attention-anon · 3 days
i didn't realise that that account was half as vile as they are when i said that and holy shit they should not be on the list sorry for suggesting them at all
It’s okay, I didn’t know it immediately either. Also, they just followed me. And reblogged my post.
Sorry, desi-india, but you’ll get blocked.
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attention-anon · 3 days
can you please add @desi-india to the list?
No. No, I can’t. I’m sorry, I know they are depressed, but no. I have my values, and I won’t be betraying them. They are a transphobe. They made a close friend of mine, @shark-tranny, feel even worse. They make innocent people feel bad, just for not accepting that they are born in the wrong body. No, they won’t be getting attention from me, they don’t deserve it. Maybe if they rethink and realise that this is wrong, that they maybe shouldn’t harass people for literally no reason, and if they apologise to my friend and really mean it, then maybe they’d deserve it. Maybe. But as it is, no, no attention.
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attention-anon · 6 days
I… huh. Thank you, I really appreciate it.
I won’t be tagging people, but this goes for everyone on my attention list.
@homocidalpotat @memories @ravenwordss @garden-of-runar @cheekyboybeth
@atokirina-tsuki @izumi-kousei1715 @attention-anon @mae-occasionally-reads @ everyone else!
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attention-anon · 10 days
Here, have some attention!! You deserve it :)
P.S. can i pls adopt you >.<
I thank thee! ‘tis a great compliment coming from thee, noble bard!
P.S. I’m deeply sorry Miss, but I have to decline thy offer.
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attention-anon · 11 days
Thank you (: I’m glad no one took that personally.
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @shining-stars-of-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 11 days
I forgot to send everyone an attention ask that day, so I apologised for that.
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @shining-stars-of-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 11 days
Thank you! This comes with being human, I guess
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @shining-stars-of-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 11 days
Thank you <3 I’ll remember to do that (:
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @shining-stars-of-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 11 days
i just wanted to say that ur an absoloute angel for doing this for people and you deserve all the love in the world <33
Thank you! Sorry it took me this long to answer, it’s been a while since August 23rd. But thank you, really.
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attention-anon · 11 days
Take it
thought you deserved it for once ::3
Thanks! And sorry for answering over two weeks later, but I was going through my ask just now, so I decided to answer this one too (:
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attention-anon · 11 days
Giving attention to yourself is also important
You should do it from time to time at least
(P.S. - even if you aren't perfect, which is perfectly ok, you are still a very good person and deserve attention and hugs.)
(P.P.S. - I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you about who I think needs attention in my hug list. You are more than welcome to just scroll through my blog and add whoever you think needs some attention)
Thank you, I promise I’ll do that!
(P.S. Thank you again, it means a lot to me that you all say that.)
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attention-anon · 11 days
Dear attention Anon
Thank you for making other people feel better themselves
Remember you are a person too so drink some water relax sometimes and keep being who you are
Love from a random UwU
Thank you, fellow Anon. I can assure you that I am doing that, and I’m happy if I’m making anyone feeling better (:
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attention-anon · 11 days
could you add @attention-anon to the list?
They need to know that it's absolutely ok that they missed a day
they are a person and do not owe us anything other than the promise to take care of themselves
(also just found your blog and I think this is such a cute idea!)
Thank you (: I just hadn’t before, and, well, that’s what this blog is for. Kind of weird if there is a blog that is supposed to do only one thing and doesn’t even do that. But I am only human, and as you all have told me, this happens to humans. I’ll do my best to take care of me, I promise.
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attention-anon · 11 days
Thank you<3
I’ll try to avoid these hiccups in the future though.
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 11 days
Everyone, I’m sorry about yesterday. This was but supposed to happen, and I hope it will never happen again, but I can’t guarantee it, since even I have some flaws. As a little something to make up for that:
@lucasthedoofus-iamgod @green-001 @sarah-ankh @star-dust-shark @gaygoose09 @sun13koi @shining-stars-of-love @four-leafed-queer-gal @loki-god-of-mischief-13 @lizzzzzzzzzzzzzz---lol @thecrazyalchemist @leafgorge @theetherealraphael @poems-of-the-anentomologist @violet-hady @sentientballofpeas @yourlocalbadgerscales @shark-tranny @anything-for-my-moony-1971
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attention-anon · 17 days
Got it
Could you please add @shark-tranny to the “every second day” list?
Just did!
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attention-anon · 17 days
Okay! Daily or two days?
Could you please add @shark-tranny to the “every second day” list?
Just did!
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