au-natural-girl · 4 years
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Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962 - 1972; ‘IV. (1964) Extracting the Stone of Madness,’ by Alejandra Pizarnik tr. Yvette Siegert
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
Literally every time I ride a bus I’m shocked by how complicated and beautiful the world is. This almost only ever happens on buses
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
academia things that genuinely make me happy
large textbooks filled with extra papers which hold the answers to the problems you thought were too brilliant to be thrown away, or the simple short summary of a part you were struggling to understand before
having your textbook absolutely ruined by highlighters and sticky notes all over it, those little tips and ideas you picked up from the lesson. anyone who opens that book immediately knows that you’ve studied the crap out of it and know the concept by heart. “this is the most annotated book i’ve ever seen” is literally the highest form of compliment for me.
solving math or chemistry problems to a soundtrack album or ambient sounds, extra points if it’s in afternoon lol
when you’re so focused and keen on getting to the final answer that your hand physically can’t keep up with your eagerness so you end up with the most incoherent solution. but you’ve finally got the answer right!
being self-taught in a subject or a few chapters of the textbook, and still smashing the quizzes and the exams
coming up with a new solution to the problem, or seeing the problem from a new perspective, and finally being able to solve it because of just that.
confidently walking out of the exam room. 0 doubt in your mind that you crushed it!
actually feeling how you’ve grown academically, and how much more knowledgeable you are compared to the beginning of the semester
casually and confidently having conversations with a professor about your studies, exchanging ideas and discussing the existing theories, methods, on-going research and all
all of this is everything i want in life- god 
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
As we get older we don’t suddenly stop being afraid of ghosts or the dark, real life just gets a lot more scarier.
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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Hello studyblr community! Posting my newly made notes about the 9 types of Intelligence! (see photo)
I know most of us feel that we are not smart enough, specially those who are still in school. But in reality, YOU ARE SMARTER THAN WHAT YOU THINK! We all possess these types of intelligence, meaning we have it ALL within us. However, it vary to a certain degree from person to person. For example, i am more of an Intra-personal and Spatial intelligent type. I’m good at understanding myself and picturing things out in my mind. But i’m also into Musical and a bit of Logical & Mathematical. What I’ve mentioned are the types that dominates in me. And by knowing what type of intelligence you possess, it can help you to effectively study. 😊 I actually had fun making these notes since it’s been a long time since the last. I miss you all A LOT! And i know that things are getting out of hands lately, be it in health, politics, relationships, etc. But i wanted you all to know that WE HAVE EACH OTHER’S BACK. So i am praying for everyone’s safety and health! And don’t forget to hydrate yourself studynerds! 🤓❤️
- Studyingain
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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☞ Instagram: ettrumtill, love it✨🌻
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
panic! at the deadline
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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Learning to Die: An Interview with Jenny Offill
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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These breathtakingly intricate miniatures are the work of Japanese artist Kiyomi, a mother of two who manages to find the time to dedicate to her hobby sometimes even waking up as early as 4 AM.
Kiyomi is clearly inspired by the early industrial age, which she recreates with remarkable accuracy in her models. From tiny hats and shoes to sewing machines and even a bakery, stocked with brightly colored cakes, her work takes you back in time to Victorian England or Revolution-era France, it will make you wish you still had that dollhouse!
If you like what you see you can check out Kiyomi’s Instagram and Website. (Source)
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
i made a college vine compilation b/c Suffering™️
(warning for loud noise in some of them)
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
Sneezing with a mask on feels like shitting your pants with your face.
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
Funny how you can never pin the exact moment you went to sleep. Like you can make out what you were thinking before dosing off but never the exact second or even exact minute.
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
when professors read ur essays and are like “what did you mean by this *underlines completely unintelligible sentence*” im like smh idk arent you the one with a phd? figure it out -_-
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
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au-natural-girl · 4 years
academia things that genuinely make me happy:
large textbooks filled with extra papers which hold the answers to the problems you thought were too brilliant to be thrown away, or the simple short summary of a part you were struggling to understand before
having your textbook absolutely ruined by highlighters and sticky notes all over it, those little tips and ideas you picked up from the lesson. anyone who opens that book immediately knows that you’ve studied the crap out of it and know the concept by heart. “this is the most annotated book i’ve ever seen” is literally the highest form of compliment for me.
solving math or chemistry problems to a soundtrack album or ambient sounds, extra points if it’s in afternoon lol
when you’re so focused and keen on getting to the final answer that your hand physically can’t keep up with your eagerness so you end up with the most incoherent solution. but you’ve finally got the answer right!
being self-taught in a subject or a few chapters of the textbook, and still smashing the quizzes and the exams
coming up with a new solution to the problem, or seeing the problem from a new perspective, and finally being able to solve it because of just that.
confidently walking out of the exam room. 0 doubt in your mind that you crushed it!
actually feeling how you’ve grown academically, and how much more knowledgeable you are compared to the beginning of the semester
casually and confidently having conversations with a professor about your studies, exchanging ideas and discussing the existing theories, methods, on-going research and all
all of this is everything i want in life- god 
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