuberculosis several years later. Being rejected yet again due to his on going health issues made him frustrated. As the current doctor declared him 4F yet again. He sighed in frustration as he left to watch a movie to get his mind off of things.
During the commercial of the film he heard a bratty voice yell to start the cartoon. He silently as the guy to be respectful to which his plea was ignored and the guy yelled again. To which he yelled at him to shut up. The guy turned around who was much bigger than Badd at the time. They took it outside as the bully proceeded to beat the hell out of Badd just cause he told him to shut up. Trying he best he grabbed a trashcan lid as a shield to which the bully shoved out of the was before hitting him again.
"I can do this all day." Badd patted out at the bully. He was hit again knocked to the ground before he land a single one.
"Hey why don't you pick on someone your own size?" A voice cried as the bully was punched in the face and fought off by Badd's white haired savior.
He punched the bully several times before kicking him in the behind as he ran off. He looked over at Badd with a shake of his head. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." As bad whipped of the blood. "I had him on the ropes." They two proceeded to argue a bit about the fact that he had tried to enlist again before Badd asked if the other guy had gotten his orders to which he responded. "Sargent Garou, being shipped out to London tomorrow morning."
So as a going away "party" he was taking Badd and two girls for the two of them to see the Future Expo. They went there as the girls waved them down. Badd had always known Garou to be a flirt since they were kids. The only reason why he never danced with a girl outside of his looks was cause he secretly didn't want to. He wanted to dance with someone else but how do you being that up?
The expo was filled with many things as the announcer for the Stark Industries at the time was speaking. Garou was amazed by what he was watching while Badd was just board. He looked around finding another enlistment place. He walked over to it. Garou had followed him after noticing he was gone. They argued about for some time. Before settling on the fact that there was no changing Badd's mind.
"Don't do anything stupid till I get back." Garou told him.
"How can I? When you're taking all the stupid with you." Badd retorted.
They both called each other names as Garou went off dancing with the two girl while Badd tried this again not knowing he had been watched this whole time. When he went in this time he thought he had been caught because of how many times he had tried to do this. All because he wanted to be with his best friend. However this was not the case as an elderly man walked in.
He asked about why he wanted to do this and Badd just told him that he didn't like bullies he didn't care where they were from. To which the man had said he would give him a chance in the S.S.R. he took it as he was accepted into it. The next morning he was sent to a trading camp as they learned that they would become America's super soldiers.
Badd did everything he was supposed to do even impressing Tatsumaki who was the trainer at the time. You didn't want to mess with he due to not only her psychic ability, but she was a rough individual as well. After all the training Sitch had picked Badd as he was the better candidate out of the others.
Once training was complete Badd would being the procedure the next morning. He would be traveling with Tatsumaki to place. Once there the process began as he met the owner of Stark Industries. They began the process as it took only a few minutes tops. He was given super soldier serum and was improved. His already "Fighting Spirit" he had before was on a whole other level due to the serum.
But that happiness didn't last for long as someone from the opposing side shot and killed Sitch so that he wouldn't reproduce the serum. To which Badd responded by going after him only to find out once he had caught up to him that he was from Hydra. He knew he had to go to war to stop them to complete what Sitch had started.
That however didn't happen at first. He was a show pony for a while and hated it. Once he was on the battlefield performing for what remained of the 107th division as he was told by Tatsumaki, he had to know if Garou was there. When he found out he had been captured and most like thought to be dead he didn't agree to stay behind and hand Tatsumaki get him to the area where Garou and his men were taken to.
One they had flown over he landed proceeding to brake into the base on his own. He released all the other prisoners but that wasn't going to stop him from finding Garou. The facility was set to explode as he looked for him. Once he found him he was horrified and glad to see him. He wasn't sure what they had done to Garou, but hell they were both glad to see one another.
They both tried to get out of the now exploding facility before facing him. Badd wanted to bash the guy's face in for what they had done to poor Garou and they fought only for the mask to be removed to be who she was. This as the leader of Hydra at the time. Badd was angry with a burning passion as he watched her leave. Not really asking her name in all this. He had to get Garou out of here. Once he was across the beam that had supported him fell.
"Just go! Get out of here!" Badd yelled at him.
"NO! Not without you!" Garou yelled back.
Badd had always known Garou to be stubborn even from their younger years. He knew he wouldn't want to leave without him. Once they returned to their base they decided to find each of Hydra's bases and left them to blow up. Garou was going with him in this team since they had always been together.
And so, the Howling Commandos proceeded to destroy every single Hydra base pissing off Psykos. She was angry at all this her hard work was being destroyed. She told her subordinate that he had one more chance to stop them. To which all of Hydra's supplies were on a train.
Garou and Badd were on the train to stop them as a fight broke out. During the chaos the side of the train was blown open as he picked up one of Badd's weapons a shield, to block the impact of being shot at. However the impact pushed him so far back that he was stuck holding onto the railing for dear life.
Badd tried his best grab ahold of his hand to save Garou, but the railing broke before he could as he watch the person he loved... with all his heart fall hundreds of feet below. It was at this point Badd lost all sense of reason. He wanted nothing more than to destroy Hydra for taking away the thing he had held so dear to him.
He went with whomever was left to destroy Psykos' work. Only to find she was leaving on a plan that had nukes to destroy America's major cities. They fought for several minutes before Psykos touched the cosmic cube or Tesseract as it was called being banished into space because of it.
Badd took control of the plane having said his goodbye to his friends. He cashed it into the ice hoping that in death he would see Garou again. But, that was not meant to be...
About 70 years later after being in suspended animation, he woke up to an entirely new world. He was alone as he was approached by Atomic Samurai he told him he had been asleep for that long. He looked around as he fled his sorrow only grow. This was not what he wanted and now he would be forced to live in a world without the people he cared about.
Disclaimer: The start of these events are more based on the MCU. The next chapter which is the main story will have a mix between OPM and MCU. This is a work of fiction and please do not hate on me for it. It was for fun and the enjoyment of those who would like to read it.
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